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A/N: I like all the characters, but since he has very little screen time, I'm going to replace Rikido Sato, also known as, the Sugar Rush dude.


KASAI WAS SCURRYING around her room trying to find all the necessary items for today's class. Since the exams, winter quickly faded into spring, making the arrival of UA even quicker. After the letter, the young Todoroki spent a few days designing her costume before sending it out. She was proud of her design, she just hopes that it comes out like she wanted.

Anyways, she neatly packs her case of extra pencils and pens, along with some spare notebooks. Kasai could not care like she did in middle school, but this is UA, she has to take this seriously. Well, more serious than usual.

Once her belongings are packed, she quickly leaves her room and rushes out of her home. She's pretty sure her brother already left, but she'll take no risks. Though, as she walks, the sole thought of seeing her brother at UA makes her panic. They barely have any contact here at the house, how will it be when they're in class? If they're even in the same class! It would be completely tense and awkward.

Heck, because of the way they grew up, separated from one another, her own brother is like a stranger to her. She can't remember the last time where they had a proper conversation. Plus, there's that underlining jealousy and resentment that she has towards him. Yes, she sounds petty, but she can't help it.

Her brother has their father's attention, while she's to the side like a piece of forgotten chopped liver. Maybe some of it is her fault, I mean, she does avoid everything that has to do with her brother. She avoids everyone, plus she's not an easy person to talk to. Especially not when she glares.

Sighing, she rubs her face in exasperation. She's at a crossroads, and she doesn't agree with any of her choices. It's not like a simple conversation between siblings will fix everything. This is something that's been building up for years. At least, on her behalf.

The actual train ride to the school is eh, not too long or too short. Eventually, she's walking through the entrance gates, and like last time. She marvels in awe. The reality of the situation finally settling in. She made it. She passed and now she's here.

The path towards becoming a hero.

Smirking in a sense of confidence, she hides all her nervousness. She wonders who her classmates will be. Kasai knows that only one in three-hundred get accepted. Four people get accepted through recommendations, like her brother, and only thirty-six get in through the exams. She's lucky that she even got in.

Walking through the halls, looking for the class 1-A, she marvels at the sight, taking in every detail of the architecture. Sighing in relief when she spots the room 1-D, she continues on her route. Eventually, she's met with the very large door of her assigned homeroom. Tightening her ponytail, and patting herself clean of invisible dust, she then opens the door.

Her smirk quickly vanishes and changes into a frown. Her eye twitches at the sore sight of Bakugou sitting at his desk with his feet propped up. One she's seen almost everyday in her previous school. Though, her frown deepens when she catches the familiar sight of heterochromia hair that is her brother in her peripheral view. She makes no indication of looking his way. Luckily, someone distracts her with a yell.

"Todoroki, you shitty extra, how did you manage to pass," Bakugou yells, pointing an angry finger at her.

All calmness disappears from her body. "Tch, if you don't recall, I managed to get the same points as you. I guess you're not as strong as you say, you useless sparkler," she quips, crossing her arms.

"The fuck you say, you shit for brains," Bakugou roars, getting up from his seat.

"You heard me, glitterbomb. Besides, who said I wanted to be stuck in class with a loser like you," she smirks, her hair subconsciously turning to white flames.

"I'll fucking kill you," the ash blond roars in her face, his hands making mini explosions.

"You keep saying that, but how about you just do it! Or are you scared that I might beat you," she taunts, her eyes narrowing to a glare as she steps closer to him.

They're practically face to face, glaring daggers at each other.

The rest of the class just stare with wide eyes, not expecting an intense verbal fight. Shoto, he stares at his sister with surprise, not expecting her to be so hostile. In fact, he didn't expect her to show up and actually be a student in U.A. He knew his father got him in through recommendations, but he never informed him about Kasai. He ponders, did she get in all by herself?

"Stop this!" Tenya Iida scolds, getting in between them. The pale haired girl recognizes him from the exams, she was sitting next to him. "A fight between classmates is highly unethical and it defies the morals of U.A's reputation," he informs while chopping his hands through the air.

The girl smirks, stepping back. "You're right. It is foolish of me to fight with a piece of trash," the Todoroki declares.

Though, that only added to the fire of Bakugou's anger. "You punk! Fight me," he roars.

But his attempt of fighting is stopped when the door opens again. Iida, Bakugou, and Kasai all turn to see a familiar head of curly green hair. Once again, the Todoroki's smirk falls when she recognizes Midoriya at the door. Her white eyebrows raise in confusion.

Huh, he actually managed to get into the hero course? Does he have a quirk after all, she ponders, observing the boy.

All mentions of a fight goes out the window when Iida walks forward, introducing himself. Huffing, she glances around the room trying to find a seat. There's one with the group of girls, but she immediately turns that down. Because if she sits there, she feels that they'll only gossip and try to make friends. Her other choice is the seat behind Bakugou. Groaning internally, she weighs her options.

She decides the latter. Bakugou, she can tolerate. Girls who seek friendship and gossip, not so much. Fortunately, for Kasai, she didn't actually get to sit down before a man in a yellow, caterpillar-like, sleeping bag arrived.

"If you're gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere. This is the department of heroics," the man informs, sucking on a juicebox.

Kasai watches as the man unzips himself from the sleeping bag before walking into the classroom. She looks him up and down, noticing that he's wearing all black except for the white scarf. His hair is black, long, and disheveled, and he also has some scruffy facial hair. He looks like a mess, but who's Kasai to judge how people want to look.

"Hmm... took you lot eight seconds to quiet down. Life is short kids, you're all lacking in common sense," he informs once he's completely out of the sleeping bag. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you."

Kasai nods at the information. Then, she watches as he rummages in his sleeping bag and pulls out an assortment of athletic uniforms.

"Wear these immediately. And then shove off to the P.E grounds," he states, giving everyone their uniforms.

Well, I guess we're missing the orientation meeting....ha, sucks to be them, she smirks, never liking school assemblies. They were always so boring.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

ONCE CHANGED, AND outside, Kasai waits along with her classmates at the P.E grounds. They're all standing between a ball pitch court and a track field, all in quiet shock when their teacher explained what they will be doing. Instead of being surprised, the female Todoroki understood the intention. I mean, they are in the hero course, the apprehension test is something they should have expected.

"Quirk apprehension test," Izuku exclaims, completely baffled.

"What about the ceremony?! And the guidance counselor meeting," Ochaco, a petite brunette, questions towards the teacher.

"Tch, who wants to listen to a bunch of rules when we're basically learning to be heroes," the pale haired girl scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Exactly, this isn't the time for niceties," Aizawa comments, adding to the Todoroki's statement. "You all understand the school's reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that 'freedom' goes for us senseis, too. Softball pitch. Standing long jump. 50 meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength test. Upper body exercises. Seated toe touch. These are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks. The country still hasn't gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance. Well, that's negligence on the part of mext. Bakugou, how far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

Kasai throws a look at the mentioned boy, raising her brows and smirking. She remembers in middle school that whenever they did these tests, they would always compete against each other. It's how their rivalry started.

"67 meters," he huffs.

I got sixty-eight, she smirks.

"Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don't exit the circle, anything you do is fine," Aizawa informs the ash blond. "Don't hold back."

"You got it," Bakugou smirks, stretching his arms.

Kasai narrows her turquoise eyes at the boy, watching his every move. She wants to be number one, and to get there, she needs to beat her all time rival. Besides him, she doesn't see anyone else as competition, well, maybe her brother, too.

"Die," Bakugou yells, sending the ball flying with an explosion.

The shock wave sends a burst of hot air rushing towards the students, and Kasai is left gaping at the results. This is a lot different from middle school. She marvels at the sheer thought of using her quirk during these tests. Now she's motivated.

"Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your 'hero foundation'," Aizawa tells his class, showing Bakugou's score of 705.2 meters.

"Awesome! That looks so fun," a student besides Kasai yells, and she resists the urge to facepalm.

"705 meters?! Unreal," another shouts.

"We can really use our quirks now!? That's the department of heroics for you," someone else exclaims.

Yes, this is the department of heroics, meaning that this apprehension test isn't a game, the female Todoroki shakes her head at their antics.

"It looks fun, you say," Aizawa sensei questions, his mood taking a dark turn. His ominousity is immediately noticeable. "So, you were planning on spending your three years here having a good ol' time? What happened to becoming heroes? All right then. In that case, new rule; the student who ranks last in total points will be judged hopeless, and instantly expelled. Our freedom means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome, to this, the department of heroics!"

Instead of getting intimidated, Kasai gives a confident smirk. However, The majority of the students around her began to freak out. The mention of expulsion sending them into a nervous frenzy.

"The kid who ranks as last, gets expelled?! This is our first day here! But even if it weren't, that's just to unreasonable," Uraraka exclaims incredulously.

"He's a teacher, and he just stated the rule of freedom, he can do whatever he pleases," Kasai rolls her eyes at the girl's worries.

"Natural disasters. Massive incidents. Ego-mad villains. All kinds of calamities can happen when we least expect them. Japan's now positively drenched in unreasonable and it's our job as heroes to reserve it all, and restore reason. If you were counting on a friendly chat, that's too bad. From now on, for the next three years all you can expect from your life at UA is one hardship after the next. This is Plus Ultra, I expect you to overcome these trials and climb to the top." Aizawa tells them, a speech that motivates a few and intimidates the others.

Kasai's smirk only grows as her hair sparks to life, becoming an essence of white flames. She's worked too hard to give up now. She'll burn through this lesson and come out on top...well, she intends to.

The fifty meter dash is the first trial of their quirk apprehension test. Kasai knew that she wasn't going to be the best in every test, but damn it, she'll try her hardest. The first duo to participate in this trial was Tenya Iida and Tsuyu Asui. The female Todoroki watched as they finished the course in three to six seconds. The boy had an Engine quirk, allowing him to speed up, and the girl, her quirk was more of a mutation type, taking frog like abilities.

Next, she watched as the petite brunette races with a blonde boy who had a tail, they both finished in seven seconds. The duo after them was another blonde boy, who stood backwards and shot a beam from his naval, or bellybutton, whatever. However, Kasai laughed when he fell to the ground in a heap, allowing the pink girl to pass him, before getting back up and repeating his actions. They finished in five seconds.

Eventually, she got called on, along with a redhead, to run. Standing at the starting point, Kasai ignores the boy as he grins with determination. She can feel the heat inside her body as she manipulates the fire inside her. Glaring down at the racing course with a smirk, she clenches her hands into fists, and waits for the signal. With a silent second, the machine announces for them to take their places, that's before a gunshot sounds through the air. Kasai wastes no time, she takes a running start, before jumping up into the air and boosting herself forward with jets of white fire from her feet. Not wanting to fall face first into the track, she balances herself out by shooting jets from her hands, which only adds to her speed.

With a beep, Kasai finished and planted her feet on the ground, extinguishing her flames.

"4.08 seconds." The machine reads out loud, announcing her score.

Turning her head, she watches her racing partner finish at a solid five seconds. He whoops at his score and grins at his small victory, probably an improvement from his middle school score. The Todoroki shakes her head at the sight, but she smirks at her own victory. She improved by two whole seconds, it isn't much, but it's still a lot. Especially, in a hero course.

The second trial is the grip strength test. To say that Kasai did well, well that's pretty much right. She scored a good average, but there were others who clearly surpassed her. Like the boy called Mezou, his quirk is Duplicate Arms, which probably adds to his strength. Then, there we're some who scored beneath her, the lowest being Midoriya. The boy was dead last.

The third trial was the standing long jump. Aoyama, the blond with the Naval Beam, he used his quirk to shoot across the sand pit. Kasai watched as Bakugou used his own quirk, Explosion, to rocket himself across the obstacle, just like he did in the first trial. The Todoroki didn't hesitate to use her own fire quirk to careen herself across the large square of sand, copying her actions from earlier. There were others, Tenya, a girl named Momo, Asui, another girl named Mina, her own brother, and a few others, who used their quirks to give themselves a boost. The others tried their hardest to jump across, and some made impressive distance, but others, not so great.

The fourth trial, well, let's just say that everyone failed at the sustained sideways jump besides a very short boy named Mineta. He's the only one who got an impressive score while everyone sucked. Kasai almost managed to trip herself over her own two feet. Luckily she didn't, or else that shitty excuse of a sparkler would have laughed at her.

The fifth trial came to a full circle, bringing them back to the pitch. Right now, they were standing and watching Ochaco as she took her turn in throwing the softball. Kasai watched as the girl barely put any effort in throwing, but her quirk, Gravity, allowed the ball to continue upwards and away. They waited for the ball to come back down, but it got lost in the atmosphere, probably surpassing the exosphere. Though, when Aizawa sensei gave a sigh and showed Ochaco her score, the class gaped in shock.

"Infinity?! Holy cow, she got an infinity," someone behind the pale haired girl exclaimed.

Kasai smirks at the score, hmm, impressive. Her gravity quirk isn't that flashy, but it's pretty damn useful.

Though, just as Midoriya steps up to the pitch, her attention is caught when her classmates start talking.

"Midoriya's not doing too well, is he," Iida states, assessing the boy's skill.

"Of course not!! He's a quirkless fucking guppy," Bakugou yells, pointing at the aforementioned boy.

Kasai scoffs before giving an amused smirk. "How can he do well when he has no quirk," she questions towards Iida.

"'Quirkless'? Didn't you two see what he did at the entrance exam," he asks, confused by their accusations.

She rolls her turquoise eyes at the stupid question. "Of course not. We were in different testing areas," she informs before looking back at the pitch.

The girl watches as Midoriya stretches back his arm, preparing for the throw. Though, as he completes his stance and actually throws the ball, it goes like she expected. Nonetheless, she chokes back a laugh when she hears that he scored forty-six meters. Reserving herself, she narrows her eyes and squints to see the boy's reaction. Confusion, that's what she reads.

Hmm, was he expecting a different outcome? He actually looks startled with his results, Kasai assesses with a frown.

"I erased your quirk," she hears her teacher say. "It defies reason. How did somebody like you manage to enter this academy?" He questions in a scolding manner, his eyes which are now red and narrowed while his hair raises, almost floating.

"You erased it?! And those goggles! Oh my god," Midoriya exclaims, almost fanboying. "You must be the hero who can cancel out the quirk of whomever he's looking at! The erasing hero, Eraser Head!"

Wow, talk about being a nerd, the Todoroki scoffs, crossing her arms.

"'Eraser' - who? I've never heard of him," one of her classmates states.

"I've juat heard the name! He's a really underground hero," another exclaims.

Ignoring everyone and zoning out, Kasai tries to think of ways to integrate her quirk with the ball pitch. If she adds too much fire, there's the risk of incinerating the soft ball before it scores her. But looking at Bakugou's try, she noticed that the ball survived the explosion. So, maybe the ball will survive her fire's high temperature. It's all or nothing.

"Are you worried about him? I, for one, don't care," she snaps back to reality when she hears Aoyoma talk to Ochaco.

She cringes at the amount of sparkling around him. She doesn't even want to know.

"Looks like he's had some coaching before, but.."

"He's gonna get expelled for sure," Bakugou cuts Iida off.

"I hate to agree with this shitty sparkler, but...I agree. He's basically been in last in almost every exercise," Kasai tells them, focusing back on the ball pitch.

She sees the familiar sight of Midoriya muttering, probably coming up with a plausible strategy. Kasai never found herself liking the said boy, nothing about him interested her, but she can't deny that he's smart when it comes to strategies. She always noticed him writing in those damn Campos books.

Watching him now, Kasai watches as he repeats his stance. Though, her turquoise eyes narrow when he draws back his arm and finally throws the ball. However, unlike last time, this throw is completely different. As he throws, the air explodes with a shockwave, the air currents racing towards them. The softball zooms up into the air, disappearing for a short second, before rushing back to the ground.

The gaping silence is broken when the machine in their teacher's hand beeps. 705.3 meters. Kasai gapes at the score. Heck, she gapes at the whole thing.

Was Midoriya hiding his quirk this whole time, she questions, looking at the green haired boy. Though, as she notices his finger, she narrows her eyes. Or did he never use it because of the backlash? It would make sense if he didn't, breaking a bone every time he did would be painful.

She ignores the whole commotion of Bakugou yelling at Midoriya, and whatnot. It happens so much that she basically learned to make their fights into white noise. Instead, she focuses on her classmates and all their quirks.

"Maybe I should start writing down my own strategies. Plus, I can add their quirks, their strengths, their weaknesses and their fighting styles. Midoriya has the right idea by writing everything down," she mumbles quietly to herself. "Take note, write everything I saw today down in a notebook."

"We're wasting time. Todoroki, you're next," Aizawa informs, after releasing Bakugou.

Kasai looks up, shortly glancing to her brother and meeting his mismatched eyes, before looking away towards her teacher.

"Which one," she asks.

"Since you asked, you go first," he tells her with a sigh.

Of course, she mentally scoffs, rolling her eyes. Walking up, she firat picks up the softball before taking her place at the pitch. Deeply inhaling, and releasing the exhale, she calms herself down. Clutching tightly at the ball, basically embedding her nails into the leather, she focuses on her hand. Building up the fire, she smirks and finally draws back her arm.

"Burn," she yells, launching the ball with a giant stream of fire.

The softball launches into the sky like a rocket. Well, more like missle of pure white fire. As Kasai huffs, she ignores the slight tingling pain in her palm from the excessive heat, and watches as the ball slightly disappears before shooting towards the ground. With a smoking thud, the ball finally hits the ground and stops after a small roll.

The machine beeps and gives her the score.


Her eye twitches at the revelation. She can pratically see Bakugou's smug smirk at his small victory.

Damn, so close!

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤


FTER THE LAST trials, the apprehension test finally came to an end. So, as they stand crowded in front of Aizawa, they wait for their results. They wait to see who's in last palce and getting expelled. They wait if he's actually going to expel the student like he stated at the beginning.

"Time to present the results," Aizawa announces. "The total is simply the aggregate sum of each of your scores. If I recited all of your scores it'd take a million years, so I'll disclose them all at once."

Kasai nods from her spot, crossing her arms. She awaits her scores. She wants to know if she's better than Bakugou, but most importantly, if she's better than her brother. The rivalry between them doesn't need explanation about being the best, it's something that started in middle school. It's petty, but overall, a competition. Though, with her brother, she wants to prove herself that she's better, even if she didn't recieve the training from their father. She wants to prove that she's not, like he dubs her and her older siblings, a failure.

"Oh yeah, that whole 'expulsion' thing was a lie. It was a logical ruse to pull out your beat preformances," their teacher informs with an amused smile.

Idiot, and here I thought it was real, Kasai mentally slaps herself. Oh well.

"What!!!" Most of the class exclaims in incredulous shock.

"Come on, guys, use your brains! Of course, it was just a ruse," Yaoyorozu, a girl with black spiky hair, states matter of factly.

"And...right. Yep. With that, it's over. Your curriculum sheets are in the classroom, so give them a once over. And Midoriya, go to Recovery Girl and get yourself patched up. Since your eyeballs will doubtless pop oit of their sockets at tomorrow's absurd ordeal," and with that said, Aizawa walks away.

Kasai stays in place, processing the results. She clenches her hands into fists and frowns.


She grits her teeth and narrows her eyes, throwing a glare in her brother's direction.

No matter what, I'll beat you Shoto! I'll show both you and father that I'm better, she silently seethes.


Well, that's chapter three for you! And looky here, things are starting to get intense, especially with the siblings. Well, on Kasai's behalf.

Yes, I know, I changed the results. But hey, this is a fan fiction, so that means, my rules. I will follow the manga/anime, but I'll still make some changes, minor, but nonetheless changes. Just to fit her in into the plot.

Anyways...don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE!

What do you like so far? Or dislike?


Final Word Count: 4,265

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