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CARE OF Magical Creatures wasn't as fun when it was freezing, with snow still covering the grounds. However, things were different as Draco and Laura walked up, Draco's arm around Laura (she was cold).

Hagrid wasn't there. 

Instead, it was a teacher Laura had never seen.

"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank," she said briskly. "I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

Laura frowned at this. Where was Hagrid?

"Where's Hagrid?" Harry loudly said, saying what they were all thinking. The new professor sent Harry a look.

"He is indisposed."

That was all Professor Grubbly-Planks said. All of the Slytherins started to laugh, Draco being the one to start the laughter. Laura moved his arm off, walking over to where Blaise was standing, a sour look on her face.

"This way, please," Grubbly-Planks said. Everyone followed. Laura watched as Harry went to question their new teacher. Laura was also curious, but she didn't feel like it was her place as she hadn't known Hagrid very long or very well.

They walked past the Beaxbaton horses, approaching a unicorn. Many of the girls 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at the sight of the unicorn.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!" Laura heard Lavender Brown whisper. "How did she get it? They're supposed to be really hard to catch!"

The unicorn was so blindingly white. It made all of the snow around it look gray. Laura felt a bit bad watching it nervously paw the ground as they all stared at it.

"Boys, keep back!" Professor Grubbly-Plant barked, throwing an arm out. "They prefer the woman's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front, approach with care, come on, easy does it..."

Laura stayed further behind the other girls in her class. Being at Hogwarts for a semester had caused Laura to realize either they were behind or Ilvermorny was ahead. Laura had already learned about unicorns, so she was fine letting everyone else have a turn.

"What d'you reckon is wrong with him?" she heard Harry say. "You don't think that a Skrewt-?"

"Oh, he hasn't been attacked, Potter, if that's what you're thinking," Draco said softly. Laura glanced between him and Blaise, who just sighed. "No, he's too ashamed to show his big ugly face."

Laura blinked at him. He didn't know she was still standing over there.

"What d'you mean?" Harry replied sharply.

Blaise put a hand on Laura's shoulder as Draco pulled out a neatly folded newspaper from his robes. She hadn't even noticed it was there.

"There you go," Draco smirked. "Hate to break it to you. Potter..."

"It's not going to do anything," Blaise muttered. "He likes to think he's higher than your cousin when he doesn't care in most situations. It's a dumb rivalry from our first year."

Laura's eyes narrowed. Blaise's grip on her shoulders was too tight to break out of without causing a scene. She could only watch Harry and Ron's expressions as they read.

"How did she find out?" she heard Ron whisper.

"What d'you mean, 'We all hate Hagrid?'" Harry spat at Draco. "What's this rubbish about him" - he pointed at Crabbe - "getting a bad bite off a flobberworm? They haven't even got teeth!"

They watched as Crabbe was snickering to himself. Laura glanced over at Blaise, who nodded silently, taking his hands off her shoulders.

"You know what? I completely forgot about you, Crabbe," Laura said vehemently. Almost all the boys looked at her with either a shocked or relieved expression. Draco had specifically not looked over, wincing a bit, but Laura stared at him the hardest.

"Well, I think this should end the oaf's teaching career," Draco said, less than confidently now. "Half-giant... and there was me thinking he'd just swallowed a bottle of Skele-Gro when he was young... None of the mummies and daddies are going to like this at all... They'll be worried he'll eat their kids, ha, ha..."

"Are you paying attention over there?" Professor Grubbly-Planks said. All of the girls (excluding Laura) were now petting the unicorn. Professor Grubbly-Planks noticed this. "Miss Pickering, if I recall correctly, why aren't you here with the unicorn?"

"I already learned about unicorns," Laura said, her demeanor switching to a polite one. However, she was still fuming. "I figured it would be better for the rest of the girls in our class to have a turn since I've already spent a lot of time with unicorns."

Professor Grubbly-Planks nodded, letting her stay. She was talking louder now, so everyone could hear her speak.

Laura's bubby demeanor left almost immediately after this, looking back at Draco. He was now looking at her, a sheepish look on his face. He knew he had messed up. However, Laura was done with him, turning to listen, refusing to even look at Draco.

The class soon ended, and Laura walked back to the castle herself. Well, almost by herself. Draco was trailing her, trying to talk to her.

"Laura, please, I just want to talk," he pleaded, but Laura just ignored him. "Laura, I'm sorry for whatever I did."

Laura stopped, turned around, and gave him a cold laugh.

"What do you mean, 'whatever I did?'" Laura scoffed. "You know why I'm mad, Draco. Don't pretend like you don't."

She watched as Draco looked taken back. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Laura," Draco ended up saying. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Apologize to Harry," Laura said bluntly.

"Laura-" Draco said, his eyes going wide. She could see him struggling. "You know how I feel about you, but I... I can't."

"Well, then you have your answer.."

Laura walked off, leaving Draco standing in the snow. She walked back into the castle, heading straight for Snape's office. She knew that Draco wouldn't be looking for her there.

When she got to his office, she glanced around, seeing no one. Laura then knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," Snape said plainly. His expression changed as Laura walked in. He seemed somewhat surprised to see Laura not in her usual loud mood.

"I hate him," Laura sighed, sitting down with a frown.

"Who?" Snape asked.



"Yeah," Laura said, sighing again, resting her head on his desk. "He's an idiot. I'm so done with him being rude. It's especially since I know he can be a kind person."

"I saw that you two went to the ball together," Snape said lightly, unsure what would push Laura. "I'm assuming things went well there."

"They did," Laura said quietly. "I told him I like him... he reciprocated the feeling..."

Snape nodded, not saying anything. His face held no emotion, though Laura knew he cared.

"Then, this man dared to be just plain rude," Laura said, her anger rising. "You saw that article Skeeter put out and how Hagrid is gone, right?"

"I did."

"Well, stupid Draco with his stupid mouth is why he's gone!" Laura exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. "But what really did it for me was how he knew I was listening but still ran his mouth off. It gets worse, though- he tried to apologize to me?!

"Like, what does he think an apology is going to do when he keeps talking despite everything?" Laura then took a deep breath. She groaned in frustration. "That's why they say to never fall for a Malfoy-"

There was a knock at the door.

Laura's eyes got big, and she made eye contact with Snape, who ushered her into the classroom. Laura nodded, quickly leaving to the Potions room, pulling her Invisibility Cloak on.

"Professor," said a familiar voice.

It was Draco. Laura didn't need to peer into the office to know it was him.

"Draco," Snape said politely. "What did you need?"

"Have you seen Laura?" Draco asked softly. Laura rolled her eyes at this. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him. "A first-year said they saw her walk this way."

"I have not."

"Oh," Draco said, trailing off. "Well, can I get some advice?"

Laura quietly started walking towards the Potions room door while Snape and Draco talked.

"What did you need advice about?" Snape asked.

"It's about Laura," Draco sighed. Laura stopped, unsure what to do. "I thought there was something, but I messed things up. I think I'm losing her."

"I could give you a love potion," Snape offered. Laura furrowed her eyebrows at this. "However, since that would be unethical, along with the fact her parents have put her in my care while she's here... That will not be happening."

"I should probably apologize to her, shouldn't I," Draco sighed. "I have, I just- I need to do it differently."

"I think that is a wise decision," Snape said. He glanced over at where Laura was for a second. "Laura told me recently that she enjoys sitting in the Astronomy Tower."

Laura narrowed her eyes, unsure if she wanted to go. However, she knew her godfather would have a word with her if she didn't.

"I think you'd find her there," Snape continued, furthering Laura's suspicions. She turned to leave. "Before you leave, Draco, I need you to keep something in mind about Laura..."

Laura was already gone, making her way to the Astronomy Tower. When she made it to the top, she made sure to control her breathing.

Climbing up all those stairs always made Laura need to stand and breathe for a bit. As her breathing steadied, she looked out onto the grounds, seeing couples and groups of friends talking and laughing.

As she watched, she heard footsteps and panting. Laura tensed up, knowing it was probably Draco.

"Laura!" said the person. Laura turned slightly to see Draco at the top of the stairs, trying to catch his breath. "Laura- we need to talk."

"What is it?" Laura frowned, turning to face him as he walked over.

"I know you're still mad," Draco said, putting his hands out, but Laura didn't take them, "I think we need to talk things out."

"You already know how I feel," Laura put bluntly, folding her arms.

She knew she was stubborn and frustrating, but she was frustrated with Draco. It wasn't like she wanted to be mad at him, Laura wanted to make up with Draco; yet, she knew that if she let him off with no pushback, he would do it again.

"I know you're frustrated with me," Draco said softly, "but everything that goes on with me and your cousin- I can't explain why- we've just been like this since we first met.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear," he sighed, "I just, I don't want you to be upset with me. I know I'm stupid sometimes, and I make dumb decisions..."

Laura's facial expression softened, she felt the urge to hug Draco. His words had an affect on her, that was for sure.

"Well, I appreciate you being honest," Laura said softly, taking Draco's hands.

She felt Draco freeze up at this, but she also watched his eyes flicker down to her lips. Laura knew it was a bad idea, yet she felt herself lean in. Her body was moving faster than her brain could say no, and soon enough, her lips were on his.

Draco smiled against her lips, squeezing her hands softly, then moving his hands to her waist.

Laura quickly pulled away, her face red. She knew they had already kissed many times, but the fact she was going against being stubborn caused her to be embarrassed.

"So I take it you're not mad anymore?" Draco said, slightly hopeful.

"I- Draco, I just can't forgive you this quickly," Laura said, her heart sinking as she watched Draco's expression of disappointment. "If you want me to try and understand you, I need you to try and understand me. I'm sorry."

Laura softly removed his hands from her waist, then quickly left the tower, leaving Draco alone.


Over the next week, Laura didn't talk to Draco much. They would be around each other during class, at lunch, and when they were with Pansy and Blaise, but Laura chose not to speak to him.

It was because Draco hadn't stopped gloating at Harry. It reminded Laura of when guys asked her to go to the Yule Ball when Draco wasn't around. Draco gloated at Harry when he thought Laura wasn't listening.

"Missing your half-breed pal?" he would whisper to Harry. "Missing the elephant-man?"

Finally, after Laura had had enough of it, she confronted him about it.

"Malfoy," Laura sighed in frustration, "I'm not deaf."

"I know that," Draco replied, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "What are you trying to get at, Laura?"

"Oh my Merlin," Laura groaned, rolling her eyes. "I know you're still taking jabs at Harry. I hate to say it, but I'm starting to think what you told me wasn't true."

"Laura, please don't say that," Draco said quickly. "I wouldn't lie about my feelings towards you–"

"Well, it doesn't feel like it," Laura interrupted, frowning. "You know it's strange to be romantically involved with someone who constantly is rude to my cousin."

"Laura, you know–"

"I don't want to hear it," Laura huffed, putting her hands up. "I don't want another, 'but he's my enemy!' from you! Boo hoo, grow up and get over it."

Draco scoffed at her words, turning away and leaving.

Laura rolled her eyes. She knew she was stubborn, but if he was going to be difficult, so was she.

"Woah, are you alright, Malfoy?" a voice asked.

Laura stopped, turning around slightly to see who it was.

It was Katie. She had stopped Draco as he walked, a goofy grin on her face.

"Aww, someone looks upset," Katie said mockingly. Her tone completely changed as she folded her arms, standing up tall. "What did you say and do to Laura, huh?"

"What?" Draco spat. Laura's eyebrows raised a bit at this development. She had no clue what Katie was doing. "What do you want, Banks? I thought you were with Brown's lot. What's Laura got to do with you?"

"I've known Laura since our first years at Ilvermorny," Katie shrugged. "She's pretty stubborn, and you looked pissed off. What did you do?"

"She wants me to apologize to Potter," Draco said bluntly.

"Ooh, that's quite the task," Katie nodded. She looked and saw Laura leaning on a pillar in plain sight. "Which Potter?"

Draco paused for a second, realizing the error of his words.

"I've heard that you two have beef often," Katie said. She kept talking, not missing a beat. "So, what're you going to do?"

"Which one are you talking about?"

"Both," Katie shrugged. "Malfoy, Laura likes to go by Pickering, but she's still a Potter no matter what she says. When you say Harry's name the way you do, it's Laura's last name, too. I know you're a bit stupid, but come on."

"I guess I hadn't thought of it that way," Draco sighed, pinching his nose bridge. "But I can't just apologize to Potter–"

"Say his name."

"No– Fine, Harry," Draco said stubbornly. "Laura is convinced it's simple, but it's not, especially with our history."

Katie nodded, tapping her foot while she thought about it.

"Hmm, well, maybe tell her that," she said. "Laura's an understanding person. She may be the most stubborn person I have ever met, but it's for good reason. I'm sure you understand why she wants you to apologize, right?"

"Yes," Draco sighed. "I just wish there was something else I could do to make it up to her."

"Can you at least attempt not to take jabs at him?" Katie asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know how long you've been having problems, but I know you're still mocking him."

Draco sighed, pinching his nose bridge.

"Yes, I guess I can stop," he said hesitantly. Laura's eyes widened as his expression went soft. "I just miss being with her. I miss her cute smile, her stupid laugh, and the dumb little rambles she goes on."

"Oh, Merlin," Katie tried to hold back a laugh. "Go tell her that, Malfoy."

Katie then glanced over at Laura, nodding towards her. Draco turned.

Laura bit back a smile, seeing his face turn bright red, realizing she had heard everything.

"Hi," she said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Laura," Draco rushed over to her. Katie winked at Laura, taking her leave. "Laura, I am so sorry."

"I know," Laura sighed softly, tilting her head. "Are you serious about putting a pause on teasing Harry?"

"For you, yes," Draco nodded, gently pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

A smile formed on Laura's lips, but she faltered a bit. Draco furrowed his eyebrows, seeing this.

"I think I'm still going to need a little time," she said. "I know I'm difficult and stubborn–"

"Laura, that's why I like you," Draco interrupted. "You're so stubborn, and yes, it's frustrating sometimes, but I love it. If you need time, I'll let you have it. Especially since this time you're not mad at me."

"I appreciate that, Draco," Laura said as blush crept up her face. 

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