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Few weeks have past, working at the company doesn't feel the same like before because Changmin wasn't there to greet him in the morning and the way he often teased him, he miss it so much.

He's beginning to not feel like himself nowadays such as spacing out so much, not focusing on his work and his head was full of that pretty guy named Chanhee. Even some of his works are undone.

Other workers notice the disappearance of his best friend and they kept on asking him where he was and why was he absent at work.

He had no other choice but to tell them a lie that he took a long vacation with his parents and they seem convinced.

But the boss wasn't really happy. He fired him because of going to vacation unannounced especially when he doesn't tell it to the boss first and got angry to Sunwoo. Well it's not his fault to begin with.

It feels like hell already when Changmin's not around. He felt lonely and somewhat isolated.

Of course Jeongin is there too but since he's the most friendliest person out there, he hung out with most of the workers but at the end, he stayed right beside Sunwoo because he knew he needs company.

"Are you going to be okay heading home alone?"Jeongin questions, concern wash over his expression."I can keep you company if you want"

"Nah that's okay. Your house is quite far from mine. I don't want to burden you"he replied shaking his head left and right and send him a small smile.

"Alright if you say so"

They bid their goodbyes as they headed to their separate ways and using the same route like last time, he ended up stopping his track where he encounter the pretty guy and Changmin almost got kill.

He change his gaze to the left where his best friend laid on the ground with his back against the wall, passing out. He can feel the tears pooling in his eyes as he wiped it away immediately.

While chewing on his bottom lips, he tried to hold on the tears and be strong for him. Changmin wouldn't like it if he's crying for him.

He remember the day when he cried, he got scolded by him as he tries his best to make him stop and have a good laugh with him.

It was really a nice memory. The corner of his lips tugged upwards and tears flowed out from his eyes. His heart aches in pain as he clutches on his shirt where his heart locates.

"I-I missed y-you..."his voice cracked as he covers his face into the palm of his hand.

After a few minutes of crying, he finally stops and calmed down, he continue on walking towards the path that leads him to his house.

When he reached there, the air in his room felt stuffy as he went to slide open the door to his balcony and is surprise to see the pretty guy in front of door.

Chanhee instantly turn around as if he wasn't trying to check up on him. He didn't expect to see him again. Why is he here?

"Why are you here?"

"N-Nothing really. Just enjoying myself out here"he answered while placing his arm on the railing.

"But it's cold outside. You should come inside"Sunwoo offered and Chanhee wants to protest but he opens his mouth again."I'll go make us some hot tea"

Why aren't you afraid of me?

He motions him to go inside his room before disappearing into the kitchen as Chanhee just do what he said after shrugging his shoulder and sat down on the floor where there is a small table on the center of his room.

What am I doing?

Why am I attracted to this human?

Which reminds him of that kiss few weeks ago making him to slightly blushing, temperature rising and heart racing plus he's been watching and observing him from a afar the past few weeks too.

And to be honest, his blood really does taste amazing which is kind of addicting.

It does really drives him crazy and if he ever get to taste his blood again, he don't think will control himself that much but at the same time, he doesn't want to.

He's a police who decided to team up with them and hunt and capture those evil blood-sucking vampires that murdered innocent people after sucking their bloods off from their body.

But Changmin didn't do anything bad you might ask? Sorry to upset you but he actually did. He murdered three woman before and he hide those secrets from Sunwoo because he doesn't want him to call him a murderer which he already is.

"Hey Choi Chanhee where are you?"a voice spoke through the speaker of his earbuds that he's wearing right now which connected to another person.

He ignore it as he heaved a sigh. Not long after that, Sunwoo brought a tray of two glasses of tea on top of it and placed it down on the table carefully.

He apologized for the long wait because he had a hard time searching for the tea bags. The blonde boy shook his head, telling him that it's okay before taking a sip on the hot liquid.

It's warm

The atmosphere was quiet and awkward. Both of them just silently sip on their teas while staring into each other gaze, not realizing they have been like that for a few minutes until one of them look away and blush.

"I-Is Changmin o-okay?"he stammered on his words, cheeks were still rosy.

"Do you want to visit him? I can take you there"said the blonde boy, trying to raise one of his eyebrows but he can't do it.

"Really?!"his eyes twinkle like a star when he heard that. He just want to know if he's fine or not because he kept on worrying about him.

He noticed that Chanhee is struggling about something that he made an annoyed face whenever he failed to do it.

"What are you doing?"

"Can you believe this? I can't even lift one eyebrow just like how you did"

"Let me help you"

Putting the cup down as he went around to sit in front of him and lean closer.

He stretch out his hands toward his face, pressing his thumbs against his forehead that above his eyebrows and push one of them upwards.

"There!"Sunwoo smiled to himself as he chuckled at the reaction he gave him.

H-He laugh...!

Cheeks turn rosy on Chanhee's face. The sudden closeness is what makes his heart pounding so hard through his chest.

From this up close, he can clearly see how handsome this human is. He also has a beautiful smile, cute laugh and that red lips of his looks so kissable.

He can't stop admiring him, obviously not realizing how long did he stare at his face. Sunwoo got confuse when he heard no respond from him as he moved his eyes to meet his.

Sooner or later, he's now on the floor with his back against it and Chanhee hovering on top of his. He didn't budge to move and just stare right at him who's leaning in closer to his face.

Both hearts felt like a roller coaster, body temperature begin to rise to the top, his lips stop half way like an inch away from each other.

Is he going to kiss me again?

Chanhee eyes turning red as he pushes the side of his sweater off, exposing his shoulder and was about to attack but stop himself.

He realizes what he was doing that pull himself away almost immediately and cover his face with his hand while mentally scolding himself.

He doesn't want to lost control again like in the past. He knew how hard it is and he hate it. He hate being a vampire.

"Did my eyes turn red?"asked Chanhee in a serious yet a little concern in his voice.

Sitting up from lying down and didn't bother to adjust his sweater back, he answered, "yes it did"

"I'm such a fool"he murmured to himself and stood up."I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be so close to you. Don't you know how dangerous you are to me right now? Argh I have to get out of here first"

Sunwoo just listens him rambling to himself until he walked out through the door like a normal person would instead of jumping off from a window.

After a few seconds of silence, he shouted so loud into his palms with his face becoming so red than ever.

"I must be out of my mind! I even let him do that to me! I can always push him away but why aren't you listening?!"

He scolded his arms for not obeying as to what his mind says. He felt like he's about to explode from the heat that his body feeling right now.

He admitted how sexy he is that time which turn him on a bit and please heart, can you slow down a little? I feel like I wanna pass out!

"Shit. I never felt like this to someone else before"

A sigh escape from his lips as he turned his head to the left, seeing their cup of teas are unfinished while the steams dancing through the air.

He started to clean up the table and headed in the hallway that leads him to the kitchen, putting the tray on the counter and wash the cups in the sink.

When he went back to his room, he saw something lying down on the floor. He approach it closely to pick it up. It was a cute and small animal keychain. Specifically a penguin keychain.

This made him to form a smile on his lips, looking at it really remind him of him.

"It's cute... Just like him"

"Oi Chanhee, where have you been?"asked one of the police members named Youngjo."Your eyes changed!

Heaving a sigh while scratching the back of his head and sat down on the vacant seat beside him.

"He's been acting kinda strange lately too"Eric said, pointing his finger to him.

"Maybe he's into that guy he's with"a laugh can be heard from the second youngest member."Shut up Dongju"

Sending him a death glare, he didn't even flinch but rather sticking out his tongue to him. If only looks could kill, he's a dead meat.

"At least tell me where you are first. You made me worried"Youngjo shook his head left to right and proceed to drink his beer.

"Yeah sorry. I won't do that again"

The place he's at is their hideout. There's bar where you order any drinks you want and some seats around the room too plus there's dorms as well.

Each of them has their own room and this place is where he most comfortable at. He felt so secure and safe but way safer when he's at the black haired boy's house.

He move his eyes down at his trouser and saw no sight of his penguin keychain.

Did I left it there?


Youngjo = Ravn
Dongju = Xion

To those who don't know, they're from oneus! Stan, become a ToMoon and stream their mvs for clear skin! :)

And support my sis first ever juric fanfic!!

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