Five: logan/Virgil

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He was thrown down the stairs and he whimpered as he tried to move. Slev walked down and dragged virgil with him. Virgil looked at Logan terrified and logan whined. This was his fault and he knew Virgil was pissed at him.

"Now be good boys and stay." Slev attached a chain to virgils ankle and then walked over dragging logan by his collar over to a chain. He chained logan up and then kicked him as he left the basement. Logan whined and curled into himself.

"Logan..." logan opened his eyes and looked towards Virgil. "I'm not upset with you, I'm not going to hurt you I promise." Virgil started walking closer to logan. "I'm going to help you out with your wounds okay?" Virgil pulled out gauze and some other medical supplies from his pockets. Logan shook as he pulled himself away. "Logan, please relax..." logan relaxed into Virgil who laughed a little and held him in his lap. He pet his fur. "Sorry this is happening to you..."

"He doesn't need that." Slev walked down and logan looked towards the door. Slev was in nothing but boxers smirking at Virgil. "I do want you to watch though, punishment for trying to break both of you out." Slev walked over and dragged logan. Virgil grabbed him.

"No!" Virgil started crying. "No! You can not do this to him! Please!"

"I can." Virgil started bawling. Slev snapped his fingers and logan cried out in pain as he transformed from wolf to human.

"NO! STOP!" Virgil pulled Slev away. suddenly Slev was on top of Virgil. Logan forgotten. Logan jumped into action and jumped on slev, knocking him to the ground. He hit his head and immediately passed out. Virgil grabbed the Keys and unlocked the chains. He looked at logan who was shaking so badly. Logan looked up.

"Oh we are so screwed..." Virgil grabbed his hand.

"This time we leave together." Virgil started pulling logan from the basement.


***a few hours later***

"Come on kid, eat something." Virgil sighed as he handed logan the burger. "I know you are scared of him finding us, but it's alright I know where we are. I can get us away." Logan looked down at the burger and then up at Virgil.

"He won't care wherever we go...he'll find us one way or another. Did he...." Logan took a deep breathe. "Did he really rape you?" Virgil nodded his head. Logan started crying. "Oh my god I'm so sorry..." Virgil smiled.

"It wasn't your fault Lo." Virgil pointed at the burger. "Now please eat something."

"We should start moving, if we stay he'll track us down." Virgil sighed and packed up the things he had snatched from the kitchen.

"He might, but I know some people who will fight him for us until you get that strength to do so yourself." Virgil took Logan's hand. "And trust me when I tell you this is basically a fortress of solitude for us villains. No hero will ever step foot in here unless we say so." They walked for a bit longer and Virgil knocked on a wall three times. A door appeared and Virgil typed the password into a computer which beeped and he gestured for logan to enter.

"Wow..." logan entered and Virgil immediately put the wards back up to stop anyone else from entering.

"Janus?" Virgil walked in confused seeing nobody lounging in the living room. "Remus?"

"Is nobody here?" Logan asked.

"Usually janus never leaves..." Virgil looked down. "But I've been missing for a couple of weeks haven't I?" He looked up at Logan who immediately started to cry. "Hey hey hey hey oh my god lo..." Virgil walked over and held him in a hug. "It isn't your fault."

"But that just means that because he was out looking for you that he might have been caught by the police..."

"Don't..." Virgil started walking around the place and stopped when he heard the front door open. "Hello?" He gestured for logan to hide and walked slowly towards the front door. But it wasn't Janus or remus in the doorway. He grabbed a pole and growled. "Get the fuck out of here!" He ran at the hero only to stop when he saw Remus standing behind him.

"Virgil!?" Remus pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh my god!" Remus started crying. "I was so worried!"

"What the hell is a hero doing here Remus!?" Virgil started to shake in fear. If Roman was here that meant that Slev could find his way here.

"What the hell did Slev do to you kid..." Roman looked Virgil up and down. Virgil dropped the pole he was holding and pulled his sweater tighter around himself.

"Don't. Don't mention his name in here." Remuss eyes went wide and Virgil shook his head trying to keep Remus from being in his head. He couldn't allow someone to see that. He felt the familiar feeling of remuss power and he tried to quickly block Remus from seeing anything. He was too late. Virgil looked up at Remus who was crying.

"Oh that asshole is going to burn in hell for that!!" Remus wiped his face of tears. "R-Romans staying with us Virgil, I promise you he won't...he won't touch you like Slev okay?"

"Okay...." Virgil looked at Roman and then back at where he knew logan was hiding. "You can come out Lo." Logan stepped out and Virgil immediately walked over and pulled him to his chest.

"Logan as in the villains kid?" Roman asked. Virgil raised his eyebrow.

"Dude, you do know where you are right?" Virgil asked.

"Remus what did you see?" Roman asked. Virgil shook his head.

"Princey, I know Remus here trusts you but I'm not letting him tell you."

"Remus?" Roman asked. Remus shook his head.

"All I can say is that...that stupid hero he pretends to be is just an act. He should be rotting in fucking hell for what he's done." Remus walked over to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit. "Come here kid I promise I won't hurt you I just need to clean your wounds." Virgil nodded at Logan who walked over to Remus.

"Wait isnt this kid his brother? Did you kidnap a child?" Roman asked.

"Roman, shut the fuck up." Virgil looked around again then back at Remus. "So why is he here?" Roman looked at the ground and shuffled his feet. "Dude you okay?"

"He erased our parents memories of the two of us because they were attempting to get me arrested and..." Remus paused. "Roman what the fuck..." Remus looked over at Roman. "Why didn't you tell me that!?"

"What's wrong Re?" Virgil asked. Remus looked at Virgil then at Roman.

"They hurt my brother more than they did when I was in the room." Remus growled. He looked at Virgil. More than Slev hurt you. virgils eyes went wide and he looked at Roman.

"I am so sorry to hear that, you are welcome to stay as long as you need." Virgil looked at Logan. "Me and Lo will be upstairs I'm taking him to his new room." Remus nodded.

"Wait, Remus what did you...what did you say?" Roman asked. Remus looked at Virgil who nodded.

"When I was held captive by Slev, he raped me." Virgil took a deep breathe. "And Remus told me your parents did worse to you than when I was with Slev." Roman looked at Remus shocked.

"I let it slip didn't I..." Roman mumbled. Remus laughed.

"You have a twin that can read minds, letting it slip is pretty easy to do when you are distracted." Virgil smiled at them and then walked away with Logan following.

"Virgil..." logan stopped talking and covered his mouth. "S-Sorry anxiety I didn't ..."

"Logan calm down it's fine." Virgil held his hand. "You don't have to be afraid here, Remus is one of the only people who help take care of me all the time. Him and Janus are like my parents." Virgil lead logan to his room. "You can stay here and if you need me, I'm right next door."

"Aren't you afraid he'll find us?" Logan asked.

"Of course I am, but I will fight him before he ever gets to you again, even if that means I have to give myself up to him in the process."

"But that's not....Virgil you can't just do that!"

"Welcome to your new family logan." Virgil smiled. "Hope you plan on staying." Virgil laughed as he left the bedroom leaving logan staring shocked after him.

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