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"Sunwoo..."he paused for a second before he continues."I love you"

His eyes went wide as Chanhee leaned his forehead against his shoulder while closing his eyes shut, feeling so comfortable with his warmth making him sleepy.

I'm not hearing things am I?!

Sunwoo who's busy panicking, he was speechless, he couldn't say anything to respond to what he had said as his cheeks turn more and more redder than usual.

"I-I-I think that's way too soo-"

He stopped his words after he gently push him away from him by the shoulder and saw him falling asleep already.

He's probably tired from the fight earlier

He can hear his cute little snores too as his expression soften seeing him this vulnerable. A smile crept up its way on his face, carrying him bridal style as he puts him down on his bed.

Tucking him into his blanket, he watched him sleep for a few minutes, taking his hand into his and gave it a short kiss at the back of his smooth skin before standing up to step out from his room.

Closing the door, he bumped onto one of his fellow members, Youngjo. The awkwardness came to visit the atmosphere between the two but he broke it first.

"Where's Chanhee?"he questions, not wearing any expression.

"He's sleeping"replied the boy while scratching his nape."... Like a baby"

Blushes dusted his cheeks, making the older to chuckle upon seeing his reaction.

"I hope your relationship with him stay longer"he patted his shoulder several times, sending him his most charming smile as he close his left eye."But be sure to be careful with him, he's quite aggressive in bed"

With that said, he left the flustered boy in the hallway alone making him to imagine Chanhee bang him so hard while he beg him for mercy.

"NOPE! N-Not gonna happen!"

And how the hell did he know that?!

Don't tell me they're a thing before?

He tried to calm himself down by inhaling and exhaling his breath, he shook that dirty mind of his. First of all, he's not in a romantic relationship with Chanhee cuz he himself isn't sure if he likes him or not.

Secondly, he still thought of him as his friend who is very important to him but friends don't actually kiss each other.

He came to realize that he's not just a friend to him but more than that and that's why he can feel love when they kissed.

It's not that he doesn't like him. He just isn't sure how he got feelings for Chanhee. It just happened without him knowing it. This really confused the boy's feeling.

He felt like he's having a headache and tried to forget it while biting his lips. He aimlessly walk through the hallways, not knowing where to go and let his legs lead him the way only to end up in front of Chanhee's room.

A sigh escape from between his lips as he pushed down the door handle, entering the room again to see him still asleep on his bed and his feet automatically move towards him.

Properly sitting down beside the bed, he grab his hand once again and lay his head on the soft mattress while watching him sleep.

"Do you... Like me?"he whispered out the question as he rubbed his thumb against the back of his hand in a circling motion.

Nah he probably don't. What if he's just using me and play with my feelings? What if he's trying to get close to me just because he wants to drink my blood? What if he killed me one day? What if I'm not that important to him?

All those negative what ifs question made his heart to aches so bad in his chest as his expressions darkened with those thoughts.

And what if Changmin is already dead?

Can he really trust him? Well he haven't been able to open up with him but he believe that he will one day. His eyes becoming heavy as time passes by and he did end up sleeping in that position.

The next sun finally rises, waking the blonde boy up from his slumber. He felt like someone was holding his hand so he turn his head to the right, discovering Sunwoo sleeping soundly.

He slowly sat up straight not even trying to pull back his hand as his eyes still glued on him. The corner of his lips tugged upwards, forming a small smile and lean closer to his face.

Brushing his bangs away from his forehead, he planted a gentle kiss on it only to earn a sudden movement from him. He thought he was awake that he almost got a heart attack but he's glad that he didn't.


The sudden loud voice coming from Eric who is barging into his room without his permission made him startle and instantly pull his hand back.

"Eric!! Shut up! I told you to knock before coming inside!"shouted Chanhee, gritting his teeth and clench his fist.

"Knocking is not in my vocabulary bro. I don't do that anymore"the younger chuckles as he move his eyes towards Sunwoo."Hyung. Did you make him sleep like that? You're so cruel"

"Hey it's not my fault!! I just woke up and saw him here sleeping while holding my hand!"

Now that it slipped out from his mouth, he covers them almost immediately and cheeks turn slightly rosy. Eric smirked and started teasing him.

"I bet you two have a great night yesterday and that's why you make him sleep in that position. I'm so gonna tell this to the others!"

"Wait no!"

And... He left. His voice can be heard in the hallways through the already open door of his room as he face palm himself.

"Eric you dummy"he mumbled.

From all those shouting, Sunwoo was still asleep. He shook his head left and right, quite amazed that he aren't awake yet as he lean in closer to his face again.

Not noticing his fingers fidget, he fluttered his eyes open and the first thing he sees was Chanhee's beautiful blue orbs. This surprise him so much that he had to lean away. Same goes to the vampire.

Hearts pounding inside their chest, they couldn't say a single word to each other. Even just a simple good morning wouldn't come out from their mouth.

This is awkward

As Sunwoo was about to open his mouth, a voice came to interrupt him which makes him to close them back.

"You two! Youngjo said that he's going to hold a short meeting"Jacob, the bartender, informed them as he eyed them both."Go get ready now before he'll get mad"

He beamed them his bright and angelic smile before closing the door, leaving them in silence.

"C'mon Sunwoo"Chanhee spoke, hopping off from his bed as he threw a spare towel at him and headed towards the bathroom.

"Wait what?"as always so slow to process and puzzled, he tilt his head to the side. Gazing down at the towel in his hand, he realized that he wants to have a shower with him, together and alone."I-I don't think w-we shou--"

"It'll be much quicker and Youngjo's scoldings are a pain in the ass"

He was about to say something again but Chanhee already grabbed him by the wrist and brought him to the bathroom together.

The red hue that covers his cheeks never left due to showering with him together and he can see everything of his exposed beautiful body.

He even offered to wash his back for him yet he gladly accept it. From the way Chanhee looks, he isn't panicking like how panicked Sunwoo is right now.

Wrong. Chanhee is panicking so hard. Internally. He's not gonna show that to him but touching his skin made him feel something.

His inner demon came again, wanting to bite and suck him but he tried his best to control it. While washing his back, yesterday night reminds him about him saying the three words.

Did I seriously confessed to him?!

Chewing on his lips to prevent him from screaming, he tried to remember what happen after that. He isn't sure if Sunwoo actually heard that but he hoped he didn't and if he did, he didn't give him an immediate answer.

Does that mean he doesn't like me? There's a possibility that he doesn't like him. His chest tighten from that thought as his expression sullen. Sunwoo heard him heave a sigh as his hands stopped moving.

He turn his head to the left and saw him make that face from the corner of his eyes.

"Are you alright Chanhee?"he asked worriedly and he blink his eyes twice as if he was zoning out earlier."Ah yes I'm fine"

After the shower, Chanhee lend some of his clothes to him even tho it's kind of small but still fit perfectly for him plus he get to smell his scent from it.

Walking down the stairs together as they headed straight to the living room, he hoped Youngjo isn't there yet.

He sigh in relief that he only saw the three of them, Eric, Dongju and Jacob who are having their breakfast and tea.

"The couple are finally here!"screamed the youngest member.

"Shut up"shushes the blonde boy and sent him a glare.

Not long after they joined to eat breakfast, Youngjo has arrived and start the meeting without wasting his time.

Sunwoo felt uncomfortable and useless for this meeting because he doesn't know anything about it and he's lost. He didn't care about the meeting as their voices faded away when all his focus was the food.

But why was he here in the first place? They seem not to mind him being here. They look like a family more than just a fellow members.

He gaze directly at Dongju who is sitting across from him, he saw him holding a tiny bottle with red liquid inside. Is that blood? Is he a vampire as well? Maybe I should ask Chanhee later.

"I also have one last important news"Youngjo shifted his gaze towards Sunwoo while placing his chin on his palm."You're Changmin's friend right?"

When his name slipped out from him, he jolt up his head almost immediately as he widen his eyes and respond his question with a nod.

"How'd you know?"he asked cuz he was curious."Chanhee told me everything"

"So what's this Changmin guy got to do with the meeting?"Dongju questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"He escaped from his cage"


New schedule update!

Starting next week, this will be updated every wednesday and friday!! ^^

Merry christmas everyone!! Hope you have a nice day!!

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