☆°. TPOT Grasslands

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(also I forgot that the algerbraliens here are in human form)

after needle said that, pin quickly ran out to find two when she bumped into golfball, which was also running quickly.
"ACK! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING PIN!" golfball then fell and rolled on the floor hopelessly while trying to get back up by kicking her feet
"gb! me and needle were talking while found some aliens riding on a scooter approaching here! they kinda look like two because of their...uh..chubby and simplistic bodies? plus their eyes look like two's aswell"
pin waited for a response but all what she can hear are some annoyed grunts from golf ball. well that's no help but pin still hasn't given up yet, golf ball may not know what those creatures are but two may know them! so pin continued to search around the grasslands and soon enough, she bumped into two.
"TWO! I was looking for you everywhere!"

"oh really? well what do you need pin and why the rush?"

"there was these two weird looking creatures trespassing onto our land!-"

before pin could even finish, she saw six and nine leaving the grasslands

two's face setting changed from normal, calm to shook and intrigued, they then asked pin.
"oh really? well can you lead them to me?"
pin quickly nodded and tried her hardest to drag two with her, geez...how heavy are they? maybe because she's just a pin with limbs carrying some sort of alien, number creature that has powers. two noticed this so they pushed pin's arm away and asked her where are those numbers, pin then pointed to where six and nine are driving.

"oh they're my friends! thanks pin!"
"no problem two!"

after that, two zoomed off quickly, leaving a transparent lightning bolt following them until they stopped where six and nine were. they then slowed down and called their names to alert them.

"oh two! what are you doing here?" nine asked curiously while slowing down the motor.
"more like what are YOU doing here!"
"we are trying to get to fifteens location to retrieve her for the stupid sub count"

two's face suddenly went worried after six said that, they hadn't seen fifteen for a while and the last time they did, it wasnt good. fifteen used to be happy and brave but what happened to her now? were the numbers showering her too much affection? it just happened so quickly, she became distant, cold and aggressive for what reason...then she just left leaving horrid words behind.

"a-are you sure? she distanced from us for a reason and meeting her in person? you do know she'll beat you guys up right. I don't really recommend this"
"two, you're powerful. prolly the most powerful out of all of us. why won't YOU go and get fifteen by yourself since you can fly and all.." six let out an annoyed tone.

two thought for a bit, but then a contestant called their name. they broke their line of thought and said in some sort of a worried tone.
"I-uh..gatta go now, but good luck on your trip!"
two then dashed away before six and nine could answer. nine then waved happily at two who was busy helping golfball get up from that fall earlier

"they cant see you, ya know?"
"I know! just wanna let out a wave!"

nine then restarted the motor and continued on their trip, they can't get distracted now! until six asked.
" we never asked two about those little objects, should we go back and ask two about those".
"mmh..well, we can always call two's phone! they don't seem busy for now!"

as soon as nine pulled out his phone to type twos number, six lightly punches nines arm.

"don't text and drive, airhead. let me do it"

six snatched the phone and dialed two's number while nine let out a frown and made a "aww..:(" sound effect. then nine slowed down so six can hear what two is saying through the phone.

"ah ah, ok thanks"
six pressed on the "end call" button and using the phone to lightly whack nine's arm to signal that they're done using his phone.

"so....what did two say?"
"they said it's just like us but objects, some of them have arms, some of them dont"
nine then nodded happily and started to quicken the speed of the scooter, the look on his face made six feel flustered but they tried to hide it. six is the type to have feelings for someone but would try their best to hide it, so whenever six would look at nine, the beaming sunlight shinning on his blue, yellow shades. his warm smile complimenting his pale, scratchy skin and his torn down jacket matching his shades makes six blush and feel warm but it would be embarrassing to show these feelings to the number they despised, right? they just have to hold it in until the right moment strikes.

an hour goes by, nine starts to get tired of driving him and six around so he stops the motor and finds a nearby place to sit while six follows him.

"is this where we're sitting? in the middle of nowhere?"

"I mean uhhh....it's the only place with shade so yah"
nine goes up the hill with a big tree acting as shade for the two of them, six slowly follows him, panting as they did so. but soon enough, they both arrived at the tree and slumped down

"so...you have anything to play?" asked six

"i dunno, I did brought yoyle chess though"

"hmm..no, I don't want to play chess right now, I'm just gonna relax"

six then relaxes their head on the tree trunk, the raspy, grainy texture wasn't it but they would rather relax on the tree than on the mysterious, bright vibrant green grass-way much more different from the grasslands.

few minutes go by, silence fills the air with no small or any convos, but then nine breaks the silence. he has been holding this feeling inside his chest for a while and he just wants to release it so his chest can feel less heavy with these feelings.

and then it came...

"six, I have...developed..feelings for you"

six's body shook up and looks at nine, they didn't know what to say, of course they feel the same thing but ugh...should they REALLY say it out loud?

nine's face began to worry, this is such a stupid idea...now six will feel awkward, feel different about their frenemy, will probably hate and avoid nine. forever.

"ah, um sorry uh..."

nine was lost for words, he was trying to say an actual sentence without breaking out in tears and sobbing profusely but its too bad that he did started to cry. tears starts forming in his eyes, sniffles starts to become more clearer and he starts to shake while looking down on the ground, being embarrassed by what he just said.

six noticed this and scoots themselves closer to him, lifting his face up with both of their hands. seeing nine's glasses slip down, showing his red teary eyes made six feel kinda bad for him. they wiped a tear out of nine's face and mustered up the courage to speak to him

"listen you idiot, i..have feelings for you too, just because my face looks like pure disgust doesn't mean I don't like you back. now calm your fucking tits down and get ready to get on the road again"

six then pat nine on the back and got up to go down the hill to the scooter. nine stayed a bit longer to process what just happened, so that's it. him and six are a thing now.

"are you going down? I'm getting quite impatient here!" yelled six

nine then quickly got up, brushed the dust and small specs of dirt out from his pants and ran down the hill

"sorry brolinda! my bad, my bad!"

nine then started the motor again and heads in the direction to a pretty nostalgic place..

word count: 1367 words

im gonna start updating this thingy every week or every day if I have time!!

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