5-JungKook or Jimin

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"Because... I like you~"he confess to you and you look really disbelief this time!

"Or should I say... Saranghaeyo~"he added.

Your face got redder and redder like a tomato. Your heart start to beat faster. What the fucking hell is going on?! A cup of coffee that you held slipped from your hand as it drop on the floor and the liquid can be seen.

"Ah! Mian,Mian!"you quickly apologize to him.

He could only grin at you and took a towel as he clean it.

"Let me help you"

You tried to help him but it's already clean and he grin at you once again but a mischief grin. You went out of his house to clear your mind as the weather was sunny and you think you will have a good mood today.

You saw a guy sleeping at the bench near Jimin's house but you don't know who it is. You went towards the sleepy guy and you can't really tell who is it but his face is so familiar.

His hand is on his face as you put his hand away and gasp a little. Aish, Should I wake him up or not. If I wake him up, I can't see his cute sleepy face. Wait just a sec, why did I say that?! I don't like him anymore right? You sigh heavily.

Jungkook's POV

I heard someone was waking me up or maybe shouting at me. I couldn't hear it very clearly but it sound so sweet and soft as I open my eyes slowly and the sight were all blurry as it fade away quickly. The sight become reality now and I saw her look at me like I have a problem or something.

"Yah!! Wake up Jungkook. Jungkookie~ wake up now you lazy ass"she said with a sweet voice while shaking my body.

My eyes completely wide open but I'm half asleep. I look at her face with a smile because she is so beautiful.

"Jagi-- I mean (Y/N), what's wrong?"I ask in a sleepy tone with my saliva coming out from my mouth. I heard her chuckle cutely and stop. I love her so much as a single tear drop from my face.

"Nothing. Your saliva is coming out from your mouth"she told with a sweet smile.

She took out her handkerchief from her pocket and wipe all the saliva I had. Wow, she's an angel.

"Take it"she give me her handkerchief while holding my wrist.

She then walk away and left. I can see that in her eyes that I had change myself to be a good guy. Jimin was infront the door then he approaches me with a frown face.

Jimin's POV

After she left, I went near him as I sit beside him while tapping his shoulder.

"Why are you sleeping here on the bench outside my house? What were you doing last night?"I ask him curiously. He smirk at me.

"Hyung, why didn't you join the members last night drinking soju and so you know I was drunk. Waeyo?"he told me with a grin that plastered on his face and I could only frown at him.

"Arraso, I'll join you guys next time"I smile brightly.

He's really different from before right. Even his tone change a bit. Is this the real Jungkook? For the first time I met him at school, he's the kingka and also  the bully, always skip school and you know different from this.

"So uh... Jungkook, do you still in love with (Y/N)?"I blurt out and he just look at me smiling widely.

"Huh? (Y/N)? Yeah, she's my lover and I still love her so much in my entire life but I don't know if she accept me or not from that trouble I cause"he sighed heavily from thinking it and I could only nod my head.

Your POV

I was thinking about Jimin earlier when I tried to clean it. He suddenly back hugged me as he rest his head on my shoulder and stare at me. I turn my head to see his face as  he peck my cheek.

"If you do that again, I will kiss you..."he whisper pervertly to my ear.

"Will you accept my heart?"he continue and tighten the hug as I can feel his heartbeat pounding rapidly.

I look down at the floor to think for an answer but I couldn't think of anything because I can't just resist my heart from Jungkook to Jimin. I still have feelings for him. I feel so sorry when I was mad at him but maybe there will be had a second chance if I'm with Jungkook.

"I-I don't know, Jimin"I stuttered  and he soften the hug as he release the hug.

So I just went out to see the sun. I was about to arrive at my parents house but I was distracted by the food in the store like breads, cakes and many more. I went in to buy my favourite food, Macaroon and it's pretty expensive but it have a discount on it 20%. So it's a bit cheap now.

I eat it with a blush and a cute smile. It was sure delicious! Then I saw Angely walking towards me. Bitch! what are you doing here

"Yah! (Y/N) Do you see Jungkook anywhere? Or did you meet him by chance?"she yell at me infront of my face as I drool-ed

"Aniyo"I lied and wipe the water that was on my face and she didn't notice it.

Then he left while stomping her foot. When I arrive at my parents house I was really really really SHOCK from looking at my parents house.

Omo! Hehehehe... (˘︹˘)

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