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"Do you really want this?"

He asked in concern, looking straight into his eyes while holding his hands in his, giving him the warmth he loves.

He nodded his head up and down."Yes. I'm doing this for you Chanhee. Please drink my blood"

"But I don't want to hurt you"

Pouting his lips, he earn a short kiss from Sunwoo as his cheeks flushed red, surprise with his quick movement.

"It's completely fine"

He send him a smile and nod again, meaning that he has the permission from him. After a few second of thinking, he lean closer to his neck, opening his mouth and dive his fangs right through his sk---

Opening his eyes wide from that weirdest shit dream he ever had. He felt kind of hot and sweat a bit. He kick his blanket away from covering his whole body and let the cool air cooling him down.

His mind went blank for a few seconds as he started to space out while staring right at his empty ceiling only to be reminded by his dream again. He can't believe that he actually dreamt about him like why the hell?

It's not like he's thinking about him all night long-- oh wait he did think about him. He can't even get rid of him from his mind. He's just so pretty and cute in his opinion.

Placing both of his hands on his head while his cheeks already turns red and his beating heart seems like it won't slow down.

Suddenly, he heard a knock against his balcony door as he sat straight and furrowed his eyebrows. He can't see anyone because the curtains are blocking his view.

Hopping off from the bed, walking towards it and push the curtains away, he discovered the most prettiest person standing on his balcony wearing a white hoodie, sunglasses and a pair of gloves to prevent his skin from making contact with the sun.

His eyes becoming ten times bigger than before, blushing so madly right now that he couldn't say a single words to him.

He slides the door open as he stepped inside without his permission and took off his glasses.

Speak for himself, he did want to avoid Sunwoo for being so dangerous to him yet he came here again for no reason. Well maybe because he's getting too attached to him now.

"What are you just standing there? Go shower and get ready"he put on an annoyed face as he plopped himself down on the bed.

Sunwoo was dumbfounded by his words, doesn't understand what he means by getting ready.

Is he asking me on a date with him?!

No no don't get too carried away

It's not like he likes me or anything

"Huh? Why?"

"Don't you want to see your friend again? Geez you're so dumb"

An irk appears on his forehead when he just called him dumb as he clenched on his fist and stomp his feet towards him while gritting his teeth.

"Hey!! I'm not dumb! You're the one who didn't tell me this beforehand and just came barging into my room without explaining first"

"Whatever. Just go shower already before I'll change my mind"

Rolling his eyes, he turn around on his heels and went towards the bathroom to shower after taking a towel with him. Chanhee lay his body down against the bed, sniffing the blanket once.

It smell just like him

Gripping on it, he kept on sniffing while closing his eyes shut until he unknowingly fell asleep and Sunwoo just finished showering with the towel hanging around his waist still dripping wet.

He dry off his hair with another towel and went closer to him, peeking over to gaze at his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Almost look like an angel.

He unconsciously plastered a smile on his face and shook his head while placing a hand on his hip, waking the blonde boy up.

"Hey, wake up!"

He firstly groan, furrowing his eyebrows as he opened his eyes and look up to the person in front of him but the lights blinding his eyes.

Am I in heaven?

His visions were blurry and not long after that, it becomes clear and sharp revealing a half naked Sunwoo gazing right at him.

His face flushed red as he panicked a bit and his heart almost leap out from his chest.

Not realizing he was eye-ing his body and he can feel his blood lust consuming him.

"W-Why are you looking at my body like that? You look like a pervert"he stammered his words as he wrapped his arms around his body.

"I-It's not like it's m-my fault! You're the one who haven't wear anything. Go wear something already!!"

"Okay okay! Just stop hitting me!!"

He crossed his arms on his chest, back facing him so that he can change peacefully without him looking. This is bad. This is really bad.

Every of his skins are exposed in front of him. How can he control himself if his perfect skin that is perfect to be bitten?

Chanhee no! Don't even think about it, he thought.

Inhaling and exhaling his breath, he tried to calm down from his already pounding heart.

"Are you done?"

He turn around, seeing him in his black hoodie almost the same one as him as he brushes his hair using his finger, not bothering to use a comb.

He didn't realize that he's been staring at him until Sunwoo put on the sunglasses on Chanhee's face along with the hood above his head and a mask to cover up half of his face.

"Done staring? C'mon let's go and lead the way"

"I-I wasn't s-staring!"

Grabbing the blonde boy by the wrist, both of them stepped out the house as he locked the door first before facing him again.

"Let's get going then and you better keep up or I'll leave you behind"

Forgot to mention that today's the weekend so Sunwoo isn't going to work plus he's too lazy to even look good in the morning.

"You guys better keep an eye out. There's a possibility that another vampire came to murder someone at any moment"

Youngjo spoke through the speaker but Chanhee didn't respond to it and keep an eye out just like he said.

Sunwoo is kinda excited to see Changmin again due to how much missed him as his heart was beating so loudly through his rib cage.

He don't know if it's because of the excitement or because he's walking side by side with the prettiest guy he have ever seen.

Hands already in the pocket of his hoodie, he sneak a glance on him which he caught that but of course he couldn't see his eyes through his thick black sunglasses.

What is he looking so hard at my face?

He can feel his cheeks burning but thank god to this mask, he can't see it.

"Hey... I didn't catch your name yet"he said making his shoulder to flinch.

"It's... Sunwoo. Kim Sunwoo"he answered after a few fake cough to regain his composure.

Gonna tattoo that name forever in my heart

"So um... How long can we get there? We've been walking for hours now"he complains as he saw a vending machine from a distant and speed up his pace, wanting to buy a drink for him.

"Oh so you want a shortcut? I can get us there faster than walking"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Goddammit I don't have to waste my energy"

Gulping down the drink that he bought, he felt refresh afterwards while sitting down on the bench next to the vending machine and raised his head up to see him.

"Do you want a sip?"

"Oh sure"

Reaching for the drink, Chanhee grab it while pulling down the mask and face the opposite of the sunlight as the cold can pressed against his lips.

Wait Sunwoo drink it from here, does that mean it's an indirect kiss?! The black haired boy realize it too. His eyes went wide as his cheeks covered in red hue.

Just because it's an indirect kiss he don't have to be so flustered about. It's not like he directly kissed him plus they kissed before.

"T-Thanks for the drink"

He handed him his drink back without looking at him and turn his head slightly to the right.

He just took it, not even saying anything. The atmosphere was quite awkward that he had to break the ice by standing up and throw the drink away into the rubbish bin.

"About the shortcut--"

He didn't let him finish his sentence but he knows what he's going to say next.

"Right about that. You have to trust me first"he said in a monotone voice, looking at him.

Sunwoo rose one eyebrow at him, confused, "o... kay? I trust you Chanhee"

Oh the way he called his name make butterflies flutter around in his stomach but he act as if that don't affect him and lean closer.

And of course he took a few steps back away from him, not knowing what's he going to do at him until his back hit against the brick wall behind him, facing his head to the other way he can feel his breath hitting his skin.

Nervous at this moment, he spoke to his ear."Hold onto me then"

"What? Why?"he questions and he told him to just do it.

He was hesitant at first but wrapped his arm around his neck carefully as both of their faces were an inches away from each other.

"You better hold on tight or you'll fly away"

Before he could ask a question, a scream came out from his mouth when Chanhee suddenly jumped so high into the air without a warning while firmly holding onto him.

He closed his eyes shut, not that he is scared of heights or anything but because of falling from his grip. He don't wanna die from falling. He has a lot of things do to too.

So this is how it felt like being close to him? He smells good too and the way he hold onto him, he felt safe. It's like he can protect him from any danger.

Chanhee told him not to be scared and open his eyes, it'll be a waste if he don't see the beautiful view now. He was convinced by his words and obey what he said.

"Whoa... You're right. It's beautiful!"he had his mouth gap open and was in awe to see such view.

Jumping and running on every building, he didn't get tired of it as he gazed down at Sunwoo, smiling secretly to himself. It's obvious how he actually fall for this man since the day he met him.

He couldn't hide it anymore. He loves him. He wanted to confess to him and he thought it was the best time to do it.

"Hey Sunwoo"he called his name softly, making him to turn his head towards him.

"I like y---"

A bang can be heard from afar, shooting Chanhee right at the arm, he widen his eyes in horror. Blood gushing out from his arm and he had no choice but to land on one of the building.

Releasing his grip from him, he hold onto his already painful arm while gritting his teeth trying to endure the pain.

"Chanhee are you okay?!"

"Don't ask stupid question when you already know it is not"

Moving his eyes to search for a certain target the one who shot him, he found it instantly. There was a guy holding a sniper down the dark hallways in between the building.

"Stay here"

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