Chapter 19

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The night was dark, and the streetlights had been broken for years. The only light flooding the street were from the run down buildings. No respectable people lived here. The air was so polluted even the moon was blocked out.

Three people used that to their advantage, all clad in grey and black. One had long, brown hair, with a face covered with a mask tied behind their neck to the top of their head. She had loose fitting black clothes. Another had a black top hat and tailcoat over a grey shirt and trousers, they had a black neck warmer pulled up over the bottom of his face. The last was wearing a black hoodie with grey patterns that looked like frost, he was also wearing black, tight trousers and a black surgical mask.

"This the place?" The one with the top hat asked, a small, black dragonesque lizard returned to the woman's arm.

"The one to the right, 4 guards on the way to the kids, 20 on the way to the seller and buyer. We need to be quick if we want to catch both." She relayed the information she got from her lizard.

"Fairy, can you get the kids yourself? I don't want you overworking yourself again." The one who looked like he was covered in frost asked, turning to the woman.

"Can do. I'll use Skyla to keep contact with you." She raised her arm on which the lizard sat. "Try not to make this last too long."

"Any information on their quirks?" The one with the top hat asked.

"2 mutation quirks, at least one strength quirk as they were talking about it, there's a muscular, but quirkless guard on the way to the kids. Otherwise nothing. Be on guard, stay to the shadows." Fairy took a few steps back from the edge of the building. "Ready?"

"Whenever you are." Top Hat and Frosty nodded, all three jumping off the roof.

As soon as they landed Fairy took off towards the kids, Skyla leading the other two towards the people responsible. Both sides stuck to the shadows, silently taking out the guards, 3 small shadow creatures followed Fairy, keeping her out of sight and dealing with the guard to prevent her from slowing down.

Unexpectedly, it was the door holding the children that provided the greatest difficulty. It had been designed so that it could only be opened by someone who could manipulate water. It really wouldn't have been good if anyone but Fairy had been the one to rescue the children. Frost was able to freeze things, but Top Hat didn't have anything similar. Fairy was the one with the most versatile quirk.

"Undine." Fairy called, a child made of water appearing out of thin air, a trail of water drops surrounding it.

Undine, the water spirit, was made of water that was tinted a pale blue, what looked like long hair tied up in a ponytail that turned into a waterfall fairly quickly. They had no lower body, the water clothing they had looking like a dress as it turned into a cascade. It had a small face with large eyes that were almost bug like and an open mouth shaped like a D.

"Open the door for me."


"Have you decided a name for your quirk?" Nico interrupted Dudley as he tried to practice.

"I'm thinking 'Happenstance'..." Dudley jumped, looking down at his hands. "Do you think that's a decent name?"

"Sure, it's a good description of your quirk, but not so obvious that anyone is going to know what it is. Do you know what you want to do?" Nico scratched the quirk name down.

"I-" Dudley stopped, he really didn't know what he wanted. Really the only goal he had had in life was to get enough money to move out of his parents' house. But he didn't live there now, though he still needed to look for a place to be. "I really don't know."

"No worries, you're only 14. If you want to be a hero then you need to know by high school entrance exams. But, and please don't think I am trying to insult you, I don't think that's the right career path for any of you. Luke refuses to stop holding back for fear of being evil, Harry hates attention, and you seem to be similar. None of those are traits that a hero need. Besides, I don't know if you've really put thought into if you're staying yet." Nico looked over at Harry, who was sleeping curled up into a ball with Killian, and Luke, who was practicing maths while Lexsaidh pretended to be awake.

"I... I could stay?" Dudley seriously hadn't considered that, they were learning here, especially useful for Harry who wasn't learning these things in Hogwarts, but they were spending their time trying to get back home.

But Dudley didn't have a home.

Neither did Luke.

Really only Harry had a home to go back to, and while Harry's guardians were taking care of them for the time being, Harry was still, fairly, not comfortable around him. It was only natural that they had a time limit on staying in the same house.

"Sure, you're a good kid. Life has been a bitch to you, but you're good. I'd be willing to care for you, or if you want someone else then I can help you find a good person to adopt you. All of you are good kids." Nico leaned back. Their kids they had raised were getting big, it might be nice to have a kid in the house again.

"Really?" Dudley looked up, eyes maybe a little brighter.

"Sure, just think about it. You're allowed to want to stay, after all, you said your parents kicked you out." Nico gave Dudley a small poke.

"Thanks." Dudley tried to focus on his quirk again, but his mind was on the idea of living with Nico.


"I heard about your experiences at Hogwarts." Nico sat down next to Harry, Killian was working.

Harry looked up at them, confused. Sure, he knew it wasn't exactly the best experience. Even Fred and George hadn't had yearly death threats, unlike him, but it was just his experience in the wizarding world.

"Do you have a therapist or the like in your world to talk to?" Nico leaned back, maybe magic was supposed to be a secret, but if Harry was left to deal with all of that alone then they weren't going to let him go back until he had at least a few therapy sessions.

"I have a mind healer, which is basically the same but with more magic. There's this thing that's burning that helps me relax, also makes it a little harder to use magic. Other than that I think it's the same as muggle therapy, but I wouldn't know." Harry was still looking at Nico, but not their eyes.

"Something burning for relaxation and making magic more difficult?" Nico was a little worried it would make him easy to manipulate.

"Well, while the mind healer is immune to the relaxation at this point, but both of us can use little to no magic. I was allowed to say that I didn't want it, but we're talking about... You know... The fire. I don't want to do anything again. I was the one who decided not to have anyone on my side." Harry was sure that was what Nico was going to be worried about, but couldn't look at them as he talked. "I don't want Sirius or Remus to be disappointed in me."

"If they-"

"Look, I know they wouldn't be, but just- I don't know. I know it, but I also don't?" Harry flopped his head onto the desk. It was hard to put into words how he felt about Sirius or Remus finding everything out. They wouldn't be disappointed in him, but he was raised by disappointment.

"Do you talk about anything other than the fire?" Nico put a gentle hand over one of Harry's.

"It's pretty much all about my life with the Dursleys, you know, what exactly I went through, how I coped, how I am coping, what coping methods work better. Things like that." Harry had a lot more to talk about with his mind healer than he thought he would. Maybe it was whatever was being burnt, or maybe it was the mind healer themself, but they were easy for him to talk about.

"And about the things at Hogwarts?" Nico's voice was light as they asked.

"I wasn't alone then." Harry shook his head. "I don't need to talk about it."

"Harry, you've faced death multiple times. Honestly your friends should be in therapy too. You're recently 14, you're too young for all that." Nico was concerned about what, exactly, Harry thought counted as trauma, and why he considered the Dursleys as being alone when Dudley was there, but it was probably not a good idea to ask about that now.

"I'll bring it up in my next session." Harry sat up, looking away from Nico as though embarrassed.

"And have you been thinking about you?" Nico asked.

"What do you mean? All we've been talking about is me and my experiences and feelings in the sessions." Harry looked back at Nico, eyebrows furrowed.

"I meant your identity. I don't think you previously had the chance to explore yourself. You don't have to find out you're not cis het, and you don't have to talk about it to anyone if you're not ready." Nico leaned back, looking out of the window behind Harry, keeping tabs on Harry's reaction.

"You mean like the sexuality thing Yaomomo was talking about?" Harry had to admit her comments were swirling around his mind since then.

"Yes, but also gender. You might be cis, gender assigned at birth, or you might be trans, any other gender. There are cases where you're born and raised a boy and are actually a girl, there are cases like Killian and Lexsaidh who are like next door neighbours to 'boy' or 'girl', and there are cases closer to mine, where I lean between masc and femme, but I am neither male nor female." Nico didn't talk about Luke, they weren't sure how much Harry knew about him, and it was not their place to talk about, though Lexsaidh and Killian were more than willing to have people know about their gender situation. "You don't need the answers any time soon, but it's good to just think about it."


"You three," All Might called as the three Brits left the room where they studied with Nico, Killian, and Lexsaidh.

"Yeah?" Luke asked, the three turning to look at the hero, Harry flying due to the pain.

"Could you three be unconscious victims during our hero training this afternoon?" All Might asked. "We're planning to make it seem like an actual villain attack."

"What would this involve for us?" Dudley was standing a little in front of Harry, between Harry and All Might.

"We will kidnap you after the students change, Midnight's quirk will be used to make you sleep peacefully, and there are measures in place to make sure you don't get injured." All Might explained.

"Sure," Harry shrugged after the three looked at each other.

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