five- new arrivals

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Feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I look forward to reading them. I don't own or claim to own any of the characters featured on the Naruto series as this story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, -demon speech-, +scene change+, BOLD CAPS - points of view, CAPS- attacks

Terminology: Sensei - the suffix is used for respected professionals, such as teachers, doctors. Sama - the suffix is used in formal address for someone who ranks higher in the social hierarchy.

Five - new arrivals

+Two Years Later+

Sakura and Naruto headed towards their new village along with their teacher Kakashi. All three wore head plates bearing the symbol of the leaf. Kakashi proceeded to fill them in about the village.

"Where we are going is to the land of fire. The village is Konahagukura which is also know as the village hidden in the leaf or the leaf village. When we arrive our first step is to see the Hokage whom acts as the leader of the village so please show proper respect. Naruto I had informed the Hokage all about you and your other half. I know that I can trust him with this secret because he was my sensei." stated Kakashi. Naruto could hear Kyuubi growling in protest and anger.

*Calm yourself Kyuubi. You knew that Kakashi would have to inform somebody about us.* stated Naruto mentally. Kyuubi just growled even more causing Naruto to shake his head.

"Let me guess he isn't too happy." stated Sakura causing Naruto to sigh out loud. During the two years of training both Sakura and Kakashi gotten to know the 9 tail demon fox that was a part of Naruto when he took control over his hosts body. There was a very noticeable difference between the two when Kyuubi was in control over Naruto's body, Naruto's fangs and nails fully lengthened. The 3 whisker marks that was Naruto's face became much bolder and wider. Naruto's blue eyes became blood red with slit pupils. Kyuubi's speech was much darker and rougher than Naruto's own.

"Kyuubi has been really moody lately." Naruto simply replied.

"One more thing Naruto, you have to be really careful about Kyuubi and using any of your demonic powers. No one in the village besides the Hokage knows that you are a Demonkin. (this is the term that I have come up to describe what Naruto and Kyuubi are instead of using the terms from the series) You have just 4 years to earn peoples trust. Not everyone will be willing to accept demons even if they appear human." stated Kakashi as they approached the leaf village gates. Naruto was trembling when he saw the huge village which meant a lot of people. Sakura held Naruto's hand gently as the 3 of them walked towards the rock cliff where a large tower sat.

+Hokage's office+


Kakashi knocked on the door to what looked like an office.

"Come in." replied a voice from behind the door. The 3 of us entered to find an elderly person sitting behind a desk. "Ah….Kakashi Hatake, I take it that these are the two that you were telling me about." stated the man whom sat behind a desk.

"Yes these are Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzamaki. Guys this the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi." stated Kakashi. It was the first time that I had ever heard my last name but I couldn't stop trembling. I could feel Kyuubi's fear as if it was my own. Small whimpers escaped from my lips. "Um…..Sarutobi-sama if you would please….." stated Kakashi.

"Oh…Sorry!" stated Saratobi. I don't know what he did but I could feel as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and Kyuubi. I began to ease up wondering what happened. "I am sorry about that Naurto. It seems that you and your demon half must have sensed my power. As Hokage, I have the strongest power in the whole village. As the strongest, I was elected as leader until someone just as strong or stronger comes to take my place. Your father was one of those I was considering until he died trying to protect you. Your father was also my student like Kakashi." stated Sarutobi.

"That's the first time I have ever felt fear like that coming from Kyuubi. I hardly feel any emotions from him but every once in a great while he has his moments." I stated.

"Kakashi has told me about your demonic half. Is it possible for me to meet him?" asked Sarutobi.

*Kyuubi?* I asked.

-I will speak with him. Give me control Naruto. Don't worry I won't do anything rash. Even something like me knows better than to attack somebody stronger and more powerful than me.- replied Kyuubi. Naruto stepped aside allowing the fox control over his body. The changes to Naruto's persona were instant as Kyuubi opened his blood red eyes.

"Are you Kyuubi?" asked Sarutobi.

-That would be me.- replied Kyuubi through Naruto.

"I entrust that Kakashi has explained the rules I have involving you and Naruto." stated Sarutobi.

-Of course, I have no problem obeying them.- replied Kyuubi.

"I have several questions though. What kind of demon are you, how many tails do you have, and what kind of power do you possess?" asked Sarutobi.

-I am a fox demon as I have a total of 9 tails. My main powers deal with the element of fire. Why do you ask?- replied Kyuubi.

"You see we haven't encountered many demons before. All we were told growing up is that demons are dangerous creatures. I know that they are often hunted for their pelts, tails, and organs. That is how you have come to become a part of Naruto. You two are perhaps the first ones of your kind. You have 4 years before your transformation you will go through happens. In that time you must both gain the trust of this village before we can reveal who and what you truly are." stated Sarutobi.

-We know that.- growled Kyuubi.

"Then we have an agreement Kyuubi." Kyuubi slipped back into my body giving me back control over my body. "In the meantime, Naruto and Sakura you will be on a team seeing how you two know each other so well. Kakashi will be your captain and leader. I have arranged for two others to be a part of your team as you will meet them tomorrow. I suggest that in the mean time that you and Sakura explore the village while I talk to Kakashi." stated Sarutobi. Sakura quickly took me by the hand as we left the Hokage's office. I was a bit worried about meeting new people and being in this place. Sakura lead me though town never letting go of my hand.

"This place is a lot larger than my old village but, I am happy that we are here!" she stated cheerfully. Suddenly a large dog tackled me to the ground as he sniffed me carefully before he licked me. I couldn't stop laughing as his tongue tickled me.

"Akamaru what have I told you…Don't attack people even if you don't know…." stated a feral looking boy before he realized what the dog was doing. "…..well I'll be…." stated the boy.

-All right….stop it. Its nice to meet you to Akamaru. Now if you would be so kind to let my host up.- Kyuubi growled as Akamaru walked over to his human's side. -Sorry about that Naruto. We have a great kinship with dogs, wolves, foxes, and other canines.- stated Kyuubi. I slowly got up to my feet.

"I am truly sorry. I have never seen Akamaur do that to anyone before. So you two are the new comers. My name is Kiba Inuzuka, you all ready met Akamaru." stated Kiba.

"I am Sakura Haruno and that's Naruto Uzamaki. We just arrived here today. I have to say this but, that's perhaps the largest dog I have ever seen in my life." replied Sakura.

"You should see the other ninja dogs, they are a lot larger and bigger than Akamaru. My family raises and works with the dogs training them." I carefully sniffed at Kiba and Akamaru. Their scent seemed one and the same except Akamaru had a more muskier smell than Kiba. Only Akamaru seemed aware that I was sniffing them as I had to make sure to do it without being noticed. They didn't seem or smelled dangerous as I knew that Kyuubi had all ready accepted Akamaru as the dog was fully aware of what I truly was.

"I guess I must have a natural way with animals. There was no harm done." I replied as I extended out my left hand to shake Kiba's. I had discovered through my training that I was neither left or right handed but rather both. Kiba smiled taking my hand shaking it.

"Your all right Naruto. Well I got to go see you around. Oh… the way…..welcome to Konahagakura." stated Kiba as he lept onto Akamaru's back before both the dog and boy took off. Sakura looked at me questioning why the dog did that.

"Kyuubi!" I replied.

+Next Day+

Sakura and I waited at the main gate as we were assigned our first mission. We waited for Kakashi and the other two members for our team. I was a bit curious on whom they were and whether or not I could trust them. I paced nervously around.

"Calm down you two!" stated Sakura. I stopped pacing when I smelled Kakashi's familiar scent along with two others whose scent I wasn't familiar with. One of them smelled like paint while the other smelled like fire ash. Kakashi approached with two other teens close to the same age as both Sakura and I. One was a black haired pale kid as he was the one who smelled like paint. The other kid was a spiky raven haired kid as he was the one who smelled like fire ash.

"Naruto Uzamaki and Sakura Haruno these are your team mates Sasuke Uchiha and Sai. Sorry but you're the only girl in our team Sakura, I hope that you don't mind." stated Kakashi. (Sasuke and Sai will be a bit different from how they are portrayed in the series as I couldn't make up my mind whom will be a part of Naruto's team so I decided to use both Sasuke and Sai seeing how both had been on or are on Naruto's team in the series)

"Its all right Kakashi-sensei." stated Sakura as she shook hands with Sai and Sasuke. I carefully sniffed them not sure what to make of them. Sai just smiled as Sasuke stuffed his hands into his pockets trying to look cool. I couldn't tell what to think of these two. I just simply nodded my head.

"Our first mission is to escort an official named Tazuna to the land of waves." stated Kakashi. (Sorry I had changed Tazuna from a bridge builder to an official for this story) A large man whom reeked of alcohol and boozes approached. I felt like I was going to be sick because of how strong the smell was as I crumbled up my nose in discuss.

-Dam it, isn't it too early to be drinking? I suggest that we stand up wind of him Naruto.- whined Kyuubi as I had to agree with him.

"I will take point Kakashi." I stated getting far away from the smell as possible. Our team then set out as Kakashi walked besides me.

"Keep your senses open Naruto. Something seems odd about Tazuna and this mission." Kakashi whispered as I just nodded my head.

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