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After watching the news together with the bartender, he casted his eyes on the glass in front of him. Clearly worried about them especially Chanhee.

He kept asking to himself if he is safe or not. It just... It worries him so much that he couldn't stay still in this base. He wants to do something for Chanhee for once like saving him or something.

If only he's a trained fighter, he would not hesitate to fight the vampires, side by side with him plus protecting him too from the dangers. But in reality, he's just a useless trash who couldn't do anything for him.

Fiddling his thumbs over each other, Jacob noticed his sorrow expression with a mix of concern. He actually felt the same way as him too but hide it as he landed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry too much. I'm sure they're fine and safe"he gave him a small smile, trying to assure him and himself about it.

As much as he tried not to care so much, he knew that deep down they will face the dangers out there. He's just a bartender who couldn't do anything either.

"May I ask you why you wanted to ask that question earlier?"Jacob spoke, meeting his teary gaze.

He widen his eyes when a glimpse of a man struck in his mind after seeing Sunwoo's reaction as he put a hand on his head.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"he questions, concern once again washed his expression.

"No no it's nothing. Just a sudden headache..."he said with a pain smile plastered on his face."So about your question, why?"

Sunwoo noticed every one of their expression in the meeting they held this morning about fighting vampires and protecting the city which is why he wanted to ask the bartender about their past life.

He knows it's kinda nosy of him wanting to know about their past life but he just couldn't stay quiet about it.

"Oh it's just that... I want to understand them better and if I ask that question myself to them, I knew they won't tell me even Chanhee so that's why I ask you. I was also curious because they were making such a sad face. More like bitterness so I assumed they remember about their past as if they don't like fighting against the vampires..."

"They don't actually"Jacob answered it for him as Sunwoo lifted up his head almost immediately."Let me tell you everything"

He begin to tell him everything, not even missing a single detail as Sunwoo silently listening to his story. He understand now why they look so resentful about fighting vampires.

That's because they had no choice but to kill one of their friends who is a vampire as well. He was one of them too but he went out of control that nothing could turn him back.

His name is Seoho. He is both Youngjo's and Dongju's best friend.

Youngjo actually don't have the heart to kill his own best friend but since he had no other choice to save him, he decided to shoot him on the head while saying sorry to him multiple times.

This really affect both of them especially Youngjo and he can't really move on from the tragic scene. He even locked himself in a room. He told that he can't forgive himself. He's blaming himself for the death of his best friend.

On the other hand, for Eric's loss, his parents died when he was still at such a young age due to his mother remarried with a vampire guy and he actually don't know who's his real father is.

He wants to avenge his mother's death but he's not strong enough until Youngjo found him on the street and take him to the police headquarters, recruiting him as one of them and he will be under Youngjo's care.

Jacob also mentioned that humans and vampires coexist before and it was really peaceful. Both humans and vampires are really having a great time such as starting a family together and make pure or half vampire children.

Until one day that ruined the humans trust, a sudden chaos of vampires uncontrollably eating flesh and drink blood of humans made them hate them as the murdered cases were endless which lead them to war.

A war between humans and vampires and they are no longer coexist. It was such a disaster scenarios.

When he's finished telling him the story, Sunwoo hung his head down as Chanhee's past reminded him about how he couldn't control his bloodlust after his ex-boyfriend willing to give him his blood.

He begin to feel sympathy for them. Their life that time must have been hard.

Jacob just stare at Sunwoo in silent, obviously because the air is heavy. It's like they're trap in a small box with no holes that can make them to suffocate.

"But how did Chanhee and Dongju join forces with the police when most humans hated them?"Sunwoo asked the question that keep bugging him in his mind.

"Youngjo convinced them that they won't attack them out of nowhere and is very useful for any investigation and if things go south, it's his responsibility to accept a punishment from the commander"

The latter form his mouth with an 'O' shape while nodding his head up and down. Just as he was about to open his mouth, they heard a loud explosion from outside.

The ground was shaking so much for a moment. Sunwoo and Jacob widen their eyes as they looked at each other, communicating with their eyes.

Jacob shook his head left to right but Sunwoo being a stubborn child, he ran out of the base, wanting to search for Chanhee as Jacob chased him from behind.

Fires were getting larger and larger after it spreads on a few buildings. Siren from the fire brigades and ambulances can be heard from a far distance but of course hungry vampires are there to hold them back.

Jumping onto the vehicle as they tried to eat them making them to panick. They are lucky that other polices are around the area to kill those blood-sucking demons.

Swinging his hand towards one of the police, he hit his back against the wall hard and plop down on the ground as he groaned painful.

Other polices already aimed their gun towards a certain blonde vampire and attempted to shoot him but he is unstoppable. They are too slow and they got knocked out in just a blink of eye.

Chanhee can't control himself from killing humans, even the reinforcements who are on his side.

All he can think of in his brain is blood but he knew deep inside his heart, he tried to take control of his own body. His bloodlust is just too strong.

Dongju who watched him from up a building doesn't know how to help him turn back to normal plus he gave him a drop of blood is to save him and to kill the remaining vampires more quickly.

Since he knew he's quite capable when he's out of control, he just let him be. He admitted that it's his fault too for making him like this which is against his will.

Chanhee doesn't like being like this. It made him thinks that he's a monster. When he was little, he often got called a monster just because he's a vampire.

No one ever accepted him just the way he is. Everyone are always afraid of him, leaving him all alone in the shadow. No one needs him. Even his mother and father abandoned him.

Though he just gonna believed that they went overseas for work and yet what they didn't know is that, he's lonely. He doesn't have friends until one day a guy came into his life who isn't scared of him.

He's grateful to have a guy like him. He made a lot memories with him and he'll cherish it forever. As incident happened, he thought that the world's gonna end soon if he couldn't find someone just like him.

Then Sunwoo finally came to brighten his world. He's really glad that it brings tears to his eyes yet he didn't show it. He was confused why wasn't he scared of him but when he heard his answer, it was the same one just like him in the past.

That's why Chanhee grew so attached to Sunwoo.

"Die you freaking monster!!"a male voice yelled from behind him but he was quick enough to slam him down to the ground before he could even stab him with a knife.

Blood poured out from his head as Chanhee licked it off almost immediately. Gripping onto the back collar of his clothes, he drag the dead body to somewhere.

Youngjo and Eric just came to see Chanhee in a condition like this as the leader expand his eyes wide. He knew something's up already and saw Dongju who's still standing like a doll.

"What did you do this time?!?!"

Dongju was startle to see him there with an angry face while stomping his feet. He just nervously laugh and scratch his nape as if giving blood to the blonde boy is a joke.

"Stupid Dongju"Youngjo send him a few hard smacks on the head because he deserves it.

Eric laughed silently watching him got what he deserve as Dongju glared at him.

"I already told you not to give him that blood!! Why can't you understand?!"Youngjo heave a heavy sigh and massage his temple."If only you weren't my friend I would probably kill you right here, right now"

"Enough of that. Let's just focus on what's happening right now"

They all change their gazes at Chanhee at the same time who's still dragging the dead man on the concrete ground.

Dark grey smokes still dancing through the air meaning the fire haven't been put out by the fireman.

Dead bodies can be seen everywhere on the ground with blood pooling beneath each of them.

"How are we going to stop and turn him back to normal?"Eric questions as he tilted his head to the side.

Before one of them could answer him, they saw Chanhee jump high to the other side of the area where most people gathered as the sound of people loud screaming can be heard.

Youngjo click his tongue and told them that Chanhee is their top priority now and ditch their main mission. They followed where Chanhee went before it gets out of hand.

Youngjo doesn't want this to happen again but life is just too cruel and Dongju didn't help either.

As soon as they got there, they heard a familiar shout in the alleyway.

"Yah! Choi Chanhee!!"

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