Chapter 7: The Aftermath

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"For me?" Sonakshi asked.

"Are you deaf? I already said something. I did it for you, Mrs. Dixit," Dev said, his eyes not moving away from her face. He could see the shock clearly in her eyes. He did not know why he felt her pain as his own.

"Thanks," Sonakshi said softly.

"What Vicky did was inexcusable. I know that we do not love each other. We do not even know each other well, but that does not mean that you can't reach out to me when you are in trouble. Let's start somewhere, shall we?" Dev proposed. 

"What do you mean somewhere?" Sonakshi asked.

"Let's be friends. I don't think living as strangers would be profitable for either of us," Dev said.

"Seriously? Profit? You are a true businessman. How am I sure friendship would be healthy with you?" Sonakshi countered.

"Healthy? No wonder you are a doctor. I know I don't have too many friends, but I think maybe you might make a good friend," Dev said.

"Fine. So, where do I start? Hey, I am Sonakshi. Want to be my friend?" Sonakshi asked.

Dev chuckled slightly. It was the first time that Sonakshi saw him smile slightly. She knew his smiles in public were fake smiles as she could see the amount of energy he used to use to smile. After all, here smiles were never genuine too.

"Sure, Mrs. Dixit," Dev said taking her hand.

"Stop calling me Mrs. Dixit," Sonakshi said, scrunching her face in annoyance.

"You are my wife," Dev reasoned.

"I do have quite a beautiful name given by my parents. It was my mother's choice. Sonakshi," Sonakshi stressed.

"OK. Only for you. Hi Sonakshi, I am Devrath," Dev said.

"Can I ask you what your name means?" Sonakshi asked. She had always wanted to know the meaning of his unique name.

"My name Devrath means Sacred or Holy," Dev answered.

"Wow! It is something really sweet," Sonakshi said.

"What does your name mean?" Dev asked.

"Sonakshi means golden-eyed. My mother named me Sonakshi as it is one of the names of Goddess Parvathi," Sonakshi explained.

"You loved your mom the most, didn't you?" Dev asked.

"Who doesn't?" Sonakshi replied grimly.

"Who is your most favorite member in your house?" Dev questioned.

"Are we playing 21 questions?" Sonakshi cut him off, not wanting to answer his question.

"We can get to know each other that way," Dev said.

"10 questions each," Sonakshi proposed.

"Consider deal sealed," Dev said, smiling slightly.

"What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?" Sonakshi asked him.

"OK. The weirdest dream that I remember was me sitting in a lifeboat wearing a yellow shirt and fishing in the middle of the ocean," Dev frowned slightly as he remembered that dream.

Sonakshi burst out laughing loudly at that, "The businessman Devrath Dixit fishing? What an epic sight that would be."

"Hey! In your dreams," Dev said, irritated at the fact that he was being laughed at. He did not retort as he got lost in the innocent laughter of the woman in front of him.

"Not in my dreams. It was your dream," Sonakshi chuckled.

"My turn. If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose and why?" Dev asked.

"I would choose 2010. That is because that was the time my mother was alive, and our family was what people could call family," Sonakshi said softly. Her voice showed the pain she still felt. The pain of losing the person who felt like the world to her.

"I am sorry," Dev apologized. He couldn't say he understood her pain, but he did feel guilty of making her recall her mother.

"It's alright. My turn. What's one of the most fun childhood memories you have?" Sonakshi asked him.

"I and Neha put dad's camera in the water," Dev replied.

"You got into trouble?" Sonakshi asked.

"We did not get revealed as the pranksters. If you could have dinner with a famous person (living or dead), who would you choose?" Dev asked her.

"I would love to have dinner with Robert Pattinson," Sonakshi replied.

"Robert Patti-who?" Dev asked, confused about whom she was referring to.

"You don't know Robert Pattinson? He is like the most handsome hunk on this world at the present," Sonakshi said.

Dev glared at her, "I am your husband."

"I know. What's your favorite season of the year?" She asked him.

"Summer. I love mangoes. Plus, rains are not my forte," he answered.

"I will make rains your forte soon," Sonakshi said.

"Next question. What's the best advice you've ever received?" Dev asked.

"When you forgive someone, never forget what they had done to you," Sonakshi answered.

"Isn't that like the opposite of the saying that says forgive and forget?" Dev pondered.

"It is. My aunt advised me. There are many mistakes people make. Forgive them to lessen their guilt, but never forget the destruction they caused to you," Sonakshi replied.

"That seems deep," Dev said.

"My turn. What's your dream road trip destination?" Sonakshi asked.

"Lonavala," Dev replied, "What's your favorite food of all time?"

"Hm... It is difficult. I think I like chaat the most," Sonakshi replied.

"Pani puri is just love," Dev said.

"What's your biggest regret?" Sonakshi asked.

"Not being able to spend time with my sister," Dev replied, "What's your favorite thing about yourself?"

"I think the fact that I love to help others," Sonakshi said, "If you had to guess what people appreciate you the most, what would you say?"

"Ah, my looks. I am sure. I am just so handsome. More than your patisserie," Dev replied.

"It is Pattinson," Sonakshi said with a glare on her face.

"I don't care," Dev said, "Let me continue. What's your dream job?"

"Becoming a surgeon. Pretty obvious I think," Sonakshi answered, "Who's your favorite character from literature?"

"I like Watson. I mean Dr. John Watson. Sherlock Holmes's sidekick," Dev answered.

"Do you watch Sherlock on Netflix?" Sonakshi asked him.

"Um nope. What's an activity that you do not find fun at all?" Dev asked.

"Looking at business graphs and all those Greek and Latin written there. Business is not my thing," Sonakshi answered.

"Then, how did you know all that at the party?" Dev asked her.

"Oh, that was a result of me taking finance as a side elective," Sonakshi answered.

"That is interesting. Then the lawsuits?" Dev asked, raising his eyebrows. Sonakshi then understood she couldn't fool him. Lawsuits were nowhere included in finance.

"Fine. My aunt Diya is a lawyer. She was talking about the same situation once and hence, I just used that knowledge," Sonakshi revealed, "What's your favorite color to wear?"

"I like blue color, but I prefer to wear black mostly. Your favorite color might be white," Dev added.

"Why do people think doctors love to wear white?" Sonakshi grumbled.

"Because doctors wear white coats," Dev said, "What's your favorite type of dessert?"

"I love Rasgulla. That Bengali sweet dish is my favorite. Plus, my favorite color is not white. It is Orange," Sonakshi said.

"Won't you look like an orange in orange?" Dev chuckled.

"Very funny," Sonakshi rolled her eyes at his statement, "What's the worst lie you ever told as a kid?"

"Um, I once lied to my Neha saying that eating many chocolates would make her look like Coco the monkey," Dev answered.

"Which Coco? That Kellogg's Chocos Coco Monkey?" Sonakshi asked him.

Dev nodded, "What's your favorite sport to play and why?"

"I love swimming. When I swim, I am somehow able to connect to the water. The water soothes me. I love the water," Sonakshi answered.

"I don't like swimming much," Dev revealed.

"Each person has their preferences," Sonakshi said.

"Let's sleep," Dev said.

"Good night," Sonakshi said and lay down on her side of the bed.

The next morning was not quite a good morning. Sonakshi limped her way downstairs. She could hear someone yelling in the living room. As she entered the area, she saw Ishwari's brother, Baldev Tripathi.

"My son is being treated in the hospital. Is this the way my son is treated in your house Ishwari?" Baldev yelled at his sister. 

Dev walked into the room. He looked unfazed. He was going to leave for the office despite the drama going on in the house. At that minute, his parents stopped him from leaving.

"Dev," Vishal stopped him, "Is it true? You bet up Vicky yesterday?" 

Dev just nodded. He did not want to lose his calm. What Vicky had done was disgusting and repulsing. No man had the right to trouble a woman. Vicky had the guts to lay his hands on Sonakshi. His wife. If Sonakshi wouldn't have interrupted him, Dev was sure that he would have ended paralyzing Vicky.

"Why?" Ishwari questioned.

"I will tell you," Baldev interrupted. He started a story. Vicky's version of the night. It was way different from what the actual truth was. It showed everything like a misunderstanding. Sonakshi was being accused of coming close to Vikram. Sonakshi's hands fisted. This was the limit.

"This is not the truth, Mom," Sonakshi said, limping into the center of the room.

"Tell us the truth," Vishal asked her. He had a blank face. 

"You don't need to. You don't have to feel the torment by recounting those events," Dev butted in. He did not want Sonakshi to feel upset in the morning.

"Someone tell us," Ishwari said.

Sonakshi started recounting all the events since the night. She was in tears by the time she finished. Dev could see the fear in her eyes. Ishwari went and took Sonakshi into her embrace.

"Calm down. I am here with you," Ishwari whispered into Sonakshi's ear.

"This is perfect! This Saxena is spewing lies about my son," Baldev accused.

"Lies! You think I will lie about something like this?" Sonakshi yelled.

"I wouldn't it past a Saxena to do this. After all, you are Rajesh Saxena's daughter. Is this what you told Dev? That is why he beat my son?" Baldev said, "Ishwari, I am your brother. I am family. This Saxena," he pointed to Sonakshi, "has already started to divide us. Do you really believe her over me?"

"Yes," Dev voiced out clearly, "Yes. We believe her. Your son is a disgusting man. He is lucky that I did not kill him. Also, what is this thing about Saxena? Sonakshi is my wife. If anyone even eyes her with malicious intent, I will not spare them."

Sonakshi could feel a smile spread over her face. She felt so protected here. There was a man who was fighting against his own maternal uncle for her. Dev's aggressiveness scared her, but his words spread warmth through her body.

Baldev, however, did not stop, "My son could not do that. Not with a Saxena. You might have married one, but we still have dignity left."

Sonakshi's hands clenched into fists. She had enough of this drama. That person was constantly referring to her as a Saxena like it was something inferior. She was going to fight now. No one had the right to insult her.

"Your son has standard? Is that why he is having an affair with the house help?" Sonakshi jeered. All eyes in the room turned to her. There was something different in her tone. She was in attack mode.

"What?" Baldev was shocked. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but no words left his mouth.

"You didn't know? Her name is Akansha. She works here. That is the high benchmark your son has set, right? Want me to introduce you to her?" Sonakshi played the masterstroke.

There it was. The silence.  She felt so victorious. She had shut up Baldev Tripathi. She was not going to stop. She continued, "Billionaire's son romantically involved with a maid. Sounds good. It would be trending news in a few minutes. That's called hot news. Your son has chosen his life partner. You should meet her. Would you like me to call her in front of you?"

Baldev left without a word. Sonakshi felt triumphant. Suddenly, she felt guilt pool up in her stomach. She had called Meeta's friend a maid. Sonakshi closed her eyes regretting her words. In trying to save her self-respect, she had spoken of a girl in an offensive manner.

"I am leaving for the office," Vishal said to his wife. Ishwari just nodded. Dev left for the office with his father.

"I am impressed Sonakshi," Ishwari said after her son and husband had left for the office, "You did not let him degrade you. I thought you would be one of those weak girls who would end up crying, but you proved me wrong. The way you tackled my brother was applaudable."

"It was not one of my best moments," Sonakshi replied blankly.

"Vikram will never be allowed to enter this house again. I don't think my brother will be back either. I am afraid I will have to fire Akansha," Ishwari said.

This line caught her attention. Sonakshi cut in quickly, "Mom, this is not Akansha's fault. Please don't fire her."

"Rules are rules. I can't make exceptions. Staff is not supposed to be romantically involved with the family. I am afraid I can't bend the rules. She might be a really good person, but she has broken the rules," Ishwari reasoned.

"Mom, please. For my sake," Sonakshi pleaded.

"Not everything is in our hands dear. It is men and it has always been men playing around with women. It might look as though I am a powerful woman. The lady of the Dixit house. The truth however is, I have to listen and abide by the decisions of Vishal. All that glitters is not gold," Ishwari said.

Sonakshi remembered the saying that she had heard when she was young. Something that brought out a similarity between her mother and her mother-in-law.



"Maa. Tell Papa that I want to go over to Rinky's house for the sleepover. Please," I pleaded.

"Sona. You know your dad. He won't allow you," My mom Asha said, stroking my hair.

"Please. You are his wife. He will listen to you," I reasoned dramatically.

"I know he is my husband, you naughty child," Mom said pulling my ear. She would understand whenever I would go into the drama queen act. She would always pull me down on the earth.

"Ah Maa, It hurts," I whimpered.

"Oh. Sorry, Sona!" My mother immediately left my ear and soothed it. She was always the one who soothed my pain even if she was the one who punished me.

"I am fine," I said and walked away. I was disappointed. All my friends were having a sleepover. Papa never allowed me. He would always say that I am a Saxena and I should mingle with the lot of my high business class.

"Sona, you can go to Rinky's house. I will convince your father. He will never deny me. It might take some time. Go pack your stuff. I will tell Rinky's mother that you are going for the sleepover," Maa said.

"Thank you so much Maa," I hugged her.

"Remember one thing Sona, this patriarchal society in India, despite modernization, still dominates women. Make a career for yourself. Never let yourself be dependent on another man," Maa said.

"Maa, but you have such a nice husband like Papa who fulfills all your demands," I reasoned.

"All that glitters is not gold," Maa said.



Those many years ago, Sonakshi had not understood what her mother wanted to say. Now, she understood everything. After all, her marriage was a decision taken by the men of her family. Looking at Ishwari, she could not help but remember her mother, who too was a powerful wife in front of the world, but was always the one compromising in her life.

"Sonakshi?" Ishwari called out.

"Yes, Mom. It's alright," Sonakshi sighed.

"Go and rest in your room," Ishwari said.

Sonakshi nodded and was limping towards the room. At that moment, Meeta came to help her.

"I am sorry," Sonakshi whispered.

"You do not need to apologize Sona di," Meeta said.

"I called your friend a maid," Sonakshi explained.

"I know what you said. I know what happened in the living area. I am not angered at you. You handled that situation way better than I would have done," Meeta soothed her.

"Akansha will be fired," Sonakshi breathed out.

"She knew what she was getting into when she consented to date him. So, if she is getting fired due to that reason, it is her fault," Meeta said.

"Why are you not angry at me? I insulted your friend by calling her a maid and you are not even slightly angry at me?" Sonakshi said.

"I am not angry at you because I know that what you have done is perfectly right. Akansha has not felt insulted. At least now she has understood that Vikram sir was never the right choice for her," Meeta said.

Sonakshi entered her room. Meeta left after consoling her for a few more minutes. The rest of the day went by really fast.

"Hey," Sonakshi said when Dev entered their room. The previous day's interaction had made both Dev and Sonakshi comfortable with each other.

"Are you fine?" Dev asked her.

"Yes. I am slightly guilty too," Sonakshi revealed.

Dev was shocked at the revelation. He was shocked that she trusted him so soon that she revealed what exactly was troubling her.

"Guilty for what? You did not do anything wrong. Each word you said was the truth," Dev remarked.

"I called Akansha a maid," Sonakshi replied.

"You were angry. It happens. Don't give yourself too much grief about it," Dev advised.

"I like this," Sonakshi said.

"Like what?" Dev asked, confused.

"This friendship thing," Sonakshi replied.

"I am a good friend I think," Dev remarked.

"Thank you for standing up for me," Sonakshi said.

"It was my duty. You were the one being wronged. I couldn't stand anyone falsely accusing you. I promised to protect you. I was just keeping my promise," Dev said.

"How was the office?" Sonakshi started a new topic.

"Didn't you say you hated stuff related to business?" Dev questioned her.

"I did. This is a part of friendship. Knowing how the other's day went," Sonakshi replied.

"OK. So, the office was busy as usual. Lots of work due to the merger. Your dad is quite talented. Dad and he have come up with a master plan to finish the competition from the Mehtas. Your brother is smart too. He seems too busy with his girlfriend," Dev replied. 

"They are planning to get married next month," Sonakshi said.

"So fast? Even though the company is downhill?" Dev asked.

"Well, Arpita wanted to marry fast. Even my marriage is done. She wants to settle down," Sonakshi explained.

"She always chose Kunal over everyone, didn't she?" Dev whispered. 

Sonakshi's face scrunched in confusion. She did not know how Dev knew Arpita. This statement made her feel as though he had some connection with Arpita.

"You know her," she asked him.

"I thought I knew her," Dev let out a dry chuckle.

"Dev, is it a secret?" Sonakshi asked. She did not want to irritate him. She did not want to open his wounds that she was not aware of.

"I will tell you one day," Dev replied.

Sonakshi kept mum. She did not want to intrude into his personal space. She looked at the cardiology book she was reading.

"What are you reading?" Dev questioned.

"Cardiology," Sonakshi answered.

"Oh, about the heart. Isn't it simple?" Dev asked.

"Tell me the definition of a heart," Sonakshi countered.

"The heart is an organ responsible for the circulation of the body," Dev shrugged.

"The heart is a dual pump that sits at the center of the cardiovascular system. This is the definition for doctors," Sonakshi smiled.

"Why so many complicated terms?" Dev asked her.

"These terms are complicated because the heart is complicated," Sonakshi explained.

"I give up. Becoming a doctor is too much hard work," Dev said.

"It is," Sonakshi agreed.

"Let's go down for dinner?" He asked her.

"Yes," Sonakshi said, stabilizing her leg as she stood up.

Dev at once went to support her. He could feel her warmth. She felt so soft. Her fragrance was something unique. Dev and Sonakshi walked down to the dinner table where Vishal and Ishwari were already seated. Neha arrived just then.

All of them took their seats. Dinner was done the usual way. Talking about a variety of things. Sonakshi always enjoyed the dinner time in the house as she felt like family at that time.

"We have received a wedding invitation," Vishal said.

All eyes were on him. 

"Who is it from?" Dev asked.

"Rajesh," Vishal answered.

"Dad?" Sonakshi asked.

"Yes, Sonakshi. There is going to be a wedding in your house soon," Vishal said. 

Sonakshi was confused. She did not think her dad would keep this from her. Alas, she was disappointed by her father again.

"Tell us the names on the card," Dev said.

"You can look at it yourself," Vishal answered, passing the card to Dev and Sonakshi.


On seeing that, Dev just stood up and left the table. Sonakshi was perplexed. She did not know why he was so affected. She was in her own thoughts as to why her brother did not even consider telling her in person. She at least deserved that tiny bit of respect. She was angry at Kunal. That did not mean that she did not care about him. Her family was no more a family. They were just people living for their own selves.

Sonakshi heard a phone ringing. She saw that it was Dev's phone. She took it in her hands to see who was calling. Her hands froze when she saw the caller id.









How did you all find the chapter?

I loved writing about the questions and them getting to know each other. Life is complicated because we make it complicated. Dev and Sona are people who are lost in their worlds. Each of them is trying to cope. Dev is better off in terms of moving somewhere in life but Sonakshi now needs to get back on her career path. I loved writing the flashback. Her mother, Asha was always an inspiration for her.

Now, KRPKAB talk.

I don't have any words for Sanjana. That woman is just senseless. Neha is back. I do not know how Neha is going to affect Devakshi's relationship. I kind of want to know Ishwari and Dev's father's story. I am currently praying that Sanjana doesn't end up being related to Rohit Verma. She is going to confess to Dev on Monday. I don't want her to do that. Sonakshi should not take this lightly. I want a Sanjana vs Sonakshi now. Dev should tell Sanjana to back off and give up on him. Neha is just so pessimistic. I agree her life has not been really good. That does not mean that she should spoil her elder brother's life.


I would just like to tell people that it takes just one click to like someone's work. That might mean a lot more to them than it may mean to you. Please I hope you get what I mean.

Thank you for reading my book 📖
Thank you for liking my work 😊
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