Chapter 12: Heartbeat

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Sonakshi walked into the banquet hall with her right arm around her husband's left arm. She smiled as the paparazzi started clicking innumerable pictures of the couple as they entered their first-anniversary celebration. Sonakshi felt the feeling of her marriage being reminisced. She forced a fake smile.

Despite the cheerful atmosphere surrounding Sonakshi's first-anniversary celebration, deep within her heart, she couldn't shake off the overwhelming sadness that had settled in over time. 

As Sonakshi and her husband made their way to the front, the cacophony of cameras continued, capturing what appeared to be a picture-perfect moment. But beneath the glitz and glamour, Sonakshi's soul was burdened by the weight of unfulfilled dreams and a marriage devoid of love. Sitting at the tables closer to the dais, her family mirrored her artificial smiles, concealing their own concerns and disappointment. 

As the evening unfolded, Sonakshi found herself lost in a sea of congratulatory wishes and well-meaning conversations, all tinged with an emptiness she could no longer ignore. The anniversary celebration served as a stark reminder of the void that had grown between her and her husband, the once-promising connection now reduced to a mere formality.

In the midst of the festivity, Sonakshi's gaze wandered to a nearby window, where a gentle rain began to fall. The droplets cascaded down the glass, mirroring the tears she could no longer hold back. She yearned for a life that was true to her heart, one that echoed with love, understanding, and genuine companionship. But her current reality trapped her in a cage of obligations and societal expectations, suffocating her dreams and leaving her feeling utterly alone.

"Would you like some wine?" a voice broke her thoughts as she was looking out of the window.

She turned to her side to see Anurag Basu, her husband's competitor while fighting for the title of the most grossing businessman of the year.

"I appreciate the offer, Mr Basu, but I think it's best if I decline," Sonakshi replied, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. She turned away from the window, her eyes scanning the room in search of her husband, hoping to find solace or perhaps a glimmer of understanding in his gaze.

However, her husband remained conspicuously absent, lost in the sea of well-wishers and admirers who surrounded him. The emptiness in Sonakshi's heart deepened as she realized that even on this special day, she was unable to capture his undivided attention or a genuine moment of connection.

Anurag observed the sadness in Sonakshi's eyes and, driven by a mixture of sympathy and curiosity, pressed further. "Are you alright, Sonakshi? You seem distant. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

His words struck a chord within her, reminding Sonakshi of the emotional isolation she had endured for far too long. The genuine concern in Anurag's voice created a flicker of hope within her, offering the possibility of finding solace and understanding in an unexpected source.

Sonakshi hesitated for a moment, grappling with the conflicting emotions swirling inside her. She knew that opening up to Anurag would be stepping into unfamiliar territory, potentially blurring the lines of propriety and risking the stability of her already fragile marriage. But the weight of her unfulfilled desires and the longing for genuine companionship pushed her to consider the opportunity before her.

"I appreciate your kindness, Mr Basu," Sonakshi replied, her voice trembling ever so slightly. "I must admit, I find myself feeling incredibly alone in the midst of this celebration. It's as if I'm trapped in a life that doesn't align with my heart's deepest desires."

Anurag nodded understandingly, his eyes filled with a mix of empathy and compassion. "I can't pretend to fully comprehend your situation, Sonakshi, but I understand the struggle of yearning for a life that feels authentic. Sometimes, the hardest battles we face are the ones within ourselves."

"I know Mr Basu," Sonakshi said, her eyes finally finding those of her husband who was making his way towards her.

"How did you find the celebrations?" Dev asked as he took off his suit.

"Up to the Dixit standards," Sonakshi said, looking at her cardiology book.

"I saw you speaking to Anurag Basu," Dev said.

"Jealous much?" Sonakshi asked, now turning to face him with a smile.

"No," Dev replied, "You're already my heartbeat."

Sonakshi's mind stopped when she heard the word heartbeat. She looked at him with her doe-shaped eyes looking directly into his chocolate ones, "Is that the nickname you were talking about? Heartbeat?"

Dev's eyes softened as he looked into Sonakshi's, captivated by the depth of emotion reflected in them. He took a step closer, his heart filled with love and tenderness for the woman who had become his world.

"Yes, Sonakshi," Dev whispered, his voice filled with warmth. "You are the rhythm that keeps my heart beating, the melody that soothes my soul. Calling you my heartbeat is a testament to the connection we share."

A mixture of surprise and joy washed over Sonakshi's face, her lips curving into a radiant smile. She had often wondered about the nickname Dev had mentioned, and now that she heard it, her heart swelled with a profound sense of belonging and adoration.

"Isn't it too much for a wife you married to take over her father's business?" Sonakshi asked.

"I really want to give it a try with you, Sonakshi," Dev sighed, "We were doing fine before the Arpita incident."

"Fine," Sonakshi closed her book, "Let's give it one last try starting right now."

Dev's eyes looked into his wife's. She was serious about this. Dev was so happy to be given a second chance.

"Thank you," he said, whispering into her ears, engulfing her in a hug.

Sonakshi walked into the hospital after her week-long leave, during which she had taken time to address her unstable mental condition. Her friends and colleagues greeted her warmly, presenting her with flowers as a gesture of support.

"Thank you all," Sonakshi said, a genuine smile spreading across her face. She felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination as she embarked on her first day back at work.

As she made her way to her assigned area, Sonakshi couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. She was ready to dive back into her role as a doctor, helping people and making a difference in their lives. Her stethoscope lay on the desk, a familiar sight that filled her with comfort and confidence.

Taking a deep breath, Sonakshi collected her stethoscope and made her way to the Outpatient Department (OPD), where she would be attending to her patients for the day.

Entering the examination room, Sonakshi found Mr Sharma, a middle-aged man, sitting on the edge of the examination bed, his face etched with worry.

"Good morning, Mr Sharma," Sonakshi greeted him warmly. "How can I help you today?"

Mr Sharma's eyes met Sonakshi's, seeking reassurance. "Doctor, I've been experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath lately. I'm really concerned about my health."

Sonakshi listened attentively, empathizing with his worries. She knew the importance of establishing trust and providing a comforting environment for her patients.

"I understand your concerns, Mr. Sharma," Sonakshi replied with compassion. "Let me examine you and ask a few questions to better understand your symptoms."

She approached Mr. Sharma, her stethoscope in hand, and began the examination. Sonakshi carefully listened to his heart and lungs, paying close attention to any irregularities. She asked about his medical history, lifestyle, and any recent stressors that might contribute to his symptoms.

Based on her findings, Sonakshi formulated a plan to further investigate Mr Sharma's condition.

"Mr Sharma, based on my examination and your symptoms, I would like to run some tests to determine the cause of your chest pain," Sonakshi explained, her voice calm and reassuring.

Mr Sharma nodded, relieved to have a proactive approach towards understanding his condition. "Thank you, Doctor Sonakshi. I trust your judgment."

Sonakshi smiled, grateful for Mr Sharma's trust. "You're welcome, Mr. Sharma. We'll do everything we can to find answers and ensure your well-being."

With a sense of purpose and determination, Sonakshi proceeded to guide Mr Sharma through the necessary tests, assuring him that she would be there every step of the way.

As she continued her rounds in the OPD, interacting with patients and providing care, Sonakshi felt a renewed sense of fulfilment. The challenges she had faced in the past were not forgotten, but she had come out stronger, more empathetic, and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of her patients.

It had been a long day at the hospital for Sonakshi, filled with moments of healing and hope. As the evening approached, she found herself growing increasingly excited about the plans she and Dev had made. 

As Sonakshi made her way towards the hospital exit, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation. Just then, she spotted Dev waiting by the entrance, a bouquet of her favourite flowers in his hands. A smile lit up her face as she hurried towards him.

"Dev, you're here!" Sonakshi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Dev grinned, his gaze filled with adoration. "I couldn't wait to see you. These are for you," he said, extending the bouquet towards her.

Sonakshi accepted the flowers, inhaling their sweet fragrance. "Thank you, Dev. They're beautiful, just like you."

With their hands entwined, they walked towards Dev's car, ready for a memorable evening. The city lights twinkled in the distance as they drove to a secluded spot in Sonakshi's favourite park, where a picnic blanket had been laid out, adorned with fairy lights and a basket filled with delicious treats.

As they settled down on the blanket, Sonakshi nestled against Dev's side, feeling the warmth of his presence. Lost in the embrace of the gentle breeze, they gazed up at the night sky, studded with stars. Sonakshi sighed contentedly, resting her head on Dev's shoulder.

"I'm so grateful for this moment, Dev," she whispered softly. "For the bond, we've rebuilt and the strength we've found in each other."

Dev turned towards her, his eyes filled with tenderness. "I'm grateful too, Sonakshi. Grateful for your understanding and forgiveness."

They held each other's gaze, their hearts entwined in a dance of love and healing. The evening seemed to stretch on forever, a sanctuary away from the world, where time stood still.

As the night deepened, Dev reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Sonakshi's eyes widened in surprise as he opened it, revealing a delicate silver necklace, adorned with a heart-shaped pendant.

"I want to give you something, something that symbolizes you. My heartbeat," Dev said, his voice filled with emotion.

Tears welled up in Sonakshi's eyes as she accepted the necklace. "It's perfect, Dev. Thank you."

Gently clasping the necklace around her neck, Dev leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. At that moment, they knew that their partnership had weathered the storms and emerged stronger than ever.

As they lay beneath the starlit sky, wrapped in each other's arms, Sonakshi and Dev felt a profound sense of gratitude for the love they had rekindled. They knew that their journey together was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever lay ahead, hand in hand.

In that tranquil setting, amidst whispered promises and shared dreams, Sonakshi and Dev embraced the beauty of the present.



Do you like the nickname? It just felt too connected to Sonakshi's character.

NEXT UPDATE: 20 July 2023

Please tell me your views on this.

WORD COUNT: 1950 Words


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