☆°. Equation Playground

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since 1.5 million subscriber special is here, nine made an executive decision to invite his frenemy - six to go on a cabin road trip with them to retrieve fifteen since one is nowhere to be seen.

"come on bro! its gonna be so much fun!"

"there is a reason why fifteen left us, we should just leave her alone and get a cardboard print of fifteen" six replied. they clearly don't want a part in this since what fifteen did after she left..

"bro.. you serious? we, algerbralien broskis speak AUTHENTIC and QUALITY, of course we aren't gonna get a cardboard print! what if five is gonna complain their butt off?"

six sighs and nods, they got up from the grassland and followed nine to his scooter. they were surprised how fancy and new it looked, despite the questionable decisions nine makes, at least he knows how to take care of a scooter.

"hop on bro dude bro! this trip is gonna be so tubular!!"

"say shit like that again and I'm ditching you"
nine stayed quiet and smirked while shifting the glasses to their eyes, getting prepared for a heck of a trip.
he started the motor and moved at a steady pace, then slowly speeding up. then six asked him:
"so...how DO you know the way to fifteens cabin? she kept her location private, remember?"


nine stayed silent, it's best for six not to know HOW nine knows the location

"nine? oh my gosh dude did you fucking stalked her and followed her to her cabin?"


six punched nine, causing him to whine like a baby. nine was rubbing his arm quickly while trying to stabilize the scooter
"are you THAT affected to her shit. seriously, she screamed at everyone of us to leave her alone but you deadass said 'fuck off', like...have some respect for her"

"aw :("

"don't even try to guilt trip me, I know what you are"

then suddenly, both of them heard a voice in the back
"GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TRIP SIX AND NINE!!" it was x waving at them with a big smile, how nice!

"yeaaah!!! we'll see you soon!" replied six, waving back happily

"why won't you use that tone for meee...:("

"nine, get real. you look like a flat earther and you have the smarts of a rock. plus you're also like those annoying scenecore wannabe kids that overuses texting quirks or some shit"

then nine started bawling their eyes out, he cried like he never cried before. this, of course, annoyed six and they started to find anything to shut nine up

"UGHHH...do you want candy?new skateboard?crackers?those barbecue chips that you always brag about? ARGHHHH just tell me what you want!"

nine then calmed himself down and pointed his finger to his cheek

"can you kiss me on the cheek to make me feel better :3"

"anything BUT that"

"then I will STAY crying!"

six had a thought for a second, either they would be forced to hear nine cry for at least an hour or give him a kiss on the cheek to shut him up. with a heavy heart, six came close to nine and kissed him.


six began to attempt to remove the horrendous taste from their mouth by spitting their saliva on the grass, didn't work. so they pulled out some candy, quickly opened the wrapper and chewed the candy like there's no tomorrow.
while six was doing so, nine replied:
"yeah uh...my plan was to get you to taste test it lol" they said while blushing, clearly that's NOT their purpose but hey! at least they convinced six and got a sweet kiss from them.

"WHY WONT YOU TASTE IT YOURSELF PINHEAD?!" good thing the taste was gone when six said that.

"eehhhh...too riskay broski!!"
six figured out it would be no use to argue back so they sat there like a wet cat.

a few minutes went by and six starts to feel tired, they had no where to lean on to but nine's back. so six leaned on it but as soon as they rested their head on nine, they smelt something fishy...no kidding! nine smells like a dead fish and even if he drenched himself in cologne he would smell like rotten tuna, but if it's the only thing six can rest their head on, they might as well have to go with it.
while nine was happily driving, he felt a sudden weight on his shoulder. he turned around and saw six napping on him. seeing his friend sleeping on him made him blush, his heart starts to beat fast. he didn't know how to feel since it was his first time so instead of freaking out, he stayed still for six to sleep well and drove carefully so he won't wake them up.
-1 hour later-
"we are entering a new piece of land brolinda! wake up!"
nine lightly shakes six's shoulder, trying to wake them up but they didn't. so nine vigorously shakes six to the point it felt like an earthquake
then nine starts to slap six's face, he starts to get worried...six isn't responding until...
six jumps up from their seat in fear, then they noticed nine looking directly at them with the light of his glasses beaming on them, it was quite blinding. six backs off and looks around
"wait...where is all the grass? and what are...those"
six then pointed to the inanimate objects with limbs, nine shrugged and continue to focus on the road, until some objects began to question the sudden appearance.

"needle, what are those random aliens doing on a scooter, and why are they trespassing onto OUR land!" pin asked

"I...don't know? but they look closely related to two, maybe they have something to do with this?"

word count: 1009 words

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