Chapter 8: First Love

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Sonakshi walked into her and Dev's room. She was perplexed about the relationship between Dev and Arpita. She was hurt. Arpita had never told her that she knew Dev. Dev had not mentioned anything about his relation with Arpita either. She looked around the room, searching for her husband who had not yet finished his dinner. She wanted to talk to him as talking leaves no room for misunderstandings.

"Dev," she called out, thinking he would respond.

However, there was no voice that responded to her call. Dev was not in the room. Sonakshi wondered where he would have gone. She tried calling him, but he was not picking up her calls. She decided to go and inform his parents that he wasn't in the room. Sonakshi limped slowly towards Vishal and Ishwari's room. She was about to know, but she stopped herself as she heard the conversation going on inside the room.

"What was the need to show him that invitation, Vishal?" Ishwari asked her husband.

"We are associated with the Saxenas now. The invitation was for the whole family. I had to let him know. He can't stay in his dream world, Ishwari. He should have moved on. He is married," Vishal answered.

"Have you thought about how Sonakshi would feel when she comes to know the truth?" Ishwari retorted, not concealing her anger.

"She will come to know soon. Life is not a bed of roses Ishwari. You and I know that really well. Your son should have realized that by now," Vishal sighed.

"I thought Dev would forget her," Ishwari replied.

"No one can forget the person whom they loved for the first time in their life. He thought he loved her," Vishal said.

"Youngsters use the word love for attraction. They spoil their lives running after the wrong people," Ishwari said.

Sonakshi knocked on the door. Ishwari and Vishal turned to see her. The shock was clearly visible on their faces.

"Sonakshi dear," Ishwari started.

"I heard everything," Sonakshi revealed. She did not want them to make up a story to coax her. She appreciated honesty and expected the same from others.

"We don't want to hide it from you," Vishal said.

"How about you tell me the actual story?" Sonakshi offered, "Dev is not in the room."

"He might have gone out for some fresh air. Dev loved Arpita," Ishwari revealed.

"Does he still love her?" Sonakshi asked, an unknown fear clenching in her heart.

"I don't think he loves her anymore. I feel he is still affected by her presence and her happiness. He still feels that Arpita should not have rejected him," Vishal answered her.

"And what do you think? Arpita made a mistake?" Sonakshi asked.

"I think she did the right thing. If she had pretended to be in love with Dev, it would be a betrayal. She was honest with him about her feelings. It was Dev who was wrong. He wanted to pursue her to make her his," Vishal sighed.

"Did you try explaining to him that sometimes love ends up one-sided?" Sonakshi quizzed.

"We did. He never listened," Ishwari sighed.

"Could you tell me the whole story?" Sonakshi asked them.

"Only he can tell you. It was his love. His story," Vishal said.

"One more shot," Dev yelled at the bartender of Night24 pub.

"Sir you have already ordered and finished 6 glasses," the bartender, Mohan, reasoned.

"I give you money. Go and get me more scotch," Dev shouted.

"Sir, too much drink is not good for you," the bartender tried to explain.

"This drink!" Dev said, pointing to the glass he was holding, "Relieves me of the pain in my heart. Makes me forget all my anger and grudges."

"You seem to have faced a heartbreak," Mohan said.

"Not a heartbreak. She did not give me a chance," Dev shrieked, "Not one fucking chance."

"So, what is your fault in all this? She lost a diamond," Mohan said.

"Why did she deny my feelings for her if I was a diamond?" Dev asked.

"Tell me. Would it be right if she faked her feelings and stayed with you?" Mohan queried.

"No. I wanted her to love me the way I loved her," Dev replied.

"Rejection doesn't mean you aren't good enough; it means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer," Mohan reasoned.

"You seem to have been through a heartbreak too," Dev chuckled dryly, "You didn't drink out your miseries?"

"My wife cheated on me," Mohan replied blankly.

"You loved her?" Dev asked. The glass in his hand was empty, but now, he did not ask for more drink.

"More than anything else. I even got a government job to please her," Mohan sighed, "Yet she cheated on me with an old lover from college days."

"Government job? Then, why do you work here?" Dev asked, referring to the pub.

"I spend my night here helping out people like me," Mohan said.

"What do you get by doing this?" Dev asked.

"Satisfaction," Mohan replied, "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment."

"Isn't that Mahatma Gandhi's quote?" Dev asked.

"Yes, it is," Mohan replied.

"Have you been able to move on?" Dev queried.

"I have moved forward. I still love her. I gave her a divorce. She wanted to be with that man," Mohan sighed.

"Doesn't it eat you from within that she chose another man and not you?" Dev quizzed.

"It did. I truly loved her. It gave me happiness seeing that she was happy," Mohan replied, pain evident in his voice.

"So, you mean that I should let go?" Dev asked.

"If you truly loved her, you would let her go," Mohan said softly.

"But I am not able to see her happy. It hurts here," Dev whispered, pointing to his heart.

"Then, you never loved her. You only were attracted to her," Mohan said.

"I did love her," Dev reasoned, "I would give her anything she asked for. She never gave me a chance."

"If you loved her, for her happiness, you would let her go," Mohan replied.

"What should I do after letting her go? How will I survive?" Dev asked.

"Be with someone who will bring out the best in you, not the stress in you," Mohan said.

"I can't seem to find any other person who cares for me," Dev sighed.

"What about your new wife Mr. Dixit?" Mohan asked.

"How... How do you... ?" Dev stuttered.

"You are a famous man Mr. Dixit. I might not understand your world but I do understand the importance of relationships remains the same in each stratum of society. I don't think it would be easy for your wife to see you not loving her," Mohan said.

"She knows I don't love her," Dev shot back.

"You do realize that she is your wife. You both will spend your life together," Mohan reasoned.

"I will be her husband but that does not mean I will love her. I love Arpita," Dev said.

"If you truly loved her, you would have never left her alone," Mohan said.

"You are again back to telling me that I did not love Arpita. I love Arpita," Dev answered.

"Because you don't," Mohan smiled sarcastically.

"Why are you saying this?" Dev asked, frustration increasing in his body.

"You are still able to see her with another man. You have not done anything when another man is close to her. You did not consider her yours to be protected. You gave her the choice and she did not choose you. Live your life with someone who chose you," Mohan advised.

Dev's thoughts pondered how he had reacted when Arpita was with Kunal. He was distressed but the fact was that he did not feel possessive of her. He also remembered how he had beaten up his cousin Vicky for eyeing his wife.

Sonakshi had been continuously calling him and he had not picked up even one call. He could understand that even though there was no love in his marriage, there was a feeling of partnership. Dev messaged her saying he was fine.

"Thank you," Dev stumbled while walking out of the bar.

He called up his driver to drive his car. Drunk driving is not good.

"You do realize that your actions would have hurt your wife," Ishwari reprimanded her son the next morning when she woke him up in the guest room.

"I will apologize to her," Dev said bluntly.

"And you think that is the perfect way to deal with your wife?" Ishwari yelled.

"Well, I will think of what I can do," Dev said.

"Dev," Ishwari sighed, "You can't keep hurting Sonakshi because of your past. You left the table without telling her your whereabouts. That child was distraught."

"Mom. We had a deal," Dev uttered, only to be cut by a sound of a slap.

"Marriage is not a deal. The earlier you understand it. The better it is," Ishwari shouted.

"Mom," Dev rubbed his cheek.

"Think of it, Dev. Never hurt the woman you have married. Even if there is no love, support each other as partners," Ishwari said.

"I said I will deal with this issue," Dev shrugged.

"Fine. Go now," Ishwari pushed him out of the guest room.

Dev walked towards his and Sonakshi's room. Fear was building up in his chest. He was feeling a clog in his throat. He had assured his mother that he would deal with the problem in his way but the truth was that he had no idea how he was going to sort out everything with Sonakshi.

He entered the room and was shocked by the sight. His wife was draping a saree and was struggling with her pleats. He was clean bowled by the innocence that was present on her face. He walked towards her in a daze, lost in her beauty.

Sonakshi noticed him walking towards her. She turned away from him and quickly tucked her pleats in their place.

"I will help you," Dev said huskily in her ears.

"No need. I will do it on my own," Sonakshi stuttered due to Dev's effect.

"Are you angry at me?" Dev asked her.

Sonakshi remained mum. Dev understood that Sonakshi was indeed angry.

"I am not angry, to be honest. I am clueless on how to react," Sonakshi replied.

"I loved Arpita, Sonakshi," Dev said.

"Loved? I thought you still loved her," Sonakshi answered.

"If I loved her, I would have never let her go," Dev said.

"So, you are fine?" Sonakshi asked.

"I am," Dev replied.

"When will you tell me your story? Arpita pretended as if she did not know you," Sonakshi said.

"Well, we never had closure," Dev sighed.

"Oh, so tell me please," Sonakshi urged.

Before Dev could say anything more, Sonakshi's phone rang. She frowned looking at the caller. It was her elder brother. She swallowed her anger towards him and she picked up the phone.

"Hi Kunal," Sonakshi said. She did not want to call him Bhai anymore.

"Sonakshi, I want you to come to Nirman Hospital now," Kunal spoke really fast.

"Nirman Hospital? Why?" Sonakshi asked and turned to look at Dev who too looked really confused.

"Dad had an accident. He lost a lot of blood. He needs AB -ve blood. Your blood group is AB -ve too. Save Dad Sonakshi," Kunal replied.

After all, I am a person who has to be of help to every individual of my family without self-respect right? Sonakshi thought.

"Why can't you arrange it from a blood bank? After all, I am not a Saxena anymore," Sonakshi retaliated.

Dev had a small smirk on his face. He was happy that Sonakshi had taken a step for her self-respect. She needed to learn to stand up for herself.

"Sona?" Kunal was horrified hearing her speak that way.

"Mr. Saxena, I urge you to contact blood banks to arrange blood for your father," Sonakshi said coldly. Her family had no right to call her up whenever they needed her and not look at her face at all when she was in need.

"He is your father too," Kunal pleaded.

"I know he is my father. As a daughter, I will come to visit him with my husband later. As of now, my husband is waiting for me. I need to tend to his needs," Sonakshi said and hung up the call. There were tears in her eyes. It hurt her to speak rudely to her family but she had no choice. She did not want to remain as a person to be used by every person.

"That was brave," Dev said.

"Thank you," Sonakshi said, "Can we go to see my father? I arranged blood already."

Dev was shocked, "How did you arrange blood so fast?"

"My friend is a doctor in Nirman. I messaged her when talking to Kunal. The blood would have reached Dad by now," Sonakshi replied.

"I am sorry," Dev apologized.

"Sorry for what?" Sonakshi asked him.

"For running away yesterday night. For being a bad husband," Dev said.

"How about we start from now?" Sonakshi asked him.

"I can't instantly fall in love with you. Arpita was my first siren," Dev said.

"Siren?" Sonakshi chuckled.

"Yeah. She pulled me towards her. It was not love. I understand that it was not love," Dev smiled at his wife.

"Tell me the story when the time is correct. Get showered soon. Let's go," Sonakshi said.

"Yeah. Let me get showered. You go down. I will come," Dev walked into the washroom.

"So, Mrs. Dixit finally arrives 2 hours after her father was admitted in the hospital and 1 hour after her brother calls her up. Last I checked, Dixit mansion is 10 minutes by car from this place," Kunal mocked Sonakshi as she entered the waiting corridor with Dev.

"I told you Kunal. I would come to visit later," Sonakshi said with a poker face. She remembered all the times she got hurt due to her brother. The wedding proposal. The reception talk. His marriage invitation.

"Do you know that if a doctor wouldn't have helped us, we would lose Papa today," Kunal yelled at her.

"Kunal," Arpita stopped him, "You are being unfair to your sister."

"I and unfair?" Kunal shouted.

"Yes. You know that she is married. You know that she has responsibilities and yet you want her to come running down just like that leaving everything behind just because you called her?" Arpita questioned him.

"Arpita you better stay out of this. I am talking to my sister," Kunal warned her.

"Congratulations on your engagement brother," Sonakshi chuckled with a dry smile.

The look on her face brought a realization to Kunal. He had not informed his sister that he was marrying Arpita soon. He now understood why Sonakshi was behaving so coldly towards him.

"Sonakshi, I wanted to inform you," Kunal tried to reason.

"After the invitation already reached my husband's house?" Sonakshi smiled mockingly.

"He didn't tell you?" Arpita asked, shocked that Kunal had not informed his own sister.

"You did not tell me anything either Arpita Malhotra," Sonakshi raised her eyebrows.

"It wasn't my thing to tell. Kunal wanted to inform family so I left him to do it," Arpita explained.

"I am talking about what was actually yours," Sonakshi said.

"What?" Arpita quizzed.

"You and Dev," Sonakshi dropped the bomb.

She was now looking at her brother's face. It showed no surprise. It meant Kunal knew everything. Yet, he did not feel it any important to tell her.

"You... came to know," Arpita looked at Sonakshi and then Dev.

"Some things can't be kept hidden for long," Dev spoke for the first time after he had entered the corridor.

"You told my sister? You were supposed to keep it a secret," Kunal gritted.

"Your sister is really strong, Kunal Saxena. Unlike you, she is a person who does not judge people. She understands them and then tells her decision," Dev smiled.

"We did not want to break your heart Sonakshi," Arpita tried to explain.

"Well, the truth did not break my heart. My husband is standing with me. That is what matters to me. I do not know the whole story between you two but I know that Devrath Dixit is a man of his words and will never let any harm come to me," Sonakshi said.

"Sonakshi, don't hate us," Kunal pleaded.

"Did you even observe that when I walked here, I was limping? Did you not observe that your sister is walking with the support of another person?" Sonakshi asked.

Kunal was stumped. Sonakshi was right. He had not cared about her.

"How? How did it happen?" Kunal asked pointing to all the bandages.

A lone tear fell from Sonakshi's eyes and she smiled faintly, "I was almost raped at my wedding reception."

Kunal's phone dropped to the ground and shattered. His hands were trembling in rage. He was disappointed in himself.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

"My husband made sure I am fine," Sonakshi said.

"I have failed to be a good brother," Kunal slumped to the ground.

"Happy realization brother," Sonakshi replied.

"Dr. Saxena, a pleasant surprise seeing you here," A cheerful voice said, "I thought you would be in your father's room. After all you arranged blood for him right on time.

"Hi Dr. Jiya. Thanks for helping me out girl. I will see my dad soon. Was just catching up with my brother," Sonakshi said looking at Kunal.

"Sonakshi arranged the blood?" Kunal asked Dr. Jiya.

"Yes. She messaged me regarding this. We have to catch up Dr. Dixit," Jiya said shooting a cheeky smile at Sonakshi.

"Jiya! I am going to murder you one day," Sonakshi yelled with a grin on her face.

"Go see your father," Jiya said and left.

"You arranged the blood," Kunal repeated.

"She did," Dev affirmed.

"We are really sorry that you felt neglected Sonakshi," Arpita apologised.

"No need to apologize. You people carry on with your busy lives. Excuse me. I have to see my father. Come Dev," she said and held Dev's arm for support.

"Sonakshi, if possible, forgive this brother of yours. I still love you Sona. The brother in me was lost. Living with Papa, I only developed as a son. Not a brother. Forgive me," Kunal pleaded.

"Forgiveness needs to be earned Mr. Saxena," Dev butted in.

"This is between me and my sister," Kunal gritted, "You are an outsider for now Mr. Dixit."

"He is not an outsider. He is my husband. He is the man I trust. The only man I trust except for Dad and his father. I do not trust you anymore Kunal," Sonakshi said.

"Tell me one thing Arpita. This question has been killing me for ages," Dev said turning to face his ex.

"Go on," Arpita said softly.

"Did you ever like me? I won't ask love. Because I know. You never loved me," Dev gave a sarcastic smile.

"I liked you Dev. That is why I accepted your proposal. I couldn't break your heart when I fell in love with Kunal," Arpita cried.

"That is why you cheated on me. Had you told me, I would have understood," Dev said.

"I am sorry," Arpita cried.

"Well, I am no one to forgive you. Time heals all wounds. Now, let me concentrate on the situation at hand. Sonakshi, let's go meet your father," He looked at his wife who was trying to figure out something.

"Hmm... Let's go," Sonakshi said.

"Is um everything clear between us all?" Arpita asked the couple.

"Well, not completely. But, I think me and Dev would think about all of this later," Sonakshi said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dixit, a photo together please," A reporter cam up from nowhere.

"Who allowed the media in?" Dev asked Kunal.

"Put the media out now," Kunal commanded his guards.

"Please a photo Mr. and Mrs. Dixit," the reporter pleaded.

"Fine," Sonakshi agreed.

"Now that my wife has agreed, I too have to agree," Dev sighed and posed with her.

"You are the only man close to me. You might become my first love," Sonakshi whispered with a smile.



Please don't throw stones at me. I am telling you this has been a hell of an adventure. Moving to the college campus is stressful. I was in quarantine for a week. Still stuck. I have my exams from tomorrow but I had give my readers a chapter so here I am.





How did you all find the chapter?

Dev and Arpita's story for someday later. When I read Business Minds and then read Business Deal, I have realized that Suraj was a more ideal brother as compared to Kunal. Kunal is shown as mostly a selfish brother while on the other side, Suraj was a selfless brother.

People would be wondering why Sonakshi is not over reacting. Anger and jealousy comes when you love the person. Sonakshi is still yet to fall for Dev. Sonakshi can be bold. I really loved it when she denied to be just a use and throw toy for her brother. Ishwari's character is improving slightly too.

Now, KRPKAB talk.

Well, I have nothing else to say except for the fact that season 3 was a really big disappointment. Sanjana track is still not over.


I would just like to tell people that it takes just one click to like someone's work. That might mean a lot more to them than it may mean to you. Please I hope you get what I mean.

Thank you for reading my book 📖
Thank you for liking my work 😊
Thank you for commenting on the chapters.




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