ten- training sesson

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Feel free to leave your comments and reviews as I look forward to reading them. I don't own or claim to own any of the characters featured on the Naruto series as this story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: 'thinking', (authors notes), "regular speech", *telepathic/mental speech*, -demon speech-, +scene change+, BOLD CAPS - points of view, CAPS- attacks

Terminology: Sensei - the suffix is used for respected professionals, such as teachers, doctors. Sama - the suffix is used in formal address for someone who ranks higher in the social hierarchy. Chan - this is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. San - this is the most common honorific and is equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms., and/or Mrs. Kun - this suffix is used at the end of a boys name to express familiarity or endearment.

Ten - training sessions


Leaf Village+

Once the four man team got back home, Kakashi Hatake dismissed them as he went to the Hokage's office to hand in the report on the mission that they had just completed. He told both Naruto and Kyuubi that he had to report of what happened concerning them. Both understood his reasons as they knew that the Hokage might be concerned about what happened. But the two knew that Kakashi would explain why it happened and that things would be all right. Naruto's stomach roared loudly causing Sakura to laugh as he blushed lightly.

"Come on Naruto-kun, lets go and get something to eat." stated Sakura.

"Sakura, Naruto, I might be late getting back so don't stay up late as we have an early start tomorrow." stated Kakashi. Both Sakura and Naruto had no family here within the village so Kakashi arranged for both to stay with him.

"Hai! (yes)" both replied as Sakura and Naruto before they took off. "Be sure that your both at the training grounds at dawn tomorrow." Kakashi told both Sasuke and Sai before he took off. Both Sasuke and Sai walked around the village thinking over what they have learned about Naruto and Kyuubi.

"So what do you think about this? I mean we have been at war with the demons as far back as I can remember. Now we are a part of a team with a demon as its member." asked Sai.

"After meeting Naruto and Kyuubi, I am not sure what to think anymore. I am going to the village library to do some further research on demons." replied Sasuke.

"I think that I will join you. Two heads are better than one." stated Sai as the two teens went towards the library.

+Local Ramen Shop+

The smell of fresh noodles grabbed Naruto's attention as the two teens sat down.

"How can I help you kids?" asked the shop owner.

"One bowl of the regular special." replied Sakura after she quickly glanced at the menu.

"And for you?" the owner asked Naruto.

"The largest bowl of supreme meat special and keep them coming." replied Naruto. The store owner looked at Naruto surprised by his order as Naruto's stomach rumbled loudly. "Sorry…..I am starving." replied Naruto in embarrassment as the store owner just laughed.

"I just wished that half of my customers had your kind of appetite. Your orders shall be up shortly." he stated heading to the back of the shop.

"Naruto-kun, do you think that they will be willing to work with us especially because of what you are?" asked Sakura. The owner brought out their orders as Naruto dug into his order devouring the bowl of ramen quickly as he requested more.

"To tell you the truth Sakura, I am not sure. It is a lot to take in considering everything. I know that demons and humans hate each other and that they are at war with one another. I would like to see peace between the two races." replied Naruto.

-So would I Naruto.- replied Kyuubi. The owner brought our another bowl for Naruto as he downed it as quickly as the first, requesting more after he was done.

"I have never seen anyone eat so much. You weren't kidding when you said that you were hungry." stated the owner before he went into the back. Sakura burst out laughing as she knew full well the reason to why Naruto was hungry. Demons ate more than an average person do to they burned so much energy. Since because he had allowed Kyuubi full control, he could easily eat three times what he would regularly.

"Do you think that we should have gone to the barbeque shop instead?" she asked as Naruto shook his head no.

"Something about this shop's smell drew me in. Besides their noodles are quite filling." replied Naruto. Sakura just shook her head as she continued to eat her food.

+Hokage's Office+

Kakashi had just finished telling Hiruzen Sarutobi about what happened during the mission to the land of waves.

"Do you think that those two will work well with Naruto and Kyuubi knowing that he is a Demonkin?" asked Sarutobi.

"To tell you the truth Sarutobi-sensei, I don't know. Humans hate and despise demons, demons hate and despise humans. Those two are caught in the middle neither accepted by any of the races that they are a part of. Both of them had a rough time growing up as they have a long and painful journey ahead of them." replied Kakashi.

"This is only a small test of what is bout to happen when they fully transform. Let's hope that those two will be willing to work with Naruto and Kyuubi. Good work Kakashi. Tomorrow, have your team come up with a team name for the squad." replied Sarutobi.

"Very well Sarutobi-sama. I have registered a training session so my team won't be available for any missions." stated Kakashi.

"Very well. Your dismissed!" stated Sarutobi. Kakashi nodded his head as he left the Hokage's office.

+Next Day+

Sai and Sasuke awaited for the rest of the team at the training grounds. Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto arrived as Naruto let out a long guttered yawn exposing his fangs.

"Good morning Sasuke and Sai. I am surprised to see you both here." stated Kakashi. Both teens understood why he would have thought that.

"Does this mean that your both willing to work with Naruto-kun and Kyuubi-sama?" asked Sakura in hopes that maybe perhaps the two would become allies to both Naruto and Kyuubi.

"We did a little research afterwards getting as much information about demons as we could. We talked for a while after we had learned everything. Granted there is a war going on between humans and demons, we can't despise Naruto and Kyuubi for being what they are. But we have a quick question for Naruto." both Sasuke and Sai stated. Naruto looked at the two knowing what they were going to ask.

"If it's about the war, I would like to see it end and to have peace between the two. Neither Kyuubi or I have a side as we care for both races seeing how we are apart of both of them. It's just being accepted by the two that might be the hard part." replied Naruto honestly. Both Sasuke and Sai turned away discussing their options before they turned back.

"We will be willing to work with both you and Kyuubi. We just had to figure out where you two stood." stated both Sasuke and Sai.

"Good now before we start training, the Hokage wanted us to come up with a name for our team. Each team must register a name for their team." stated Kakashi. The four teens looked at each other discussion names.

"Kitsune. It means demon fox." stated Sai.

"Why that name Sai-kun?" asked Sakura.

"Well if you think about it, all of the obvious names will all ready be taken and seeing how Kyuubi and Naruto are a demon fox, what better name than Kitsune? Besides we will be the only ones who will truly know what the name means and refers to." replied Sai.

-It acutally does make sense. I don't mind it.- stated Kyuubi.

"Kyuubi and I don't mind using Kitsune as our team name." stated Naruto. Both Sasuke and Sakura also agreed on the name as well.

"Very well, Team Kitsune it is. Lets get training and Naruto, no using any of your demonic powers." stated Kakashi as he took out a pair of small silver bells attaching them to his pants. "The exercise is easy enough. You have till sunset to retrieve these bells off of me using any skill and technique at your disposal. You must work as a team and the first team to retrieve both bells get a special treat. When I give the word, break off into teams. Ready…..Go!" stated Kakashi. The four took off hiding in order to come up with a plan.

"Sakura-chan and I should team together. That leaves you and Naruto to work together." stated Sasuke. Sai looked at Naruto nodding his head. As Naruto and Sai planned, both Sasuke and Sakura moved attacking Kakashi. Sasuke fought one on one with Kakashi while Sakura attempted to pull off an illusion spell. Kakashi fought the two off simultaneously proving that this exercise wasn't going to be as easy as they thought.

"Any ideas Naruto?" asked Sai as they watched both Sasuke and Sakura get up trying to attack Kakashi again. A wicked smile stretched across Naruto's face. As a demon he had a fine eye to watch out for certain habits that humans have. Kakashi had several of them but only one that they could use against him, his demonic eye that he always kept covered.

"We will need both Sasuke's and Sakura's help to pull it off. Kakashi is far too skilled for us to take on alone. It would be easy if I could use Kyuubi's powers. But I can't always rely on his powers." stated Naruto.

"Your planning to use Kakashi-sensei's habits against him, aren't you?" asked Sai as Naruto nodded his head yes. Sai smiled as he took out a smoke bomb throwing it out blinding their team captain. Naurto moved quickly and silently grabbing both Sasuke and Sakura while placing a small seal over Kakashi's head plate. It was the same seal that Kakashi used on him and Kyuubi. Naruto pulled both Sasuke and Sakura back to where Sai was hiding.

"Naruto….what are you thinking about?" asked Sasuke angrily.

"I have a plan. I just managed to seal off Kakashi's demonic eye. But we need to all work together to pull this off." whispered Naruto.

"We are going to use Kakashi-sensei's own habits against him." stated Sai. Naruto proceeded to fill everyone in on his plan. Grins stretched across both Sasuke's and Sakura's faces.

"Naruto…..your evil." hissed Sasuke. Naruto just laughed thanking Sasuke for the compliment.

"Remember to wait for my signal. We are only going to get one pass at this." growled Naruto as everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Naruto moved once the smoke cleared gathering all of his energy and power together as he charged at Kakashi. The energy and power began to compact in the palm of Naruto's hand. Kakashi's one good eye widened as he began to reach for his head plate. But, Naruto moved too quick for him to reach it in time.

"RASENGAN!" snapped Naruto as he thrusted the spiral sphere at Kakashi. Kakashi narrowly avoided the attack as it seemed that Naruto wasn't done yet. A clone of Naruto attacked Kakashi from behind using the same attack as this one hit Kakashi dead center. Kakashi was thrown back several feet. When he looked up he found himself surrounded by at least 10,000 or more Naruto's.

'I forgot that he knew how to produce this many clones do to the energy and power that he and Kyuubi are capable of.' Kakashi snapped at himself as he fought off each clone of Naruto when they attacked him. Naruto wouldn't give him the chance to use his demonic eye which would have spotted the real Naruto easily. Suddenly Kakashi could hear the bells ringing as he turned around suddenly to see three Naruto's, two of them were holding a silver bell. In a puff of smoke it revealed Sasuke, Sakura, and Sai as all the other Naruto clones vanished leaving only one Naruto. Both Sasuke and Sai held a bell in their hands. Kakashi laughed realizing what had just happened. Several of those Naruto's were actually Sai, Sasuke, and Sakura. Naruto reached up taking the seal off of Kakashi's head plate showing it to him forcing their captain to shake his head.

"Nice one team. Using the seal to prevent me from using my demonic eye was a good call Naruto. I would have never known that Sai, Sasuke, and Sakura had disguised themselves as you to get close to me. Did you come up with the idea on your own?" asked Kakashi as Naruto shook his head no.

"Sai had a similar idea. We got both Sakura and Sasuke to team up with us to pull it off." replied Naruto.

"So how did we do sensei?" asked Sakura.

"I say that you all passed. I guess that I have to shell out for the special treat. And Naruto no eating more than five servings!" stated Kakashi.

"Hai!" replied Naruto.

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