Chapter 2

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(Y/N's POV)

Today was initiation day, and Anissa and I were quite excited to be able to show off what we can do. Right now, we were in the locker room, waiting on Weiss to get her things ready for the intiation proper. As she was doing that, a redheaded Spartan, who I knew of as Pyrrha Nikos, walked beside Weiss and started talking to her, but I was not able to pick up on what they were saying to each other. While that was going on, I turned around to see Anissa talking to Ruby about whatever they were talking about, but I still couldn't pick up on what they were saying to each other, but I was cut off from my train of thought by a pat on the back by Yang.

Yang: "Hey there Y/N, you don't look that excited. Are you alright?" I just grunted and nodded a yes towards her, and she just nodded back in response before an announcement could be heard by the woman I now knew of as Glynda Goodwtich.

Glynda: "All students, please proceed to the cliff for your intiation, thank you." By that time, I cracked my neck multiple times before I grabbed my chains and walked with Weiss and Pyrrha to the cliff.

Weiss: "Oh Y/N, I would like you to meet Pyrrha Nikos, we were just about done talking about the team formations that could happen during the initiation. Would you like to join us on our team?"

Pyrrha: "But Weiss, wouldn't the teams be picked today? I mean, they haven't said a word about it yet."

Y/N: "Teams will be us, but not how we would expect..." Both of them started to blush at my raspy voice since I haven't been talking all that often, and all was quiet during the walk afterwards.


Now we were taking our positions on the launchpads that they have assigned us to. I paid no attention to what they were saying since all I did was overlook the lush green forest that was laid out in front of me. All I could do was cry black tears, which caught the attention of everyone in the initiation.

Ozpin: "Are you alright Mr. L/N?" I looked over at the headmaster, and I just wiped my tears away with the back of my hand.

Y/N: "Can I do something first?" He looked at me with confusion before I took five steps back and got in a running position. I then slowly ran close to the edge of the cliff before I jumped off the edge with a thunderous crack, propelling me off faster and higher than anyone could comprehend.

(Anissa's POV)

Anissa: 'Wow...big brother is something else...hey, I wonder if I could do that too!' "Mr. Ozpin, can I follow behind my brother? He might get hurt you know? He ain't immortal." Ozpin just nods before I jump forward into the air just as high and as fast as big brother. I had to catch up to him, I had to match up to big brother.

(Third POV)

As soon as the siblings took off before everyone else could, they were sent off as well, but while they were being launched off, Y/N was already in a fight with 10 Beowulves, easy for Y/N to handle. One of the Beowulves pounced on Y/N and pushed him to the ground, but Y/N just delivered a right hook to it's face, killing it in the process. He then unwrapped his chains and started to spin them. The Beowulves prowled around Y/N, waiting to make their move, but Y/N just kept his ground while spinning his chains. After a few seconds, one of the Beowulves pounced on Y/N from behind, but he noticed this and lashed his chains at it before pulling himself towards the Grimm and kneeing the Beowulf in the chin. He delivered a downward smash on it's head before Y/N started to swing his chains in a wide arc in a 10 ft radius, which luckily was able to be enough to kill off all the Grimm in the area. However, there was one more Beowulf that Y/N forgot to take care of as it was hiding in the bushes. It had a chance to pounce, and it did, but before it could get a hit on Y/N, a loud gunshot was heard. He turned towards the source of the noise, and he saw a man with an all black attire that consisted of a trench coat, vest, necktie, dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. The mysterious man also wore a scarf over his mouth to cover it as well as fingerless gloves, but his most noticeable piece of clothing was the wide-brimmed leather hat. In his hands, he held two revolvers, both of the same design. Both of the barrels were smoking as the man started to walk up to Y/N.

Y/N: "Thanks." The mysterious man just nodded before he held out his hand for a shake. Y/N accepted his hand and they let go afterwards. The man pointed to his throat as if he was telling him something.

Y/N: "Mute?" The man nodded.

Y/N: "Your name is Mute?" He nodded once more before there was a loud screech in the distance. The both of them glanced at each other and ran towards the Nevermore. 

On Anissa's side, she was having quite a hard time facing some Ursai with her huge gauntlets. She jumped over one of them and bashed it on the head before she was pushed back by another one's claw. She skidded all the way back to a large tree trunk, and she feel to the ground on her knees. The remaining Ursai were all moving up to her, and Anissa was all out of luck.

Anissa: "Sorry big brother...I couldn't keep up..." Just before she was about to get mauled by the Ursai, a humongous broadsword fell on top of the whole sloth of Ursai. 

???1: "Yeah! We got 'em!"

???2: "We sure showed them brother!" Anissa looked right to see two boys, one with a devil wing, and one with an angel wing. They were both doing their secret handshake before they ran over to her.

???2: "Hey there, are you alright? Any injuries or whatnot?"

Anissa: "No, I'm fine, thank you for saving me, both of you."

???1: "You're very welcome demon lady! My name is Branze, and my angel winged brother is Bransel." 

Anissa: "It's nice to meet you both, my name is Anissa Vallentina. So, does this make us a trio, or not?"

Bransel: "Well, we enrolled to Beacon as one person since we're twins, so consider this as a pairing rather than a trio."

Branze: "Anyways, we should get to the ruins before sundown. C'mon!" Bransel and Anissa nodded before the three of them made their way North.

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you so much for the support, and I will see you in the next chapter. BYE!

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