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THE NEXT DAY, Kasai didn't really bother with interacting with anyone. She was still upset with yesterday's results, though, she should have expected it. I mean, her brother gained training from her father since he was a kid while she did her own training, and she barely took it seriously by last year.

But the growing jealousy and resentment towards her brother wants her to be the best, to beat him. She finds it sickening that she despises her twin brother, especially with something as petty as attention. And as contradicting as it is, she does despise him.

She wants that attention, she wants that praise, she wants the expectation of being a great hero. Instead, she's seen as a failure, seen as someone unimportant, seen as someone with no expectations. She wants the recognition that she could also become a hero.

So, as the day started they participated in normal classes. From English class, to Math class, to Japanese studies, all the way to lunch. Whenever Kasai actually got the questions right, she stayed silent and allowed Yaoyorozu to answer. Japanese studies was her favorite 'normal' class so far because it's basically history.

Besides from that, it was pretty hard to ignore her brother when he was literally sitting right next to her. Whenever she glanced up, she caught sight of him in her left peripheral vision. A silent boy named Koda sat in front of her while Ochaco took her right, they were nice, but Kasai didn't bother with pleasantries. She kept her head down and stayed silent, it was like that til the hour of lunch.

Walking into the great mess hall, she bought today's special of white rice along with a can of apple juice. Finding an empty table, she maneuvered her way towards it and sat down. Well, she and Bakugou sat down at the same time, only noticing the other when they did. Once her turquoise eyes met his red ones, she glared.

But overall, she didn't say anything. Not even when a small group consisting of the red head, the elbow tape, the pink girl, and a blond with a black highlight sat with them. She basically ignored all of their existences. From what she can tell, Bakugou did the same.

Lunch ended fairly quickly, much to her relief. So, now she's back in her homeroom and awaiting for today's lesson of foundational hero studies. Sitting patiently, she waits for the door to open and reveal her homeroom teacher, wanting class to start already. However, she didn't have to wait long.

But it wasn't the same teacher from yesterday.

It was All Might instead.

"It's me! Through the door like a normal person," he exclaims, walking, or prancing, into the classroom.

She does admire his silver age costume, silently, as the majority of the class marvel at the number one hero. However, she doesn't really stare in awe at the hero, she doesn't really care for him. Sure, she's grateful that he saved Bakugou last year from the sludge monster attack, not that she'll ever say it out loud. Though, other than that, she doesn't care. Even if he is the symbol of peace, the interest she has for him is zilch. Zero. Nothing.

"Foundational Hero Studies! For this class, we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials! You'll get tons of credit for it! Let's jump right in with this! The trial of battle," All Might informs with a bright grin.

And for the first time today, Kasai grins. A grin full of anticipation and excitement. A grin so big that it hurts her cheeks, she's basically gripping the edges of her desk, so much that her knuckles are turning white. Her bad day just got better.

"And to go with your first battle, we've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks," the blond pro hero tells them.

"Our hero gear," someone yells from the font of the class.

"Awesome," another exclaims.

Kasai nods, agreeing with them. Letting go of the desk, she chooses to bounce her knee up and down from under her desk. Her impatience getting the best of her.

"Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at grounds B! The garb you bring into the battlefield is vatally important, boys and girls! And don't forget! From here on out, you're all officially heroes," All Might smiles, ushering them out of the classroom.

Alright! This time I'll show everyone what I'm made of, Kasai states with a smirk.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

DRESSED IN A white symmetrical bodysuit, Kasai stands with her classmates with a confident smirk. The left leg of her suit is cut off in a shorts like manner, and her right arm is completely sleeveless. On her waist is a belt to hold two sword hilts, the blades are nonexistent seeing as the blades will be created by her fire. And finally, a pair of equally white boots, every item made to sustain her fire and any other flames she creates from her body.

She would have chosen to make the suit red like her favorite color, but seeing as in her family, white is usually incorporated into ice. She wanted to make the color her own signature. A signature that she's different from the white haired and ice quirk.

She wants to be a brilliant white flame.

She wants to burn white.

Anyways, looking to the side, she automatically spots Bakugou. She quirks an eyebrow, but she assesses him. However, no matter how much she fights it, her turquoise eyes always wander back to his exposed arms, admiring the muscled biceps. Not wanting to be caught looking at him, she mentally curses at herself and looks away. Kasai doesn't need her fire quirk to know that her cheeks are burning.

"All right, let's see what you're made of, you embryos," All Might exclaims, standing before them.

"Hey! Wait for me," Kasai hears Midoriya shout.

Looking towards the voice, she finds him dressed in green and running to catch up. She raises a brow at his costume, the head piece seems familiar to a rabbit. She chooses not to question it. Apart from her costume, Kasai only finds herself liking a few others. Like, well...nah, she doesn't really like anyone else's. She's totally in love with her own costume to like any other. Though, her eye twitches when she sees that her brother's costume is also white.

Damn, he just had to ruin it, she frowns, not liking the simple similarity.

Huffing, she looks away from her twin. When everyone stands around, talking, Kasai ignores the small talk happening around her. Not that interested in what they have to say. She just wants to get on with this lesson. Apart from arguing with a certain ash blond, the Todoroki doesn't really have any friends. She's completely fine without them, she likes keeping to herself. She's used to it.

"I'm liking everyone's styles! Very cool," All Might professes, complimenting everyone.

"Sensei! Regarding the preformance ground we'll be using, is it the mock-city from the entrance exam," Iida asks, raising his hand.

"You'll see - In fact, take two steps and you'll be there! This will be an indoor battle trial! Villain cleanup is usually seen out in the open, but statistically the part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are comitted indoors," All Might informs, telling each of them.

Kasai nods in recognition, knowing that what he's saying is true. There's things like domestic violence, holding people hostage, robbing stores or banks, home invasions, even killing people happens inside, she tells herself.

"Imprisonment, house arrest, the black market, in this hero saturated society. Heh heh, why any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows! For this test, you'll separate into 'villain' and 'hero' groups. For a two-on-two team battle," the pro hero exclaims, finally telling them what they'll do in this lesson.

Kasai grins at the idea of exercising combat against the others. Though, she does wonder who she'll be teamed up with and who she'll fight. Then, there's the fact that the battle is indoors, meaning she can't go all out on her fire quirk, but she can still overwhelm her opponents.

"What about foundational training," Tsuyu, as Kasai recalls, interrupts with her own question.

"This is foundational training," the hero quips. "Only this time there won't be any robots it'd be okay to just destroy!"

Though, his clarification only opens a moment full of questions.

"So, how do we determine who wins and loses?"

"Is it okay if just blow them away?"

"Can I just set the whole place on fire?"

"Is there a threat of explusion like with Aizawa sensei's exercise?"

"What happens if I accidentally set my opponents on fire?"

"If we're separating into different groups, what would be the best way to do so?"

"Is that a 'no' on burning it all down?"

"Doesn't this cape look killer on me?"

"I can't hear you if you all speak at once," All Might tells them.

Kasai smirks, knowing that her multiple questions were just to mess with him. Even if she did set the whole place ablaze, it wouldn't be accidental. She can control her flames very well.

"For this training we'll have some 'villains' guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying! The heroes must stop them and their nefariuos scheme before it's too late! Your teammates and opponents will be chosen by lottery," the blond hero informs them, reading a cue card.

The female Todoroki rolls her eyes when she hears Iida question the lottery. Then, she mentally scoffs when Midoriya steps in to explain the reasoning of the lottery, he literally knows everything to do with heroes. I mean, he is a fanboy.

"Anyway! Let's start this!" All Might exclaims, raising his fist.

Team A: Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochaco

Team B: Todoroki Shoto & Shoji Mezou

Team C: Yaoyorozu Momo & Minoru Mineta

Team D: Iida Tenya & Bakugou Katsuki

Team E: Aoyoma Yuga & Ashido Mina

Team F: Todoroki Kasai & Koda Koji

Team G: Jirou Kyoka & Kaminari Denki

Team H: Asui Tsuyu & Tokoyami Fumikage

Team I: Hagakure Toru & Ojiro Mashirao

Team J: Kirishima Eijiro & Sero Hanta

Looking over to her, now appointed, teammate, she gives him a nod of acceptance. Maybe when the other teams are battling, she could speak with him, talk strategy. They'll talk quirks and what they can do before building a solid plan.

"And the first two pairs to do combat will be the following!" All Might states, placing his hands into the two lottery boxes. That's before he pulls out the pairs. "Pair A will be heroes. Pair D will be villains!"

At the mention of the said teams, Kasai dramatically rolls her turquoise eyes. Of course, it had to be them. Of course.

"This scenario has the villains inside the building first! Then, after five minutes, the heroes will be let in as well! Everyone else will be able to watch what unfolds through the surveillance cameras! This is will allow yound Iida and Bakugou to get inside the heads of villainkind! This is a practical exercise! So go all out without fear of injury...though, naturally we'll cut it short if things get out of hand," the number one hero tells them, informing everyone of the details.

With those two, things will certainly get out of hand, the pale haired girl mentally states, knowingly.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

WHILE IN THE survelience room, Kasai doesn't really pay mind to the current battle. Instead, she kindly ushers Koda to the side, away from the group. She talks to him, informing him of her Holy Fire quirk and what she can do. However, she quickly learns that he doesn't speak, or maybe he does - she doesn't know, and he communicates with his hands. Sign language, or at least some form of it.

So instead, she devises a plan for their turn at the scenario. Though, whenever she adds a detail, she always asks if he's okay with it, or if he has any other opinions. He doesn't add much, only that he can use his quirk, Anivoice. Through hand gestures she gets the idea that he can communicate with animals. So, yes, she agrees with him using his quirk to get some reconnaissance on their opponents.

With a few more details, they solidify their plan. With an approving smirk, she offers him a fist bump, confident about their odds.

"The hero side is at a pretty heavy disadvantage in this scenario," Ashido assesses, looking at the screens.

Kasai walks back to the group and observes the many screens. On one, she can see Iida guarding the nuclear weapon by himself. On another, she spots Bakugou facing Midoriya with a pissed look on his face. The girl silently snickers at his reaction, seeing as it's pretty easy to make him angry. It's one of her favorite pastimes.

She comes back to reality when the room shouts a chorus of 'Plus Ultra!' Rolling her eyes, she focuses back on the fight before her. Though, Aoyama, who's next to her calls out, gaining their attention.

"Ah, monsieur Bakugou," he points to the screen.

Kasai watches as the ash blond propels himself forward with an explosion, sending a kick towards Midoriya's head. Luckily the latter blocked it in time, using his arms as a sheild. She also spots Uraraka making a run for it, probably to go find the weapon as originally planned. Well, she assumes. Looking back to the main fight, she sees that Midoriya's trying to capture Bakugou with the tape. Though, that seems to fail when the blond sends another explosive at the freckled boy.

"Hmm. Midoriya hasn't used his quirk, but he's still in par with that shitty sparkler," the Todoroki girl comments, scoffing.

"Yeah, and it's even better when it's with the kid who placed first in the entrance exam," Sero exclaims, stepping closer to the screens.

Kasai deflates, we got the same score, yet he still gets all the recognition. What a bummer.

She sighs as she watches Midoriya run away, which results to Bakugou yelling after him. Since there's no auditory to the surveillance, she could only assume the foul language coming out of his mouth. Despite being amusing, it's also very idiotic. Bakugou allows his anger to blind him, making him reckless. Sure, Kasai has a temper too, but she doesn't allow it to get the best of her. Well, she never reached that point. Not yet at least.

"Damn, that kid's pissed. It's scary," Kaminari comments.

She mentally hums at his words, but pays no special mind to them. Instead, the Todoroki focuses on the screens. Seeing as Midoriya is doing nothing interesting, she switches her blue gaze upon Uraraka. The girl finally arrived at the core, but she soon loses her composure, probably from something Iida said. That itself, allowed the said boy to become alerted of her presence. The pale haired girl shakes her head in disappointment.

She let her guard down. If this were a real and serious situation, the villain would've gained the advantage over her. Such a shame, Kasai scoffs, crossing her arms.

Looking back to the other screen after being disinterested in the female, she sees that Bakugou finally found Midoriya. So far, Iida is the only one who hasn't done anything wrong, he's kept to his role as villain. Uraraka broke composure and got herself caught. Bakugou is acting on pure emotion, making him reckless. Midoriya, he's trying, he's actually taking the time to think of alternate strategies. Kasai may not be a renown strategist like the freckled boy, but she has her fair share of intelligence.

From what she can tell, Bakugou can use explosions due to his sweat, or something along those lines. He has an impressive quirk, he's also smart if he lets himself be, but he allows his anger blind him. Especially now, as most of his anger is always directed towards Midoriya. Then, from yesterday's apprhension test, the Todoroki was actually surprised to see the latter use a quirk. When she attended Aldera Junior High, she never saw him use one, she thought - believed, that he was quirkless. More so with Bakugou's insults of him being a 'quirkless fucking guppy' in her head. Though, with yesterday, she can tell that his quirk has something to do with strenght, or something similar, but she also noticed that he broke his finger. They're both smart, but with their pasts, their rivarly, they become so senseless.

Well, she would be hypocrite if she said she wasn't the same. Her brother, though it's mostly one sided, riles her up so freaking much. She has so much unrequinted anger towards him. So much jealousy, envy. She can't stand him. He makes her blood boil. Then, there's Bakugou as well. The blond causes something in her. Whether it's their competition to beat the other and be the best. Maybe it's the silent admiration she has for him, it's something. He just presses her buttons and she doesn't like it, she's not familiar with it.

Anyway, she snaps out of her thoughts when she hears All Might yell.

"Bakugou, my boy, stop this! You'll kill him," he states into the communications device.

Zeroing in on the screens, Kasai watches as he pulls a lever on his arm device. The reaction is almost instantaneously. She watches on the screen, and feels it, as the explosion goes off. The building practically shakes, almost knocking her and her classmates over.

"This is meant to be a lesson," Kirishima yells.

"It is! That stupid shithead is letting his anger control him," the Todoroki quips, glaring at the screen that shows Bakugou.

Recrossing her arms, she sighs and watches as the two boys fight against one another. Growing tired of it, she closes her eyes and goes over her own strategy. This fight is boring her and instead of watching a rerun of every fight they've had, she spends her time doing something more useful. Depending on which pair she and her teammate are going to fight, she remembers yesterday's test and evaluates each person's quirk.

If she goes against her brother's team, well, she's toast. Her and his teams are almost similar. Their partners can do reconnaissance, and they, themselves, are opposites. She excels in fire, while he favors his ice quirk. Though, if worse comes to shove, she's still resilient against his flames.

The other pair she might have trouble with is Yaoyorozu's team. Well, to be specific, just the ravenette herself. She can create protection against her flames. A fireproof suit. Can she make a fire extinguisher? She can make a barricade. A sheild. She's practically a walking obstacle course.

"Sensei! Enough's enough already," Kasai comes back to reality with Kirishima's yell.

Snapping her eyes open, the girl glances to the screens and sighs. She doesn't know, if it's pride or just sheer stupidity that they're letting this get out of hand. Though, she's willing to bet that it's pride. Bakugou was, and will, always be proud of himself.

"Sensei," Kirishima yells again.

"Attention both teams, the match is sus-"

All Might gets cut off when Midoriya uses his quirk to punch a hole through the ceiling, and the rest of the building.

"The heroes - the hero team wins," All Might exclaims.

Kasai crosses her arms. "Fucking finally," she scoffs.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

FOR THE NEXT few minutes they spend their time evaluating the aforementioned pairs. Stating their wrongs, their rights, and a bunch of other things. Well, to be honest, Yaoyorozu stated all of them like the intelligent person she is. Kasai didn't mind, if it got done faster, she wouldn't mind at all. However, she did note Bakugou's stunned face. He did get hit with a pretty hard reality check, at that rate it would be a blow to any man's ego.

It would take a blow to her ego.

Next, the pairs meant to fight were her brother's team against Ojiro and Hagakure. Knowing from their quirks, she knew her brother was going to win by a landslide. Her brother is a powerhouse, but he relied too much on his quirks, or quirk, whatever. She, herself, liked to mix it up with using her quirk and hand combat.

The match was over quickly. Though, her brother went overboard when freezing the building. She huffed in annoyance and quickly melted the ice in the survelience room. She also cringed when some of the students neared her since she was like a walking furnace.

The next match was between Team H as heroes, Tokoyami and Asui, versus Team J as villains, Kirishima and Sero. The match was a very close call, but overall, Team H won. They had long distance on their side. I mean, Sero also has the ability to fight from a distance, but Tokoyami had his Dark Shadow, and Asui, she was pretty versatile.

Next, was Team G as heroes, Jirou and Kaminari, versus Team C as villains, Yaoyorozu and Mineta. The team C female made a barricade of steel pillars, but it was useless against Jirou's Earphone Jack. The latter quickly found their location and blasted her way through the wall. Kaminari then used his own quirk to stun the opponents. In the end, Team G won.

And finally, it was her turn.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

AS THE VILLAINS, Kasai's previously planned strategy fit perfectly for them. Nodding at her silent teammate, they got to work.

Melting out a circle on the window with a heated finger, she cut the glass and gave Koda access to the birds outside. He quickly commanded the pigeons to gather information on their opponents, mostly their whereabouts. I mean, they only had a five minute head start before the 'heroes' made their move.

When the flapping of wings alerted her, she turned towards Koda, who was communicating with the birds. Once the pigeons left, he told, gestured, that they were still standing at the main enterance. She smirks.

"Alright. They're not even trying to sneak in. Okay, Koda, I'm trusting you to defend this weapon to the best of your ability. Meanwhile, I'll encounter them and stick to the plan, but if they somehow get past me, you'll be this weapon's last defence, okay," she tells him.

He nods.

"Nice! Now, let's win this," she smirks, giving a thumbs up.

That's before she runs out the core room and into the hallways. As she passes the hallways, she smirks and finally sets her plan into motion. She creates walls of fire, blocking the paths, almost like a maze. Running down the stairs to the second floor, she does the same to the hallways, enclosing them in flames. When she's done with that, she hides herself into a further hall before touching the steel walls, heating them up.

By this time, this head start came to an end. Which means the heroes are finally acting.


"She's blocking the hallways with fire. It's like she's creating a path," Kirishima comments, looking at the screens.

"That's right. Todoroki also seems to be heating the walls, she obviously has a plan in mind. At the beginning when Teams A and D were battling, she and Koda spent time devising a strategy. She also spent her time accessing everyone else's fights. She doesn't show it, but it's clear that Todoroki's intelligent," Yaoyorozu tells everyone in the room.

"Plus, she's putting complete trust in her teammate to defend the weapon while she plays the distraction," Kaminari says.


KASAI KNOWS WHAT she's doing. So, when the heroes stumble upon her trap, she falls into the facade of the villain. Right now, both Aoyama and Ashido encountered the first of dead ends. A dead end made of blinding white flames.

Stepping out from around the corner, she smirks at the heroes before her. Unaware of her presence at the end of the hall, she speaks up.

"You know what I like about enclosed spaces? Especially ones made out of steel," she questions rhetorically, grinning as they spin around to face her.

"It's because with my fire, I can change the atmosphere if I wanted to. You see, fire originally eats away at the oxygen, making the air around it really thin. Overall, it makes it hard for you to breathe," she informs, placing a heated hand on the wall besides her.

Her hand emits flames making the steel turn to a illuminescent orange.

"First, you'll notice the hot air which will eventually make you sweat. Then, you'll be gasping for breath as the air around you begins to thin. And eventually, you'll grow too weak, your bodies submissing to the lack of oxygen," she informs, inching closer as her hand trails the wall.

They shiver, actually feeling scared of her villian act. Though, it soon changes when Ashido tries to attack her. Kasai steps back with a taunting grin.

"Are you going to shoot me with acid? Well, that might be a bad idea seeing as your corrosive acid is highly flammable. You wou-"

She gets cut off when Aoyoma shoots his naval beam at her. Turquoise eyes widening, she barely thinks before doing a backwards bend. She winces at the pain of her muscles constricting. Yes, she's flexible, but she hadn't worked on the bend yet. Completing the bend with a continous back flip, she jumps back to avoid their incoming attacks. Whether they be physical or not.

Spinning on her heel, she turns the corner from where she came from and waits until they follow her. When they do, she shoots a stream of fire in between them. Separating them.

Kasai acts quickly and manipulates the flames to form a wall between them. Now, they're in different halls. Aoyama in the left hall of the crossroads, and Ashido on the right. Ashido's side of the hall is already closed off, leaving her in a sealed hallway, no where to go. Which now leaves her to run after Aoyama. Well, not exactly.

Continuing in her hallway, she takes a left at the next intersection and hurries to cut him off. The Todoroki isn't sure if what she said about corrisive acid being flammable is true, but she doesn't want to risk it. Ashido could melt the walls with her quirk and escape her trap, well, that's if the girl takes the time to think about it.


"Okay, Todoroki sure knows how to play the villain. It's scary how uncanny it is," Kaminari comments, watching as the girl smirks tauntingly at her opponents.

"I just want to know what she's saying. By the looks of it on their faces, it's nothing good," Sero states out loud, practically voicing the majority's thoughts.

They nod, agreeing with his words.

Though, they suddenly watch as Aoyama shoots his Naval beam, resulting to her performing the backwards bend. Which is followed with a back flip. They watch as she falls back around the corner, baiting the two to follow her. When they do, the rest witness as she skillfully shoots a stream of fire in between them, successfully separating the duo.

"Man, she knows what she's doing! Her skills are frightening! Todoroki may not be overwhelming them with her quirk, but she's destroying their chances at winning! What a man," Kirishima exclaims, staring at the screens.

"She's purposefully baiting them and drawing this out. That was her strategy all along. By separating and trapping them, they don't stand a chance at a one-on-one fight against her. Plus, if you haven't noticed, her flames are still burning, and if you don't know, fire eats away at the oxygen. Todoroki's purposefully making this harder against them. With the lack of proper air, they'll grow weak and exhaust themselves," Yaoyorozu informs, pointing at the white flames shown on the monitors, and a huffing Ashido.

"Like I said, Todoroki sure knows how to play the villain perfectly," Kaminari basically repeats, shuddering.

They silently agree while watching as she runs after Aoyama.


CUTTING AOYOMA OFF was easier than she thought. She simply attacked him with a roundhouse kick which made him fall to the floor with a distance. When she was done with him, she just stepped back and closed off his end of the hallway. She expected a fight from him, but he mostly concerned himself with his looks. Or his cleanliness. Whatever.

Rolling her eyes, she makes a run back towards Ashido. She passes several walls of fire, but she simply runs through them as she takes a opposing path. However, when she makes her way back, she notices the melted steel on the walls. A created path to escape her flames.

Huffing, lowers all the walls of flames on the floor except for Aoyama's. Simultaneously, her white locks erupt into flames before stalking after her prey. Kasai is the lion crouching in the tall grass as she follows the running gazelle that is Ashido. She's the calm predator who's playing games with the trapped, yet panicked, prey.

"Tick tock, time's running on the clock," the Todoroki taunts out loud with a raised voice.

Holding her breath, she listens quietly, focusing on any sounds that could lead her to the other girl. It doesn't take long for her to hear the creaking step in the stairs. Smiling, the pale haired girl dashes with silent steps towards Ashido. She knows time is running out, but there's still enough for the pink girl to get passed her obstacles and reach Koda.

When she reaches the stairs, she sees the fleeting figure of the hero. She grins tauntingly. "Run all you want, Ashido, but I'm still going to find you," she yells while running up the stairs.

And she does.

However, before she can launch her attack, Ashido spins on her heel and directs a punch to her face. Kasai halts and dodges at the nick of time. Creating distance, she smirks.

"You want to dance, then, let's dance," she grins, lighting her hands on fire.


The rest of the students watch as the two females enter into hand to hand combat. They watch as Kasai attacks the pink girl with a flurry of attacks. A right hook, a left blow towards the ribs, a roundhouse kick, but luckily Ahsido is able to dodge them as she steps back. Though, the said girl also adds her own attacks. Spinning out of the way, she takes advantage of Kasai's back before delivering a kick to white clad girl.

Most of the students gasp when Kasai falls through her own wall of flames. Though, they sigh in relief when the wall disperses to show the girl standing up, unharmed.

"Now, that I think about it, Todoroki resembles a lot to the pro hero Endeavor when fighting. She gets that sharp look in her eyes," Sero states, making some of the classmates nod.

Shoto looks to the screen showing his sister and stares. It's true, he does find the resemblance in her eyes. Cold and sharp. She has them all the time, not just when she's fighting. Despite her fire quirk, she's always cold in nature. Her personality is avoidant to everyone around her, except when she shows her hot temper to Bakugou. Though, that's only when they're arguing. Other than that, she barely speaks.

"Time's almost up, and this time it looks like the villains are going to win," Kaminari comments, noting the timer.

"Man, I'm just glad I didn't get her as my opponent. Even with her hot body, her quirk is too much," Mineta comments, looking at the female Todoroki.

They deadpan at his words.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

BUT MINETA WAS right, her quirk did end up being too much. Despite her versatile movements and actions, Ashido got overwhelmed by the the Todoroki. The latter was too fast, too strong, and always multiple steps ahead.

In the end, their match was finished and the heroes lost due to not containing the weapon. When declared the winner, Kasai dropped all the walls of fire, releasing Aoyama, and allowing them a breath of much needed air.

"Boom," she commented with theatrics, refrencing the bomb exploding.

Her strategy of drawing their focus away from the bomb and to fighting was a success. In the end, Ashido couldnt reach the weapon because she was too busy fighting Kasai and that lead to her team's demise. However, nonetheless, the pink girl did make it further than the Todoroki expected. A few more walls of fire and she could have tasted victory.

When they were being evaluated, Kasai got named in the match for playing and staying with her role as villain. She put complete trust in her teammate and even if she created many obstacles, she still allowed a way for the heroes to win; Ashido's ability to melt the steel and create a new path.

With that done, today's hero lesson came to an end.

"Good work, everyone! Apart from young Midoriya, there were no big injuries. Nevertheless, no holds were barred! For your first full training exercise, you did wonderfully," All Might tells them once they make it back to their starting point.

Kasai huffs and crosses her arms, feeling mentally exhausted. Fighting and strategizing took a lot out of her, though it's the good kind of exhaustion. The kind where she feels accomplished.

With a few more parting words, All Might leaves in run. A quick and speeding run, basically leaving them in the dust.

Ugh, I'm tired. What a bummer, Kasai mentally groans, looking at the cloud above her.

Dressing back into her uniform, she ties her black and white sneakers before standing up. With the finishing touches, she pulls her hair out of the ponytail and lets her scalp relax. Eventually, she leaves the locker room and makes it back to the classroom. Upon opening the door, she meets the faces of her relaxing classmates.

"Yo, Todoroki! You were really manly in your match! Great use of your quirk! My name is Kirishima Eijiro," the redhead introduces himself after complimenting her.

Her pale eyebrows furrow at the word manly. "Uh, thanks, I guess. Also, despite losing at the match, you were really great at close combat which goes perfectly well with your quirk," she states, telling him the truth.

He did do great while fighting in close range, and his hardening quirk makes it more effective.

"Thanks," he beams.

"I'm Ashido Mina! You really put up a great fight, Todoroki-chan," the pink girl tells her.

At the suffix with the use of her name makes her cringe inwardly. "Thanks, you did too. Also, just call me Kasai, especially since there's two Todoroki's, and please no suffix." She informs the small gaggle.

With a few more introductions, she separates herself from the group and looks around. She quickly realizes that her fellow hot-headed rival is missing. Sighing, Kasai probably assumes that he already left for the day.

Without anyone noticing, she writes a quick sticky note and leaves it on his desk.

'Despite what everyone said, you did great, you shithead. Nothing's wrong with you. - White Out'

And with that, she left the classroom with a small, discreet, smile.






Final Word Count: 5,954

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