time machine

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"Goodnight everyone!" Jimin smiled as he waved to his family, walking up the stairs with his night bag in one hand and Namjoon's hand in the other.

Their socked feet pattered against the old wooden floorings, making a few of the floorboards creak here and there. Namjoon smile. He loved this house, with it's homey smell, the picture frames here and there, next to the certificates and diplomas the family had earner, their medals and trophies. His warm hand subconsciously wrapped closer around Jimin's, a soft sigh falling from his lips.

The younger opened the door to his bedroom, letting his backpack fall to the floor and dropping his body on his bed heavily. Namjoon simply looked around, eyes tracing the posters, the plane tickets and again, the trophies on the shelves.

Jimin had conserved all of his childhood belongings in his room, and walking into it was like taking a step into the past and discovering the Jimin of highschool. With his motivational quotes over his desk, his large stereo, the mirrors that lined one of the walls constellated with postcards of his favorite dancers and pictures of his dance shows.

His room was like a time machine.

He could picture a young Jimin, just like the one that was in the frame on his nightstand -the photo from his graduation, with his high school classmates-, sitting at his desk and studying for an upcoming test, hand tangled in his hair in frustration. Then, he'd throw his pen on the table and let the office chair roll away from his desk, stand up, turn to the mirror and start dancing to relax.

He could imagine him bringing a girl in his room, his girlfriend of the time perhaps, -it couldn't have been a boy because Namjoon new for a fact he was Jimin's gay awakening- push her on the bed he was now laying on and kiss her, maybe more.

Or Jimin practicing his dancing for the the entrance exam to the Seoul University of performing the Arts, him slamming the door after an argument with his parents wrestling his sister on the floor, inviting friends over, eating pizza and take out, watching tv shows or that one korean humorist, laughing-

"What is it?" Jimin asked softly as he turned around on his bed, propping his head on his hand and looking back to Namjoon with his elbow on his pillow, supporting his head.

Namjoon tore his eyes from the mirror to look back at his boyfriend, an automatic smile crafting on his features.

"I..." he looked down." just like your room. It seems to hold a lot of memories."

Jimin nodded, detailing Namjoon's expression, his soft smile but also his hazy eyes and slightly pinched eyebrows.

"Isn't your childhood room like this?" He asked in the soft and slightly high pitched voice Namjoon loved.

He shook his head, that same sad smile over his features, making Jimin's own smile turn downwards.

"I-... I don't have a childhood home." He looked up from his socks, his long, thin eyes pouring into Jimin's.

"Why?" he asked, despite feeling like Namjoon would avoid the question like he usually seemed to do anytime he was confronted to a personal question about his life before university.

Namjoon shrugged after a short -but noticeable- pause. "I moved a lot as a kid."

Jimin knew that wasn't the end of it, especially when he noticed Namjoon looked away and brought his index finger to his mouth, biting at his nail. Namjoon wasn't one to lie, he simply chose to answer questions very vaguely, or in a way that dodged the real answer he knew Jimin was looking for.


Namjoon shrugged again, turning around to take dig into his night bag for his tooth brush and leaving the room for the bathroom.

Jimin sighed, sitting up in bed and looking at the mirror in front of him, staring at his own reflexion.

Four years... Four years and i still barely know who you are...

He shook his head, running a hand through his hair and standing up to join Namjoon in the bathroom, pushing away all the questions jamming in his head.

The bathroom was a slightly cramped space still hazy with steam from the shower Jieun had taken after dinner, making Jimin almost almost bump into Namjoon's broad shoulders. He looked at his back for a few seconds, feeling slightly intimidated for a few seconds, before placing his forehead against the muscles between his shoulder blades, breathing in the smell of their laundry detergent mixed with his cologne.

He slipped his hands under his thin shirt, pressing it against the dips of his back before circling over his hips and to his stomach, where Namjoon's large hand cupped his own.

Jimin raised to his tiptoes to press a light kiss to Namjoon's chin, before letting his chin rest on his shoulder, looking at Namjoon in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.

"What?" Namjoon asked through his mouthful of toothpaste.

Jimin smiled, shaking his head.

"You looked like a boiled egg." he teased, chuckling softly, his eyes crinkly into small slits on his face.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, taking his hand off Jimin's and taking a step away from him.

Jimin giggled again, rubbing his chin against Namjoon' shoulder teasingly to ask for forgiveness, showing him his most perfected puppy eyes.

He slipped his hands under Namjoon's shirt again, the cold making shivers go down his spine.

"I'm kidding." Jimin giggled, the very particular squeak coming from his throat, very soft and almost mute, but still noticeable and very cute. "You're a very handsome boiled egg.

His hands were on Namjoon's chest at this point, and if he concentrated hard enough and pressed his hand completely flat against Namjoon's skin, he could make out the sound of his heartbeat.

"Have you been working out?" He asked, his hands groping Namjoon's peks, making him jolt and laugh, spitting all his toothpaste in the sink.

"Yah!" Jimin laughed again, with the same adorable squeak.


thanks for all your votes and comments!

Hope you're having great holidays :)

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