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"I called your boyfriend to come here so stop being miserable!"Youngjo shouted from the other side of the door after he bangs it.

"You did WHAT?!"

Ignoring the fact that he called Sunwoo his boyfriend, Chanhee shouted back with his eyes already went wide, clutching tightly on the blanket that engulf his whole body.

"Don't you know how dangerous it is outside?! There are lots of vampires lurking around the city! What if they eat him?!"

"That's the point! If you weren't being so pathetic, I wouldn't be doing this! So go outside and save your boyfriend!!"he commanded and realize his phone vibrates in his grasp.

He gaze down at his phone, seeing Sunwoo's name as the ID caller and the corner of his lips tugged upwards, forming a small smirk.

"Your boyfriend is calling me right now! He's probably lost on his way here!"

After telling him that, he expected him to open the door but he received no respond from him. He became bewildered and knock on the door several times, checking if he's still inside or not.

Still no respond as he grew worry. His phone also stop vibrating in his hand. That's when he realized he probably went out to save Sunwoo.

Instead of using the door, he uses the window because it's way faster.

"This kid really just go without telling"a sigh escape from his lips but soon replace with a smile on his face."He haven't change at all"

Kicking the vampire who was about to attack Sunwoo, flew away until it back hit hard against the wall. Ready himself with his fighting stance, he glare at the other remaining vampires.


The voice of Sunwoo that he's been longing to hear finally made him feel at ease.

"Better stay close with me Sunwoo"

Clenching his fist tightly, the other two vampires start attacking at him.

Dodging every of their punches and kicks, he threw a hard punch right at one of their face and round house kick the other. Blood splattered making the ground dirty. It even got on his clothes.

Sunwoo who is still standing there watched in awe. He never seen a fight like this up close. It looks so cool! He made it cool! Just how hot he is right now.

Silently fanboying over how cool Chanhee is, a vampire wrapped it's arm around his body, obviously locking him in his arm so that he won't escape. He attempt to break free but to no avail.

Dammit just how strong a vampire is?

"Be sure to be quiet human. Now let me suck that sweet blood of yours"

Chanhee help!

The vampire's lips are so close beside his ear that it gives shivers down to his spine and Sunwoo's mouth was already covered by his hand.

Attempt to shout at Chanhee who is still fighting the two vampires, he can't hear him but he is still trying to get his attention.

Fighting against vampires aren't easy. Why? Because they are equally as strong as him but these vampires are not the type to get burn by sunlight unlike Chanhee.

"Urgh"groaning in pain, the vampires manage to take a hit on him and his cheek is bleeding from the scratch of their claws but soon it heals itself.

One the other hand, Sunwoo is still in this guy's arms. Scared of getting bitten by him, he squirm around that perhaps he may loosen his grip but that didn't happen.

It only made him to grip him tightly and told him with his creepy voice that he should stop moving.

Opening his mouth after exposing some of his skin by pulling his shirt, he slowly went in for it but before that's happening, Sunwoo manage to be free from his hand that covers his mouth and bite it so hard that he scream in pain.

As he want to run away, he got drag back into his arm after shouting Chanhee's name which successfully gained his attention.

"You stupid bitch"the vampire cursed under his breath.

Chanhee's eyes went wide after seeing him in that situation. His blood boils almost immediately as his eyes turned crimson red, he went to attack that vampire.

Sunwoo finally break free from his grip and stay a few distant from them as Chanhee let his anger take control of his body, he mercilessly hit him hard without even letting him breathe for second.

Using his last move, he dug his claws right into his body, making a pool of blood underneath the body.

"No one dare to touch my precious Sunwoo! He's all mine and mine only!!"he said and grits his teeth.

Standing up on his feet, he spun around and face the two vampires again. Sprinting towards them, he face palmed them and push them down to the ground as a crack sound can be heard from their head.

"Stop it Chanhee!"yelled Sunwoo and try to stop him from punching multiple times on their faces because they are already dead."That's enough!"

Approaching him closely wasn't the best option. When he got close to him, Chanhee pushed him so hard that he stumble on his feet and fall to the ground, as his head got hit against the wall behind him. Just like last time.

Chanhee's eyes turn back to normal after he saw what he did to Sunwoo. As if consciousness came back to him, he run up to him with his eyes widen.

The blood on his head trickle down from it till it reaches his jaw. Sunwoo put a hand on his head where the blood is and saw the red liquid on his palm.

"I'm sorry Sunwoo. I'm really sorry"the crack voice of Chanhee can be heard as he gazed up at him."Sorry for pushing you! I was just so mad abo--"

"Sshhhh"he shushes him by placing his index finger on his red and soft lips."I'm fine Chanhee and what you said back there, do you mean it?"

Asking him that question made his heart beat so fast as he stares at his blue orbs.

"What are you talking about? What did I said?"

He tilt his head to the side after giving him his answers with questions, clearly clueless.

Wait what? He doesn't remember it?

Refrain himself from saying any more words, he tear his gaze from him and hung his head down while curling up his fingers into his palm.

It's best if I don't tell him

What if he doesn't really mean it?

That thought made his heart break, hurting him a bit. He didn't realize he made a sad face which Chanhee noticed it but what's more important is he's injured.

"C'mon let's go"

Not wanting to pry some more, he carries him, bridal style, and start hopping around the building, bringing him to the base.

Too lazy to use the front door, he enters the window of his room where he first left to save him from the vampires.

Setting himself down on the bed, he just realized how bloody he looks right now.

But he doesn't care at all. All he cares about is Sunwoo. He's the main priority in his life now.

Grabbing a piece of cloth, cotton, ointment and bandages, he clean the blood from his face first before putting the ointment on his head using the cotton then wrapped the bandage around his head.

"You know, this is like last time don't you think?"Sunwoo spoke up to break the silence and a soft chuckle left his lips.

Chanhee's heart begin to beat loudly in his chest after hearing his cute laugh, he hoped he can't hear his heartbeat from this gap between each other.

"Yeah it is"mirrored his smile, he finally finished as he put the things away and without warning, he take off his clothes and throw them into a basket before going to the bathroom to wash his hands and face.

Sunwoo instantly become flustered, his face flushed in a shade of red as he looked away from the beautiful sight.

"T-Thanks for treating it again Chanhee"he stuttered while fiddling his thumbs shyly.

Chanhee didn't say anything in respond as he was busy washing off the blood and went closer to Sunwoo, making him to lean away which end up leaning against the mattress with shirtless Chanhee on top of him.

"W-What are y-you...?!"he panicked while placing his hand on his bare chest, pushing him away slightly and turn his head to the right. The blush on his cheeks were getting redder and redder.

"Do you remember the time when I was about to tell you something but got shot on my arm?"he questions, gazing deeply into his eyes.

"Oh that? O-Of course I remember!"making eye contact with him for a few second, he breaks it after that cuz he couldn't stand seeing his pretty face so close with him."W-What were you g-going to tell me?"

Since no one going to interrupt him, he'll just tell him how he really feels."I like you"


His eyes widen from the sudden confession and met his gaze again. His heart started to pound in his chest. It is so loud that he can even hear it.

He likes me?

He never expect him to like him even tho they weren't always together but how did he have feelings for him? And why did I have feelings for him too?!

"I like you Sunwoo. I wanna touch and kiss you so bad"he confessed and being so straightforward, making the latter to blush even harder.

"and... I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the prison. I want to tell you but I don't want to make you worried. I'm really sorry. You don't have to forgive me. You must have hate me now"

Cupping his cheeks almost immediately, he pull him in into a brief kiss from Sunwoo.

"I don't really hate you. I just got all mad that's all. I... Forgive you Chanhee and stop saying sorry. It's not your fault to begin with"

Sending him a smile that is brighter than the sun itself, Chanhee can feel his cheeks getting warm by the beautiful sight.

"And I... Like you too"

It is his turn to confess his feelings to him now. He never knew how he got it but the feeling was just there, hiding at the very corner of his heart.

He felt like he's about to explode at any minute because his heart was hammering through his chest. Chanhee gasp softly and look at him in disbelief.

At first he refuse to believe if he really did have the same feelings as him as he continues to stare into his eyes that are full with sincerity and love which his lips turn into a wide smile.

"Oh and Chanhee..."he called as the older hum in respond."I'm willing to give you my blood"

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