Seven: Roman/Slev/Virgil/Logan/Remus/Janus

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***2 months later: Roman***

Roman finished doing the dishes and looked back at the front door scratching his neck where the shock collar was. He had given up hope on escaping a month ago. He sat down in his corner where he always had to wait for Slev to come home in after his chores were done. He looked at his hands and felt tears in his eyes. He was going to be punished that he knew, but Slev has been trying to get him to walk around the house without his clothes on. He was NEVER going to do that even if he gave up on getting free. Roman could sense his powers were under slevs control so he couldn't use them to get into any contact with Remus. A few hours later the door opened and Roman kept his head down.

"Oh thank fuck!" Roman's head immediately shot up and he ran towards his brother.

"I-I thought you would never save me!" Roman held his brother tighter and started bawling like a baby. "I'm so sorry Remus I'm so sorry." Remus held him and rubbed his back.

"He's in here!" He shouted. A few people walked in and Remus walked him over to the couch as they checked his vitals. Roman leaned into his brother as he started crying. He was free.


Slev glared at the house as he saw paramedics and cops everywhere. He shouldn't have trusted that fucker alone! Slev laughed. He still controlled Roman after all. He pulled out the remote and clicked the button that turned the collar on. Revenge is sweet.

Slev entered the hospital and walked to Roman's room with flowers. He opened the door and laughed seeing as everyone had left roman unattended.

"Oh you poor thing." He walked over and gently ran his thumb down Roman's face. "It seems I have put you in a coma, sucks to be you. When you awaken, I will bring you back to my house roman. You will never be free." He kissed Roman's lips and smirked. "You are so lucky I can't have my fun with you right now because I'll risk being caught." He ran a finger down Roman's chest. "But I'll be back, once I figure out how." He walked out of the room and out of the hospital. Time to make a plan to bring Roman back to him. he wasn't letting this one go.


"Thanks again officers." Virgil walked out of the police station and smiled at Logan. "So because Slev was your only family, they said that you will have to go into the system but because we know them now and they actually trust us, they said that Janus and Remus can take care of you like they have been taking care of me...if that's alright with you?" Logan smiled and nodded.

"Thank you for everything." Logan said quickly. "I didn't mean to be a burden or anything I can leave if I need to."

"Not a chance." Janus smiled as he walked over to the two. "You aren't leaving my sight now especially if he's still out there. Remus is currently at the hospital trying to convince the nurses and doctors to let him see let's get you two home to rest." They walked over to a van and Logan laughed.

"Are you some sort of kidnapper?" Virgil laughed and looked at Janus with a smile.

"Told you!"

"All of you hush." Janus rolled his eyes as he got into the car. Logan hopped in and Virgil looked up front at Janus.

"Are we going to go see him?" Virgil asked.

"I dont think that's a very good idea." Janus started to drive and Logan looked down at his hands. Virgil grabbed them.

"He'll be okay. He'll wake up." Virgil looked sadly at Logan. "Don't blame yourself for what Slev did. None of that is ever going to be your fault Lo."

"You keep saying that, but he's my brother. You are all in this mess because of my family."

"Again. Not your problem." Logan smiled a little. "Now let's get you home to rest."


Logan sat down at the desk in his room and continued writing his apology note when he got a massive headache all of a sudden and he winced. Someone was trying to get into his head.

"Remus?" Logan stood up and walked to the door opening it slowly looking around the hall not seeing remus at all he walked to the front door. "Did you like forget your key or something?" He opened the door and screamed when his brother grabbed him and threw him against the wall.

"I can't believe that worked." He chuckled. "Thank you, Remus." Logan winced as he tried sitting up looking over at the door seeing Slev dragging Remus behind him. Remus looked at Logan and shook his head. Logan looked at the collar on his neck, the chains on his hand and the gag in his mouth. Tears filled Logan's eyes. Slev was going to hurt Remus if he didn't do anything.

"Slev," Logan stood to his feet. "Please...please leave them out of this."

"Oh shut it." Slev dragged Remus over to the couch. "Sit." Remus sat down and Logan stared at him then back at Slev.

"Please don't hurt him." Logan watched his brother walk around looking at the photos on the wall and around the tables.

"You wouldn't think this was a villains lair with how many pictures they have." He chuckled picking up one of Remus and Roman. "This one seems sentimental to you and Roman huh Remus?" Remus looked over and glared. "You know, having you quiet is the best thing I've ever done for everyone." He chuckled as he walked over and placed his hands on Remus's shoulders. Remus winced. "Logan, get the other two." Logan looked at Remus who immediately started shaking his head.

"Please don't.." Remus begged in Logan's mind. Logan shook his head and walked over to the doors knocking.

"Guys help! It's Remus!" Virgil and Janus walked out of their rooms immediately pausing seeing Slev.

"What the hell!?" Virgil looked at Logan horrified.

"No! Virgil no! Please it's not what you think I'm not working with him" Logan started crying when Janus pointed his hand at him using his power to read him.

"He's telling the truth Virg, he's not." Logan looked at the two as he backed away crying.

"You seriously think I'd....seriously!?" He looked over at Slev who laughed.

"Trouble in paradise Lo?"

"Don't fucking call me that." Logan growled. Slev walked over and lifted Remus to his feet. Remus winced.

"Remus!" Janus went to reach for him but Slev pulled him to his chest. "Don't fucking touch him!"

"Obviously you aren't in the position to tell me what to do." He played with Remus's hair. "I will wake Roman, but you need to let go and allow me to leave. I only came to show that I have the power here, I can take control of any of you at any point so if you try and get me arrested then I can easily turn you all against each other." He looked at Logan. "Especially using my brother here. I mean come on you two were so ready to assume he was working with me you didn't even bother asking how he feels about me even being here." He smacked Remus in the head. "Stop trying to talk to them."

"Remus, will you be okay?" Janus asked. Remus looked down at his feet and Logan saw the tears in his eyes as he slowly nodded.

"Remus please don't lie! Please!" Logan looked at his brother in anger. "Allow me to take his place please."

"No." Slev dragged Remus out the door and Logan screamed. He fell to his knees as he started crying. They weren't going to get Remus back. And if they did, it would be too late. His brother was not going to let Remus get away alive if he got away at all.


Remus started crying again as he was dragged into slevs lair. Slev took the gag out and then took Remus's chains and hooked him to the wall.

"Kinky." Remus rolled his eyes as he tried to get out of the chains. Slev glared at him.

"You know I will gag you again if you don't shut the fuck up." Slev walked away and Remus so badly wished he could collapse to the ground. He closed his eyes and tried to reach out to his friends but his powers weren't under his control and he couldn't. "That's not going to work." Remus looked up at Slev.

"Please, please wake him up." Slev walked over to Remus and Remus flinched.

"Fine." He laughed. "But, you need to stop trying to escape me." He leaned forward and kissed Remus and Remus kissed back disgusted. He just wanted his brother to be better. Slev pulled away.

"D-Deal. Go wake him." Slev let Remus down and undid the chains.

"Go to the bedroom and stay there until I get back. Understand?" Remus nodded his head as Slev left. He heard the collar shut off and he stared shocked at Slev. "You don't know where this lair even is, and besides that if I even hear sirens I will turn that collar back on and you will die I won't hesitate to kill you." Remus nodded.

"J-Just let me say goodbye?" He asked. Slev nodded.

"When Roman wakes you say goodbye, understand?" Remus nodded as Slev left. He collapsed to the ground and started crying his eyes out. He wiped his face of tears and attempted reaching out to Virgil.


Remus smiled. It worked. He wiped his face and leaned against the bedroom wall.

"He-He hasn't hurt me yet." Remus wasn't going to lie he was terrified of Slev. After finding his brother in the condition he was in he was horrified of being stuck with this monster. "He turned off the collar but I don't know where I am and please don't try and find me, if you do he will not hesitate to kill me okay? Please take care of my brother please I'm begging you. I don't want to be stuck here Virgil I'm scared shitless but I-I'm doing this for him. When we found him he looked horrendous...and I don't want to lose him. I can't have you trying to find me. Promise me you won't look?"

"I-I promise." Remus could feel how horrified Virgil was with the confession of him wanting to stay for Roman. He knows that Slev hurt Virgil as well as hurt Roman but he doesn't want either of them being kidnapped again. Not if he could stop him. Remus cut the connection before he could trace it to where he was and he opened his eyes. He stood up and walked around the room. He knew what Slev wanted as soon as he got back from waking his brother and he laughed he was definitely not prepared enough for that. He hasn't even had sex with Janus! Remus may be dirty minded and always makes sexual jokes but he was asexual and Janus never pushed him out of that boundary. Slev wasn't going to respect that and he was going to take that from Remus. And that horrified him so much. He wasn't going to make it back to his friends and he knew that. He wiped his face and reached out to Roman, hoping it would work.

"Remus what did you do!?" Remus felt Roman's panic and he smiled sadly.

"I saved you, please don't be mad." Remus looked towards the door knowing exactly who it was. "I love you Roman, please please please stay away. Don't try and find me. Goodbye Roman." Remus cut the connection as the bedroom door opened. He looked up tears in his eyes as the collar was turned back on and Slev gained full control over him.

"You know exactly what I want." Remus shakily walked over to the bed and nodded his head. "Good, I expect you to behave." Remus tried to hold back his tears as he started to take off his own clothes slowly. "Ugh you are doing that too slow, are you not excited Remus?" He walked over and ripped his clothes off so Remus sat in front of Slev naked. "Because I am." Remus slammed his eyes shut. He just wanted Janus.


Janus was awoken by someone forcing memories into his head. He started crying and looked around the room. He was home. Remus wasn't. He got up and walked into the kitchen grabbing some coffee. He thought over what was pushed into his head and he dropped the coffee cup and collapsed to the ground in tears. Remus wouldn't have wanted him to see that on purpose. Slev was torturing him as well as Remus. Logan and Virgil ran into the room and Virgil ran over to Janus helping him up. Janus looked at the two and he pulled Virgil into a hug crying into the kids shoulder.

"He hurt Remus." Janus whispered. Virgil pulled away.

"oh my god..." Janus nodded.

"He made me see it." Virgil held Janus again and Janus looked at his hands. "I-I'm sorry about the cup..."

"It's just a cup Janus." Virgil started picking up the glass. "I'm so sorry you had to watch that..."

"Remus came out as asexual when we first started dating." Janus sat down on a chair as Virgil continued to clean.

"Really?" Virgil asked. "That's actually surprising to me."

"I see that...Remus was hurting. H-He didn't want this but he's just trying to protect you and his brother and Logan and-and he knew what Slev would want I..." tears flowed down his face even faster now. "He's hurting himself to protect us." Janus screamed and collapsed to the ground as more memories flashed in his mind. Tears flowed down his face and he blacked out in the kitchen.


***this is what's playing in his head right now***

Slev held Remus down on his stomach as he shoved a vibrator into Remus. He laughed as he turned it to the highest setting immediately without giving Remus any time to adjust. He had Remus chained to the bed. His arms were tied to the headboard and his legs were wide open in starfish style also chained up. Slev pulled remuss head up and laughed at the tears. He grabbed a gag from the side of the bed and shoved it into Remuss mouth. Remus choked on it. Slev just laughed tightening it around his head. Slev pulled away from Remus.

"That dildo gag should keep you entertained for a bit." He laughed. "But..." he walked over and grabbed something from the side of the bed. "I think that that vibrator isnt doing anything to you." He pulled the vibrator out and Remus relaxed but that was short lived when something else was suddenly shoved into its place. Remus groaned. "Let's try this one with a few different setting shall we?" He turned it on and Remus screamed into the gag as the vibrator started thrusting as well as being set to the highest vibration. Slev turned up the thrusting speed and Remus was now crying heavily. Slev pulled the gag out and Remus whimpered.

"Please stop..."

"I will only stop," Slev ran a hand down remuss cheek. "If Janus wants me to" Janus felt tears flowing down his own face. Remus looked absolutely horrified hearing that, opening his eyes.

"Please Slev..." Janus looked at Remus and then at Slev. "Please just...stop. What the hell do you want!? Why are you showing me this!?"

"He's mine Janus." Slev turned off the vibrator completely and pulled it out of Remus forcing him to sit up. He took the chains off and flipped Remus over to face Janus. Remus looked at him and shook his head as he cried.

"I'm so sorry Janus I-I was thinking of you he probably pushed into your head please I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay Remus," Janus looked at Slev and then at Remus. "I will always love you okay? I don't care what he pushes into my head or what he tries to tell you." Janus looked at his feet as tears flowed down his face. "I want to find you." He looked up at Remus. "I'm so sorry that you think you deserved this."

"I'm protecting my brother...Janus please..."

"Ugh you talk too much." Slev snapped his fingers and Janus blacked out again.

Janus screamed and sat up in his bed. Roman was sitting in his room looking at him worried.

"I saw where he was." Janus got out of bed. "And I'm not hesitating to kill that mother fucker." Janus grabbed a weapon.

"Janus woah!" Roman grabbed his arm and then grabbed a sharp object. "You aren't going alone." Janus smiled at Roman sadly.

"Thank you Roman."

"He's hurting my brother and I'm not standing by and letting it continue." Roman grabbed Janus by the hand. "We'll save him together."


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