Chapter 7

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I start to recognize the buildings and farm houses as we get start to get close to the York house and I gently shake Katniss' shoulder to wake her.

"We're here," I say and she lifts her head from my chest and slowly gets up and stretches.

"How long was I out?" She asks and I shrug.

"Not too long," I say. "You were sleeping so well I almost didn't want to wake you, but I wanted you to see the landscape as we rode up." She nods and lokks out the window, smiling as she sees the thick orchads full of fruits and vegetables that lay to the side of the property and watches as the plants are reaped of their fruits to be made ready for the feasts over the next few days. And then her eyes widen as she sees the house.

"We are staying there?" Katniss asks and I nod. "Its so beautiful. I think maybe even nicer than the Panem." I smile as she watches the large stone house gets closer and closer to us.

"I love coming out here," I say. "Especially in the spring. With the cherry trees in bloom and the smells of the fresh air away from all the smoke of the city." Katniss smiles and I take her hand and squeeze it.

"Maybe I can come with you again in the spring so you can show me," she says and I nod.

"I would love that," I say as we pull up to the door and she moves back to her place across the coach from me so no one will see that she had been laying in my lap. A footman opens the door and I climb out before helping Katniss out after me. I walk her to the door where my best friend stands waiting. I walk up and shake his hand.

"Your Grace," he says. "Its been a while since you've been here." I smile and gesture to the lovely woman at my side.

"Katniss, this is Finnick Odair, the master of this house in my absence," I say. "Finnick, this is Lady Katniss Everdeen." He smiles and kisses her hand.

"Your Grace's English Rose," he says. "It is an honor to meet you Lady Everdeen."

"The same to you, Mr. Odair," Katniss replies in French after picking up on his accent and he smiles.

"Come in, both of you," he says. "The cooks nearly have dinner ready." He opens the door and the three of us walk in followed by the servents carrying our luggage.

"Take Lady Everdeen's things to the master bedroom," I order. "I will be staying in the guest suite to the west of it during this stay." They bow and begin up the stairs with the boxes of belongings. Katniss looks at me and then to Finnick.

"I think I may like to change out of these traveling clothes for dinner if I may take my leave gentlemen?" I nod and kiss her hand as she leaves for the stairs.

"I shall send Lady Odair to help you, Madam," Finnick calls after her to which she nods and begins up the stairs. I watch her go and once she has left my sight, I turn back to Finnick and chuckle.

"Lady Odair?" I ask. "Finally convinced Annie to marry you huh?" He smiles and nods.

"That is not all I convinced her of," he says as we continue into the the house.

"What do you mean by that I say but am stopped when the pretty redhead comes into view from the dinning room, carefully balancing with her very pregnant stomach. She curtseys to me and I step foward to help her back up.

"Your Grace, I swear you must have gotten taller," I laugh and look over her large pregnant belly.

"Annie," I say. "You are with child." She smiles and nods.

"Yes, Your Highness," she says happily. "I am due to have my child in early winter." I hug her and she hugs me back. This mentally frazzled woman who stole Finnick's heart stole mine as well after he introduced me to her. She is a little odd and the longer she speaks you can tell she is not all there, being an executioner's daughter who actually attended many of her father's works would take its tole on a child, but she has a very good heart. I pull away and smile at her.

"Annie, Peeta has brought his courted lady here for the festival," Finnick says and she looks at him excitedly.

"Why, I should go and serve her!" She says and leaves my side turning to curtsey as she exits the room and tgen heading for the the stairs. I turn to Finnick and smile.

"She's doing better," I say and he nods.

"Ever since she began carrying her baby, its like it keeps her in reality a little more," He says. "I can only hope she will continue to improve." He offers me an apple and I take it.

"Fresh from the orchards?" I ask and he nods.

"They are pressing cider as we speak, Your Grace," Finnick says and I nod.

"I'm glad I hadn't missed it," I say. "I had hoped we would have some for my feast Wednesday." He nods and then goes to straighten a piece of silverware on the table.

"Lady Everdeen is very beautiful," he says.

"I know," I say smiling. "I believe she is the love of my life. She is everything I have ever wanted."

"If I may speak freely, I would hope Your Grace is motivated not by lust but by love," Finnick says. I nod, knowing he is speaking about my father and his commoner wife.

"No Finnick, I love her," I say. "Not only for her beauty, but just the amazing person she is. She has the most beautiful spirit and I just love everything about her." Finnick smiles and nods.

"I know," he says. "I could see it in your eyes everytime you look to her. I think it be a lovely thing for you have found love same as I. I only wish you could truly have her as you wish." I look down and shake my head.

"She will never be my mistress," I say. "I plan to marry her. Secretly if I have to. I care not how much His Majesty tries to make me marry those "noble" ladies he tries to entice me with. I have eyes only for my little wild flower."

"You have my support in the matter," he says. "Should things get so bad that you would need to campaign for such support." I take a glass from the table and raise the empty cup to him.

"I'll drink to that," I say and we both laugh, happy to be catching up as old friends again.


"How old are you, Annie?" I ask in French as the young pregnant girl helps me rinse out my dusty hair. I noticed she struggles a little with English and decide to converse with her in a way she better understands.

"16, M'lady," she says. "I was 15 when Finnick brought me here to York. We married not long after." I look over at her to see a smile smile play on her lips. She carefully dries my hair and I stop her and take over when I notice how her hands tremble so, some sign of a trama in her life.

"Are you happy to be having a child so young?" I ask and she smiles and nods.

"Very happy," she says. "I always wanted a big family. So as long as God allows me to survive the births, I will bear as many as Finnick wishes me too. We must start young to achieve such things." I nod and she begins to comb the knots from my thick hair.

"I never intended to have children," I say. "It isn't practical when you expect to never be married to expect to ever bear children."

"If His Grace marries you, you know it will be your job to bear children to be the future of the royal line," Annie says and I nod.

"I know," I whisper. "But we have never had that conversation nor do I intend to in the near future. We don't even know that marriage would ever really be in the cards for us, especially considering I am of no value to His Majesty as a peasant." Annie stops combing my hair and looks at me.

"You aren't a noble?" She asks. I shake my head and look at my hands.

"Nope," I say. "Just a poor Lady in waiting." I get up and go over to my trunk on the floor and look through it for an evening dress. I pull out the deep grey satin from the bottom and hand it to Annie. She lays the dress flat on the bed and then begins getting to work dressing me in it. The black lace of the hems is soft against my skin and I gasp a little as the laces are pulled tight.

"Then His Grace loves you for who you are?" Annie says.

"Thats what he says," I say walking to my bedside table and picking up the precious necklace from my prince. "And I believe his words to be the truth. In his eyes at least, I am worth disappointing King Edward."

"You love him too?" She asks.

"I don't know," I admit, still smiling at the beautiful jewels in my hand. "It would be easier for both of us if I did. But he understands and that is a blessing in itself." Annie walks over and clasps the necklace around my neck. She then grabs a headband of silver with needle thin rays sticking out around it. As the final pin is placed in my head, she lets out a sharp gasp. "What is it?"

"Nothing, M'lady," she says and I turn to see her running her hand across her large belly. "Just a strong kick from the little one." I watch the way she lovingly cradles her unborn child, thinking she must be crazy to love something that will surely take her life when attempted at such a young age.

"You enjoy it then?" I ask and Annie shrugs.

"Not always, but if it means that this baby is healthy and strong, I will hold my own through it," She says and I nod.

"We would be wise to continue to dinner, Lady Odair," I say and she nods. We leave the room and head for the stairs.

I am still curious as to why anyone would want to have a baby. I know that I will have to bear atleast one for Peeta if he gets his way. People have mentioned before that they think I would have little trouble bearing children with my hips positioned as they are and the fact that I am attractive in most people's eyes. But I know the horrors.

My mother was a midwife. I have watched many a young woman die because they chose to bear children young because it was when they were married and most fertile. I for one never saw the appeal.

But I just shake such feelings off and continue on to dinner.

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