Chapter 5

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I ended up not sleeping well last night. On account of the hard cold ground and the quite frequent disturbances from the tent next door. ( I mean seriously. Don't they ever sleep?)

I get up and out if my tent to find that I'm the only one awake. I figure I probably will be the only one for quite awhile since they all are having hangovers.

I take a seat by the fire and try to bring it back to life. I poke at it with a stick until the flames ride up from the ashes.

I add some more wood and sit back down.

Then I hear a tent unzip. It's the one across from mine. Out comes Cody looking fully dressed a kind of cute. I get my first look at him. He's got dark brown hair that hangs just above his eyes. His bright blue eyes just seem to call me across the site. He's tall but not too tall and his muscles are a bit defined.

He catches me looking and gives this big smile with teeth that shone brighter that the fire.

He walks over and takes a seat next to me. "Morning, Becca. did you sleep well?"

I see he's trying be friendly so I try to do the same. I smile and answer, "not really. I think a couple animals got into the tent next to me." I point to Kelly and jake's tent.

He laughs and agrees. "Yea. It was pretty bad, weren't they? all I could think was 'dang. How have they not passed out yet?"

I laugh and smile even wider. "That's what I was thinking too."

"Yea. I mean that was by far the worst part of the night. I mean though Troy snores and was drunk off his ass, he at least fell asleep right away. Even if it was on top if me. I pushed him off and he didn't even feel it. good times. Good times."

I look at him and then back to the fire. I start to poke it with a stick. My smile slowly disappears. Oh no Becca. Don't do it. Don't get those feelings going about. All they do is Hurt you. No good comes from it. None.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Cody says putting a hand on my shoulder. "You're eyes are a little red."

"I'm fine," I say, poking the fire a little rougher now.

"Kelly mentioned you just had a bad break up. I'm really sorry to hear that. I had one too. My girlfriend of 3 years got pregnant and as it turned out, it wasn't mine and she left me for the father. I can't believe her!" Cody finds his own stick to poke the fire with.

I look up and put my hand in his shoulder now. "I'm sorry. Mine wasn't nearly as bad I guess by comparison. I was suposed to meet Richard, my boyfriend of two years, for a movie night at his house. I went inside and found him cheating on me with some blonde chick. I was destroyed. He didn't even try to explain himself. All he said was. 'Oh yea. By the way. I think we should see other people. Later' and closed the door."

I feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. I guess Cody saw them because he pulled me into a hug. "Oh that's terrible! I don't know how anyone could do something so horrible to a girl as pretty as you."

"Thanks," I manage to get out between sobs. I wipe my face and try and redeem myself.

"Well hey, we're suposed to go canoeing today," Cody says. "If you want, we could share one and rant the whole time about our exes. It's a four hour ride I hear. So that should be plenty of time right?"

I smile and agree to go with him. After that we just sat there and stared at the fire until the others woke up.

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