Six: Roman/Slev/Virgil

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AN oh uh...**grabs a weapon to defend myself with** good luck!


Roman sat up in his bed tears in his eyes. He wiped them away and started crying even harder. He fucked up. He really really fucked up.

"Ro?" Remus entered the room. Roman frowned and looked down at his hands.

"Sorry my thoughts were too loud..." he mumbled. Remus sat down besides his brother and grabbed his hand.

"Ro, don't apologize." He pulled roman into a hug and pulled away a few minutes later. "You didn't fuck up okay? You never did. They didn't take me away because of you they didn't hurt you because you wanted them to....they were evil mother fuckers who thought that was okay and it wasn't." Remus kissed his brothers forehead. "You don't have to pretend I didn't need to hear your thoughts to understand that you are hurting and confused."

"But remus Slev...that monster...he's my friend how did I not know he was so abusive? He was hiding that poor kid in his basement every single time I went over yet I-I never noticed..." Roman shook his head as he cried harder. "He hurt your friend Virgil..."

"Please don't blame yourself for that." Roman looked up quickly and saw Logan standing in the doorway. "S-sorry I should have knocked..."

"No it's alright." Roman patted the bed besides him and logan walked in and sat down.

"I'll give you guys a moment." Remus walked out of the room leaving the door open a crack.

"I don't want you blaming yourself for my brother." Logan sighed. "He's an asshole but he hid it really well from people."

"But I was his friend! I-I was over his place so often I just...I never knew you were there." Logan laughed a bit.

"Oh right, you actually did see me...just...not me." Roman raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Logan stood up and shifted into the form of a black and white kitten. He looked up at Roman and Roman gasped. Logan transformed back and Roman had even more tears in his eyes. "Oh my god..." he suddenly stood up and backed away from logan. "I-I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright Roman, you didn't know."

"But he-he really..." Roman shook his head. "And I let him! He was supposed to be a hero and I let him just throw you around..."

"It's alright Roman." Logan walked over and pulled Roman into a hug. "To be honest, you were the only one who helped me when I was all over you..." logan laughed. "Even if you didn't get the message you still made me feel safe."

"But I didn't.... I didn't rescue you from him." Roman pulled away from the hug. "I messed everything up."

"You actually were the reason I fought so hard against him after you left." Logan looked down at his hands. "I just wish my brother didn't hurt you..."

"Slev never hurt me what are you talking about logan?"

"Did you really twist your own memories of that night?" Logan asked shocked. Roman stared confused.

"What do you mean?" Logan frowned.

"Did you...." Logan looked away from Roman. "I mean then again after hearing what your parents have done to you I'm glad you don't remember that night." 

"Logan what..." romans eyes widened. "I never even used my powers on myself what..." the door opened and Remus sighed.

"I'm sorry." Remus just looked at Logan. "I kept the memories of you seeing him as a cat, which is why you remembered him in that form but I changed the other memories after I found out what he did to you."

"Remus, change them back right now!" Roman shouted.

"No roman! I can see that you are scared I'm not allowing that!"

"Remus!" Roman growled.

"F-Fine!" Remus walked over and touched Romans forehead concentrating on the magic he already put in place and yanking it from Roman. Roman collapsed to the ground dizzy.

⚠️trigger warning: Mentions of rape⚠️

Roman drank some of the soda and placed his cup down. He laughed as a little black and white kitten started nudging him and trying to knock over the glass. He picked it up and smiled. "Hi little one." He started scratching the kittens ears and giggled. "You are adorable!"

"Roman put that thing down!" Slev walked into the room and pulled the kitten away. The kitten hissed and scratched at Slev and Slev dropped it. It ran over to Roman and tried to shove the glass from his hands.

"Why are you all over me trying to knock over my glass? You can't drink this silly kitten." Roman picked the kitten up and placed his cup down. The kitten purred in content and Roman kept petting it, drink forgotten.

"Ugh damn thing." Slev snatched the kitten away and Roman frowned.

"What's the matter?" He asked. Slev glared at the kitten.

"He knows better." Slev smiled at Roman. "Just drink, I'll be back." He walked away and Roman picked up the drink again, drinking the rest. A few minutes later when Slev came back up from the basement, he smiled at Roman and poured some more soda into his glass.

"I-I actually don't want anymore I think I should go." Roman got up and frowned as he collapsed to his knees confused, then it hit him. He was drugged. "Ugh what the hell did you do slev..."

"You, should probably sleep that off in my room." Slev lifted Roman up with his magic and carried him to his bedroom. He gently placed Roman down on the bed. Roman shifted trying to get himself up from the bed but Slev immediately was on top of him.

"S-Slev what are you doing?" Roman asked shakily. Slev slowly started to pull off Romans clothes.

"You did say you would let me practice on you Roman." Slev laughed. "I just never told you what I was practicing for." Roman struggled against him.

"Slev what the-what the hell!? Y-you you are my friend I don't understand..." tears started flowing down Romans face as his body became heavier. "Slev..."

"Oh just be quiet already." Roman felt his eyes drift closed. He tried to fight it as he tried to get Slev off of him but his body wouldn't let him fight back. He was useless. Slev moved him around constantly and continued to leave his marks all over Roman. Roman had tears falling down his face. His best friend, who he thought so highly of...just fucking raped him. "I'll let the drug leave your system before you get up." Slev laughed. "Not that you were asleep anyways, thanks for letting me practice though, you should really work on that. You shouldn't agree to everything so easily." Roman shook as tears flowed down his face. He felt Slev wipe them away. "Rest easy Roman."

Roman sat up and looked at Logan and Remus wide eyed. He glared at the floor as tears flowed down his face.

"That...that bastard!" Remus walked over and held him.

"This is why as soon as I saw that flash through your mind I erased that from your memories and changed it. I've NEVER trusted Slev, not after what he's done to you."

"How many times..." Roman looked at Remus. "How many times did he 'test' on me?" Remus looked at Logan.

"I have to tell him dont I?" Remus asked. Logan looked at Roman sadly.

"Yeah, you do."

"Here..." Remus tapped Roman's forehead and flashes of other times Slev used him immediately flashed through his mind.

"Oh my god..." Roman started crying.

"We'll bring him down I promise." Logan wrapped Roman in a hug.


"Oh how cute" Slev laughed as he landed on the roof of the building. "I hate to ruin your fun...." He nodded to the police officers who broke down the door. He watched as they dragged Remus, Virgil, Janus, Roman and Logan out of the building.

"Officers please don't do this!" Roman shouted as he tried to run for Remus.

"Take the villains." Slev jumped down and smirked at Roman and Logan who both looked at him in fear. As the officers walked out of eat shot Slev walked over to Roman. "I take it they gave you back your memories then?"

"Stay away from me you sick fuck" Roman backed away.

"Looks like these poor heroes were brainwashed by the villains." Slev looked at the officers as they came over to them. "My brother is coming home with me and I'm going to take Princey here in as well. I'll keep an eye on them I promise you that." Roman glared at Slev and then looked at Logan grabbing his hand as the officers walked away leaving them alone with Slev.

"Touch him, I won't hesitate to kick your ass." Roman held Logan close.

"Roman, please don't..." Logan looked at Slev and then down at the ground. "Don't defend me it's what's gotten us into this mess in the first place."

"Listen to my brother, about since you've gotten those memories of yours back I help you remember how much you enjoyed it?" Roman glared at Slev as he grabbed Roman's arm roughly and started dragging him towards a car. Logan quickly followed behind biting his lip.

~a half hour later~

"You can't do this Slev, please!" Logan pleaded as they pulled into the garage. Roman was handcuffed in the front seat of the car.

"I can do as I please, remember who you are talking to." Slev looked over at Roman who stopped struggling against the handcuffs and quickly looked away from Slev. "Oh quit that." He grabbed hold of Roman's face and forced him to look him in the eyes. "Or do I need to make sure you won't run away from me?"

"Slev please! leave him alone!" Logan struggled against his own handcuffs.

"When we get inside, you go straight to the basement you understand me?" He looked over at Logan. "And you Logan, you are to clean up the mess in the house." Roman glared at Slev as he opened the car doors and dragged them both inside. Roman was released from the handcuffs and he backed away from Slev. "Basement, Roman." Roman shook his head.

"Not happening." Roman backed up as Slev got closer.

"One push of a button and I tell the authorities about what you did to your parents" Slev pulled out his phone. Romans eyes widened.

"You know about that but..." his eyes widened even more. "You've been watching us haven't you!?"


"Y-You caused all the problems with the villains Janus, Remus and Virgil on purpose didn't you!? You are the reason they've been arrested so many times! You aren't a good guy. You are no hero! You fucking raped me and Virgil! Youve been hurting your own brother too!" Slev looked at Roman pissed off.

"Well obviously I'm no hero, and you know that. Logan Go to your room at least, since Roman clearly doesn't want to listen I have to teach him a lesson and I know you don't want to hear or see it." Logan shook his head.

"No please you can't! You can't do that to him!" Roman shakily backed away from Slev.

"Are you insane!?" Roman shouted. "If you think for one minute I'd EVER let you touch me again you are mistaken! I will fight you with everything I fucking have left in me!"

"Alright," Slev looked at Logan then back at Roman. "I'll make a deal, I'll let logan go for good if you stay here and be my slave."

"Roman don't you dare!" Logan yelled. "Please my safety isn't worth it!"

"Deal." Roman glanced at Logan then looked down at the ground. "Just let me speak with Logan privately before you let him go" Slev nodded and walked out of the room. He stood outside of the door and leaned towards it watching and listening closely. Logan immediately ran over and hugged Roman tightly.

"Roman he'll hurt you..."

"I know, but that gives you time to give the police this." Roman slipped Logan a recorder, Slev cursed. "They'll arrest him I'm sure of it." Logan started crying heavily.

"Roman no..." Roman kissed the top of Logans head.

"Kiddo you'll be fine, and I'm sure Virgil will be happy I was able to get you to safety."

"No! No okay I can't let you do this!" Roman smiled sadly.

"You don't have a choice Logan, he's hurting you! he's been hurting you and using your own powers against you I won't sit back and let that happen anymore, okay? So please just get this to them as soon as you can so they can release my brother and Virgil and Janus....please?"

"I'm coming back with them, and we are going to kick his ass for this." Roman smiled and hugged Logan again.

"Just get to safety." Roman pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears that were in his eyes away.

"Roman, what-what if they don't make it on time?" Roman looked away.

"I'll be fine, just get out of the bad situation for me Logan okay?" Logan nodded and ran out of the house.

"What a brave soldier." Slev laughed. He stepped into the room and Roman looked away.

"We had a deal, so here I am." Roman looked back over at Slev.

"You think I'd keep you here after that stunt you just pulled with my brother? I know the police will run here as soon as they can." Roman's eyes widened and Slev smirked. "Oh yeah Roman, you lose." Slev walked over and grabbed Roman's arm harshly, dragging him outside and to a van. He shoved Roman inside and chained his ankles and wrist together. "Sleep tight" Slev hit Roman upside the head knocking him out. He immediately got to the front and drove off as fast as he could.


Virgil rubbed his wrist and walked out of the cell staring at the officers concern written all over his face.

"But I thought...." He saw Janus and Remus standing and talking to the officers and he ran over to them. "W-Why are they letting us go?"

"New evidence in the case, we are sorry for everything you three." The head chief walked over and looked at each of them. "We dubbed you as the bad guys when it was all Slev." Remus looked around and his eyes landed on the officers.

"Where's my brother?" He asked. Virgil looked around and then he saw Logan stepping out of one of the interrogation rooms.

"Lo!" Virgil ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. "I was so afraid for you and Roman when I saw Slev leading you too away! Wait....Lo"

"Roman sacrificed himself to save me." Logan wiped tears from his eyes. "He got Slev to set me free and he gave me the recording he took of Slev confessing to everything."

"That includes the rape" the officers walked over to Virgil. "I'm so sorry that he did that to you Anxiety, and to think we all trusted him...."

"We'll find him." The officer promised.

"Find him? B-but...I gave you my home address wasn't he there?" Logan asked. The officer shook his head.

"Unfortunately, Slev and Roman are nowhere to be found at that address." Virgil looked at the officer.

"We need to find him immediately!! Slev is going to fucking assault him more than he already has!" Remus held Virgil back and looked at the officer.

"He's my brother, I don't care if you don't need me I'm helping with this search. He'll need me when it's over."

"He'll need his family." Virgil nodded. "We are helping."

"Alright, let's go then." The officer walked away and Virgil grabbed Logan's hand.

"Are you sure you want to help?" He asked. Logan nodded.

"Of course." They followed the officer and all sat in the room with about thirteen other officers.

"Alright let's begin."

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