Four: Virgil/Logan/Remy/Roman

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AN totally forgot to put their ages so here they are

Remus- 19
Janus- 21
Logan- 15
Patton- 17
Virgil- 17
Roman- 20
Slev- 28

Ships? Well I was hoping you'd decide those! Comment away! anyways enjoy!

Virgil held his legs to his chest and tried to calm his breathing down. He had to contact his friends using his powers. He had to. They have to find him. He shook his head. "Why aren't you working!?" He whimpered as he held the collar around his neck. Of course, he just had to use a power dampener didn't he? Virgil looked towards the window. "Best thing to do is run.." he looked at the door. "I'll come back for you, I promise logan." Virgil looked down and saw he had nothing but a pair of shorts on. He looked outside and saw it was snowing and frowned. No, he had to go now or he wouldn't be able to get out. He immediately jumped out the window and into the snow. He looked back at the house and immediately started running. He started crying heavily as he ran. He stopped by a tree to catch his breathe. He was fucking assaulted! He looked down. Maybe he deserved it since he was a huge bully to others, but that boy logan had to be saved from that fucking monster of a brother. He looked back the way he came and then over at the town. He immediately ran for the nearest house and knocked. Nobody answered any of their doors and he was losing hope. He ran to the last house and knocked. He was so out of breathe. He looked around and suddenly froze when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What are you doing out in the cold like this?" He looked up and saw Remy leads. He looked Virgil up and down. "Come on." He brought Virgil inside then looked at him again. "Kid, you really need to chill." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Can you please help me?" He asked. Remy placed his cup down. You see Remy was neither a hero or a villain, he was the person most go to if they were lost and needed a place to stay. People trusted him. They came to him hero or villain because he was Emile leads husband and people trusted Emile with everything because he was a therapist.

"Kid I don't have time for this what's wrong with you?" He asked. Virgil coughed and then started crying.

"I was assaulted by Slev Croft." He held his knees to his chest. "And he's not a hero."


"WHERE DID HE FUCKING GO!?" Logan looked around and panicked. The door opened and Slev came running down. "I'm going to have you smell him out." Logan panicked.

"No! Please Slev I'm still healing!" He slapped logan. Logan whimpered.

"Smell, him out." He snapped his fingers and Logan screamed as he turned into a wolf. He tried to back away but Slev attached him to a leash. "Let's go find him."


"Kid you are covered." He handed the kid a shirt. The kid held his legs to his chest. "Kid?" He looked up.

"S-sorry." He whimpered.

"Who did you say did this to you?" He asked.

"Please believe me! Please it was Slev!" The kid started crying. "Please he did this! H-He assaulted me!" The doorbell rang and Remy sighed.

"I'll be back." Remy walked to the door and opened it revealing Slev Croft standing in the doorway. "Holy shit..."

"Hi, I'm looking for someone you might have seen." Remy looked down at the collar around the wolf and then back at his living room where the kid was.

"Yeah, probably won't find who you are looking for here sorry." He went to close the door but the wolf whimpered. "Why don't you go look somewhere else."

"I know he's here." Slev growled. "Where is he?" Remy panicked a little.

"Get out of my house." Remy growled.

"Not happening." He pushed Remy away with magic and Remy crashed into the wall. He groaned and sat up.

"You are a hero! Why are you even doing this!?" Remy shouted.

"Oh please, I am definitely no hero." He walked passed Remy and into the living room. Remy glanced at the wolf who looked over worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm alright." The wolf looked towards the living room. "He's in there, he's pretty hurt. He...did you see anything?"

"Get off me!" Remy looked up and saw Slev dragging the kid into the room.

"I'll be leaving now." Remy looked at the kid shocked.

"He did this to you?" The kid struggled against him.

"Please! Please!" He begged.

"Say anything Remy and I won't hesitate to kill Emile." Remy backed away.

"Sorry kid, I can't..." he looked at the wolf and then at the kid again. "I just...I can't risk Emile." The kid was dragged from the house and he watched out the window. Oh boy. He probably just killed the kid.


Roman sat in the coffee shop on his laptop every now and then stopping his work to talk with fans. There was a time when he attempted to keep his identity a secret but then a man almost died and he had to save him so he didn't bother hiding his identity any longer. He looked up when someone sat down and sighed seeing Remus.

"What?" He asked as he closed the laptop.

"He wasn't erased." Remus said quickly. "We went through the records."

"And you need me help you?" Roman asked. Remus nodded.

"I'm worried about the kid, he's seventeen for crying out loud! He can't be alone..." Remus looked down at his hands. Roman could tell he was starting to become anxious. "me and Janus, we were all he had-has. We are all he has."

"Remus, you and Janus can handle this alone you don't need us heroes." Remus looked up.

"I need my brother, I can't go through this without talking through my bad thoughts Roman...and Janus won't listen." Roman sighed.

"Remus, you don't need me."

"I do! Please Roman? You are my older brother I need you..." tears filled remuss eyes. "Mom and dad won't even talk to me, won't even look me in the eyes. I need someone right now please don't turn me away."

"Come on then, let's get you to my place." He helped Remus towards his car and stopped when he saw paparazzi. "Head down." Remus immediately glanced over at the paparazzi and hid in the car. Roman turned away and sped off immediately, Hoping nobody got his photo with Remus.

"I didn't want you to get into any trouble Roman, I just.... I need someone right now because I'm worried for his safety." Roman kept driving and glanced at Remus sadly.

"I understand being so worried about someone, I do...but I don't think I'd ever go to a villain if I were in your position even if that villain was you Remus. How did you know I wouldn't immediately turn you into the authorities and have you arrested?" Remus fiddled with his hands.

"I didn't know you wouldn't, I just hoped you'd listen and help..." Remus pulled his knees to his chest. "I was scared, and mom and dad turned me away. You didn't..."

"We aren't talking about the situation right now are we?" Roman asked. Remus shook his head.

"Why didn't you turn me away?" He asked. Roman sighed.

"I didn't want to." Roman pulled into his drive way. "Unlike mom and dad your powers didn't scare me, they still don't. I trust you even though you chose to be a villain." Remus smiled a bit.

"Well technically my powers chose that for me..." Roman laughed.

"Yeah, that's true." Roman pulled out his keys. "Who's..."

"Oh my god.." Remus looked at Roman. "That's mom and dad."

"Fuck." Roman looked at Remus. "You'll be okay right?" Remus nodded as they got out of the car. When they entered the house Roman glared at his mom and dad who were sitting in the living room drinking coffee and watching tv. "What the hell? Did I invite you here, no. So why are you in my living room?"

"That's no way to treat family." Remus looked between them. Roman reached out his hand and Remus grabbed hold of it.

"You can both fuck off, you aren't family, not after what you've done." They glared at remus.

"What is he doing here?!" Their mother growled. Roman held remuss hand tighter as he fought the urge to punch her.

"He's my brother, he's allowed here you two are not."

"Am I missing something?" Remus asked.

"Your brother here, almost killed your mother."

"You fucking know why! Don't defend her!" Remus stared at Roman wide eyed.

"You what?!" Remus looked at Roman shocked. "Did not expect that one" he laughed. Roman backed away when their father pulled out his phone.

"Don't!" He used his magic and the phone flew towards him.

"Roman you give your father his phone back!" Roman glared at her.

"Or what?" He stood in front of Remus. "I will not let you turn him in! I won't!"

"You deserve to be separated!" Their father growled.

"He's my brother you asshole!" Roman shouted.

"Roman stop, okay? I'll go..." Remus looked at their parents. "As long as you leave Roman out of this." Roman started crying.

"No...." He glared. "I will not let you do that."

"Too late for that I already called." Their mother smiled. "Say your goodbyes"

"No! You monster!" Roman suddenly wrapped Remus in a hug as tears filled his eyes. "I-I'll use my powers on you! Tell them not to come!"

"Roman!" Their mother hissed. Roman shook his head and held Remus tighter.

"Cover your ears when I pull away okay? Don't take them away until I give you the okay." Remus nodded and pulled away covering his ears. Roman wiped his tears and turned to his parents. "Get out of my house. Forget who I am. Forget who Remus is. You do not have children, you never have." He watched as their faces contorted into pain and he bit his lip. "You will never remember me or Remus, you don't know who we are. You are alone." They passed out and Roman covered his mouth backing away crying. Remus pulled his hands away and Roman immediately covered remusss ears with his hands shaking his head. Remus removed romans hands from his head and smiled sadly at Roman.

"You didn't mean to, it's okay." Roman started crying harder.

"I had to Remus...." Roman broke down in remuss arms. He had used his powers for evil. Maybe him and Remus were more alike than he thought.

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