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Dev stood at his place. He looked at his right arm where the bullet had struck. Blood was continuously oozing out from the wound. He looked up in front to look at Ravit. The bullet that he had shot wounded Ravit in his torso. Ravit was clutching the wound with his hands. Dev could see that Ravit was in immense pain. For Dev, it was not that painful as he had been shot and had shot many times.

One thing that his father had said to remember at all times came into his thoughts.

Blood is thicker than water.

Dev walked up to Ravit and made him sit on a chair. Ravit was now apprehensive of what Dev was going to do now. He wanted to run away from this place, plan, and take revenge but the pain in his abdomen was not allowing him to move.

Dev took out his phone with his left arm and called Arjun whose number was on the speed dial.

"Come to my office. Get a medical kit with you and a new shirt and suit for me. Black color," Dev ordered Arjun.

"What happened? Were you attacked? Were you injured? Are you OK? Should I call an ambulance? I will get some of our men with me. The heck! You can't even keep yourself safe without me," Arjun said continuously.

"Stop speak like a granny Arjun and get yourself here in five minutes," Dev cut him off.

"Fine will be there soon," Arjun said and cut the call.

"Why don't you just kill me?" Ravit asked Dev shocked at the fact that a medical kit had been summoned to treat them.

"Because I don't kill cheaters easily," Dev said.

Ravit just gulped.

"I like to torture them till they beg me to be killed," Dev continued.

"Are you going to torture me, Dixit?" Ravit asked haughtily.

"Keep your voice down Raheja," Dev said, "I am in no mood to torture or kill any filth like you today."

Arjun entered Dev's cabin with two armed men a medical kit in one hand and the suit and shirt in another. His eyes widened looking at the scene in front of him. On a chair sat Ravit Raheja, bleeding near his abdomen. Arjun then looked at Dev and then his jaw tightened looking at the bullet wound on his right arm.

In anger, Arjun removed his gun and pointed it at Ravit.

"Put it down Arjun!" Dev commanded him. Dev wanted to kill Ravit but not today.

Arjun did not listen to Dev. Dev moved forward now towards Arjun with a cold face.

"Put the gun down Arjun!" Dev said in a cold voice.

Arjun obeyed him this time. He put the gun back and opened the medical kit. Dev removed his shirt. Arjun gave him the antiseptic to clean the area. Dev cleaned the wound and applied pressure on it for some time to stop the bleeding. Arjun gave Dev pincers. Dev was unable to hold them properly with his left hand. Arjun offered to remove the bullet but Dev denied it. After a few minutes, Dev removed the bullet from his arm. Arjun then bandaged his arm.

All this while one of Dev's men were treating Ravit. By the time Dev was done, Ravit was bandaged too.

"We will meet next time Raheja," Dev said to Ravit.

Ravit did not say a word and left quietly plotting revenge in his mind.

Dev put on the new pair of clothes that Arjun had brought for him and said to him, "Let's get going."

Arjun just nodded.

It was 9 a.m. in the morning. Sonakshi reached the office in time. She was so disappointed as she would have to wait one hour more to see Dev.

She remembered yesterday's incident and smiled to herself. He had picked her up in his warm embrace when she was going to pass out. He was so fiercely protective about her.

She remembered his husky voice when he called her his

"Mia Bella"

She was smiling and blushing remembering him.

She looked at the files she had to check through. The fashion show was on Sunday and after the fashion show, it was Mr. and Mrs. Dixit's 30th Anniversary party.

Time just flew as Sonakshi went through the files when she looked up to see the time, it was 9:59 a.m.

She stood up straightened her dress and set her hair. She wanted to look good today for her troublesome troublemaker with a perfect jaw and looks.

She just sat down anticipating his arrival.

"Buongiorno, Mia Bella," He said huskily.

"Good Morning, Dev Sir," Sonakshi said quickly.

She looked up at him. There he stood looking perfect wearing a white shirt a black tie and a black suit paired with black trousers. She looked at his face. She made eye contact with his hypnotizing brown orbs then her eyes looked at his perfect jaw. Then, her eyes moved down from his eyes and were checking out his body.

"You love checking me out. Don't you, Sona?" Dev said, his voice still husky.

Sonakshi liked how her name sounded in his husky voice.

"I... I am not... not int... interested... in you... D... Dev," She tried, "It's Ms Sharma for you."

"Is it?" Dev said, now giving his winning smirk and moving closer towards Sonakshi.

She could now see why girls were mad after him. He was handsome. He was hot. He was dominating. He was fierce. And last but not least, he was possessive of his things.

He was perfect. Just perfect.

Sonakshi gulped as Dev was closing the distance between them. She prayed to all the gods and goddesses she knew to prevent a panic attack. She wanted Dev close to her.

Dev stopped pretty close but did not cage her.

"No... I am not," Sonakshi said.

"Did you really mean what you said yesterday?" Dev asked.

"What did I say yesterday?" Sonakshi asked.

"Mi sento al sicuro con te," Dev said trying to mimic her.

"Yes, I mean it," Sonakshi affirmed, "I feel safe with you.  I did not profess my love."

"You know Natasha Gujral?" Dev suddenly bombarded Sonakshi.

Sonakshi thought back to the time when Natasha betrayed her.



My boyfriend Ravit proposed to me a week ago. He is a third-year. I am a fresher. I know we are too young for commitment but we both know that we are perfect for each other. Our families also approve of our relationship.

I was looking for my best friend Natasha Gujral. I couldn't see her since the lunch break began. I think she might be in the library.

I made my way to the library. During lunchtime, the library would mostly be empty. I walked near the door and I could hear some noises.

A woman was screaming, "Faster! Faster!"

The man with her was not making any noise. I could just hear grunts. I recognized Natasha's voice.

Now, I didn't want to walk in when Natasha and whoever she was with when they were in the middle of an erotic love-making session. I turned to get back to the lunch area when I heard the man speak.

"You were really good today Natasha," The man had said.

The voice that spoke belonged to none other than my fiancé Ravit Raheja.

My heart broke into pieces. Ravit was cheating on me with my best friend. I couldn't bear the truth but I was angry. I wanted to confront the wonderful people who were in my life. Note the sarcasm.

I barged in to see Natasha on the table and Ravit near her in a compromising situation. As soon as they looked at me, guilt pooled in their eyes. Natasha and Ravit both were guilty. But being guilty does not solve the problem. They broke my trust.

"Sona," Natasha said slowly after getting off the table and adjusting her dress, "I am really sorry. Today was supposed to be the last time I swear."

"How long?" I asked her, wanting to know how long had they been sleeping with each other behind my back.

"A week," Ravit answered, "I am sorry Sona. I promise I will be only faithful to you from now on."

"Put your Sorry in the dustbin. I never expected that my boyfriend, No my fiancé would be unfaithful to me. I didn't expect my best friend to sleep with the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with," I said.

"Sona," Natasha called me, trying to say something.

"Mr Ravit Raheja. WE ARE OVER." I spat, removing the ring he gave me, and then I threw it at his face.

I walked out of the room with tears spilling out of my eyes.

I lost my best friend.
I lost my love.

Flashback Ends

Dev saw Sonakshi's eyes become misty with tears. He did not want to force her to reveal such stuff. He would ask her later. Now. he needed to distract her.

He went and hugged her hoping to distract her, forgetting the wound on his right arm.

As soon as he hugged her, her head touched his right arm and he flinched at the contact and shouted clutching his arm, "Maa."

Sonakshi looks at him suspiciously. Now, Dev wanted to run away. He turned to get out of the room and said, "See you later. Complete your work."

But Sonakshi being Sonakshi said, "Dev! Stop right there."

Dev stopped. Dev was himself surprised that he had obeyed her. He had never obeyed anyone except his Dad. He would obey his mom but his naughtiness caused him to disobey most of the stuff she used to say to him.

"Turn around and face me," Sonakshi said, her voice strong.

Dev turned around to look at her. She looked a bit fierce. It was like the time they had first met.


"If you can't see and walk, then stay at home," Sonakshi shouted.

"If you don't know how to speak politely, then don't speak," Dev yelled

Flashback Ends

"Take your suit off," She ordered him.

Dev raised an eyebrow at her to question why he should do that, but he was treated with a ferocious glare. He instantly removed the black suit.

Sonakshi saw his arm. His white shirt had a patch of red on his right arm. She sucked in her breath. It was difficult for her to be too close to men but she wanted to be with Dev.

"Remove your shirt," She commanded him.

Dev was shocked. He looked at her with wide eyes to see if she was joking. She was clearly not. He was apprehensive about removing his shirt but looking at the way Sonakshi was glaring at him, he gulped and removed his shirt.

God! Please save me from this wild cat. She has gone mad today.

Sonakshi got lost looking at Dev. He had a good muscular body. His arms and shoulders were well-built. He had perfect six-packs. His skin looked smooth except for some bullet marks here and there.

Dev now started smirking. Gone was the apprehension that this wild cat in front of him was going to take advantage of him. He saw her eyes go wide while checking him out. After all, he was a perfect specimen.

"Umm, Why did you want me to strip my upper body?" Dev said, now grinning at her.

"To... Um... To treat your wound," Sonakshi said.

She walked to the table and picked up her purse and removed the medical kit from it. She walked to Dev and removed the bandage that was there earlier. She cleaned his wounds. Dev could feel the electricity in his body as she was touching his arm. She bandaged his wound with a new bandage.

"Done!" Sonakshi said and looked up at Dev.

His brown orbs had turned black signifying his lust and desire. She too had felt electricity running through her whenever she touched him.

He wanted her.
She wanted him.

"Kiss me," Dev said to her putting his left arm on her nape.

"No," she denied.

"Do you want me to feel better?" Dev asked.

"Obviously," she replied.

"One kiss. Please. Only one kiss can heal me. Can you?" Dev pleaded.

She nodded and moved forward. Their lips touched. Both of them started to fight for dominance. Dev being more dominant entered her mouth quite easily and was exploring her mouth. Sonakshi was also equally demanding. The kiss was a passionate one, unlike the last one which was a one-sided forced kiss. They pulled back when Sonakshi wanted oxygen.

"That was wonderful Mia Bella!" Dev said having a satisfied smile.

"I know. But it was just to distract you from the pain in your arm," Sonakshi said calming down, "Is your wound still hurting."

Dev nodded in negatively and said looking into her eyes genuinely,






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