Chapter 6

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"Uh uh, that's sooo not happening," I say standing on the river bank. We had just rode up the river 10 miles in a huge van that smelled like dog vomit. Probably because there was some on the floor. As bad as that had been. This is worse. Now that I was standing by the canoes that were getting ready to launch, my fear of water and boats was kicking in.

"C'mon Becca, it's not that bad," Kelly says. She and jake are already in a canoe in the middle of the river.

"You're over reacting. It's not even that deep."

"How would you know?" I say to her across the river. I cross my arms across my life jacket and give her a look.

Jake sticks his paddle in the water and hits in on the ground. It doesn't even completely cover the paddle. He says "It's not even two feet deep. What's there to worry about?"

I notice the others have already taken off down the river. I look to the canoe and Cody is holding his hand out to me. "C'mon Becca. It'll be fine. I'm here."

After much hesitation, I finally decide to get in the canoe. It wobbles under my weight and I freak out. It steadies as I sit down. I grab my oar just as some guy pushes us in the river. It rocks and I scream a bit. "It's okay Becca. You're fine,"Cody says.

I open my eyes, which I didn't realize I closed and saw that we were in the middle of the river already. Kelly was waving to is from up the river as she

And jake took off. I couldn't even see the twins or Troy's kayak.

It wasn't long until we were floating down the river by ourselves. Once I adjusted and my nerves calmed, I was able to take in all the beauty. All the birds chirping. The sun was shining. The trees big and green. Everything was perfectly peaceful.

I hear a can opened from behind me and I carefully turn around to see Cody drinking a beer. "I thought you didn't drink," I say.

He shrugs his shoulders and takes another sip. "I can't help it. I'm thirsty and that's call that's in the cooler."

"Really?" I say. He nods his head. I sigh. "Well then I guess you better hand me one too."

He hands me a can and I open the can. I take a sip and disgust creeps across my face. "I really hate beer."

I go to put it in the small cup holder in the canoe beside me and Cody speaks up. " I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"And why not?" I say pulling it up. I'm answered by the water that splashes into the boat.

" I mean you could," he says. "But personally, I don't the river water is going to make it taste any better."

"True," I say. We both essentially chug them down in order to not have to hold it.

We float in silence for awhile. I realize we were going to talk about our exes, but I really don't want to. I just want to forget about Richard already.

I was about to explain this to Cody and hope he understands when I hear someone calling our names. I look to the shore and find Kelly with the guys at a concession stand she's waving for us to join them.

Cody starts paddling and says I need to help. "I don't even know how to." He tells me to make a j in the water and I do. It takes awhile, but we eventually pull onto the bank.

I'm thankful for land and I'm thankful that they have Pepsi products. Hallelujah.

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