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"Yah! Choi Chanhee!!"

Sunwoo shouted to the top of his lungs with tears brimming in his eyes which blurring his vision while staring right at the blonde boy in front of him who is now holding a man, a dead man.

Chanhee changes his gaze towards him, licking off the blood that's on his lips and send him a deadly glare. Throwing the dead man away from him, he slowly approaches him.

"Snap out of it!! This is not the Chanhee I know!! You are better than this!!"

He shouted again trying to knock him out from this monstrous behaviour. He seems like he won't listen but Sunwoo ain't giving up.

He will risk his life for him if he isn't going back to normal like the way he used to know. Tears flowing down from his eyes, clenching his fists while gritting his teeth.

Few flashbacks of Chanhee's beautiful smiles appeared in his mind making him to feel the pain in his heart. Everyone calls him a monster but he's not like that in Sunwoo's eyes.

He's very special, precious and important to him even though how many times he killed those innocent people and drank their blood, he still love him.

He's the only one who can save him from this outrage.

Chanhee was already standing in front of Sunwoo, locking his red eyes at him with his fangs poking out from the side of his lips.

"Chanhee... You know this isn't you. Fight against those inner demons inside you. I know you can do it"he said in between his sob, not even trying to run away from him.

He brings up his hand to cup his cheek, crying while putting on a smile and he can feel him flinch from the sudden skin contact. His red eyes slowly fading away, gazing at his beloved boyfriend as tears pooling in his eyes.

He knew that he's going back to normal at any soon but it instantly turns fully red again when he saw someone in a far distant behind Sunwoo with a gun in hand ready to shoot.

Chanhee widen his eyes and is fast enough to wrap his arm around Sunwoo, protecting him right before the guy could actually pull the trigger.


Chanhee's body beginning to become weak as it limps down heavily into Sunwoo's arms. He can feel something thick and liquid-like falling to his hands at Chanhee's back as he went to check what it is, it was blood.

The guy shot him right at his heart and now he's coming closer to them, wanting to shoot the vampire to death but Sunwoo doesn't bother to care. All he cares about is his boyfriend!

His tears uncontrollably rolled out from his eyes as he shook Chanhee's body while shouting his name multiple times yet he didn't answer him.

Sunwoo doesn't want to believe that he's going to die.

It's aches his heart so bad to see his boyfriend looking so lifeless. He cried and cried some more until the guy was standing in front of him.

He loads his gun and ready to shoot but someone shot him first on the head as he laid dead on the ground making a thud sound.

"Chanhee... No don't die yet p-please..."he sobbed out and cup his cold cheeks.

Chanhee's eyes weren't moving as the crimson hues in his eyes slowly fade away.

There was no light in it like he used to see it whenever he's around as if the stars have disappeared in the darkness.

"Sunwoo! Chanhee!"Youngjo shouted as he ran towards them while the others followed him from behind.

Sunwoo hiccups a few times. His heart can't take this so much pain. Why did he have to take the bullet?! It wouldn't be like this if he hadn't shield him with his body.

Now he's going to die! More fresh and warm tears threatened to fall as he saw Chanhee form a very small smile plastered on his face. Why is he smiling?

"D-Don't cry Sun..."he said in such a weak voice, almost inaudible to hear.

He reach up his cold hand to cup his cheek, wanting to feel the warmth one last time before he's going into the light.

"I'm glad that you're not the one who is dying. I'm lucky to have you. You're so precious to me Sunwoo. Please be happy for me and always remember... I love you"

No no no no...!

After he finished saying that, he lean closer to his face wanting to give him one last kiss but before it could touch against each other, his head fall on his shoulder as if the gravity push his head down.

And he wasn't smiling anymore. It turn into a straight line as his eyes closed shut. He called his name several times again and the result was the same as before.

"Chanhee? Yah! Choi Chanhee!!"he pushed him away gently by the shoulders."W-Wake up please... Don't you dare die on me!"

The others just watched them both in silence as Dongju felt a pang of guilt in his heart knowing that his vampire friend is going to die.

"It's all my fault... I'm s-sorry..."his lips quivered while tears pooling his eyes.

Youngjo slide his arm around his shoulder, patting on it gently trying to comfort him and told him not to blame himself.

"There's a way to save him right?"Sunwoo raised his head up to look at them with teary eyes."Can h-he be save with my b-blood?"

Eric, Dongju and Youngjo shared the same look as they exchange glances, communicating with their eyes.

As it felt like a minute pass, Youngjo turn to face him with an unreadable expression. It was so dead serious and Sunwoo somehow doesn't like it.

He crouch down beside him and press his fingers against Chanhee's neck to feel his pulse. It was beating but he was unconscious yet that doesn't mean he's going to live.

He squeeze his arms around Chanhee a bit tightly, trying to warm him up because he was getting cold like ice.

"He's unconscious at the moment and I don't think we have much time left..."Youngjo stared at Chanhee then move his eyes to Sunwoo. "But are you willing to give him some of your blood again?"

Sunwoo paused for a second, biting his bottom lips. Thinking back what Chanhee had said to him the other day, he's promised him that he won't give him his blood.

But if he keep his promise, Chanhee won't be alive and he'll be alone again without him. As he made up his mind, he send him a determine look.

He firmly gave him a nod as he positioned the blonde boy while he was exposing his neck to him so that he can access every inch of his skin to bite.

"Are you ready?"the leader asked in concern and tightly hold the pocket knife in his grasp. Sunwoo bounce his head again as he waited for the impact.

"This gonna hurt"

Sunwoo shut his eyes while Youngjo brought the knife towards his neck, making a small cut that the blood can easily flow out.

The latter hiss in pain when the sharp end met his skin as he tried to endure it.

He can feel the blood trickle down from his neck.

Even though Chanhee is still unconscious, he automatically sniff on his nose, smelling something sweet and immediately sunk his teeth through the tissue of his skin.

Sunwoo wince painfully, a few inaudible moan escape from his mouth. He curled up his hand into fist while gritting his teeth.

The blonde vampire already suck on his blood as his wounds begin to heal itself, returning his flesh back to normal.

Sunwoo sigh of relief upon seeing the result but his visions were becoming blurry by that time.

His body getting weaker and weaker while his eyes getting heavy. Soon darkness came to visit his surrounding as he passed out.

Jacob finally arrived at the scene as he was panting so heavily and gasp at the sight of Chanhee sucking blood on Sunwoo's neck. He covered his mouth and felt like he's about to vomit.

His head begin to ache so bad as he felt dizzy. He stand near a wall to support him and vomit. Wiping the saliva on his lips, he wasn't getting any better.

It's only getting worst as time passed by.

A few memories of a man struck in his mind like lightning and it replay in his head like a broken mixtape.

A man who he loves died due to someone eats him alive and that someone is him.

He's a vampire. The same species as Chanhee but the others doesn't know about it because he never tells them his real identity.

He's really good at hiding it that no one even notice. One of his eyes started to change into crimson red as he covered it with his hand.

"Dammit!"he cursed under his breath. He's traumatized by that horrible past and he can't seem to forget it.

It kept on hunting in his mind whenever he zoned out or something that made him to remind the scene. He hate himself for doing that.

He knew that God won't ever forgive a sinner like him yet he can't forgive himself too.

Jacob is actually married with that man but what caused him to lose control is that the man offer him to suck on his blood that he accidentally made a cut on his finger.

He didn't mean to eat him alive but the offer was just too tempting which he couldn't reject it. At the same time he regrets it the most.

His visions become blurry with glassy tears that pooled in his eyes.

If only he could see him one last time, he wanted to apologize so many times until he thinks it's enough.

However someone's presence was standing behind him, watching him broke down while mumbling something to himself.

"Hyung?"a voice called but he didn't dare to turn around because he knows who's the owner of this voice.

Straighten up his body and fake a cough to regain his composure, he heard his footstep getting closer to him.

"What are you doing here? Did you happened to lose sight of Sunwoo?"

Eric stifled a chuckle but Jacob didn't give him any respond which makes him to stop plus he found it weird when he still haven't turn to face him.

He felt something weird too like Jacob giving off a different vibe, different aura and it kinda scare him a little.

"Jacob hyung...? Are you okay? What's wrong?"he questions while taking a few step forward and continued with "Talk to me"

The older just stay still, only his shoulders kept on heaving upwards and downwards telling him that he's not dead yet and still breathing.

He was about to land a hand on his shoulder but Jacob said something that makes him to retract back his hand.

"Eric... Can you promise me one thing?"worried was in his tone and still not facing him.

Obviously the latter was confuse. He was hesitant at first but decided to just go with it."Sure. What is it?"

He slowly turn around as he uncovers one of his eyes to show him his dangerous red eyes and send him a bitter smile.

"Please don't tell this to the others okay?"

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