Eleven: Virgil/Roman/Remy/Janus/Patton

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All ages are the same as the beginning but I wanted to put this here just cuz
Remus- 19
Janus- 21
Logan- 15
Patton- 17
Virgil- 17
Roman- 20
Slev- 28
Remy- 22
Emile- 21

Virgil heard a bang and walked out of the guest bedroom, he looked at Remy and Emile who were both asleep on the couch in the living room. He walked towards the kitchen where the bang came from, activating his powers (which he really hasn't used since the day Slev kidnapped him). He shakily opened the door and Slev stood staring down at a few pans he knocked over.

"Damnit." He looked up. "Oh hello anxiety." Virgil backed away.

"What the fuck!?" Slev chuckled.

"Yeah yeah so I escaped. Come with me, and I won't hurt them." Virgil looked back at the two sleeping forms in the living room and then back at Slev.

"Fine." He let his power dim as he walked over to Slev. Slev grabbed his arm and dragged him from the house. "Alright let go, I can walk. I'm coming willingly I don't see why you have to drag me along." Slev let go and Virgil glared at him.

"What? Seeing me doesn't scare you anymore?" Virgil laughed at that.

"You just threatened to hurt two people who you have definitely hurt much more than me. I think I'll pass on the whole you scare me thing." Virgil sassed.

"And when the hell did you grow a spine exactly?" Virgil glared at him as they continued to walk.

"I'm sorry, why the fuck do you even care? Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be on lockdown in maximum security?" Virgil looked down at his feet as he realized his hands were slightly shaking.

"I got out, and trust me when I say I am not letting you go this time." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"You say that now, but you do know you'll get caught right? You aren't an idiot." Virgil attempted to reach anyone in the mind link as he tried to control his anxiety.

"Stop that." Slev slammed Virgil into a wall and pulled out one of the shock collars he had. Virgil glared at it. He attached it to Virgil's neck and turned it on, virgil got shocked and he fell to the ground. "Now, behave."

"Jack ass." Virgil stood up and he was dragged into a building, he looked around and rolled his eyes. "What the fuck is this? A cliché villain movie?"

"Don't forget, you are a villain." Virgil was chained to a wall and he looked at Slev.

"Don't forget, they all see you as one now too." Virgil looked around trying to figure out where he was.

"Yeah, because of you!" Slev stepped closer and Virgil flinched. He chuckled. "Oh? So you are afraid." Virgil looked away from Slev as he got closer pressing him into the wall.

"I wont let you hurt anyone else Slev." Virgil faced him and glared. "So hurt me as much as you like." Slev chuckled.

"Trust me, I will."


Roman screamed seeing the building collapse. He covered his mouth in horror. "REMUS!?" he ran for the building only to be pulled back by someone. "No! Please my brothers in there!"

"Relax Ro! It's me!" Roman turned to face Remus and he immediately pulled him into a hug.

"Oh my god I thought I lost you!" They stayed like that for a moment longer before pulling apart and staring at the building.

"I was able to get out before he set off that explosion...I didn't think he'd actually try and kill us!"

"Logan?" Roman asked. Remus shook his head.

"He wasn't there..." Remus wiped his face. "How the hell did Slev get him out so quickly...without him screaming for our help!? He must be fucking terrified right now and-and he probably thinks we are dead!"

"Dude I thought you were dead!"

"Okay so what do we do!? How do we find him?"

"I think I might have your answer..." Roman glared at the person standing before them.

"Oh hell no. I'd rather suffer to find the answer than deal with you."


"fuck..." he looked at the two leaving the house and then back at Emile who was sleeping peacefully. "Oh I'm gonna regret this..." Remy left Emile, and slowly followed behind Virgil and Slev. He reached a pause seeing Virgil sassing Slev. He laughed a bit at that. "Ugh that idiots gonna get himself killed..." they reached an abandoned building and Remy looked around seeing where they were. He immediately started running back home. He had to get Virgil help. He was definitely not facing Slev alone.

~a few hours later~

Remy walked up by the twins. "I think I might have your answer." Roman and Remus both turned to face him.

"Oh hell no. I'd rather suffer to find the answer than deal with you."

"He has Virgil." Remy quickly snapped at them.

"What the fuck!?" Remus shook his head. "How!?"

"Like hell if I know!" Remy glared at Remus. "I know you don't fucking trust me, but I know where he is."

"Alright, fine." Remus looked at Roman. "But I still don't trust him."

"Yeah, right here asshole." Remy mumbled.

"Yeah, I know."


Janus groaned as he sat up in the cell. He looked over at the door. Slev stood in front of it.

"I've escaped, but can you little snake?" Slev mocked. Janus looked around him confused.

"How did-"

"It's too bad, Remus really liked you." Slev stepped closer to Janus. "I've made sure every guard here has a key to your cell." Janus looked down at his hands as they clenched into fist.

"What you just going to let them kill me and not you?" Janus looked up. "Because if that's the case, then I'm right to call you a coward!"

"Stupid snake." Slev chuckled. "The keys aren't to come here to kill you but you know, have a little fun."

"Where the fuck are my friends!?" Janus screamed.

"Virgil? He's locked up at the old library waiting for me to come back. Remus and Roman? They are dead. I killed them in an explosion. My brother? Chained up in an old apartment and about to die because he's stupid." Janus glared. "Oh look at that, poor baby." Janus flinched when Slev wiped away a tear.

"You need help you crazy fuck!" Slev just laughed.

"I hope you have some fun." He left slamming the door behind him. Janus looked around trying to find anyway to unlock the cuffs on his ankle and wrist. He closed his eyes and focused thinking about Remus.

"Please don't be dead..."

"Janus!?" Remus screamed. Janus let even more tears fall down his face.

"Remus!? Oh thank god you are alive! I was so worried!" Janus looked towards the door of his cell them closed his eyes again. "Slev escaped."

"I know he tried to kill me and Roman outside of his old house. He took Logan and apparently he has Virgil too." Janus glared at the door.

"Fuck he wasn't lying just to anger me then?" Janus sighed. "Alright, Virgil's at an old abandoned library. He didn't tell me which apartment complex but it's an abandoned apartment building."

"And you?" Remus asked.

"Remus no." Janus tried pushing remus away but he suddenly pushed himself into his mind seeing where he was.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" remus sounded panicked.

"I don't know." Janus looked down at his hands. "But I don't think I can get myself out of this one. Find the boys first, then come for me my love okay?" Remus sighed.

"Fine, but you better stay alive."

"I promise you I will."

AN I was gonna just like end the chapter here and leave the book in chaos but nope here we go continuing the chapter...


Patton paced the room looking at the map in front of him. "What the hell am I missing?"

"A brain maybe?" Patton squealed in surprise and turned facing Slev.

"How the hell did you-." He couldn't finish his sentence as he was slammed into his desk he collapsed to the ground and looked up at Slev.

"I can easily get in and out of places." Slev chuckled. "But I'm here for you." Patton tried to get up. "Don't bother getting up." He walked over and Patton tried to squirm away but he found that he couldn't move.

"What are you doing to me?" Patton was lifted to his feet and he started crying. "Please..."

"I saw that photo of you and Logan with Virgil, I know you care for my brother so I'm going to use that to my advantage. You are coming with me." Patton shook his head as he was dragged from the station.

"Fucking bastard!" Patton started crying harder when his vision started going blurry.

"I will make sure to enjoy this~" Patton felt his eyes close and he continued crying. Slev had him, and he has no clue what that could mean.

AN alright! Updated haha I am so evil and I'm so sorry lol

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