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Dev stood looking outside from the window of his cabin pondering at what events happened throughout the day. He let out a long deep sigh. He was tired. Suraj had come to pick up Sonakshi earlier in the morning. He had an afternoon stuffed with meetings and now was waiting to meet the person who had his last appointment. He still had to speak to Natasha regarding what had taken place earlier in the morning. He just thought back to the encounter with Suraj Sharma.



I heard the phone ring. I picked up the call. I heard Tina's crisp professional voice speak, "Sir, Mr. Suraj Sharma would like to meet you. I asked him to make an appointment, but he asked me to personally confirm whether he was allowed to meet you or not."

Great! I could not help but roll my eyes at what Tina had done.

She had literally thrown me to dogs.
I was going to be chewed raw now.
What a first impression!

Suraj Sharma is going to consider me as an insolent rich brat which I obviously am to others, not to my family.

"Allow him in, Tina," I said, awaiting my murder.

Suraj entered my cabin giving me a deadly glare. I could see he was controlling his urge to murder me right now. He walked towards Sonakshi who was sleeping on the couch and picked her up carefully in his arms.

He said to me before leaving the room, "Thank you. We will meet again."

I stood flabbergasted.

Thanks a lot, future brother-in-law.

I expected shouts, curses, punches, and kicks. At least, I expected him to give me a tight slap but all he gave me was a glare. But it is fine. He had no mood to hit me. Thankfully my body is saved from any pain then. I guess he had a murder plan ready for me and would execute it soon.

If someone would have measured my blood pressure at that point in time it would have been above 120 bpm.

Flashback ends

Dev looked at his phone. He got Arjun's message

Hey Dev.
Sonakshi is fine now.
I saw her conscious and speaking to her family.
Don't kill me thinking I put cameras in her bedroom.
I used binoculars.

Dev could not help but smile after reading his friend's message. Arjun was one of his closest and most trustworthy friends. He remembered Arjun's rant the previous day.

"Time to reduce Arjun's work a bit," Dev said

He called up Arjun.

"Hello, Boss," Arjun said, "I swear I have not put any cameras in her bedroom."

"Shut up. I know," Dev said, "I free you from the job of being Sonakshi's bodyguard. You are my second in command. You should be having a pretty much comfortable life like me."

"Are you sure?" Arjun questioned.

"As sure as I am of being Devil," Dev confirmed.

Natasha had returned home. Dev had wanted to know about her and Sonakshi. Natasha left the place quickly after looking at Sonakshi's condition. She had rushed back home, locked herself in the room, and had broken down.

After crying for two hours she just sat looking outside the window. She could not believe her eyes seeing Sonakshi's reaction towards her. Sonakshi had shown disgust towards her. But after all, it was she who was at fault.



I saw Sonakshi entering the college. I went up to her and hugged her. She hugged me back. She then started looking for her boyfriend. Her boyfriend had asked me to get her towards the library as he had a surprise planned for Sona. I agreed. I can't deny it but I feel I like her boyfriend. He was the most popular guy in the college. He had perfect looks and girls would always be drooling at him.

I called her, "Sona! Why are you searching for him near the gate? He is in the library waiting for you."

"Is he?" Sonakshi asked raising her eyebrow. It was not normal for her boyfriend to be in the library.

"Yes. He asked me to bring you there," I spoke.

She sealed her lips and gestured for me to come along with her to the library. We both walked towards the library.

On the way, she asked me, "Do you have any idea about what he has planned?"

"No, I don't know," I said.

We reached the library. I motioned her to go in. She went in while I waited outside. I heard Sonakshi squeal. I peeked into the room. My heart shattered to pieces looking at the scene in front of me.

Sonakshi's boyfriend was down on one knee and he had a ring in his hand.

"Sona, will you marry me?" Her boyfriend asked Sonakshi.

Sonakshi stood frozen at her place. She was really happy with the proposal. Her face portrayed how happy she was. I was so happy for her. I could not help but feel a bit envious of her.

"Yes, I will marry you Ravit!" Sonakshi said with a smile

Flashback ends.

Dev turned to look at the person who entered his cabin as he was his last client for the day. Dev looked up to give a warm smile as he usually gives to his business associates, but then his smile turned into a deadly glare as he saw the man in front of him.

Ravit Raheja.

"What are you doing here?" Dev asked, gritting his teeth and trying his best to control his temper.

"I came to make a deal with you," Ravit said, grinning sadistically.

"I make no deals with you," Dev gritted.

"We can make a start. I propose a deal of 100 million rupees in return for ammunition and weapons," Ravit stated.

"I don't deal with people who dare to double-cross me," Dev spat.

"You would have double-crossed someone once in this business," Ravit said, having a disgusting grin on his face.

"No. I have always been loyal and honest in my dealings. Unlike you," Dev shot back, "Loyalty isn't grey. It is black and white. Either loyal completely or not loyal at all."

"Nice quote. I like how you think by the way. How do you punish cheaters?" Ravit asked him. 

"I kill!" Dev said, now turning ruthless and picking up a gun.

"I know you do," Ravit said, holding the gun that was in his pocket.

"So, get lost before I shoot you," Dev growled, playing around with the gun.

"Hey, I came for a friendly talk. But I guess you want a fight, eh?" Ravit asked Dev.

"What do you think Ravit Raheja? I would like to deal with you. No never. I don't deal with cheaters like you. I need loyalty. A characteristic you will never possess in this useless life of yours. You do not have any capabilities to be who you are. You have just been handed over your father's business as you are the only option. I do not deal with insolent rich brats," Dev said, mocking Ravit.

The last mini-speech of Dev angered Ravit really a lot.

Ravit had always considered himself the best. He was proud of his looks. Many girls ran after him. He was born filthy rich. He was a ruthless man just like how a businessman was supposed to be.

But looking at Dev, he realized he still lacked something. The man Devrath Dixit standing in front of him was handsome, rich, cold, ruthless, and had a powerful dominating aura. It was such an aura that made people around him feel inferior.

Ravit was bursting with anger seeing such a powerful competitor in front of him to become the Indian Mafia King.

"Shut your mouth, Dixit," He spat, "I have reached where I have because of my hard work. You had your father train you at least."

"If killing twenty people a day is training, then yes you can say I was trained," Dev said as cool as a cucumber, "My father also taught me not to cheat anyone. Something you don't know. Learned it from your father?"

"Don't get my father into this," Ravit yelled, now pointing his gun at Dev, "I will kill you."

"Then, do so," Dev kept his stance cool, "You are not man enough yet."

"I am not joking Devil!" Ravit said.

"Even, I am not joking," Dev said, now his eyes turning black. Dev was turning malicious.

"I am going to shoot you, Devil!" Ravit said, pulling the trigger. Dev also pulled the trigger of his gun.

"Shoot me, Ravit!" Dev said.

There was a gunshot heard.






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