Chapter 1

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"Katniss, why must you leave?" My sister asks as she helps me dress in one of my mother's fine dresses from before she married my father back in France. Long before we lost my father. And long before we entered into the harsh conditions we live in today.

"Little Duck, you know how little we have," I say. "The money the royals will pay is too good to pass up." My mother comes in, packing up more of her old dresses for me to take with me to my new home at the palace.

"I thank the good Lord everyday that your father had gone to the trouble of teaching you French and Spanish," she says. "It gave you much edge over those other girls. Not to mention the fact that you fit into these lovely old things. I couldn't imagine what dresses like these would do to our debt now." I smile sadly at her.

"I will miss you both," I say. "More than anything. I will visit as soon and often as Her Majesty allows." I hug them as I am finished dressing and we all shed a few tears when there is a knock on the door of the shack. I open the door and the gentleman politely bow to me.

"We are here to escort Lady Katniss Everdeen to the Queen's Majesty's service," I curtsey to them and stand aside.

"I am ready gentlemen," I say. "I have just the red trunk on the dining table." They walk in and grab it and one holds out his hand to escort me and I turn to my little family. "I love you both very much and hope I can see my efforts paid off in your moving to a real house very soon." My mother and sister kiss me goodbye and I am lead to the small coach that will take me into the city and to the royal family's home.

It is amazing to me to see all the grand grey walls and how tall and elegant the buildings get as we close in on the city center. There are decorated horses and banners and all beautiful things.

I look at my hands and the silver ring that was once my mother's wedding ring laying on the middle finger of my right hand for luck and feel a tear run down my cheek. If Queen Mary is anything like I have heard, she will most likely never allow me time or energy to visit them.

We are haulted just within the gates and I am helpedout of the tall coach and onto the stone ground, so different than the dirt street I had lived on and the dusty floor I had slept on for so long. The guards lead me into the castle and the busy halls are filled with lords and ladies of the upper class in their grand clothes. We stop outside the Queen's chambers and the two men carrying my trunk pass, carrying my belongings off to Her Majesty's servents' quarters.

"Am I to enter now?" I ask. "I do not want to offend the lady." The gentleman escorting me opens the door for my and I enter, my hands folded and my eyes down. I see the edge of the Queen's skirts and curtsey, not coming back up until she addresses me.

"Lady Katniss," she says and I stand to look at the grand lady. She is very beautiful, with long, corn yellow hair and pale blue eyes that match her elegant dress. But the permenent frown that mars her face makes me know she is not as kind as her outward appearence may possess. "You will be expected to wake at 7 to help with preparations for the day. You shall hold yourself with the upmost respect for me over everyone in our quarters. There will be no fighting or argument with my other ladies and you will present yourself as a representation and extension of myself. You will come when called and use all of your hospitality to any guest of my house. To put it simply, you will do what I want when I want. Is that understood?" I nod and bow slightly again.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I reply.

"Now, I shall expect you to begin work tomorrow," she says. "You shall be roomed with Lady Mason. She will show you to your chambers now." A young woman a little older than I with dark hair redish in shade steps forward to stand beside me. We both bow to the Queen and she leads me out of the room, bigger than my house all together.

"You are French?" Lady Mason asks as we begin down the long hallway.

"No, My Lady," I say. "My mother was. My father was from Spain. They moved here after war broke out. This is my mother's dress from her days in the French Court."

"It is a good thing," she replies. "Queen Mary loves the French fashion as she does all beautiful things." I begin to say more but a group of men begin to walk down our hall.

"Make way for His Majesty, the Prince of England," Lady Mason and I stand to the side and bow but the gentlemen stop in front of us and the young man at the center steps forward.

"Prince Peeta," Lady Mason greets him standing up but I remain down, not daring look up until the heir to the English throne addresses me.

"Lady Johanna," he says in a low, kind voice. "Dear cousin. It is nice to see you back at court." He turns to me. "And may ask who this lovely rose among the daisies may be." I look up at him as I rise from my bended position.

"Her Majesty's new Lady in waiting," Johanna says. "Lady Katniss Everdeen." The young prince is tall with curly, ash blonde hair and deep piercing blue eyes that light his handsome face as he smiles as I offer out my hand to him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty," I say, careful to be polite as he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

"Oh no, dear Lady," he says. "The pleasure is all mine." He releases my hand and I lay it back in my other. "Now if you excuse me ladies, I must attend to my father's business." We all bow to each other and He smiles as he rises again. "Welcome to Panem Court Lady Everdeen. I shall hope we both enjoy your stay."

"Thank you, Your Grace," I reply, bowing again as he leaves.

"Do not get your hopes up," Johanna says as we start again. "Prince Peeta flirts with all the ladies of court." I shake my head as we enter our room.

"Lady Mason, I would never have such hopes," I say. "I'm a commoner with no dowery save a small milking goat. And he is rumered to be betrowthed to a girl of French Nobility." She nods.

"Yes, But King Edward has broken that when it was found the girl was previously betrowthed," she says and I sit down on the bed and begin to unpack my things, shaking my head

"This world is quite the mess," I say and she nods.

"Welcome to the life of loyalty to the crown," she says laughing and I sigh as I begin to settle in to my duties as a lady in waiting.

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