Chapter 1

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(Y/N's POV)

The rattling of chains was all I could hear. It would always repeat over and over and over again, and it would never get out of my head sooner or later. This cage binds me and my sister hostage, just because we are different from the rest. It binds us to this Oum forsaken world of Remnant, that I just want to break free from the shackles that bind us, and roam freely without hesitation and restriction. That was all that we could ever ask for, but it would only matter so little to them...My sister and I were suspended in the air by chains that wrapped around our arms, legs, and necks. We wore clothes that bonded with our skin, so they couldn't take them off, but who are them you might ask? Simple, it only takes two words to fully explain what was going on. Atlas. Forces.

Atlas captured us when were simply roaming around the premises, and they showed no mercy towards us, and all I could say was that I will never trust people ever again. I may be a caring person, but I will never trust people from Atlas ever again. The silence was short live however, as the door to our cage opened to reveal the man who put us here in the first place. General Ironwood, and he held out a tray of food that could serve the two of us. He set it down on the floor before he decided to break the awkward silence.

Ironwood: "How are you two getting along in your new home?" He smirked at the both of us, but I just sighed a long one, which made an anomaly from my hot breath, while my sister just growled at the general.

Ironwood: "I guess you two are not comfortable in those chains. No matter, we will not take them off of you, so you will have to find a way to reach your food before the rats do. Enjoy the food." He chuckled lowly before turning towards the exit and walking out the door. As soon as the door closes with a click, my sister spoke to me with her raspy voice.

Anissa: "Big brother...? How are we gonna get out of here..?" I said nothing to her. I just looked at her and shrugged my shoulders before the doors opened once more to reveal three Atlesian soldiers with guns. They moved into the room with utmost caution as they reached for the lever that would hoist Anissa down from her shackles. When she was hoisted down, I saw that the three of them had smirks on their faces, and I immediately knew what they were gonna do to her. Anissa started to squirm from their strong grip, but it was useless. They started to unzip their pants as I started to pull on my chains as hard as I could. When I heard a loud crank from the chains, I knew that what I was doing was working, so I tugged as hard as I could. 

Anissa: "BIG BROTHER! HELP ME!! LET ME GO!!" I was now infuriated, which gave me the adrenaline I needed to finally break free from my chains and land on top of one of the soldiers before bashing his skull in with an overhead smash. This effectively rendered him unconscious. Then the remaining two soldiers were scared out of their minds at what they had just done before they decided to run out of the cage, but I used my chains to lash at them. I whipped them forward, and they tangled around their necks before I pulled them back and bashed their faces in. As soon as the three of them were unconscious, I proceeded to free Anissa from her shackles, which made her hug me as soon as she was free from them.

Anissa: "Oh big brother, thank Oum that you helped me when you did...If they could've done the things they could've done to me-" I interrupted her by placing my pointer finger onto her lips.

Y/N: "Hush, you're safe now sister. Now, we leave." She just nodded before she picked up on of the soldiers' guns from off the ground, while I wrapped the chains around my arms. We then exited the room as silently as we could, but sadly, we couldn't keep ourselves hidden as Atlesian soldiers started firing at us. We did not hide behind cover as the bullets just seem to miss their appropriate targets, so Anissa started to fire her gun as the soldiers, while I dashed forward and fought against any and all soldiers that stood in our way. I jumped over one of the soldiers as I lashed my chains at one of the soldiers and smashed him on top of the soldier I jumped over before I spun his lifeless body around like a top. Some of the soldier were knocked back by the spin, but some of them ducked at just the right moment before they fired again. However, Anissa was a crackshot, so she was able to kill of the remaining soldiers with just headshots. As soon as the room was full of dead bodies, Anissa and I ran into the next corridor towards the door to the hangar bay. We looked around the place for a way out, luckily, we found a bullhead that was about to take off, so we ran as fast as we could towards the bullhead before it's cockpit started to close. We both got in as soon as it did so, and we gave off long sighs of relief before we took our seats, only to find out that the heiress, Weiss Schnee was on the bullhead too. she looked at us with shock and awe before she shook her head.

Weiss: "You two! What are you doing here!? This is my private bullhead!" I said nothing to her, so Anissa took over for me.

Anissa:" Well excuse you Ms. Ice Queen! We barely escaped this facility because we have been tortured for 5 days straight with no food or water for us, and I nearly got raped three of your worthless Altesian soldiers, so at least thank Oum that it never happened to us!" After her speech Weiss had her mouth agape in horror before she spoke.

Weiss: "I-I'm sorry to hear that...I really am, so to make it up to you, I will let you come with me. I will be going to Beacon to enroll their. You should too." The both of us thought of it for a while, Anissa looked at me, and I just nodded at her, which meant that we would go along with her.

Anissa: "Sure, I don't see why not." 

Weiss: "Oh this is wonderful. You two must be very hungry, I will give you two something to eat. Just rest here while we take this Bullhead there." We followed what she said, and we just relaxed all the way to Beacon.


When we arrived at Beacon, Anissa and I were basically in awe as of the moment. Beacon was massive, and I mean massive in scale. The moment that we set foot in Beacon, Weiss immediately stopped to take in the fresh air.

Weiss: "Beacon is massive isn't it? But that just means that there is more to explore." We started walking around the grounds of the academy, when suddenly, a girl with black hair and red tips toppled over Weiss's luggage, spilling the contents of which they were Dust vials.

Weiss: "What are you doing?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?!" As soon as Weiss and that girl started arguing, the both of us decided to leave them to their business as we continued to walk around Beacon. We met many unfamiliar faces there, and they all greeted us with warm smiles and hearty laughter. It felt so nice to be able to have a simple conversation with normal human beings, and I couldn't feel more than happier to be able to meet new faces. As soon as we had made it to the auditorium, countless of students from far and wide were seen, and it felt so wonderful to be able to be a part of a simple crowd of people. Just then, a man with silver hair, with a can and coffee mug stood on the stage and spoke throught the microphone.

???: "I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Now that was a speech of someone who seemed quite bored out of his mind, but I didn't mind on what he had said. After his short speech, the lady next to him spoke about going to the ballroom to take a rest their for tomorrow's "initiation" of sorts. So, we just followed behind the students.


Anissa and I were not really dressed for the occasion, but we sure as heel weren't really dressed for sleeping. Everyone was just eyeing us up and down, but mostly on me since my scleras were black and my irises were a darker shade of blue. We settled down near the end of the hall, but before we could get some well deserved rest, we were greeted by a young blonde, dragging the same girl that toppled over Weiss's luggage.

???: "Hello there~ It's nice to meet the two of you, the name's Yang, and this is my little sister Ruby." Ruby waved her hand shyly at me, and I waved back at her.

Anissa: "Greetings to the two of you. My name is Anissa Vallentina, and this is my brother Y/N L/N." I nodded at them before taking out a pocket sized book that Weiss had given me.

Ruby: "Um...what kind of weapons do you both have?" 

Yang: "Don't worry about my sister by the by. She's a weapon fanatic." I just chuckled before I stood up and threw my arms down, releasing the chains from my arms, catching everyone in the room off-guard and leaving Ruby speechless.

Y/N: "Chains, end of story." I wrapped the chains back on my arms before taking my seat back on the floor.

Yang: "Aww, you're no fun at all. You gotta speak up more cutie~" Anissa got defensive and wrapped her arms around my right one.

Anissa: "No, he's my big brother, not yours!"

Weiss: "What is all this commotion!? Can't you see that people are trying to sleep here!?" Weiss barged into our conversation, and when she saw us, she started fuming.

Weiss: "Anissa, Y/N! You left me, you dunces, how could you!?"

Anissa: "Sorry Weiss, we were too distracted by the sights of Beacon, that we kinda forgot about you. But is it alright if you pipe it down too? Many of you are trying to sleep." 

Ruby: "What do you mean "many of you"?"

Y/N: "Don't sleep." 

Yang: "Oh ok, I guess we'll get some sleep then. Goodnight you two, Ice Queen."

Weiss: "HEY!" As everyone was lying in the sleeping bags, Anissa and I were just chatting silently about how the initiation tomorrow would play out.

A/N: "Hey everyone, it's good to be back to writing for a while. I will not be very active on wattpad, but I will be writing every now and then. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and I will see you all in the next chapte

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