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Telling Sunwoo to stay on the rooftop, Chanhee went to leap off from the building and fall down into the hallway, chasing the target he had seen running away with a sniper in his hand.

Sunwoo is really worried about him and his arm that got shot by someone. It needs to be treated before he'll loss some more blood plus he's in danger.

Soon enough, he heard more gunshots from below as he went to check it out and saw him got hit by the bullet on his body.

Oh no

Without thinking twice, he ran down the stairs of the rooftop almost immediately, wanting to save him from getting shot and stop the fight.

He heard some more gunshots again as he prayed to give him protection from the God.

On the other side, the police members heard Chanhee groan in pain through the speaker which makes them to stop what they are doing as they ditched their main mission and focus on helping him.

Youngjo asked Eric to track him down and tried to arrive there as soon as possible before it get worst. Dongju didn't join them in their car but still going to help him since he's also a vampire.

"Go to hell you blood-sucking demon! I hate you!"the man with a sniper, pull the trigger again but he missed it.

Chanhee dodged most of the bullets but that doesn't mean he isn't shot. There's already three bullets in his body and bloods are spilling out from his clothes.

Eyes turning red, fangs are shown under his upper lips as his fingernails becoming as sharp and pointy as bird's claws. Changing himself like this is whenever bad guys appear.

Of course he'll be like this if he saw blood but that mostly occur when he likes someone.

He lunged at him and send him a few scratches on his face and body to make him weak as he kicked the sniper off of his grasp.

It flew away to the back so that he couldn't retrieve it again and the man fall down right on his butt against the ground, feeling somewhat scared.

The blonde boy walk closer to the man, looking down at him with deadly crimson eyes. Sunwoo finally reached the ground floor as he watches him from afar.

As much as he want to get in between them and hate to see him hurt, he don't want to interfere. He's not useful in this kind of situation and he don't know how to stop it.

/ B A N G /

He heard another gunshot that makes his eyes wide open, shouting his name while running towards him who is now falling backwards as tears flowed out from his eyes.

The man that shot Chanhee on his chest has a satisfied smile on his lips as he turns around after putting back his pistol to god knows where and was about to leave but someone knock him down.

Bringing his head on top of his lap, he hold onto his hand tightly and gaze down at his face with glassy eyes.

His white hoodie is now dirty with splattered blood even at his mask and hair, his sunglasses is already gone.

Probably went flying somewhere in the hallway but that's not important right now. What's more important is him.

He don't want him to die yet. He's too precious and pretty to die plus what was he going to say that time? He wants to hear it.

He moves his red eyes to meet with his, he form a smile as he stretched out his hand to cup his cheek.

"P-Please don't s-smile like you're going t-to die"his voice cracked but managed to say it in between his sob.

"Don't cry Sunwoo. I'm not dying"

That's the second time he called him by his name but most importantly, he's clearly dying!

His heart aches to see him like this as his chest tighten around the area making him to feel pain. Please God save him! I beg of you!


He heard unfamiliar voices from the two man whose running towards them and he assumed that they are good guys and perhaps his friends.

"This is bad"

One of them said after lifting up Chanhee's hoodie just to check on the wounds where he got shot. This made him to feel very worried and asked them.

"Shit why aren't the wounds heal itself?"

"Maybe because of the bullets that made him can't heal his own wounds"

So is he going to die?

"Well there is another way to heal him way faster than bringing him to the hospital"

"L-Let me help! Please!"

He couldn't hold it anymore, he wants to help save him from this. He hate seeing him like this. He don't want to lost someone important to him again even tho they just met the other day.

Both heads whip towards Sunwoo and they both exchanged looks first before agreeing.

"Are you sure?"they questioned, wearing a serious expression.

"Yes! Anything for him!"

He sniffles, and while patiently waiting for their answers, he took a glance on Chanhee, coughing up blood as he tried his best to endure the pain.

"Then give him some of your blood"they told and he widen his eyes.

He don't have to think again because his mind is focusing on saving him that he bounced his head up and down.

As they handed him a pocket knife, he was hesitant at first but make a cut on his arm making the blood to trickle down from it.

"No don't do it"Chanhee said, not wanting the blood from him yet he ignore him by placing his bloodied arm against his lips after pulling his mask down but the older stubbornly refused to drink it.

"Please drink my blood Chanhee. It's the only way to keep you alive"

But it'll only make me addicted to you

Hating on his nose for sniffing his blood, he open his mouth wide as his fangs shot through his skin making the boy to yelp in pain and start sucking on his blood.

He didn't mind getting bitten by him as long as he stays alive, it's enough for him. As he hungrily drink his blood, the wounds on his body automatically heal themselves and Sunwoo was happy to see the result.

But what he didn't know was the side effect. If Chanhee drinks a lot of human blood, he will go crazy and change into some kind of monster and he'll never be the same again.

But before that could happen, one of them injected him with a syringe so that he would stay conscious. When Chanhee's wounds are fully healed, he pull him into his embrace, crying onto his shoulder.

"Sunwoo..."he whispered his name into his ear as he wrapped his arm around his trembling body."I'm okay now"

"Boss what should we do with this bastard?"the guy who knocked down the sniper guy who's already tied with a rope.

"Oh I know! Kill him Dongju!!"

"Oi Eric! Are you stupid? We should put him behind bars"

"He's always stupid Youngjo"

Their bicker continues, forgetting about the two as they have their sweet moment together.

Cupping Sunwoo's cheeks in his warm hands, he gaze into his orbs before planting his soft lips on top of him and of course he reply the kiss even tho it was quite short.

"Thank you for saving me"he smiled weakly to him.

"I-It's nothing. I just don't want you to die yet. We still have a lot of things to do together"answered the black haired boy, mirroring his smile.

"That's enough love birds. Let's get back to our base and clean yourself up"Youngjo said, looking at them as Chanhee blushed.

"So is this the guy you've been with?"

"That's none of your business Eric!"

"Didn't you see them kissed earlier?"

"They did?!"

Looking at Chanhee, he is glad that he is alive and healthy again. Just like the way he is now. Intertwine his hand with his making him to change his attention to him.

"Let's go"

Entering inside their base, Sunwoo was in awe to see the inside like how fancy it looks than the outside.

He didn't get in the car with the polices, well that's because Chanhee wants him to himself and to treat his cut on the arm that is still bleeding.

The others aren't arrived yet, they were the first one as he brings him to the vacant seats and was about to grab some medical stuff but the bartender stop him.

"You go clean yourself up first. I'll treat his arm"he beamed him a small smile as Chanhee glances at Sunwoo.

"It's okay I don't mind"

"Okay if you say so and Jacob, better take care of him for me alright?"

"Yes I will take good care of him"

As much as Chanhee don't want to go, he had no choice but to trust on Jacob and go to his own room.

When he's out of sight, Jacob sat beside Sunwoo, asking him to stretch out his arm for him as he did what he was told.

Treating the cut on his arm by cleaning up the blood first then rub some ointment which he hiss in pain and lastly wrapping the bandage around it.

This Jacob guy has his hair slicked back and the way he dressed is so neat and clean plus he's looking like an angel. So bright and gentle.

He didn't realize that he's been staring at him as he spoke up.

"Is there something on my face?"

When he asked him that, Sunwoo's shoulder flinched in surprise as he scratch his cheek with his free hand.

"N-No there's nothing"he sheepishly answered.

Jacob shrug his shoulder and let that slide as he finally done bandanging his arm, Sunwoo thanked him.

"Do you want a drink?"he rose one of his eyebrow at him and he nod as a respond.

He stood up on his feet and headed to the bar, grabbing some bottles and a glass as he started to pour it and mix it.

While he was busy making, the door of the entrance slam open revealing Youngjo, Eric and Dongju. They went to sat in front of the bar as they chatted.

"So are you Chanhee's boyfriend?"the question that escape from Eric's lips makes him to blush.

He wanted to protest but Dongju said something first."Of course he is. There's heart shape in Chanhee's eyes whenever he's around him"

"I wonder what's their ship name! It must be cute!"

Eric's squeal can be heard as he was excited to see his friend in a relationship with a human. Sunwoo didn't get the opportunity to say something until a drink came into his view, thanking him again.

Sooner or later, Chanhee finally finished showering as he went down the stairs while drying his wet hair with a towel and saw the guys talking with his one and only Sunwoo.

He felt something in his stomach but ignore it and approaches them closely as Sunwoo the first one to notice him and the others follow where he looks.

"Oh Chanhee! We were talking about you!"Eric let out a chuckled and sip on his drink.

"Come join us!"Dongju offered, holding his glass up.

Chanhee rolled his eyes and went to grab Sunwoo's wrist, bringing him to somewhere more private which is inside his room.

"Do you think they'll be okay?"Jacob asked in a bit concern while cleaning some glasses with a cloth.

"I'm sure they're fine. Let them do whatever they want"Youngjo replied, circling the liquid in his glass."I don't care if one of them get pregnant the next day"

Closing the door behind him, he lean closer to his face, trapping him at the corner and not letting him to escape from his sight. Sunwoo's heart pound so fast as if an elephant stomp his feet on it.

In his point of view, Chanhee looks sexy with his hair still wet and the way he looks so deadpan serious makes it even better. He lean in more closer as his breath hit his skin making him to feel tingly.

"Are you... okay?"

When he said that, chill run down to his spine. He mentally thought he was going to kiss him.

"H-Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine really. It doesn't really hurt"

"That's good to hear then but I'm sorry for biting you"

"No no that's okay! As long as you're alive, it's okay"

Snaking his arm around his body, he engulf him into his embrace. They stayed like that for a while now. Both of them knew that they don't want to let go and just stay in each other's embrace.

"Sunwoo..."he paused for a second before he continues."I love you"

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