CC BVB Imagine

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                                                                 Christi's P.O.V

All I could hear was DRUMS,DRUMS,DRUMS!

"CC!" I yelled.

" What?" he yelled stopping his drums for just a moment.

" Tell those FRICKEN DRUMS to shut up!" I exclaimed dramatically.

" I can't control them!" he replied.

" BULLCRAP!" I said.

    He ignored me and laughed. He was silent for about 10 seconds,..... until he started to play again.

" OH COME ON!" I exclaimed.

        I got up from one of the chairs in the kitchen and stomped my way to the room. I opened the door to the office which was turned into CC's pratice room. I stood right infront of the drum set, tapping my foot anxiously. It took him a minute to realize that I was standing right there.

He stopped playing and looked up slowly, " I'm in trouble,right?"

I nodded my head slowly," Mmhmm!"

        He went over to his desk that was pushed up against the corner of the room. He put his drumsticks in the top drawer. He smiled at me, but I still had a stern face.

        This was the 4TH time that he has done this, practice while I am trying to work on writing my books. Although I couldn't be completely mad at him. He just wanted to make the BVB Army happy, right?

" You have two whole months before you guys need to start to get prepared," I said in my stern voice.

" Yeah, I know," he replied.

CLIFF HANGER...........................................................................

JK, here is the rest of it :p

" You don't need to practice," I continued, " You're already the best!"

       He looked at me and smiled wide, and I smiled back. It was true, sometimes there's nothing more you can really do.

" Can I show you something?" he asked me.

" Sure, what?" I answered.

            He grabbed his drumsticks out of the drawer, and pulled me over to the drum set. He sat me down in the chair and stood behind me. He grabbed my hands and moved them. We started playing my favorite song from BVB, New Years Day.

AWWW, I have so many feels right now. I don't know why, this isn't really that good and its really short. Hmmm, question mark? ( cyber high five if you get the reference! ) Anyway.... thanks for reading, BYE-RO!

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