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"LAURA, ARE you excited for today?" Pansy asked, a knowing grin on her face as Laura got ready.

"I mean, I'm a little nervous," Laura shrugged, bundling up, "Draco and I still aren't on the best of terms."

Laura and Draco were starting to mend their relationship, but they still weren't as close as they were before their argument. They would still work together in class as partners, but other than that, they would only exchange a few words.

"Well, maybe things today will change that," Pansy shrugged. She waited as Laura put in her contacts. "He's been waiting, and I know from personal experience that Draco can be stubborn, but Blaise and I know he really does like you, Laura."

"Maybe," Laura sighed, finishing getting ready. "Well, I'll update you on what happens. Have fun with Blaise."

"Have fun with Malfoy," Pansy grinned. "I'll tell you how things go between us when I see you."

"Oh, you better," Laura grinned, waving as she left the dorms.

Laura hummed as she walked into the common room. She was met with Draco just about to sit down and open his book.

"Malfoy," Laura said, causing him to stand back up.

"Oh, Laura," Draco said with a small smile. "I was wondering when you were going to come down."

"Well, I am now here, gracing you with my presence," Laura said, bowing, garnering a chuckle from Draco. "I'm ready to go."

Draco nodded, the two heading toward the Great Hall, where they ate a quick breakfast. Laura was excited to leave the castle, rushing Draco to Hogsmeade.

"Y'know we have all day, right?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow as they stood in line to leave. "We don't have to be rushing."

"It's been so long since we've gone," Laura pointed out, folding her arms. "I love Hogwarts, but the fact that we can only go out to Hogsmeade once every two months, you know how awful that is."

Draco chuckled, shaking his head as Filch checked them before letting them out of the gates.

"I guess I've only experienced being able to go to Hogsmeade that often," he shrugged as they walked. "I remember you telling me that at Ilvermorny, you could leave after classes, right?"

"Yeah," Laura sighed with a happy smile. "Boot's Keep is our Hogsmeade. I'd usually go to Mercury's Place to study on the weekends. Sometimes, though, Nick and I would go dancing at Miss Phillipa Piper's Dance Hall."

"That definitely sounds different from Hogsmeade," Draco nodded. He then took his jacket off, placing it around Laura. "You look frigid."

"I'm not," Laura frowned. However, she still quickly put his jacket on. "You're not getting your jacket back, though."

"I figured," Draco laughed. He fished something out of his pocket, holding it, "Could you hold this?"

Laura nodded, putting her hand out. Draco smirked, putting his hand in hers and interlacing their fingers.

"Oh my Merlin," Laura felt her face heat up. "One right after the other? Someone's a little desperate, huh?"

"Maybe I am," Draco admitted unashamedly. He held the door open for her into The Three Broomsticks. "I mean, it's working, isn't it?"

"I mean, I-"

"In a moment, in a moment!" someone said, interrupting Laura. She looked over to see Ludo Bagman rushing over to her. "Laura! How are you? Been hoping to run into you! Everything going alright?"

"Yeah," Laura shrugged, "I'm doing just fine."

"Wonder if I could have a quick, private word, Laura?" Bagman said eagerly. He then looked over at Draco. "You couldn't give us a moment, could you?"

Draco looked skeptically between Laura and Bagman. Laura sent Draco an apologetic look, causing him to nod, going to find a table. Bagan then led Laura to the part of the bar furthest away from Madam Rosmerta.

"Well, I thought I'd congratulate you again for your splendid performance against that Horntail, Laura," Bagman grinned. "Really superb."

"Er, thanks," Laura said. She wasn't sure why he didn't just say that while Draco was there. She glanced at the mirror behind the bar, seeing a group of goblins looking at them.

"Absolute nightmare," Bagman said, shaking his head. He noticed Laura looking at the goblins. "Their English isn't too good. This lot keeps gabbling in Gobblede-gook... I only know one word of Gabblede-gook. Bladvak. It means 'pickaxe.' I don't like to use it in case they think I'm threatening them."

He gave a short booming laugh, but Laura still felt unsettled.

"What do they want?" Laura asked, noticing how closely the goblins were watching Bagman.

"Er- well..." Bagman said, now looking nervous. "They... They're looking for Barty Crouch."

Laura narrowed her eyes, racking her brain to remember who that was. She then nodded, remembering meeting him, he was the Minister of Magic.

"Why would he be here...?" Laura asked. "Doesn't he work in London?"

"Er... I've no idea where he is," Bagman said awkwardly. "He's sort of... stopped coming to work. Been absent for a couple of weeks now. Young Percy, his assistant, says he's ill. Apparently, he's just been sending instructions by owl. But would you mind not mentioning that to anyone, Laura? Rita Skeeter's still poking around everywhere she can, and I'm willing to bet she'd work up Barty's illness into something sinister. Probably say he's gone missing like Bertha Jorkins."

"What are we doing, walking about goblins and Bertha Jorkins?" Bagman said, trailing off, then lowering his voice. "I really wanted to ask you, how are you getting on with your golden egg?"

"Uh, not bad," Laura lied. She didn't want to disclose anything to Bagman; she didn't like him very much.

However, Bagman seemed to know that she wasn't being honest.

"Listen, Laura," he said (still in a low voice), "I feel bad about all of this... you were thrown into this tournament, you didn't volunteer for it... and if..." his voice was so quiet now, Laura had to lean in closer to listen) "If I can help at all... I've taken a liking to you... the way you got past that dragon...! Well, just say the word."

Laura kept the look of uncomfortableness off of her face. She stared up at his round, rosy face, clearing her throat.

"I think I'm okay," Laura said. "I think we both know that that isn't something you can do on top of that."

"Well... well, yes," Bagman said impatiently, "but- come on. Laura- we all want a Hogwarts victory, don't we?"

"Yeah, Cedric," Laura said, folding her arms. "If Hogwarts is going to win, then I would want it to be someone who's been going here for more than half a year. Have you offered him help?"

The smallest of frowns creased on Bagan's smooth face.

"No, I haven't," he said. "I- well, like I say, I've taken a liking to you. Just thought I'd offer..."

"I appreciate it, but I don't want it," Laura said.

Bagman looked almost affronted but couldn't say much more as Fred and George turned up.

"Hello, Mr. Bagman," Fred said brightly. "Can we buy you a drink?"

Laura mouthed a 'thank you' to the twins before slipping out and quickly heading to where Draco was sitting. He already had two butterbeers for the two of them.

"So... what did Bagman want?" he asked, passing the butterbeer to her.

"He offered to help me with the egg," Laura sighed. "I told him I didn't need the help because I know what to do... I've just been too lazy to go do it."

"Laura," Draco sighed, looking her in the eyes, "the second trial is coming up; you need to stop procrastinating."

"My life has been so busy lately," Laura reasoned, leaving out that part of the reason was because Draco was being dramatic and difficult. "I promise I'll go figure it out at some point before the second trial."

"If you need anything, I can study in the library with you," Draco nodded.

"Thank you," Laura took a sip of her butterbeer, smiling softly.

She had never had butterbeer before. It was a weirdly rare find in America.

"I understand my dad now," Laura said, her eyes wide, "this stuff is amazing."

Draco chuckled, watching her try the butterbeer.

"I guess this is your first time having butterbeer, huh?" Draco remarked. "I guess we'll have to come here on more dates then."

They continued to talk, and Draco ordered them two more butterbeers. When they finished, Laura dragged him to Honeydukes. She was trying to find a product Nick had written to her about.

"Found it," Laura grinned, stopping at the No-Melt Ice Cream. "Nick keeps talking about the English Toffee flavor in his letters, so I need to send him back some."

"This one is my favorite," Draco said with a small smile, picking up a carton, "mint dark chocolate doesn't have enough fans."

"I guess I should've figured that your favorite flavor would be a dark one," Laura snorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Draco asked, nudging her in a playful manner.

"You have a thing for dark things," Laura said, nudging him back.

"Mmm, well, I guess there must be something dark in you," he smirked. He placed a kiss on Laura's forehead. "Because I have a thing for you."

"Oh my Merlin," Laura snorted. "Well, I guess I've tended to have things for guys who like darker things."

"A perfect match then," Draco said.

The two of them finished getting some sweets. Laura bought all of the Honeydukes exclusive flavors of the No-Melt Ice Cream to send back to Nick. Maybe too many, but he was going to appreciate them.

When they finished paying, they walked out. Laura froze, hearing a familiar voice.

"Disgraced Ex-Head of Magical Games and Sports, Ludo Bagman...' Snappy start of a sentence- we just need to find a story to hit it-"

It was Rita Skeeter.

Draco put a protective arm in front of Laura as they looked to see Harry had just walked out. Laura could tell he was just as done with Skeeter as she was.

"Trying to ruin someone else's life?" He asked loudly.

Laura knew he was specifically thinking of the article. It was the one that had gotten her and Draco in a rut. Laura was, of course, still upset by it, but she knew Draco wouldn't let her run her mouth off.

"Harry!" Rita exclaimed, beaming. "How lovely! Oh, Laura, as well! Why don't you two come and join-?"

"No," Laura said bluntly.

"Neither of us would come near you with a ten-foot broomstick," Harry said furiously. "Why did you do that to Hagrid, eh?"

"I'm tired of you, Skeeter," Laura said, pushing Draco's arm down. "I think you deserve an award."

Everyone looked at her strangely, except for Skeeter, who looked overjoyed.

"You'll endorse me?" Skeeter said. "Oh me, getting an award for being the best-"

"The worst journalist in the wizarding world?" Laura said in a sweet voice, cutting her off.

"Nice one," Draco muttered as they watched Skeeter's reaction once she realized what Laura said.

"That being said..." Laura said, her smile dropping. "If you ever write another article slandering me or someone I care about, I will be finding and hexing you."

"Anyways, ciao!" Laura smiled, pulling Draco along with her back to the castle.

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