Chapter 9: Coffee

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"How are you doing Papa?" Sonakshi asked her father who was on the hospital bed.

"I am a bit weak right now," Rajesh Saxena said, squinting at the limp in his daughter's gait.

"I see. Hope you get well soon. I will see you soon. I am joining my PG in surgery soon at AIIMS, Delhi," Sonakshi said. 

"Hoping to see you fit and fine soon, Mr Saxena," Dev greeted his father-in-law.

"Thank you, my boy. Nice to see you come down to visit me," Rajesh said.

"Yes. This is my wife's family. She wanted to come down to see the man who raised her. I just accompanied her," Dev said with his eyebrows raised, indirectly taunting him at the way he had ignored congratulating Sonakshi on securing a surgery seat in AIIMS Delhi.

Sonakshi cleared her throat looking at the thick tension in the hospital's VIP room that her father had been shifted into. The situation was feeling slightly awkward.

"What happened? Did I say something wrong?" Dev cocked his head sideways and asked his wife.

"This is not the time to reproach my father on his failed parenting," Sonakshi said.

"Alright, wife. Some other time," Dev said and walked over to her, holding her by the waist. He whispered in her ear, "Don't put too much weight on your injured foot. Sit down and speak."

"Why are you limping Sonakshi?" Rajesh asked his daughter.

"I got injured recently," Sonakshi asked curtly after getting seated on the nearby couch.

"Is the wound healing?" He quizzed.

"Physical wounds heal, but emotional wounds take some time to heal. I will take care of my wife really well, sir," Dev butted in.

Sonakshi was liking how Dev was standing up for her, but this was her fight to sort out. Not his. Her father needed rest right now.

"Dev. Let's go. I need to get some stuff for college. I will be starting college in a week," Sonakshi said standing up and stumbling suddenly. Before she could lose her balance, the firm hands of her husband gripped her safely.

"Careful. Get well soon, Mr Saxena," Dev said and walked out with his wife.

Neha walked into the living room of the Dixit mansion. Her parents were nowhere visible. She called out to the house help and learned that both her parents were at the company. She walked slowly to her room and closed the door.

She opened an album that she had kept in a cupboard. She looked through her childhood photos and traced the happy smiles on her face.

"Vikas," she smiled sadly as she traced the face of a boy next to her in a photo.

A short knock was heard on the door. Neha walked up and opened it. She was surprised to see her mother suddenly outside her room door.

"Weren't you at the company?" Neha asked.

"I was," Ishwari answered.

"Then? Why are you at my door, Mom?" Neha questioned.

"I have news," Ishwari said and walked into the room. 

Her eyes fell on the album that Neha was going through. Neha quickly rushed and closed the album. She put it back in its place.

"Living in the past is no use, Neha. Forget him," Ishwari said with a straight face.

"None of your concerns, mother. Tell me what news you have," Neha asked.

"You are getting married," Ishwari said.

"What?" Neha screamed, "To whom?"

"Rajat Biswas," Ishwari replied, "It will ease the silent battle that is going on between both of our companies."

"I don't want to marry a guy I don't know. Why should I become an exchange for peace?" Neha reasoned.

"They are a good family, Neha," Ishwari said.

"I don't care whether they are a good family or not. This is not how you get me married. I am not an agreement for achieving peace," Neha yelled.

Ishwari slapped her daughter, "My parents married me to your father in return for a loan from the Dixit family. Your brother Dev's and your sister-in-law Sonakshi's wedding was a deal. So you do not yell back at me."

"But, I don't want to marry now Mom," Neha cried dropping down to her knees.

"It is not a choice but your responsibility towards your family," Ishwari said and walked out of her daughter's room.

"Do you like coffee?" Dev asked his wife as he drove back towards their home.

"I do. Why the sudden question?" she countered.

"Well then, let me take you out on a coffee date," he said and drove to a cafe.

He helped her out of the car and asked a waiter for a table with privacy.

"You are really a difficult person to understand," Sonakshi chuckled as she sat down at the table with Dev seated on the opposite side.

"Why do you feel that way, Mrs Dixit?" Dev smiled.

"Stop reminding me that I am Mrs Dixit," Sonakshi frowned slightly at him.

"Why? It is the truth after all," Dev said.

"The thing is," Sonakshi started but then decided to remain mum.

"The thing is?" Dev urged while raising his right eyebrow.

"I haven't yet become used to hearing that everywhere," she said.

"I understand. I haven't been that welcoming. It is just now that I accept you as a wife more than a friend," Dev replied.

"I do not know about love. Never experienced the feeling. But I know that I want my life partner to be a man who trusts me more than he loves me," Sonakshi said.

"I trust you Sonakshi. That is why I want to ask for a chance," Dev looked at her earnestly.

"A chance? I don't get you," Sonakshi looked confused.

"You now know that I used to love Arpita. Whether it was attraction or love, I don't know. But now, I want to move on from those feelings of despair whenever I see her with your brother. I want to give our marriage a chance. If possible, turn it into a powerful couple," Dev said.

"I need time for this Dev," Sonakshi said.

"How long?" Dev asked.

"Even I don't know," she replied.

"Why the hesitation? Don't you trust me?" Dev questioned her.

"I can trust you but I am still not able to trust myself. I have seen my parents when my mother was alive. My parents built the Saxena empire together. My father loved my mother regardless of whether she was rich or not. He would always come back home early on their anniversaries and have gifts ready for her. My mother was his partner, friend, and soulmate. Me and Kunal bhai were witnesses to how deep their love was. When my mother fell ill, my dad called many doctors from all over the world. We all wanted to save her. At her death, I and bhai cried but my father lost his soul. He was never the same after my mother's death. Not even to us. Initially, we thought it was because he missed her. But I feel it was because he felt guilty. He felt guilty that he couldn't save Maa. He felt guilty that he could not complete all the dreams that they had seen together. Whenever I thought about love, I imagined I would marry a man who would treat me the way my father treated my mother. However, it was not my fate. I don't blame you but I need time to reassess my thoughts and think about what type of life I will be leading with you," Sonakshi said.

Dev was mum for some time. He felt touched listening to Sonakshi talking about her parents. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and spoke, "I understand."



Been a really long break and a really short chapter. I know. I am really sorry. I got caught up so much with offline college labs and classes. I was also getting used to living alone in a hostel plus a few college activities.



How did you all find the chapter?

Dev wants to start anew.
But has he actually forgotten his feelings for Arpita?
Can feelings die in a day?


I would just like to tell people that it takes just one click to like someone's work. That might mean a lot more to them than it may mean to you. Please I hope you get what I mean.

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