Chapter 11: An Act

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The weight of betrayal settled heavily upon Sonakshi's heart as she stared at the evidence on her laptop screen. Her mind raced, trying to process the emotions swirling within her. She felt a mix of anger, hurt, and disbelief. How could Dev have deceived her like this? How could he have let their relationship crumble under the weight of his past?

Dev, sensing the gravity of the situation, stood frozen, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had to face the consequences of his actions, but he couldn't bear to see the pain etched on Sonakshi's face. The guilt consumed him, threatening to suffocate any words he might utter.

Tears welled up in Sonakshi's eyes as she turned to face Dev, her voice barely a whisper. "Is this true, Dev? Are these pictures real?"

Dev's heart sank as he met her gaze, unable to conjure any lies or excuses. The truth spilt forth, his voice heavy with remorse. "I can't deny it that Arpita and I... We were in Cape Town together. I'm so sorry. But I swear... nothing happened. We... we didn't do anything. Your brother was in Cape Town too. He was with us at this time."

Sonakshi's tears fell freely now, a mixture of pain and betrayal. She felt a deep ache in her chest, as though the foundation of their relationship had crumbled beneath her. "How could you, Dev? How could you betray my trust? I believed you when you said it was all in the past."

Dev approached Sonakshi cautiously, his eyes filled with regret. "I never intended for this to happen, Sonakshi. Arpita and I had a complicated history. But in this article, what they say is not true. Nothing happened, Sonakshi. I am truly sorry for the pain you are feeling."

Sonakshi recoiled, her pain morphing into anger. "Sorry? Is that all you can say? Do you even realize the damage you've caused? The trust we shared is shattered now, Dev. I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this. I don't know what to believe."

Dev reached out, desperately grasping for Sonakshi's hand, but she pulled away, her eyes filled with a mix of hurt and determination. "I need time, Dev. Time to figure out what we are. But right now, I can't bear to be around you. I need space."

Dev nodded, his voice laden with remorse. "I understand, Sonakshi. I'll give you all the time and space you need. But please know that I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."

With a heavy heart, Sonakshi turned away, retreating to the privacy of her thoughts. She was torn between the love she had developed for Dev and the deep wounds he had inflicted. The road to healing would be arduous, and the outcome uncertain.

As the door closed behind Sonakshi, the weight of his mistake pressed upon Dev. He vowed to do everything in his power to make amends, to prove to Sonakshi that he was worthy of her love once again. But he knew that repairing their fractured bond would require more than mere words. It would require immense patience, understanding, and a genuine effort to change.

Dev took a deep breath, the weight of his actions settling heavily upon his shoulders. He knew he had a long journey ahead, one that would test the strength of their love and his commitment to Sonakshi. With a heavy heart, he went to the living room, where he knew he would face hell.

"How dare you spoil the Saxena name!" Rajesh yelled at his daughter-in-law.

"Dad! Listen. Nothing happened. I was there. It was just a party and I was there with her. I should have been there in the picture too. I don't know how they cropped me out of it," Kunal said to his father.

All the time, Arpita stood mum. She did not have any heart to speak. The way the photos portrayed her made her feel disgusted at her own self.

"When Sonakshi and the Dixits see this, do you think they are going to believe you?" Rajesh asked his son.

"Devrath would explain it to them," Kunal answered.

"What about the reputation, then?" Rajesh asked, "The Dixits would be angry about the spoilt reputation. This news will affect the stock prices. The media is dragging both the families into the dirt."

"Stop! Please," Kunal said and walked to his wife, "Can't you see how much pain Arpita is in?"

"What about Sonakshi? Your sister?" Rajesh asked, "She would have seen pictures of her husband and your wife. Your wife matters more than your sister?"

The room fell silent, the weight of Rajesh's words hanging heavily in the air. Arpita's heart clenched with guilt and shame, her head bowed low as tears streamed down her face. Kunal felt torn between his loyalty to his wife and the devastating impact this situation had on his sister and their families.

"Nobody's pain is being overlooked, Dad," Kunal said, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and desperation. "I understand the consequences of these pictures, and I know how deeply it affects Sonakshi and our families. But please, let's not forget that Arpita is also suffering. She never wanted any of this to happen."

Rajesh's anger softened momentarily as he glanced at his daughter-in-law. The sight of her anguish touched a chord within him, reminding him of the complexity of human emotions. He took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words amidst the turmoil.

"Arpita," Rajesh began gently, his tone carrying a mix of disappointment and concern. "I know this situation is difficult for you too, but we cannot ignore the consequences of our actions. Your choices have consequences, and they can tarnish not only your own name but also that of our family."

Arpita looked up, her eyes swollen from the weight of her tears. "I never wanted any of this, Papa. I never intended for our families to suffer like this. I really can't change my past."

Kunal stepped closer to Arpita, intertwining his fingers with hers, offering her a sense of solace amidst the storm. "We are both ready to face the consequences, Dad. We understand the gravity of the situation, and we are willing to make amends. But please, let's find a way to address this without further damaging our relationships and reputations. We need to find the people who have edited the photos and spread the fake news."

Rajesh looked at his son and daughter-in-law, his expression a mixture of concern and disappointment. He realized that his anger alone wouldn't resolve the situation and that finding a way forward required careful consideration.

"I need time to think," Rajesh finally admitted, his voice filled with a tinge of exhaustion. "This is a delicate matter, and the consequences ripple far beyond our immediate circle. I will speak to Sonakshi's family, and we will find a way to handle this situation with utmost care and respect."

Kunal nodded, understanding the weight of his father's decision. He knew that healing the wounds caused by this scandal would take time, patience, and a genuine effort from everyone involved.

As the room fell into an uneasy silence, Arpita's mind raced with remorse and regret. She wished she could turn back time, undo the mistakes she had made. But now, all she could do was face the consequences head-on and work towards rebuilding the trust and respect she had lost.

"We go on with the same plan. Tell the PR team to put out the news," Ishwari spoke on the phone.

Dev walked down the stairs. He was met with angry gazes from his parents.

"Do you even know how much big of a blow this news is to our reputation?" Ishwari asked her son.

"I know, Mom," Dev said.

"What exactly happened, Dev? I thought you and Sonakshi were finally accepting each other. Suddenly this news comes up," she sighed, "What did you do?"

"I swear, Mom. Nothing happened. I was chatting with Kunal and Arpita during the evening party. That's it," Dev said, putting his head in his hands.

"Me and Dad are going on with the backup plan we had made. We don't have any other option," Ishwari said, sitting down.

"Divorce," Dev sat up straight.

Ishwari just nodded, "We'll be putting up the story in an hour."

"How can you do this, Mom?" Dev asked.

"It was always a business deal, Dev," Ishwari said, "even you said so when marrying Sonakshi."

Dev's eyes widened, his heart sinking at his mother's words. The memory of his own words echoed in his mind, revealing the painful truth he had tried to bury deep within himself. He had indeed entered into his marriage with Sonakshi as a business deal, a calculated move to merge their families' resources and secure their social standing. But over time, he had hoped that genuine love and understanding would blossom between them.

Dev's voice trembled as he spoke, his words filled with remorse. "I said that Mom, but...I want to find happiness with Sonakshi, to build a real connection based on love and mutual respect. I wanted to believe that we could break free from the constraints of our initial arrangement."

Ishwari looked at her son, her expression a mixture of sympathy and resignation, "Dev, I don't think we can change the backup plan."

"Can we just try an alternate?" Dev asked his mother.

"Put up a happy act with her then," Dev's father said, walking into the room.

"An act?" Neha asked, confused.

"You and Sonakshi need to act like a perfectly happy couple," Vishal said.

Dev's eyes widened further at his father's suggestion. He hadn't expected this response, and it left him feeling conflicted. Could Sonakshi really pretend to be happy in his marriage? Would that be fair to Sonakshi, or would it just prolong the charade they were already living?

Dev turned his gaze to his mother, searching for guidance in her eyes. Ishwari's expression remained solemn, her love for her son evident. "Dev, your father may have a point," she began cautiously. "Sometimes, in order to bring about change, we need to start by altering our own behaviours and perceptions. It's not about deceiving anyone, but rather about creating an environment that allows for the possibility of transformation."

Neha looked at her parents, her brow furrowed. "But isn't that dishonest? Shouldn't they just be honest with each other and work through their issues?"

Vishal sighed, walking over to Neha and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Neha, sometimes relationships are more complicated than they seem. Dev and Sonakshi have already tried honesty, but it hasn't brought them closer together. Maybe, just maybe, by acting like a happy couple, they can start to understand each other better, and true feelings might emerge. At least for us, the media would be at bay."

Dev considered his father's words, weighing the pros and cons. The idea of pretending to be happy with Sonakshi didn't sit well with him, but he couldn't deny that their current approach had not yielded the desired results. Maybe it was worth a shot.

All that was left was convincing Sonakshi.

Dev took a deep breath, his heart pounding as he mustered the courage to approach Sonakshi. He found her in their shared study, gazing out of the window. As he observed her for a moment, a mixture of emotions washed over him-regret, and a glimmer of hope.

"Sonakshi," Dev began softly, breaking the silence that enveloped the room. She looked up, meeting his gaze with a mix of curiosity, anger and wariness. "Can we talk?"

Sonakshi nodded, turning her head back to look at the moon outside the window "Of course, Devrath. What's on your mind?"

He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. This conversation would require delicacy, as he sought to convey his intentions and the reasons behind their potential plan.

"After the media blew the article up, our parents want us to save the reputation of the company," Dev said.

"Go on," Sonakshi said, "I am assuming your parents put forth divorce and an option?"

He nodded,  "That's why I want to propose something, Sonakshi. It may sound unconventional, but please hear me out. What if we tried to act like a perfectly happy couple?"

Sonakshi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Act?"

Dev nodded, trying to convey his sincerity through his eyes and the earnest tone of his voice. "Yes, an act. But not a dishonest or deceptive one. We would be consciously creating an environment that allows for the possibility of transformation. By projecting happiness, we might be able to better understand each other, build empathy, and eventually discover genuine feelings."

Sonakshi's expression shifted from confusion to contemplation. She took a moment to process his words, searching his face for any signs of insincerity. Dev could sense the hesitance in her, the wariness born out of their shared history.

"But Dev, wouldn't that be living a lie?" Sonakshi questioned, her voice filled with vulnerability, "We only have a business deal among us."

Dev reached out, gently taking her hands in his, intertwining their fingers. He looked deep into her eyes, his voice filled with conviction. "Sonakshi, I don't see it as living a lie. I see it as an opportunity for growth, for us to break free from the constraints that have held us back. This would be a chance for us to genuinely understand each other, to rebuild the foundation of our relationship based on love and mutual respect."

Sonakshi's eyes shimmered with a mix of uncertainty and a glimmer of hope. "Can we really change our story, Dev? Is there a chance for us to find happiness?"

Dev squeezed her hands gently, a reassuring smile forming on his lips. "I believe so, Sonakshi. We have to be willing to try, step out of our comfort zones and explore a different path. It won't be easy, but I think it's worth a shot. Together, we can create a new narrative—one where love and happiness can flourish."

A myriad of emotions flickered across Sonakshi's face, a battle between doubt and a sliver of optimism. Dev knew this was a pivotal moment, where their future hung in the balance. He held his breath, hoping that Sonakshi would see the sincerity in his eyes and the genuine desire for change that resided within his heart.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sonakshi exhaled softly and nodded. "Okay, Dev. Let's do this."

She was going to put up the best act.


Word Count: 2470 Words

Here is the update!

How is it? Do you want Sonakshi and Dev to divorce?
Don't you think Sonakshi and Dev need some space from each other?

Please tell me your thoughts

Next Update: 17 July


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