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"HI," SHE said.

"Wow, you look incredible," Draco breathed, looking her up and down. "I knew this dress would look amazing on you, but you look gorgeous, Laura."

"Thank you," Laura grinned. She got excited, showing him the pockets. "Look! Pockets!"

Draco chuckled a bit. He watched as she showed him how big the pockets were. Then, watching as she spun in a circle for him. A big smile was plastered on Draco's face.

"It looks amazing, Laura," he said, then noticed the star clips. "I see you got my second gift."

"I did, they're so cute," Laura grinned. "Thank you so much, Draco."

"Of course," Draco smiled, then putting his arm out, to which Laura linked arms with him.

"Champions, over here, please!" called out Professor McGonagall's voice.

Laura and Draco walked over, seeing Pansy and Blaise for a bit. They waved, and Laura and Draco grinned, waving back. They made it over to where Professor McGonagall was. Laura glanced around to see who everyone went to the dance with. Fleur was attending with Roger Davies; he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Cho and Cedric stood near Laura and Draco. That left only one more couple.

Viktor and Hermione.

"Hermione!" Laura exclaimed, seeing her.

Draco looked over, a surprised look forming on his face. Laura could tell Hermione was nervous, but she still smiled. Her dress was stunning as it was a periwinkle-blue, complementing her well.

"Oh, Laura!" Hermione said, sending her a small wave. "I love your dress."

"Thank you so much," Laura grinned. "You look fabulous. Periwinkle compliments you well!"

"Thank you, Laura," Hermione said, smiling.

The doors opened, and all the students, besides the champions and their partners, walked in. When everyone was seated, McGonagall told them to line up with their partner. The four pairs of them walked into the Great Hall, and everyone applauded them as they entered.

The Great Hall was dazzling, looking like something in a movie. It was covered in a sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands, mistletoe, and ivy strung up everywhere. Instead of their usual four large tables, hundreds of lantern-lit ones took their place.

Despite how beautiful the hall was, hundreds of eyes stared at Laura. She felt uneasy.

"Are you alright?" Draco whispered, feeling Laura tense up.

"I feel like I'm back in my first year," Laura breathed.

"What do you mean by that?" Draco asked, furrowing his eyebrows as they walked down the stairs.

"You know that I used to be pretty shy," Laura said, masking her discomfort with a smile. "It was the worst in my first year; I hated any attention I got. I'm feeling that again."

"Hey, I'm here with you," Draco said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Remember, you're Laura Pickering. You can do anything."

"Thanks," Laura said, squeezing his arm slightly.

They made it to the large table that was usually the faculty table. However, for the ball, it was extended to fit faculty, judges, champions, their dates, and The Ministry members.

Laura sat next to someone who looked to be a Weasley. Thankfully, Draco didn't insult him, going for more of a look of disgust.

"Percy Weasley," he said immediately, not even giving Laura a chance to say anything. "I'm assuming you're Laura Potter."

"Laura Pickering."

"Sure," Percy scoffed in response. "Aren't you sure you wouldn't want to be a Potter? To be like Harry? With all his fame, wouldn't you want it?"

Laura narrowed her eyes at him, shaking her head. Draco took her hand, squeezing it softly. Any nervousness she had felt was immediately replaced with annoyance.

"Harry's great, but I'm Laura Pickering," Laura said. "Learn the difference between us, or we're going to have problems."

Laura watched his eyes widen as he turned back to his food. Laura rolled her eyes, turning forward again.

"I'm the exception, right?" Draco asked with a smirk, squeezing her hand again.

"I guess so," Laura said with a sigh, though there was a smile on her face.

After the feast, Dumbledore stood up, instructing everyone else to do the same. Then, with a wave of his hand, all the tables were gone, and the floor was cleared. Soon after, a platform rose with instruments, everything from a piccolo to a tuba.

The Weird Sister got on stage, and two familiar faces were also there. Alana and Natalie were the rumored DJs. Laura nodded towards the floor, Draco grinning, following after her.

When they got onto the floor, a slow dance started. Draco awkwardly placed his hand on Laura's waist. Laura grabbed her other hand, winking at him.

"Don't be shy now, Malfoy," she teased.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Draco replied with a small smile.

The two of them started dancing, laughing and talking as they danced. Draco used the opportunity to pull her close to him.

"Have I told you how much I love your eyes?" he asked with a big smile.

"Oh?" Laura asked, raising an eyebrow. "You haven't, but go on."

"There's so much to explore in them," Draco said, laughing a bit. Laura could tell he was becoming flustered from trying to explain. "I didn't say that last part- forget it. I just love looking into your eyes, Pip."

"And I love looking into yours, Blondie," Laura grinned as the slow song started to end.

"Nice socks, Potter," Laura heard Moody growl.

She and Draco got distracted, glancing over to see Moody talking to Harry— an alarmed look formed on Laura's face upon seeing that she couldn't see Harry's socks.

"He creeps me out," Laura said, looking back at Draco.

"He's weird," Draco nodded, holding Laura closer.

Laura laughed at his action as the song ended. The room soon broke into cheers as Natalie grabbed a microphone.

"What's up, Hogwarts!" she yelled, the students cheered. "This first song we have for you tonight is by the Beatles- if you know who they are."

Laura's eyes lit up as 'I Saw Her Standing There' by the Beatles started playing.

"I love this song!" she exclaimed, turning to see a confused look on Draco's face.

"Muggles are strange," Draco remarked, "why do they have bugs as singers?"

Laura just laughed, shaking her head.

"No, Blondie," she laughed, starting to dance, "they're a band of guys. They're super popular with Muggles."

"Now I'll never dance with another," the song sang, "Oh, since I saw her standing there."

"Well, now you're stuck with me," Laura teased, nudging Draco.

"I wouldn't have danced with another no matter what you would've said," Draco mused, a smile playing on his lips.

The Weird Sisters took the stage after the song ended, playing an upbeat song.

"I'm going to get us some drinks," Draco said. The two of them moved to the edge of the dance floor. "Don't get lost, Potter."

"Don't forget where I am then," Laura shot back, sticking her tongue out at him. He walked off with a wave. Laura just smiled, starting to dance by herself when Harry walked over.

"Where'd Malfoy go?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's getting us drinks," Laura said. "Where's your date? Or I guess I don't even know who your date is."

"Oh, it's Padma Patil," Harry said.

"You asked Patil?" Laura asked skeptically. "I guess that's... fun."

"Well, Ron's gone with Lavender, Padma didn't have a date..." Harry said, trailing off. "I wanted to ask Cho Chang, but she's obviously here with Cedric."

"Ah," Laura nodded, glancing over to see Cedric and Cho laughing and talking. "So, 'Chosen One' where did your 'Chosen Date' go?"

"She went dancing with a Beauxbaton boy," Harry shrugged. "I'm okay with it... Tonight has been a lot."

"Why don't you go find a Beauxbaton girl to dance with," Laura said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Lighten up and have fun! Between you and me, Alana told me they were going to play the 'Cupid Shuffle' and the 'Macarena' later."

"That's going to be strange," Harry said, raising an eyebrow. "The Muggle-borns aren't going to know the Cupid Shuffle, but I feel like it's more of a Muggle-targeted song, so the Purebloods aren't going to know it."

"It tells you what to do," Laura shrugged. "People are gonna figure it out. But Macarena should be a hit."

"I'll come find you when they play them," Harry laughed. "Be responsible, Laura."

"You better be responsible too," Laura called after him as he left. She then turned to see Draco walking up to her. "Thank you so much, I'm parched."

"Of course," Draco said, handing her a cup. "I see you were talking to Potter."

"Yeah," Laura grinned, "we talked about how hard we'd go when the line dances start..."

Laura froze, hearing the beginning of "Cupid Shuffle."

"Now," she exclaimed, quickly placing her cup on the table and dragging Draco into the middle of the floor.

She started doing the dance, glancing around to see most of the students confused but into it. Draco jumped into it, seeming suspiciously seasoned at the Cupid Shuffle.

"Have you done this before?" Laura asked, looking over at him as she turned. "You seem too good at this."

"You mentioned a few weeks ago that you loved this dance," Draco said, shuffling to the left. "So naturally, Blaise and I practiced it in our dorm. Technically, Crabbe and Goyle participated too, but that's unimportant."

"Who?" Laura asked, trailing off a bit.

"My friends... the ones who've tagged along with us, they were in our train compartment?" Draco said.

"I'll probably remember who they are later," Laura shrugged, dropping, getting back up, and turning to the left.

Soon after that, the Macarena started playing. The crowd went wild as the beginning of the song started playing.

"Ah, people with taste," Laura sighed, a big grin forming. She waved Harry over. "I love that Los Del Rio shared their song with both the wizarding world and the Muggles."

"Good school unity," Draco nodded.

Laura couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, biting back a laugh.

"You were right, Laura," Harry said, as he started dancing over with them, "this does resonate with everyone here."

"I tend to be right," Laura grinned. "Plus, the Purebloods ended up getting the Cupid Shuffle. Draco even practiced before the ball."

"He did?" Harry asked, trying to hold back a laugh. "Were the instructions in the song not good enough for you, Malfoy? Did you have trouble understanding the repeated lyrics?"

"I did understand them, Potter," Draco replied dryly. "When you're attending the Yule Ball with Laura Potter, there are some things you just have to do."

Laura held back a laugh. She couldn't take either of them seriously as they had a back-and-forth while doing the Macarena.

"What're you snickering about, Laura?" Draco shot, raising an eyebrow at Laura.

"I'm sorry," Laura laughed. She couldn't keep it together as she swung her hips and jumped. "It's just too good seeing you two argue while dancing."

"She does have a point, Malfoy..." Harry said, trailing off at the end. He then quickly made his leave as Draco glared at him.

"He was only saying I was right," Laura hummed. "Can you not handle that, Blondie?"

"He was being an arse about it," Draco grumbled, jumping and clapping.

"Oh, cheer up," Laura sighed. "We're at a dance together, and you're doing the Macarena."

Draco sighed but nodded. Laura watched him, his mood seemingly getting a bit better. After the Macarena ended, the Weird Sisters stepped back on stage, playing another slow song.

"Can I have this dance?" Draco asked, taking Laura's hand and bowing slightly.

"Of course," Laura smiled as they started dancing.

While they danced, Laura purposely stepped lightly on Draco's foot to see his reaction. He grimaced but never said anything.

"Are you alright?" Laura asked, tilting her head slightly.

"I'm just fine," Draco said. He then gently stepped on Laura's foot, causing her to shake her head in betrayal.

"I don't think this is going to work out between us," Laura sighed, shaking her head. "You didn't even mention anything. You were so petty to do it back."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Draco said with a chuckle, "Laura, I know you stepped on my foot on purpose. That was just me doing it back as payback."

"I'll accept that," Laura said with a laugh, continuing to dance with him.

After the song ended, Draco and Laura stayed inside for a few more songs. That was until Draco stopped Laura during "Mambo No. 5."

"I know you're having so much fun, but do you want to go outside with me after this song?" he asked.

Laura thought about it for about eight counts, then nodded.

"They already played the 'Cha Cha Slide,' so sure," Laura said. "If I miss 'Cotton Eye Joe' or they play it next, I will be a little upset."

"I can shoulder the blame for that," Draco chuckled.

So, after "Mambo No. 5" and "Cotton Eye Joe" played (back to back, Laura was out of breath), the two of them left the Great Hall. Draco took her out into the courtyard, placing his suit coat around her shoulders as they walked over to some bushes.

Unfortunately, those bushes were occupied by Fleur and Roger Davies. Laura immediately steered them toward another area. That was until they heard a voice.

"What did you know, Hagrid?"

It was Hagrid and Madame Maxime.

Laura quickly ducked down, pulling Draco down with her. She covered his mouth with her hand as he opened it to say something. Laura pulled out her cloak, covering her and Draco with it. As she did, she eyed a strange-looking beetle, going to step on it.

"I jus' knew... knew you were like me..." Hagrid said, distracting Laura. "Was it yer mother or yer father?"

Draco took her hand off his mouth, tugging it as they got up. He brought her to a more secluded section of the courtyard. There was no one else.

When they were alone, Laura uncovered them, placing the cloak back into her handbag. There was a full moon that night, shining brightly on them.

"I know I've already given you two gifts, but I have one more," Draco said, smiling softly. He pulled out a small wrapped box, handing it to Laura.

"You are too kind," Laura said, gently taking the wrapping off.

She opened the box, revealing a small 'L' shaped charm. Just underneath was another charm with a 'D' on it.

"You don't have to wear the second one," Draco said quickly. "I know we aren't anything, and I thought you might not like something that could signify us... I uh- don't feel pressured to wear it."

"I love them," Laura said with a big smile, pulling Draco into a tight hug. "Thank you for everything you've gifted me. I've loved them all."

"Oh," Draco said, his cheeks turning a tinge pink.

"You know," Laura said, pulling away from the hug, "I still haven't given you your Christmas presents..."

"Laura, you don't have to. Tonight has been enough of a gift," Draco reasoned.

"Shh," Laura said, pulling out a wrapped present and handing it to Draco. "I wanted to see your reaction to the gift."

Draco thanked her, opening the gift. It was a small photo album. The first couple of pages were full of pictures of the two of them when they were little, then a couple from that year, and the rest of the book was empty.

"Laura, I have no words," Draco said. He looked through the pages, then up at her. "This is amazing, thank you so much."

"Of course," Laura smiled. "I thought you might like it."

"You really are brilliant, Laura," Draco said, paging through the pictures one last time before shutting it.

"Well, great minds think alike. I have one more thing for you," Laura smiled.

"What is it?" Draco asked curiously.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy," Laura smiled, taking his hands in hers. "I know we've both felt a bit of a shift between our friendship lately... I like you, Draco... a lot."

Draco looked a bit taken aback but nodded quickly.

"I like you a lot too, Laura," he said. Laura could tell his face went a bit red. "I'm assuming you mean in a more than friendly way..."

"Yeah," Laura smiled, feeling over the moon. "Definitely in more than a friends way."

"Wow, Pickering," he breathed, "you really know how to give a good Christmas gift. I honestly can't ask for anything more. You really are just-"

Laura pulled Draco's tie, pulling him into a kiss. He stood in shock for a bit as he stopped talking. After the shock wore off, he kissed her back.

The kiss was soft and short, but most importantly, a bit awkward since Draco didn't realize it for a second, but Laura couldn't ask for anything better.

"You talk too much," Laura breathed, leaning her forehead against his as they pulled away. The two of them had the biggest grins on their faces.

"I think you wanted to do that," Draco teased, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe I did," Laura said with a laugh. He pulled her into another kiss.

When they pulled away again, Draco stood straight again, grabbing their things.

"We should probably go back, huh," he said, a dumb smile still plastered across his face. He put his hand out, and Laura took it.

"Probably," Laura said with a small laugh, squeezing his hand.

The two of them walked back to the castle, laughing and talking. Laura held the final present from Draco in her free hand. Her confessions that night were her point of no return. Laura was more than okay with that.

As they walked into the castle, it seemed the dance had ended. Couples said their goodbyes or went in pairs to say their goodnights. Laura and Draco were halfway down the hallway when someone called her name.


It was Cedric. Laura looked over to see him, Cho was waiting for him.

"Hey, Cedric," Laura grinned.

Cedric walked over to her and Draco. He looked as though he didn't want Draco to overhear. Draco understood, shooting Cedric a threatening look before walking over to the side of the hall.

"Listen..." said Cedric, lowering his voice once Draco was far enough away. "I owe you one for telling me about the dragons. You know that golden egg? Does yours wail when you open it?"

"Yeah?" Laura said hesitantly, a confused look on her face.

"Well... take a bath."

"I'm sorry, what?" Laura asked, giving him a weird look.

"Take a bath, and take the egg with you," Cedric said quickly. "Just mull things over in the hot water. It'll help you think... Trust me."

Laura just stared at him, not saying anything. She couldn't believe her ears to what he was telling her.

"Tell you what," Cedric said, "use the prefects' bathroom. It's the fourth door to the left of that statue of Boris the Bewildered on the fifth floor. Password's 'pine fresh.' I gotta go... I want to say good night."

"I get it," Laura smiled. "Good night, Cedric. Thank you for the advice!"

Cedric grinned at Laura and hurried over to where Cho was. Laura just smiled at Cho, but Cho didn't reciprocate the friendly smile.

Laura turned to find Draco walking over to her, a skeptical look on his face.

"What was that about?" he asked. Draco held her hand.

"I know my next move to figuring out the next task," Laura shrugged as they walked to the common room.

"Hey, do you want to go to the Astronomy Tower...?" Draco asked, stopping. "I just don't want this night to end yet."

"I would love to," Laura smiled.

The two of them went up to the Astronomy Tower. Laura walked over to the edge, looking out onto the grounds, Draco standing by her side.

"Moody was being so creepy tonight," Laura huffed softly.

"I swear, I'm going to kill him," Draco breathed. Laura squeezed his hand softly, seeing his expression, one she hadn't seen before, one of hatred.

"Draco," Laura said softly, cupping his face, "I know I'm not one to say, but you can't make irrational decisions. I don't know if he was going to do anything..."

"You really aren't the one to say something like that," Draco said with a laugh, putting his hands on hers. The look in his eyes had softened as he looked at her. "However, since you asked, I won't do anything unless he really does anything."

"Thank you," Laura smiled. "Plus, if he does anything, I'll punch him myself."

"Of course, you would," Draco chuckled. He placed his hands on her waist. "I don't know what I would do without you, Pip."

"I'm not sure how you lived without me," Laura shrugged. There was a teasing smile on her lips.

"I hardly lived before you transferred here," Draco chuckled. He then pulled Laura into a soft kiss.

Laura kissed him back, her hands moving from cupping his face to draping around his neck, keeping him close to her.

It had been a while since Laura felt this way about someone or done this with someone, but she was immensely grateful that it was Draco she was with.

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