nine- a trip down memory lane

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Feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I look forward to reading them. I don't own or claim to own any of the characters featured on the Naruto series as this story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, -demon speech-, +scene change+, BOLD CAPS - points of view, CAPS- attacks

Terminology: Sensei - the suffix is used for respected professionals, such as teachers, doctors. Sama - the suffix is used in formal address for someone who ranks higher in the social hierarchy. Chan - this is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. San - this is the most common honorific and is equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms., and/or Mrs. Kun - this suffix is used at the end of a boys name to express familiarity or endearment.

Nine - a trip down memory lane


After Kyuubi gave me back control over my body I proceeded to sneeze.

"Lets get out of here." I stated walking out. Both Sasuke and Sai followed me.

"Naruto why did he stop those birds from attacking us?" asked Sai.

"You may not trust Kyuubi or me but, we will not stand by and see people that we care for get hurt." I answered. The two might not understand why Kyuubi and I thought of them as friends, teammates even in the short time that we have gotten to know them. Once we got outside the villagers began thanking us as they headed back home to the village.

"All right team lets head back home to tell the Hokage that the mission has been completed." stated Kakashi. We proceeded to leave the village and the land of waves heading back to the leaf village. Along the way, we stopped so Kakashi could proceed to tell both Sasuke and Sai the truth about what I was. "Now as I promised you two earlier, I would tell you the truth about Naruto and Kyuubi and how they came to be. Perhaps Kyuubi can enlighten us on what happened before he became a part of Naruto." stated Kakashi.

"There is no need Kakashi.....I know what happened to Kyuubi before we became one." I replied as he looked at me wide eyed. I could hear Kyuubi snicker in the back of my mind.

-Humans still always find a way to amaze me. If you want me to Naruto, I will be willing to tell them. I might not like talking about my past but it has to be done.- stated Kyuubi.

*Are you sure Kyuubi?* I asked the fox. I knew how much Kyuubi hated what happened to him in the past but he was learning that not all humans would view him as a monster. The fox nodded mentally as I allowed Kyuubi to take control over my body.


It seemed that this time both Sasuke and Sai were more aware that I was in control of Naruto's body. I proceeded to sit down squatting on Naruto's legs.

-It was night time 12 years ago when it happened. I was but a kit, a child to use your terms. We demons are often taught and told to avoid humans. Many humans hunt us down for our pelts, tails, and organs to sell at the market for a high price. I was young and curious about humans. One night I had heard strange noises coming from the forest that I didn't recognize. I followed the sounds to find two humans mating, in your terms having sex. They didn't seem aware of my presence as I watched them. Then suddenly somebody grabbed me by my 9 tails. Several humans had caught me and tried to get my pelt, tails, and organs. I desperately fought back and managed to tap into my powers to kill them but I was greatly injured and was dying. I made my way slowly back to the two humans whom were mating seeking help. These two humans were Naruto's parents. Seeing that I was dying as well as their child that they were trying to conceive was also dying, Naruto's father took my soul and spirit from my dying body fusing it into the fetus that was growing within his wife.- I stated.

"Minato, Naruto's father was a ninja like us as there was only one special technique that he knew. This technique allows him to transfer souls and spirits into another. It was this technique that saved both Kyuubi's and Naruto's life fusing the two together." stated Kakashi.

-Naruto and I are the only ones of our kind, a demonkin. We are neither human nor are we a demon but rather a cross between the two. Naruto's mother died giving birth to us as Naruto's father died trying to protect us. When we were born, we were kept caged and chained by the villagers whom feared us and often referred to us as demons. We were alone for 5 years until Sakura came into our caged area.- I stated.

"At the time I was trying to escape from some local bullies. We were not allowed back near the caged area where they kept Naruto-kun and Kyuubi-sama. Everyone in the village referred to Naruto-kun as a demon and kept him caged because of it. When I first met them, I only saw a frightened and lonely boy. I became Naruto-kun's and Kyuubi-sama's first and only friend." stated Sakura.

-For 5 more years we were kept in that cage as Sakura would often sneak in to visit us. She helped us by giving us some scraps of food as she also elevated our loneliness.- I added.

"I had made a promise to Naruto's parents that I would protect Naruto so, for 10 years I have looked for him until I had found him. I freed Naruto and Kyuubi of their captivity. Sakura came with me wanting to get away from her former life and to learn to become a ninja. We trained for 2 years before moving to the leaf village. The Hokage is fully aware of what Naruto truly is as for the next 4 years Naruto will have to earn peoples respect before their transformation completes and Naruto takes on the physical aspects of Kyuubi and fully transforms into a demon-like human. This transformation is not reversible as this will be their permanent form." stated Kakashi.

-The forms you have seen Naruto take because of my powers isn't anywhere close to our true form. Our true form will not awaken until Naruto's 16th birthday.- I added.

"As you have no doubt noticed, there is a major difference between Naruto and Kyuubi. Not only in voice but also in mannerisms." stated Sakura.

-Naruto and I can hear and see everything no matter whose in control but only Naruto and I can hear each other when one of us is in control. We can also communicate to each other in the same manner. Both Naruto and I are trusting you two with this secret seeing how you are a part of this team. We are not asking you two to trust us right away as we hope to work with you to earn that trust.- I stated. -All right Naruto, I am giving you back control. Thank you for allowing me to talk to them for a bit.- I told him as I gave him back control over the body.

*Not a problem Kyuubi.* replied Naruto.


Once I was back in control over my own body, I proceeded to stand back up straight.

"Naruto, doesn't that tire you out?" asked Sai as I stretched out my body. I shook my head no.

"Not at all. Kyuubi and I are used to switching control. But only one of us can control the body at a time." I replied.

"Are you sure its all right to trust us so openly with your secret Naruto? How do you know that we won't betray you?" asked Sasuke.

"I don't know if you will but we can't live life without trusting. It was like that when we first met Sakura. Slowly we have been able to open up and learn to trust humans. I still view myself as a human as I have human emotions and feelings but, I am also a demon capable of destructive power if I let it run unchecked. I walk between two different worlds but I don't belong in either. Kyuubi and I are not one to stand by and see humans get hurt when we have to power to stop it." I told them honestly.

"Nevertheless, we will have to work on our team work and our techniques. We will do that after a good nights rest. Come on team and lets head home!" stated Kakashi.

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