four- ninja training

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Feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I look forward to reading them. I don't own or claim to own any of the characters featured on the Naruto series as this story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, -demon speech-, +scene change+, BOLD CAPS - points of view, CAPS- attacks

Four - ninja training

+3 days later+


I awoke finding myself in a strange place. My wounds had been bound as I could smell food cooking which made my mouth water. I could remember being freed from my captivity by Kakashi. A range of emotions ran through me. I was happy that I was finally free of my captors but angry and sad that I had been taken away from the one person who has helped me through all of this. I already missed Sakura. I slowly made it to my feet as I remembered seeing how people walked around. Even though I never truly walked before, I stood up a bit shaky at first but I finally managed to make it towards a room where I had smelled the food cooking. Kakashi just stood there unaware that I was even in the room. I walked up to him grabbing the man by the throat hosting him a good couple of feet off the ground. A low threatening snarl escaped my lips as I could feel that Kyuubi wanted just as badly as I did to kill the man whom had freed us. Suddenly a familiar scent of cherry blossoms drifted up my nose as I could hear a young female gasping.

"Nartuo…..stop!" shouted out Sakura as she grabbed me from behind. I could feel both Kyuubi and me calming down as I gently put down Kakashi. I slowly turned my head towards Sakura surprised to see her there.

"…Sakura…?" I asked in question wondering why she was there.

"Its all right Naruto." she stated as she released me. My knees went weak as Sakura helped me over towards the table. I could tell that she wanted to ask why I would attack the one whom had freed me but, Kakashi stopped her.

"Its all right Sakura, I think I know the reason. Its because he thought that I have taken him away from you. It seems that Naruto has developed a strong bond with you. The one person whom has showed him that not all humans are bad." stated Kakashi. My stomach growled loudly forcing Sakura to burst out laughing after a couple of minutes of silence. I could feel myself blush about three shades of red. Kakashi brought over a large plate of food setting it down in front of me. I could feel my fangs lengthening at the sight of the food. "Go ahead and eat up Naruto. You need your strength." I dug into the food getting a strange look from Sakura as she pushed over silver objects towards me. "Sakura, Naruto doesn't know how to use silverware or anything else. He knows barely how to walk from studying people, this is the same way that he had learned to talk. We will have to teach him all of the basics. Reading, writing, all the things that Naruto never learned because they had kept him caged since birth." stated Kakashi.

-Naruto perhaps he can enlighten you about your parents. I know that your mother died giving birth to us.- stated Kyuubi. I swallowed the food that was in my mouth before I spoke.

"Kakashi what can you tell me about my parents?" I asked. Kakashi looked at me not surprised by my question. Kakashi told me about my mother Kushina and my father Minato. Both were kind, gentle, and loving people. Minato was a skilled and trained ninja. This word I had never heard before. Kakashi explained to me what ninja's were and what they did. I was told how my father used a special and unique technique known only to him to place Kyuubi into me. Somehow people had found out what my father did as he died trying to protect me before I was born. My mother died giving birth to me. After I was born I had been caged in fear because of what people thought. "But why is Sakura here?" I asked.

"Sakura asked me to train her to become a ninja. She wants to be able to protect herself and help others." Kakashi answered.

-Naruto what are you thinking?- asked Kyuubi.

*Training to become a ninja like my father. I want to earn people's respect so they won't be afraid of me.* I answered the demon fox.

-Its very risky. You know that there is no way to stop what's going to happen in six years. But I like the idea seeing how we don't know how to use or even control our powers. But be fore warned Naruto, that if we become enraged, angry, and/or mad it will reveal our demonic nature.- stated Kyuubi. I understood Kyuubi's concerns. When I reach the age of sixteen, my body will transform taking on the aspects of Kyuubi.

"Kakashi do you think that you can train us to become a ninja too?" I asked him. Sakura looked at me stunned as Kakashi scratched his head.

"Do you understand the risks that you are taking if you do this?" asked Kakashi as I nodded my head yes.

"We just have to be careful of our rage, hatred, and anger. Emotions like that are bound to show our more demonic side. Plus it could help for what is going to happen in six years." I replied.

"What happens in six years?" asked Sakura.

"Both Naruto and the demon that is within him reach maturity. When that happens Naruto's body will transform taking on more demonic attributes belonging to the demon within him. He will no longer look human. Think of a werewolf but he will be a fox rather than a wolf." stated Kakashi.

-I happen to have a name.- Kyuubi growled through me. I grabbed my head suddenly trying to keep Kyuubi under control. I knew how much he hated just being referred to as just a demon rather than by his own name.

"Stop it Kyuubi. Please….they didn't know. Please calm down." I gasped out loud. Suddenly I could feel something get slapped onto my forehead.

3RD P.O.V.

Kakashi acted quickly before Kyuubi did anything. He had placed a paper seal onto Naruto's forehead. This seal was different from the seals that had kept Naruto in bondage for 10 years. It still had the kanji word of repress on it but the seal didn't harm Naruto like it used to as it restricted Kyuubi from coming out.

"Are you all right Naruto?"asked Kakashi. Naruto just slowly shook his head yes. "We will leave that on so he can calm down." stated the older man. Kyuubi just snarled in the back of Naruto's mind as Naruto apologized for Kyuubi's behavior. "Its understandable Naruto. But he should realize that no one, not even your parents knew his name. You do because he is a part of you. I suggest that both you and Sakura get as much rest as possible. We will start training tomorrow." stated Kakashi before he removed the seal from Naruto's forehead.

Next Day+

All of Naruto's wounds were fully healed as his and Kyuubi's full power had almost fully returned. Kakashi had left Naruto a change of clothes to wear instead of the rags that he had been wearing for the last 10 years. It took Naruto a while to figure out how to put on the clothing. He wore a pair of blue jean Capri shorts and a black low cut neck sleeveless shirt. Even at the age of 10, the shirt showed off his muscular frame. The scent of cherry blossoms came from the other side of the door before Sakura knocked on the door. Naruto walked over to the door to find the pink haired girl standing there wearing a pair of black stretch shorts underneath a teal blue-green dress (the outfit that she wears in the first series but I decided to change the color). She wore a head plate like a headband as the silver plate sat on top of a black cloth. A smile stretched across Naruto's face as she looked beautiful.

"Good morning Sakura." stated Naruto. Sakura looked at him stunned as he looked much better than how he looked yesterday. Sakura held an object behind her back from Naruto's view. Sakura blushed a deep shade of pink as she couldn't help but to notice how handsome Naruto was.

"You look much better Naruto." she stated shyly. Naruto just scratched his head as he looked at Sakura.

"Yeah, Kyuubi's powers must have healed our wounds." he stated. Sakura took a long deep breath letting it out slowly.

"This is for you. I had made it seeing how you had no clothes of your own. I am sorry about the color but I did this is secret without anybody realizing that I was making it." she stated as she thrusted a bright orange and blue object forward. Naruto took the object opening it up to see a large looking orange and blue jacket. White trim lined around the collar and the cuffs at the end of the sleeves. A red circle was on the back with a spiral in the circle (Naruto's jacket is from the first series, the one that he is always wearing). Naruto placed on the jacket as it was a little bit big on him but he loved it. It was the first thing that anybody has ever given to him. Tears began to form in Naruto's eyes as he thanked Sakura telling her that it was perfect.


Sakura and I went to find Kakashi as he had set up a training course outside of the house that we were currently staying in.

"Good morning you two. Are you both prepared to train hard? Being a ninja isn't easy as it is a lot of hard work. We will begin with the basics and work our way up." stated Kakashi as he handed me a head plate which sat on a long navy blue cloth. "Right now these head plates bear no symbol of any village since you guys aren't ready to join one of the five great hidden villages where the ninja's live. Our main concern right now is training you." stated Kakashi. Both Sakura and I nodded our heads that we understood.


Sakura looked literally exhausted do to the training. I felt like I could do more as it seemed that I was picking up things quickly. It seemed to Kakashi that I had good control over fire-based attacks and spiraling spheres (rasengan). Kyuubi had told me that the reason why we seem so strong with fire based attacks is because he was a fire fox as fire couldn't harm us in anyway (yes, I know that Kyuubi and Naruto don't have any fire attacks but I decided to give them this ability). Throughout the day Kakashi and Sakura worked with me teaching me how to read, write, and handle objects like silverware and weapons. It was slow to learn some of these things considering that I wasn't trained when I was younger some of these things. Kyuubi worked with me knowing that these kind of things he needed to learn as well. Kakashi told us that our training was no where near completed and that we would resume tomorrow after we got some rest.

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