Twenty: virgil

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Virgil looked at the man in front of him. His eyes glowed purple as he stood on shakey feet.

"I suggest you get the fuck out while you can." The man screamed as Virgil's power seeped into his mind. Virgil walked out of the room and into the hallway. His power grasping at anyone it could find. He had tears rushing down his face. Once he was out of the building he collapsed to his knees and screamed.

"Anxiety?" Virgil looked up and backed up seeing Slev.

"No. It's just a hallucination." Virgil shook as he tried to control his own fears. The image disappeared and he looked around him. "Fuck..." he walked back into the quiet building looking around for his friends.

"V-Vee?" Remus was limping towards him. Virgil held his hands up.

"You know how to prove to me you aren't a hallucination. Do it." Remus laughed and nodded.

"Alright." He used his powers and blew one of the  unsuspecting guards a kiss. The man screamed and collapsed. "That prove it?" Virgil ran over to Remus and pulled him into a hug.

"They killed him!" Virgil cried into Remus.

"Virgil, it's alright." Remus pulled away. Virgil shook his head.

"He died in front of me Remus." Virgil wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Come on." They walked into a room with the door open. Virgil saw Logan sitting up and he immediately ran into his arms hugging him.

"HOW!?" Logan laughed and hugged him back.

"I have absolutely no idea." Logan pulled away from the hug. "I thought for sure I was a goner."

"Hey where...."

"We don't know yet." Remus mumbled. "But we'll find them."

"Let's get out of here while we still can yeah?" Janus stood up from his corner and Remus nodded.

"Agreed." The group left the building and wandered until they reached home. Once they were safe in the safe house they all sat down. "Alright, so we need to find Emile and Remy, as well as my brother."

"And not die when we do so." Virgil laughed. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Thank you captain obvious."

"Go to sleep you." Logan laughed.

"As if." Virgil scoffed.

"You had a long day, we all did." Logan squeezed Virgil's hand. "It'll be fine to sleep I promise."

"I don't know, with all the drugs in my system I'm pretty fucked up." Remus was hanging upside down on the couch smiling up at them.

"You've always been that way you troll." Virgil walked over and sat down next to him.

"Heh." Remus stuck out his tongue. "Rude."

"Come on, let's watch a movie yeah?"

"Oooh can it be Jurassic park?" Remus asked.

"You and that movie." Janus rolled his eyes as he walked into the room.

"What can I say? Chris Pratt has a nice ass." Logan snorted.

"Oh my god."

"I'm going to regret letting you pick the movie." Janus sighed as he sat down smiling at Logan. "Join us?" Virgil patted the couch next to him.

"Okay, fine." Logan sat down and Virgil smiled.

"We can find everyone in the morning okay?" Logan glanced outside and realized it really was dark out.

"Yeah, right."

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