Twenty-one: roman (logan)

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"How's my favorite captive doing?" Roman looked up annoyed.

"They'll find us you know." Roman looked down at his hands which were chained in front of him. "And when they do, you are so fucked."

"Damn you are all talk and no bite aren't you?" Slev looked over at Remy who was sitting silent watching the interaction between the two. "I can't wait to see his face when he realizes I'm alive." Slev walked out and Remy immediately looked at Roman.

"Are you trying to provoke him you idiot?"

"Just be quiet Remy." Roman looked up at the ceiling.

"He fucking kidnapped me and you expect me to be quiet!?"

"Uh hi yeah, you do realize I'm also here yeah?" Roman gestured at the chains.

"God you are so insufferable."

"Yet you still hang out with me for whatever reason." Roman replied.

"God you are so stupid." Stick to the act Roman. Come on. Roman bit his lip.

"How am I the stupid one?" Remy seemed to catch on that Roman was thinking bad and he glanced around signing to him. Roman smiled a bit and looked down.

"Did you forget, you are pretty fucking famous Roman. Who wouldn't want to be hanging out with a famous person?" Remy laughed. "I was using your friendship idiot." Roman caught his breath.

"Asshole." Roman looked up at Remy who looked like he wanted to cry saying that.

"Alright you two that's enough." Slev walked back into the room. "Amazing acting though. Almost as though it wasn't?" Remy glared at Slev. "Was it?"

"Remy..." Roman suddenly felt hurt. Was any of that actually true?

"Don't let the asshole get in your head Roman. Jesus." Remy glared at Slev. "Fucking dick."

"Watching you two argue was the highlight of my night. But remember," he gestured at the wall. "I have eyes." He pulled a camera from nowhere with powers and laughed. "And I saw those hand gestures." Roman started shaking his head.

"Please just let Remy go." Roman sat up in his cell. "Please slev."

"I don't think so."

"Why us exactly?" Remy asked. Slev looked over at him with a smirk.

"Aww curious as to why I've taken you from the hospital?"

"Just answer the question." Roman glared. "Why exactly did you take us?"

"I can use you," he gestured at Roman. "To trick that emo nightmare." He laughed. "And boy oh boy I'm excited to do just that soon."

"Fucking dick." Roman stepped back shaking his head. "You really think Virgil won't catch on to you? He isn't stupid to believe your act. Besides that, did you even think when you grabbed me? Virgil doesn't trust me, he hasn't since the beginning."

"He trusts you." Slev looked over at Remy. "And he trusts you."

"This guys an idiot." Remy laughed as he shook his head looking over at Roman.

"Clearly." Roman sat back and laughed.

"Excuse me?" He looked between the two.

"Yeah, anxiety doesn't trust anyone moron." Remy stood and walked closer to the cell door. "Why do you think he's been alone for so long?"

"I-no." Slev glared. "He trusts people. And I know he does because he easily trusted Logan!" Roman laughed a bit.

"Did you totally forget the part where he thought Logan was about to betray him?" Roman stood as well. "You just might have. I mean dude you broke into their house, and then made him believe Logan betrayed his trust. You really think he easily trusted me when he just found me in his house? I can erase peoples memories slev. He clearly didn't think I was trustworthy."

"He trusts you or he wouldn't have screamed for you!"

"He-he what?" Roman stared confused. "He didn't."

"He started screaming the name that starts with an R! That's clearly you!" Roman looked at Remy and laughed as he looked back at Slev.

"Oh I see now you really are a fucking Moron."

"What!?" Roman's eyes flashed blue.

"I suggest you back the fuck up."

"How are you using your powers!? The collar is on!" Roman smirked.

"No it's not actually." Roman smiled at Remy who widened his eyes.

"Holy shit..." Roman suddenly stood before Slev as Logan.

"Fuck you." He stabbed Slev and as he fell down Logan leaned down with a laugh. "I would love to watch you actually suffer, but I don't think I want you to even be given the chance to fake it this time." Logan looked at Remy. "Close your eyes" Remy nodded and looked away. Logan ran the knife along his brothers throat and stood back up as he fell to the floor. "Fuck...."

"Logan!?" Remy looked over at the door as it slammed open and Roman ran in. "What the fuck kid! He could have killed you!" He looked at Remy and ran over.

"How?" Remy gestured at the collar.

"I distracted him long enough to pull Roman out." Logan sat down. "Sorry..."

"'s over?" Remy asked. The door opened and the others came running in.

"Oh ew..." Virgil looked over at Remy and immediately ran over pulling him into a hug. "I'm so glad you are okay!"

"Yeah I'm here too." Roman laughed.

"You are a fucking moron." Remy walked over to Roman and hugged him. "I'm glad that he didn't kill you." The collars snapped off. "How did you manage to get here anyways?"

"Don't ask." Remus laughed out. "We were lucky you two were playing distract while we switched Roman with Logan."

"Wait so how long..."

"After the whole argument when he got distracted by me making the comment about how Virgil doesn't trust people."

"Ah." Remy sat down and so did Roman. Nurses came running in to help take care of them. "Dude was a psychopath."

"You got that right." Roman laughed.

AN I hope you liked the ending! I know it was a little rushed but writers block is a bitch and I couldn't really think of anywhere else to go with this other than boom they get saved and live happily ever after? Hope you liked it anyways!

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