6-Parents House

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When I arrive at my parents house, I was really SHOCK like shit while looking at it and the macaroons I held fell on the ground as I ran to their house.

"No fucking way...Andwae!! Andwae!! What happen?! Why do this house to be like thi?! Shit!"I shout and ran inside my parents house as my tears rush down to my cheeks.

"Eomma... Appa... Eonnie... Oppa..."

The sound of my voice echoed  inside the house because it was all empty and all the wall, roof, ceiling and tile being destroy by whom? The whole house were burnt and more tears coming out from my eyes.

"Who did this? Huh...Who did this!!" I said in a weak voice.

I ran beside of our house, it means neighbour to ask what happen. I knock the door fast like I'm in a hurry and then the door open wide.

"Tell me what happen to my parents house. Please tell me~"I beg to her.

She wants me to go in so I did. She took a deep breath and let it out loud.

"So, your parents house being attack by their enemy name So Young. Your mom was buying her lease to make more money. She then be a farmer that have been farmed on her backyard. Then when the day had pass, So Young was infront of your mom's door while knocking and calling her name but your mom didn't open it because your mom still hasn't pay her the lease. So Young just became her enemy and she called all of her army and blow up the house. As the police cars were heard and ambulance siren too. So Young lock up in jail and your family were in the hospital. The doctor says that your family cannot survive at peace and he tried to save them but its too late..."

she tell me the whole story of it so I begin to cry and ran out her house as I don't even care if people looking at me confuse or anything. Then I went to Jimin's house and lock myself in his bedroom.

Jimin's POV

It's been 3 days she locked up in my room and  I was getting s worried that she was crying. I don't know what happen to her. i went towards the door and turn the door knob but it's lock.

"Ya, what happen? Can you tell me what's wrong?"I knock the door and ask her softly but theres's no respond as I heard that she was sobbing.

I asked her again but still there's no respond again so I give up and sat on the sofa thinking of it.

"Will she... accept my heart? Maybe... she's crying because of me? What did I do wrong exactly?"I muttered alone.

All negative question lingered into my mind while I was drinking soju all by myself, talking to myself alone until
midnight. I go towards the door and knock weakly.

"Min (Y/N)~ can you open the door please~~?"I sang.

"I love you so much. Jungkook is such a bastard person~ YEAH!"

I heard footstep coming closer to the door and she unlock the door as she opens it. I smile at her cutely.

"I miss you babe"I blurt out while I was whispering her ear and hug her.

Her eyes were so puffy, swollen and red. Her nose too. I think she can smell the alcoholic in my mouth but I don't care.

I smiled at her and stare at her angelic face as I conciously slowly closing my eyes and my head land on her shoulder.

Your POV

I brought him slowly to the bed because he was sleeping and I don't want to wake him up.

The next morning has arrive, I felt someone was holding my hand as I open my eyes slowy, it's Jimin.

"When did I sleep here?"He ask me.

"When at midnight you was drunk as you told me everything that you love me and you want me to open the door so I did and you suddenly asleep. Then I put you on the bed"I explain to him with a yawn.

Someone rang the bell as Jimin went out of his room and went towards the door. He opens it. I open the bedroom door sneakly and gasp

"Why didn't you came to practice yesterday, we were worried about you"Namjoon said all worry and make Jimin's eyes widened. The members went inside the living room.

"Your house is pretty big"Yoongi appriciate him. He pick up the soju with that confuse face and cold one. He seem so familiar.

"Why are you drinking so much soju?"

Jimin scratch the back of his neck and look it how many of them.

"I was thinking about (Y/N) because she was crying and lock herself in the room..."Jimin gasp because he should not tell them about that and I gasp aswell.

"What (Y/N) here too, let me see her"Yoongi said and go towards the room.

I quickly lock the door. He turn the door knob and knock the door too.

"Ya,(Y/N). Can you open the door,pwease~"Yoongi make a cute voice but I think I recognize the voice.

"Open the door (Y/N)"said Jungkook.

I go step forward the door and open it as I gasp with my eyes widen and its him! Its really him.

"Y-Yoongi oppa!"

I jump on him and hug him. The members really look surprise as I can see that Jungkook and Jimin were frowning.

"But I thought you were dead, Oppa"I look at him innocently with a worry face.

"I escape from the big blow"he smile at me.

Min Yoongi. He's your brother not your boyfriend. Don't misunderstood. Hahahaha...Keep reading...Vote and comment guyseu! ≧﹏≦

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