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Jungkook's POV

Walking at night. Alone. After I left that shit girl, Angely. I was thinking about (Y/N) that always pop in my mind because she is my first love and my first crush when were still school until now.

Why did I cheat on her like that?! And I'd promise her that I never cheat on her. I felt really depressed, upset and dissapointed!!

I really... really hate my life! My tears rush down to my cheeks as I wipe it with my arm. Someone tap my shoulder and I look at the person.

"What's wrong, maknae?"he ask me innocently.

"It's nothing,Yoongi hyung"I replied.

"But why are you crying so hard?"Yoongi ask me again.

"I said it's NOTHING!"I shout at him.

Yoongi release his hand from my shoulder and look at me in the eyes.

"Do you want to join us drinking soju? You feel better after that and so don't think it too much okay?"

I look at his innocent eyes and his cuteness too then I accept his offer. We went inside and the BTS member here too except Jimin who isn't here. We drink it so many times like a bizillion times,we laugh at each other and got drunk too.

"Gumowo~ hyung for doing with you. I LOVE YOU!!"

I thank him when I'm finished as I went out walking to somewhere and sleep there.

Your POV

I woke up because of the lights shone my eyes. I squints my eyes looking at the place.

"It's morning already..."I mumble in a sleepy voice.

"Is this... Jimin's bedroom?"I ask myself. Then the door open and I look who is it.

"You're awake already"he said to me with a smile.

"Jimin-ssi..."I smile back at him.

He went towards me and sits beside me. I look at him. Man, he is so damn attractive and cute. I look away as my face got redder. He chuckled.

"Are you okay now? After what happen yesterday"as he held my hand and rub my hand with his thumb.

I nodded and I look at my hand that being held by him and I bit my lip.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?"Jimin ask while tiltting his head and pout.

"Uh... M-my hand"I pointed at my hand as I look at him shyly and my heart was pounding fast as he release it immediately.

"Mianhae"he apologize to me, I'm a bit confuse why is he apologising to me.

"It's okay, I enjoy it because your hand is so warm"I blurt out.

Wait... What?! How did that came out from my mouth and now I'm just embarrassing myself. I was just thinking what happen earlier. He lean forward to me without I notice it. I felt warm and soft feel on my cheeks.

Wait, did he...?! My heart immediately thumping rapidly as my face burning hot and my mind goes crazy. He chuckled and smile at me and went out the room all of the sudden.

After that, I went to shower at his bathroom to clean myself. After bathing, hm? I can't wear this guy clothes and I look at my stuff and so I just wear that I bought it yesterday. I stretch my whole body and it feels refreshing. I went into the living room and straight to the kitchen because I want to make a coffee but I couldn't find it.

"Yah! What are you doing? Go make some coffee at your house not mine!"Jimin shout at me and that make me flinch.

I groan and glare at him as I cross my arm."Come on~Jimin-ssi...Please"I beg to him sweetly and a lil bit of aegyo.

"No"he sigh and he go make coffee for himself. I went to the living room as I sat down at the sofa while crossing my arm and still mad at him.

I was watching the TV and laugh a little. Suddenly a cup of coffee were infront of me.

"Here, your favourite coffee. I make it for you because in my eyes, you look special."He said softly with a cheesy tone.

I hesitate to take it as a pink tint reveal on my cheeks while my head burning hot. I took a sip and that make my eyes sparkle and lesd cold.

"We never talk so much starting from yesterday at the cafe. How come you know this is my favourite coffee?"I ask him curiously.

"I can sense you like it. No, I mean you would love it"he smirk

"Aww~ It's so delicious, gumowo Jimin."I thank him for making me a coffee. I felt his arm were around my neck.

"What are you watching?"he ask me and my heart start poundind.

"L-Love triangle"I stuttered. Then he look at me.

"You got something over here"he point it at his cheek but I can't feel something. He suddenly peck my lips.

"Mianhae"he chuckle. I stood up and look at him in disbelief. Did he just lied to me?!

"Yah! Stop doing what a couple do. why do you always do that to me?"I shout at him. He smirk at me, not just an original smirk, a mischeif smirk.

"Because... I like you~"he confess to me and I look really disbelief this time!

You guys want him to confess at you directly with those mischief smirk??? Hehehehe

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