Chapter 20

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"Remind me again why we have to be in here if we aren't changing." Luke was looking at the ceiling, the ball he had been throwing at the wall rolling away, being bored with it now. 

"Because it keeps us all together and you're going to be safer if something goes wrong if you're with all of us." Deku repeated Aizawa's words when he told the Brits to go to the changing rooms as he zipped up his costume. "Besides, it's not that bad." 

The three didn't respond, waiting until the others were all changed before they were able to leave. 

Only the three of them knew what was about to happen, the rest of the class was going to be taken by surprise. The class was hardly weak though, and Harry was a little worried about whether the plan would even work. 

There wasn't really enough time to think about all the ways it could go wrong before all three found themselves unable to move. Though there was nothing visible around them, they felt bound more tightly than they could be by even Aizawa's capture scarf. Alarms were blaring and three hooded figures were already behind the three Brits. 

"Hey there~" Whoever it was who grabbed Harry whispered into his ear, Harry catching a glimpse of blue hair as he was whisked away. 

Everything was happening so quickly that Harry didn't even have time to question if this was a part of the plan. He could hear the yells of 1-A as a mask was put over his nose and mouth, the sweet smell of Midnight's quirk filling his senses. Harry's eyes were closing as he finally saw the other two, being held just under their arms by others with hooded outfits that seemed to blend into the building they were on top of. 


"Quite different from your usual job, eh, Gender?" A red head carrying Dudley punched the blue haired one carrying Harry. 

"Why are you using that code name? That was what, 15 years ago?" 'Gender''s tone was making it obvious they were rolling their eyes even though their face was well hidden. 

"Maybe, but your job is being a teacher, yet you're here kidnapping kids." The red head stuck his tongue out. 

"You two, stop it." The third, tallest, and one who was carrying Luke, said. Their voice was deep, and they carried themself in such a way that made them seem older than the other two. 

"Hark who's talking." 'Gender' mumbled, the group speeding their way to the USJ, moving faster than the bus chasing them. 


"How the hell did you all just stand there!?" Mina yelled at the boys, having rushed out with Momo when they heard the alarms, too late to do anything, seeing Harry, Luke, and Dudley being carried away, the guys almost all standing there uselessly as the other girls were struggling to speed up changing. 

"It was so fast, the alarms only went off when they were already behind the three." Denki tried to argue, Deku and Iida already trying to chase after the three kidnappers. 

"Whatever, we don't have time to argue." Momo pressed on her temple. "Someone blind Minetta, we need to get on the bus now." 

By the time Aizawa arrived with the bus, Minetta was fully bound in Sero's tape, Denki also being blinded, as the girls were still struggling to get their skin tight suits on waiting for the bus. Deku was still chasing after the three, though he was continually losing sight of them, Iida had returned to the rest of them. 

"Aizawa-sensei," Ochaco voiced what they had all been thinking as they drove as fast as they could, "When can we kick Minetta out of the class?" 

"Is now the time to be asking?" Aizawa looked at her for a moment before returning his gaze to the road. 

"Maybe not, but it does prove that he is causing the class more problems than he fixes." Ochaco looked back at the 5 people now trying to remove the tape so he could at least try to be useful. 


Harry's head was spinning as he came to. 

One thing that struck him as a little strange was that he was in rubble as he came to. He knew he was supposed to be an unconscious victim for the training, and he was pretty sure this rubble was not back at the normal building. 

It took him embarrassingly long to realise that it was cold, unnaturally cold. It was the kind of chill that froze you to the core. It was the kind of cold that Harry knew all too well from last year. 

Though it was painful, Harry shifted as quietly as possible to look out of a broken window behind him. 

It was chaos. 

There was a large number of villains, and swarms of dementors. Clearly class 1-A couldn't see them, two students were already unconscious, and it looked like Aizawa was about to get kissed. It was a massacre, how could class 1-A be expected to win when they can't even see what they're up against? 

Harry flinched as the rubble he was in got significantly colder. 

He wasn't going to be able to move, his legs were more painful than he thought they ever had been before, and he had dropped his walking stick in the kidnapping, apparently fake kidnapping, earlier. Thankfully though, he had his wand still. 

Harry breathed deeply, trying to still his fear. He thought about his time at home with Sirius and Lupin, about when they would go through the pictures of his parents together and tell him the stories, thinking about how great his room was, about how nice Nico was, about how he and Killian acted like siblings. 

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled, knowing that he was giving away his position, but he needed to get the dementor away from him first. 

A familiar silver stag emerged from his wand, chasing away the dementors that were starting to gather around him. He cast the spell again, another stag chasing off the dementor trying to steal Aizawa's soul. Only two patronuses were enough to completely wipe Harry out, but it clearly wasn't enough. Most of the class was still being surrounded, though a few had looked up at his stags, clearly now knowing where he was, but they were all busy fighting. 

Harry had no choice but to let the rubble take his full weight, hoping it didn't collapse further. True, it supported him while he was asleep, but there was no guarantee that with his movement he was still going to be safely supported. That thought was emphasised as a large part of the floor to his right fell away. 

"Harry!" Luke called from somewhere to Harry's left. 

"Here," Harry's voice didn't carry, but his patronus was still circling him, making him easier to find. 

"Shit," Dudley muttered as he realised Harry's walking stick was nowhere to be seen. "Are you alright?" 

"Not really, but I'm probably better than them." Harry turned, painfully, to look back out at the class. His second patronus was staying close to Aizawa, many dementors seeming to want to take his soul. 

"You can cast a patronus?" Luke seemed shocked. "And not just one, but two." 

"At least now this is as much as I can do though. Help me?" Harry looked up at Luke with clear green eyes, they weren't the colour of some precious stone or metal, they seemed far more tangible than that, more human. 

"I don't even know how to cast one that's like a shield, let alone a fully formed one like yours. I don't have good enough memories." Luke shook his head, glad to be in the warmth of Harry's spell rather than facing the cold emptiness of the dementors the rest of the class had to face. 

"It doesn't have to be a memory, god knows most of mine weren't." Harry tried to keep the bitterness out of his voice and cling to the joy that made the two stags protecting himself and now a small group of 1-A who had figured out his stag was protecting them, but it wasn't enough. "Anything is fine, really. Please." 

Luke took a deep breath, something about how approachable Harry's eyes were made him want to help however he could. He didn't even have a wand that followed his will properly, he was going to have to rely on the more wasteful raw magic akin to accidental magic. 

Threads of silver started to swirl around Luke, tangling around themselves and untangling, as he squeezed his eyes closed, imagining the freedom of life if he and Dudley stayed here. He wasn't sure about being Nico's child, but he wanted to stay here, not having to run away again. 

"Expecto Patronum!" Luke yelled, the silvery threads taking the form of a blue whale, though admittedly much smaller than the real animal it alone was enough to cover the students who had already lost consciousness from the dementors. 

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