Twelve: Virgil

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AN patton works in the station part time lol he's only there as an internship thing he's not actually allowed to work on cases and stuff but he sneaks in and looks at files when he shouldn't be lol he's a little sneak


Slev threw an unconscious Patton into the room and virgil stared wide eyed.

"Oh my god!" Virgil stared at him in shock.

"Oh shut it." Slev tied Patton down and glared at virgil.

"No! No okay! You promised me you wouldn't hurt them!" Virgil tried getting up but his legs gave out and he collapsed back down to the ground. Slev chuckled.

"Can't walk?" Virgil glared at him. He walked over to Virgil and lifted his chin so he was looking Slev in the eye. "I believe someone, is being naughty again."  Virgil looked over and saw Patton awake and glaring at Slev. "And what did you expect?" Slev chuckled. Before he could kiss virgil, Patton knocked him out with a lamp.

"I'd ask you how you became such a bad ass, but that's not even my first question..." Patton helped Virgil to his feet and the two left the room. Patton got Virgil into slevs car and started it.

"I am a really great actor." Patton laughed a bit as he smiled at Virgil. "I mean I work at a police station...I've got to have some skills." The two drove off and Patton pulled up to an apartment building.

"Patton, are you sure it's smart bringing us here? Shouldn't we go somewhere he can easily be caught if he tries to kidnap us again?" Virgil glanced around at the people walking around the building. Patton grabbed Virgil's hand.

"You have to trust me. Okay? Nobody here is going to hurt you virgil I promise." Patton got out and Virgil anxiously followed him. When they reached the door patton was greeted but Virgil was suddenly grabbed and he screamed in surprise. "Hey! He's with me knock it off!"

"The scanners indicate trouble." Someone said. Patton shook his head and glanced around.

"Please just let him in, anxiety isn't evil okay? He's a hero." Virgil looked at him with wide eyes. The guards let him go and Virgil ran over to Patton. "Thanks." Patton grabbed Virgil's arm and dragged him upstairs and to his apartment. When he opened the door Patton was tackled by someone.

"I thought he got you!" A women cried. Patton shoved her off and rolled his eyes.

"He did, but my friend helped me escape." Patton introduced Virgil. Pattons mother glared.

"A fucking villain!? Wasn't this kid already taken in to the police! He should be arrested and erased!"

"Momma!?" Patton stepped in front of Virgil wide eyed. "He's my age! Nobody deserves to be erased unless they are using their power for evil! Virgil only used his power in self defense! You all just labeled him as evil because you believed the people be attacked!"

"He needs to be locked away!" Patton glared at his father.

"No! No he doesn't! Slev does!"

"Oh please, he's not evil."

"Did you not see the news!? What the hell has gotten into you two?!" Patton stepped in front of Virgil. "He tried to fucking rape me! He's a monster!"

"Liar." Pattons mother suddenly pulled Patton away from Virgil. "He's influencing you somehow isn't he!? Villains don't deserve to exist!"

"Patton!?" Virgil looked at him in worry. Virgil tried staying calm as to not accidentally activate his powers. Pattons father handcuffed him and he panicked.

"No! Papa! Momma! Please he's my friend! He saved me from Slev!"

"I'm calling him." Pattons father walked out of the room and Patton looked at Virgil.

"I'm so sorry Virgil I thought...I thought they'd be on my side..."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Virgil slid down the wall and pattons mom glared at him.

"On your feet boy." Patton walked over and sat next to Virgil glaring at his mother. Virgil laughed.

"You don't have to defend me against them, I knew everyone here would assume I'm dangerous. After all I was a dangerous criminal."

"Yeah but they released you and dropped charges against you, Janus and Remus. You guys shouldn't be known as villains to anyone now." Patton looked at his mother as she looked away. He looked back at Virgil. "Please don't judge me for this..." Patton stood up and started glowing a slight tint of pink.

"Patton?" Virgil watched as he walked over to his mother, arrows suddenly appeared on his back and a bow materialized in his hand. He shot his mother and she collapsed, and then he went after his father who Virgil heard suddenly collapse. Patton appeared again and the glow dissolved and so did the bow and arrows. Virgil stared at him in shock. He never actually did see Patton ever use his Cupid powers.

"I..." Patton backed up a bit. "Sorry I just...he was going to tell Slev you were here." Patton looked down. "I had to make them see reason."


"I-I'm sorry.." Patton sighed. "I dont use my powers a lot because there really isn't a need for them..."

"No it's not that, it's are so fucking powerful already? That's insane! Usually someone with your powers would need like specialized training and stuff to like master it and—."

"You ramble a lot when you don't want to accidentally use your powers don't you?" Patton asked. They left the building and the two of them ran towards the middle of town. Virgil knocked on the door and looked to patton.

"I promise you, Emile will help." Virgil grabbed pattons hand as the door opened and Emile gasped.

"Oh my gosh!" He pulled Virgil and Patton into the house. "I was so worried! When Remy disappeared as well virgil and I see that Slev escaped!? Do you know fricken anxious that made me!?"

"I'm alright Emile, wait...HE TOOK REMY!?"

"I dont know if he has Remy or what happened...I woke up and both of you were just gone." The three of them sat down in the living room.

"I had to go with him Emile, he threatened to hurt you and Remy both and he's already done that enough because of me..."

"Oh sweet boy, he didn't hurt us because of you. Please don't let that go in your mind..." Virgil glanced at Emiles hand. He looked at Patton then smiled.

"Can we get some tea, Emile?" Emile stood and Virgil squeezed pattons hand. "I need you to go. That's not Emile it's Slev."

"How do you know!?" Patton asked.

"Emile wears his wedding band on a necklace, not on his finger." Virgil explained. "He's wearing it on his finger."

"You sure it's not Emile?" Patton asked. Virgil gestured to the front door.

"Just trust me okay? Please go find someone who can help." Patton bit his lip and Virgil watched as he went to run but turned back. "Patton go..." Patton ran back over to Virgil.

"Can I kiss you?" Patton asked. Virgil raised his eyebrow.

"Uhm why?" He asked.

"I can use my magic on you if I do." Virgil shook his head no, but Patton kissed him on the lips anyways. Virgil suddenly felt very light headed.

"Patton..." he held his head in his hands. "What the hell are you trying to do to me!?"

"Just sleep. I promise everything's going to be fine..." virgil fell to the ground and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Patton what the hell..." suddenly Slev stepped into the room and chuckled.

He walked over and leaned into Virgil's face. "You lose." Virgil caught a glimpse of Slev walking over to Patton before he blacked out.

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