Chapter 2

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I have worked long and hard for Queen Mary for nearly three months now. It is hard work, but not how I would have expected. It is exhausting dancing for her and pressing her fine garments but most of all cleaning up after her. Who knew such woman who carries herself above all others would be such a slob.

I am pulling her sheets from the bed when the Prince enters the living quarters. He has been gone to Spain for diplomatic service of His Mahesty for two months. I have not seen him since the day I arrived. We all curtsey as Mary stands and hugs her son.

"Mother, it is nice to see you," he says.

"I wish your travels would not take you so far from here," Queen Mary says pulling away. "We are so glad to see you come home well and free from exhaustion." He nods and remains in front of her as I go back to my duties and the Queen sits back down. "But I asume Your Grace has other maters than visiting me to why you may come into my presence." The prince nods.

"I would like to call upon one of your lovely maids to walk with me in your garden, Your Majesty," he says. "As I have not been home in so long and would like a pretty face to enjoy it with." She nods and gestures to us.

"Of course darling," she says. "I'm sure your cousin would be happy to walk with you." Johanna begins to step forward but Prince Peeta speaks and she stops.

"Actually, Your Majesty, I would like to ask the Lady Everdeen, to accompany me if that pleases you," he says and I let go of the sheet I am folding. "As since she is new to court, she has not yet seen much of the lovely flowers you keep. I would like to give her the chance before the summer heat claims them." The queen looks back at me before looking back at her son and beckoning me with a finger.

"Lady Katniss, my son would like to take you into the royal gardens for a short walk," she says. "If you believe you can finish your chores after he returns you, it may please you to go." I nod and curtsey.

"Of course Majesty," I say. "If it pleases you and His Grace, I shall go with him for a short time." She nods and Prince Peeta holds out his hand to escort me. I lay my hand over his and he takes me from his mother's chambers.

We walk down the hallway and are announced each time we encounter a room of people. I feel embarassed. I do not like their eyes. But of fear of offending the prince, I dare do nothing but walk quietly with him to the garden at the back of the palace. He dismisses his guards and turns to me.

"That is a lovely color on you," Prince Peeta says and I look down at the pale green gown I wear.

"Thank you, Your Grace," I say. "Though I do not understand why you have asked me to join you of all the other lovely girls within court. I am but a peasant girl." He chuckles and we stop at a small gazebo.

"I will be honest with you Madam," he says. "You have not left my thoughts since we first met. I find you to be more intriguing than all the ladies of the Spanish court and even the French court."

"My Lord, if I may speak bluntly, I believe you are making fun of my heritage, for I am both of French and Spanish decent," I say and he shakes his head.

"I mean not to offend you," he says taking my hand. I look at him as he pulls a fresh tulip from his mother's plants. He hands it to me smiling. "I only mean that you are a lovely young lady who has touched my soul with your beauty." I look at the flower and then back at him.

"Then you must think very little of me," I say. "Because beautiful things are often hollow and cold and of little true value. You must think my head a hollow shell adorned with pretty ribbon to think so much of me with out knowing if anyone be home." I walk away from him and stand next to a small statue of an owl. "Did you know that I can read, write, and speak three languages besides English? That I can complete elaborate embroidery of birds and flowers and anything else that would please Her Majesty? I can play violin and harp and do some singing as well. But since you only know that I am appealing to your eyes, Your Grace, I doubt you knew that. I may infact mention that you too are appealing to my eyes, but in all of a peacock's glory, I prefer song birds, My Lord!"

I throw down my flower and quickly leave the gazebo and run towards the maze of bushes in the back of the garden. I stop not long after and worriedly run my fingers through my dark hair, trying to catch my breath.

I must be crazy. I just yelled at the bloody Prince of England. I might as well be dead by the time someone hears. I must have offended that kind man beyond all things. I hold my breath as I hear running foot steps approach me.

Prince Peeta runs around the corner and stops as he sees me. I brace myself for a strike but he surprises me as he falls to his knees and takes my hands.

"I'm sorry to have offended you so, Lady Everdeen," He says. "I did not mean for you to take my compliments so harshly. I only meant them to flatter you." I tenatively take his hands from my arms and help him to stand. "I did hear of your many talents upon your hiring for my mother's service. I even heard your singing with the harp during one of the many trials you had to go through. I just had thought, well most of the ladies I have encountered have been different. They want flattery. They want gifts. They want poems about how they rival the sun and moon and stars. I want only to please you dear lady." I look away from him.

"Your engagement to the Duchess of Bolognue was broken because she could not pay the dowery your His Highness requested," I say. "You are waisting your time upon me if you think to ever take me as a wife. And if you think you would take me a mistress, you are a bigger fool and have waisted both your efforts and my time because I will only ever sleep with the man I marry."

"Katniss, I am asking only to have the opportunity to court you," Prince Peeta says quietly.

"As you have countless other ladies at the courts you visit, Your Grace," I say. "You have a reputation with the ladies. And not a good one." He looks at me frustrated.

"Yes Katniss, I flirt with them," he says. "But only because I am a gentleman. I must smile and kiss their hands and dance with them. Make those spoiled girls feel special. Because that is what I was taught is the gentlemanly thing to do." He places his fingers beneath my chin and forces me to meet his eyes. "I regret those actions. I want no dowery. I want only your heart. I will be King of all of England one day. I want you to be my queen."

I try to say something but Peeta stops any objection with a kiss. It is soft and sweet and I almost regret him pulling away from me.

"At least allow me to continue to call on you further, to prove to you I am not just teasing you like I do others," he says and I regretfully nod.

"If it pleases Your Grace and if Her Majesty allows, I suppose I can spare time in my youth for a Prince of England," I say and he takes my hand and begins to lead me from the maze, smiling.

"I'm glad," he says. "And if it pleases you, in casual setting you may simply call me my given name. No titles or pleasantries. Just simply Peeta." I nod and smile.

But the smile masks my own sorrow. For I fear I may become accustomed to the affections of the prince. And a commoner has no right to a prince. For he is meant to marry not a woman, but an alliance to a country.

"I leave for my house in Windsor tomorrow for a week," Peeta says as we reach "When I return to court, I plan to call upon you again. I will send word ahead to Her Majesty so she can relieve you of your duties for a day or two upon my return."

"She'd never allow it," I say. "She hired me to work for her, not entertain her son." He takes my hands in his and smiles at me.

"She'd do it for me," he says. "Or else I shall not visit her until she releases you to see me. I feel it is my right to speak with any of her ladies as I please. And If I choose to call upon you, by God's grace I will have you in my arms." He kisses my hands and lets me go.

"Until you come back to court," I say curtseying. He bows to me with the same respect I show him.

"Lady Everdeen," he says.

"Your Grace," I return. He leaves with one last smile to me and I enter back into Her Majesty's chamber.

"Lady Everdeen," The Queen says upon my entry. "Come take over on my hair. Lady Howard is acting as though she has never held a brush before." I curtsey to her and take my place brushing her hair. "Did you enjoy your walk?"

"Yes, My Lady," I say. "Your garden is very beautiful and you have raised a fine charming young man in the prince." She nods and folds her hands over her needle work.

"I am prouder of him than any mother could be of her son," she says. "I wish only he would make up his mind about a wife. For without a wife at his age, who wpuld accept him as Edward's heir. They must think something wrong with my dear son." I shake my head and gently brush my lady's hair.

"There, is nothing wrong with Prince Peeta, Your Highness," I say. "Someday soon, I am sure he will marry a fine young princess."

"Just hopefully not me," I think to myself.

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