Chapter 7

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At the concession stand, we grab a bite to eat before we get back in the water. I was dismayed to find out we still had another 8 1/2 miles to go.

Once again the others took great pride in abandoning us, which I guess is okay. I mean, Kelly and jake are being super gross. Troy is like a super drunk who I'm learning to hate more and more. And I swear I saw the twins with water guns full of over water. No thanks.

Being alone with Cody was perfectly okay with me. Right now, he was the person I was the least upset with. After a few miles, it was like he could sense my frustration. "Are you okay Becca?"

I sigh and turn to face him. "No offense to you or anything, but I really just don't want to be here. I can't believe Kelly seriously dragged me along to this. It's pointless really."

He nods his head and starts his second beer. "It's cool. I feel it. Jake did the same thing to me. After my breakup, he planned this cool camping trip for 'just the guys.' Not even a day later, he told me he was bringing his girlfriend and maybe you. No offense, but you're not the exact company I was looking for."

"Gee thanks," I say sarcastically.

"But still, I'm glad you're here," Cody says. "You're like the only decent person on this trip. You're smart, funny, pretty. I kinda like you."

He started to blush a bit and I mirrored him. "you're not so bad yourself. I mean you're pretty awesome and sweet and I really-"

Suddenly we were under attack! The river had narrowed a little and there was a twin on either side of us. I was thankful I wore my bikini because they were soaking us with their water-guns. They were slowly coming closer to the canoe. Me and Cody tried to fend them off by splashing them with our oars, but it was no use. They flipped us over into the middle of the river.

They exchanged a high five and hopped back into their canoe and sped down the river. Cody grabbed our canoe and the cooler and dragged them to shore while I kept floating down the river. I was terrified. I was wearing the life jacket still, but I couldn't touch.

Cody was facing the other way, so I began screaming for help. He turned around and saw me floating away. He jumped back in the river and swam over to me. He put his hands under my arms and dragged me to shore.

I laid down and coughed up some water. Cody was kneeling by my side and was staring intently into my eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asks.

"That,*cough* was so *cough* not funny," I manage to get out. "I can't swim. "

"Yea. I can tell," he says putting his arm on my shoulder. "It's a good thing I'm a lifeguard though. What would you do without me?"

"I honestly don't know," I say. "But thank you for saving me. "

"No problem," Cody says. He grabs my hand and helps me sit up.

"If you need or want anything, just Ask. I owe you one. "

He lifts his eyebrow and says "anything?"

"Pretty much, you know as long as it's actually possible," I say. At this point, in starting to realize how beautiful his eyes really are. They're such an intense blue.

"Hmm," he says rubbing his chin. "Then how about this." He lifts his hand and puts it on my cheek. His closes his eyes and kisses me.

What a kiss it was. When it was over, I was sorry. It was truly amazing. He may be the most amazing kisser I've ever met. Or kissed at least. I immediately begin to blush.

How was this happening? in the middle of the woods? really? I thought I was trying to forget love, not fall in it. That's it. I had to draw a line.

"Wow, you're a good kisser," I say and he smiles. "Listen cody, I really like you and all, but I'm not ready for a relationship just yet. Still fixing the damage from the last one."

"It's cool'" he says. He looks a little hurt but he tries so hard to hide it. I understand how about we just go the route of friends with benefits because I really enjoy kissing you too. In fact, it was just as good as I imagined it to be."

I start blush even more. I know he's genuine so I make a choice. I mean. I really did like him after all. "Okay. Friends with benefits it is."

He smiles and helps me stand up. Once I'm up, he kisses me again to seal the deal. Some kids had started to come by and saw us kiss that time. One of the little boys had shouted "ewww get a room.".

We laughed a little as we moved a part. When they got a bit away, I turned to cody. "Now are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me get this thin back in the water? I believe we need to get some revenge. "

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