Ashley Purdy BVB Imagine

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Kalel's P.O.V

I grabbed my coffee and pretzels like I did every morning. I sat down on the couch and watched The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills re-runs that were recorded.

I heard the front door open. Did I forget to lock it? Crap! I think I did forget. I grabbed a frying pan quickly out of the kitchen, and I started to walk towards the door. ( Cheesy,I know.) The door was wide open. I checked out side and everything seemed perfectly normal. I closed the door and sighed.

" Boo!" said the person behind me.

" Crap!" I screamed.

I turned around to quickly to see none other that Ashley Purdy laughing at my stupidness.

I was shocked, " You guys weren't suppose to be back for another week!"

" Yeah," he replied, " our shows got rained out."

" Awww," I cooed, " You didn't get to smash your other bass!"

" I did," he said, " on the concrete outside where our bus was parked."

I hugged him and grabbed his hand. I tugged him over to the couch.

" What do you wanna watch?" I asked him.

" You," he smirked.

I slapped him across the face, but it wasn't hard or anything.

" For realzies!" I demanded.

" Uhh, we could watch The Corpse Bride," he replied.

The Corpse Bride was my favorite movie of all time, and he knew that. My favorite song is the one where the skeletons are explaining the corpse bride's story.

We fell asleep about 3/4 way through the movie comfortably in each others arms.

( Sorry for it being soooo short. Let me know if you want one! Message me in my inbox! Btw, Kalel isn't real, she is just me if I were a character in stories.Bye-ro! )

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