Epilogue (Part 2) Caging the Heart, which belongs to me

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Here I'm with the very last update of this story...

Thanks to all those wonderful souls, who supported me in this story....

The shot may be little bit big... Read patiently.... Hope, I won't bore you at all....


Read the shot with your own risk...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


Sometimes, a single prank can collapse everything... The just for fun, playful acts can bring us a big harm and will push us in a living hell... No one is to be blamed for the mishaps happened... What's written in our fate will happen for sure... Life is so precious... It's better to be careful, rather than crying, after the mistake had happened...

A marriage is not a child's mere puppet play... It unites two persons in a beautiful and strong bonding... It's wise to hold on to the relationship and move on in life, not thinking about the bad past...

It's not at all going to be easy... It's really going to be tough to handle the unexpected situation... But if you support me, I can cross the hurdle so easily..



Pragya is hell scared and she is praying hardly that nothing should happen to her Nugget Abhi at any cost... Her eyes are overflowing with blood tears, but her lips are keep on Praying to God continuously...

Shabbir, who felt guilty of scolding Pragya unnecessarily , doesn't know what to do to convince Pragya, who is crying like a little baby... Though they are in an emergency situation and they need to rush up to the hospital soon, Shabbir can't digest the sad state of Pragya...

Shabbir parks the bike in a secluded corner and gets down from the bike... He cups Pragya's face lovingly and kisses her forehead, for the very first time, as Pragya won't let anyone other than her Nugget to kiss her there...

The calmness in Shabbir's face scares Pragya a lot and she didn't argue with him , for kissing in her forehead....
Tears overflows from Pragya's eyes uncontrollably and she hugs Shabbir tightly and cries aloud....

Shabbir: Hey Baby .. What's this... Nothing will happen to Abhi ... Stop crying , dear... Abhi will surely scold me, If I made you to cry..

Pragya: I know about my Nugget.. He won't hurt me like you.. Bunny.. Nothing will happen to my Nugget , right.. If any thing wrong happens to him means, I will die for sure...

Shabbir: Hey stupid girl ... What kind of talk is this haan... Promise me... You shouldn't repeat such words ever...

Pragya: Now too you are scolding me only... You are not at all loving me... If it's my Nugget, he will console me and won't shout on me like this...

Shabbir: Oh god!!!! I'm really sorry baby... Shall I do situps??? Haan... That's like my darling... Don't be a cry baby, Pragya...

Keep this in your mind always... Be strong enough to face anything in your life, Pragya.... Whatever happens and however bad the situation may be, you have to be with Abhi and move on in your life, without thinking of anything...

Just think of the situation... If I'm in Abhi's place and if anything wrong happens to me , means.... Shhhh ... No interruptions... Let me finish off fully... I need to talk now....

If any such things happens to me means, you shouldn't think of ending your life and all... It's a promise on me and Abhi... You have to happily live your life and be a pillar of support to everyone in our family, especially my Abhi....

I love you dearly and you are the key to my Heart... Even if I lose my life too, I will be in your heart only... You can hear my voice in Abhi's heart beat... Till you two are alive, Your Bunny's soul will be with you two...

Pragya hugs Shabbir even more tightly and is crying vigorously, not able to hear the emotional talks of Shabbir, all of a sudden...

Even Shabbir couldn't understand, why he is talking like this... It's clear that Shabbir is making Pragya to get emotionally weak.. But something in Shabbir, forces him to talk to Pragya, at that instant itself...

Shabbir: Baby... I'm not in any intention to hurt you... I want you to be more mature enough to handle any tough situation in life.. I have 100% confident on Abhi and he will take care of you, 1000 times better than me....

But .. That idiot won't emote his feelings and cocoon himself in a shell... You have to take care of Abhi , in my absence ... It's your responsibility to make Abhi to agree for marriage and you have to make his life colourful...

(Sighs)... If anything happens to me suddenly, you have to marry Abhi and live a happy life with him... If you wish my soul to rest in peace, you should marry Abhi, on the day in which our wedding is fixed...

I know baby... You will do it for me.. It's your Bunny's last wish... I don't know, why I'm talking like this... If I can't marry you, I won't be separated from you... My gut feeling says to me that I will be born as your kid...

Please Baby... Keep your one hand on my heart and one hand on my head... Promise me... Your Bunny wants this promise from you, right now.... Will you do it for my happiness????

With tears in her eyes and with a heavy pain in her heart, Pragya does as Shabbir said... Both were pooled up in varied emotions and the atmosphere gets hardened with the unexpected promise asked by Shabbir....

Before Pragya could digest the talks of Shabbir, her mobile buzzes again... Sarlama, who is on line, asks them to rush to hospital soon, as Abhi's condition is getting critical...

Shabbir gave a deep kiss in Pragya's forehead again and takes the bike rashly.... Pragya can hear her own heart beats, which is keep on telling her that Shabbir's promise is going to happen for sure and the words of Shabbir gonna be of real only...

A loud bang on the bike jerked up Pragya's thoughts and just then, she remembered that both of them are not wearing their helmets... Pragya blames herself for the stupidity she had done by hiding their helmets....

Before Pragya understands what's going on, she falls abruptly in the near by bush...Pragya's hands are slightly bruised and her forehead is slightly bleeding...

Her head is spinning in pain and she couldn't understand what has happened,suddenly.... Her conscious and eye sight is getting blurred up slowly and her mouth keeps on calling her Nugget to come to her and look for her Bunny and find out his whereabouts...

Pragya hears a heavy commotion is going on near by and she tries really hard to hear what the people are talking about.... Tears oozes out and mingles with the blood of Pragya and her heart is ripping in uncontrollable pain, as if her soul is leaving her...

Pragya keeps on praying hardly that whatever the near by people talking are of fake only... She believed that her Bunny is safe and sound.. Slowly Pragya loses her conscious completely and she doesn't know, what the fate had decided in their lives..


After four days,

Pragya regains her conscious, slowly and she keeps on mumbling Nugget and Bunny continuously... Pragya smilingly opens her eyes, as she feels the kiss in her forehead, which clearly shows that it's of her Nugget only ...

She let out a deep breath and spots Abhi near by her in the hospital gown and she understands that Abhi is getting fine....

Abhi: Finally... You opened your eyes, cupcake.... You took all our breaths away...

Pragya: Nugget... You are fine na...

Abhi: Yeah... I'm okay...

Pragya: Sorry... Due to the unexpected accident, I couldn't give blood to you....

Abhi: Hey little muffin... What's this yaar... You got saved from a deadly accident... We all were praying hardly that you should open your eyes soon...

But you are asking sorry to me haan...
This is too bad , cup cake... Arrey... I'm saying na.... Don't think much okay.. Take rest, sweetie..

Pragya: Nugget... Why all are like this???? What happened to Papa, Mumma, Aunty and Uncle???? Why all are staring at me like this and why they are crying??? Why no one is talking to me???

Abhi: Nothing, muffin... All are in a big shock... You shouldn't think much ... You take rest, okay... Papa... Take everyone outside...

Sister... Can you please call the doctor and ask him to check my little cupcake...

Though Abhi talks with the nurse, Pragya senses that Abhi is tensed up for something..

Pragya: Hey... What happened??? Why are you getting tensed up like this, Nugget??? See... Your hands are bleeding again... Relax... Calm down....

By the way, Nugget.... All are here.... Where is this Bunny??? Instead of taking care of us, did he went to office???? I couldn't understand what the hell he will do in that office....

Let him come here... I won't talk to him at all... What happened Nugget???? Why are you crying like this????

It means.... My Bunny.... Noooo... Don't say anything from your mouth... I won't believe it.... Noooo... It's a big lie....

Pragya shouts Shabbir and is crying like a maniac... The nurse gets panic and rushed to call the doctor... The doctor hurriedly comes there and shouted on everyone and asks them not to make her emotional... He gave injection to make Pragya to have a peaceful sleep....

The elder Aroras and Mehras doesn't know whether to feel happy that Abhi and Pragya got saved from the accident or to feel sad that the legal heir of their properties or the Future and Hope of the AM Groups, Shabbir Mehra, is no more on earth....

All were crying hardly that how Pragya gonna tolerate Shabbir's death news and what will happen to her life after that.... The family, who are happily awaiting for the marriage of Shabbir and Pragya, have finished off the funeral of Shabbir and they are mourning for their daughter, who lost her hope to live....


After one week,

Abhi and Pragya got discharged from the hospital.... Pragya didn't allowed anyone to near her, other than Abhi... She didn't cried again and is just staring at the picture of Shabbir, with a blank face ...

Abhi didn't bother about his wounds and pains and took care of Pragya like his own daughter and Pragya believed that only Abhi can heal her pains.... Abhi keeps on thinking how to bring out Pragya, from the loss of his brother....

Abhi never expected that Pragya will ask him to marry her and that too on the same day in which Shabbir and Pragya's marriage were fixed... Seeing the determination in Pragya, the elders agreed to it and they said that Abhi's decision is going to be final....

Abhi, who never said no to his cupcake's wishes agreed to it and Pragya also added that it's Shabbir's last wish.... The family in a very tough situation, does the wedding of Abhi and Pragya and they believed that it will bring peace to the soul of Shabbir...

But the media created a lot of buzz and they willingly, ill treated Abhi and Pragya and tried to tarnish the images of them.... They even mocked them by saying that it's their cheap publicity stunts to hide their secret love affair....

But Ram Mehra and Raghuveer Arora used all their influence and money to shut down the mouths of the media very soon, as they didn't want their kids to suffer anymore....


It's been more than 5 years since Shabbir Mehra is not a part of their lives.. But the soul of Shabbir is always with Abhi and Pragya and is eagerly waiting for the day to see Abhi and Pragya are happily stepping forward in their relationship....

The poor deceased soul is not at all ready to leave them and is eagerly awaiting to get a life and rebirth through Abhi and Pragya.... But the duo are not at all moving on in their lives and are not giving any peace to the soul of Shabbir...


Abhi and Pragya with teary eyes thinks of the horrible past incidents, which shakes their lives... Abhi gently caress the head of Pragya, kisses her forehead and wipes her moist tears...

Abhi: Enough, cupcake... No more cryings... Don't ever talk like this okay... Haan... That's like my little muffin... Remember, one thing always... Nothing is  important to your Nugget , other than you... 

Don't think of anything stupidly and be happy always... See... It's getting late... Let's discuss all these later... Come let's sleep go and sleep...

Pragya pushed and glares at Abhi and throws the towel angrily in Abhi's face... She stomps her feet and walks out of the room... Abhi makes an oops reaction and runs behind Pragya hurriedly...

Abhi's lips curved to a smile, as Pragya is heating up the milk and also toasting the bread... She quickly takes the eggs and starts to whisk it to make a fluffy omlette...

Just then, she notices that Abhi is wiping his hairs and is giggling silently on seeing her... Pragya rolls her eyes and concentrates in her work, knowing very well that Abhi will be hungry, as he didn't had anything in the restaurant...

Pragya quickly prepares everything and keeps it in the table and gestured Abhi to eat it... Abhi shook his head negatively...

Abhi: Did I asked you to prepare all these, cupcake???

Pragya: Shut up and eat quickly...

Abhi: How will I eat, if my mouth is shut... No... No violence... Don't kill me... Mummy... Help help... Anyone come and save me....

As Abhi keeps on shouting hardly, Pragya thrusts the omlette in his mouth... Abhi makes a pleasing look, while Pragya glares at Abhi and feeds him the food forcefully...

Abhi makes a puking face on seeing the milk glass, which Pragya thrusts in his hand... He begs Pragya not to force him and pleads her to prepare  coffee, instead... But seeing the raging fire in Pragya's face, Abhi drinks it in a go and rushed to the room...

Pragya giggles and moves towards the kitchen to wash the dishes... The soul of Shabbir is watching everything with moist eyes and is praying hardly that Abhi and Pragya had to take a serious decision very soon...


After some days,

Abhi comes out from the restroom, after freshening up... He sees Pragya looking at him intently... He senses that something is bothering Pragya for sure...

Abhi: What happened cupcake???

Pragya: Missing everyone in our family.... Badly want to see them....

Abhi: Ohhh... Shall I book tickets for you????

Pragya: You are too desperate to send me from here, right...

Abhi: Whatttt... When did I say like that??? I didn't mean in that sense...

Pragya: Do hell with your explanations... Nugget... Ask everyone to come here...

Abhi: But baby .. You promised me that you will be joining me for the match and we are going to the XYZ city... We will be returning back only after 10 days...

Pragya : Now a days, you have become so dumb, Nugget ... Ask everyone to come for our wedding anniversary.... Make all the arrangements quickly...

Abhi: Ohhh!!! Our anniversary is coming, right .. I forget that... Baby... So sorry yaar...

Pragya: It's okay... It's just an usual day for us... But for our parents, it's not like that... I want them to be happy... This is the least we can do for them...

Though Abhi couldn't understand anything from Pragya's words, he nods his head and agrees to whatever she says... Abhi is not able to understand that Pragya is facing a biggest inner turmoil and is emotionally getting weak, these days...


It's been many days since Pragya had slept off peacefully... Pragya couldn't have a proper sleep, after the harsh words, she had spoke with Abhi... Though she has no such intentions to hurt Abhi, she talked to Abhi like that thinking that Abhi shouldn't control his feelings and manly desires, for her sake..

However, Pragya felt really bad for talking such an awful thing with Abhi, which is an insult to a person like Abhi and it's a way of degrading his character too .. Even in that situation too, Abhi didn't hurt Pragya at all, instead he tried to hurt himself only...

Pragya keeps on thinking what she has to do for Abhi and also to make him happy... Whatever she is doing is  a mere injustice to a lovable soul like Abhi, who loves Pragya dearly and doing everything for her happiness...

Pragya's heart ached as Abhi's love is selfless and he is expecting nothing in return from her... The only thing Pragya can do for Abhi is that she has to accept him as her husband, both physically and mentally....

But Pragya's heart felt an extreme pain, as she is not ready to accept Abhi as her husband, wholeheartedly... Her love for Shabbir is like her heart beat and she doesn't know how to live without her heart beat...

Pragya often gets dreams about Shabbir and it's making Pragya to get even more guilty... The soul of Shabbir is keep on stressing her that she has failed to keep up the promise, she had made to him and is hurting him and Abhi and is not giving any peace to his soul too...

The confused Pragya needed a little bit of break from all these and she feels suffocated to be in the house... That's why, she readily agreed to join Abhi for his short gaming tour and cancelled all her song recordings too....

As Abhi will be quite busy with practices and matches, she wished to use this chance to self assess her and also to find a perfect solution to all these issues... Pragya understands the it's no use to waste much time and she had to take a wise decision soon...

But one thing is very stubborn in Pragya's heart and mind... She want to give all the happiness to Abhi, which Abhi deserve to get from her... Yet, she can't give the place in her heart for Shabbir to anyone.... But she forgets that Abhi has no such idea at all...


Days were rolling on quickly... Abhi is busily practising and playing the matches... Pragya is happily cheering up for Abhi and is showing her love and support to him...

They are in limelight always and the media never leaves a chance to talk about them... They are always the sensational trend setters and the media willingly creates a chance to gossip about them and debate on their lives...

Abhi carefully avoids that no such things reaches Pragya's ears and he didn't allowed the media to interview Pragya alone, any time... Like a mother bird, Abhi protected Pragya in his wings and gives her the needed warmth and love in his embrace...


One such day,

Abhi is forced to attend an exclusive interview hosted by the famous celebrity of the country and it's the no.1 program in that place... Without any choice left, Abhi had to attend the interview with Pragya...

Everything was going on smoothly over there , for a long time... But the final question, shakes up both Abhi and Pragya mercilessly... Tears oozes out from Pragya's eyes uncontrollably and Abhi's eyes too welled up on seeing the pain in Pragya's eyes...

Abhi: Hey cupcake... Don't cry dear... Let me smack that idiot's head... How dare he to question you like that...

Pragya: Don't move , Nugget... I don't want our personal matters to be discussed in public... Just ask them to end the show and make sure that the final question shouldn't be shown on the Tv...

I'm moving to our car... You finish off everything and come soon... Don't hurt anyone by your hands... Is that clear...

Pragya barges out of the place angrily, while the host is helplessly looking at Abhi... The rage in Abhi's face makes the producers and the director to get fear and they apologized to Abhi, on behalf of the host...

It took more than half an hour for Abhi to settle everything and come out from the sets... He spots the teary eyed Pragya is sleeping on the back side of the car, curled up like a small baby... Abhi gently caress her head and kisses her forehead lovingly and drives back to the hotel...


The very next day,

Pragya asked the same question to Abhi, which the host asked the duo...

Abhi: Hey crazy girl... You are fine, right... I told you to forget that... The host is such a stupid and that's why he had asked such a nonsense question to us...

Pragya: But nothing is wrong in his question right... Whatever he said is correct only... It's the bitter truth, Nugget... I'm so sorry... All are talking awfully on you, because of me only...

Abhi: Baby... What's these .... Don't confuse yourself... Nothing like that...

Pragya: No... Now, only I got cleared... Not only him, all are having the same question only... Everyone are thinking that we are impotent and we are not blessed enough to give birth to a baby...

Abhi: Don't think of all these, muffin... I'm there for you and you are there for me... It's enough for us... We need not bother about all these...

Pragya: I can't leave this easily... I want a promise from you, Nugget... It's the biggest wish of mine... Will you do it for me???

Abhi: Other than getting separated from you or hooking me to anyone, I will do anything for you...

Pragya: Till I'm alive, I won't leave you ever and don't worry I won't do or force you to do anything that ill treats you or your character...

Abhi: Tell me, what I need to do....

Pragya: It's that... Vo... Vo....
Nugget... You won't back off from your promise, right...

Abhi: I swear , cupcake... It's a promise on you and Shabbo bhai... I will do it for you... Just order me, muffin...

Pragya: Nugget... I... I... I want my Bunny... Give me my Shabbir back to me...

Abhi: Whattttt... ( Shouts in a panicked tone amd rubs his ears hardly to understand, whether he is hearing it correct or not.. He blinks his eyes and clear shock is visible in his face)

How is it possible for me, cupcake??? How can I bring shabbo bhai back to life??? You are asking for an impossible thing...

Pragya: No Nugget... You can easily do this for me... Shabbir's soul is longing to come back to our lives... He lastly said to me that he won't leave us ever and he assured me that he will be born as our kid...

Please Nugget... I want a baby from you... I knew very well that my Bunny will be come back to me... You promised me, Nugget... Do this for me, please....

Abhi is dumb struck and he doesn't know what to do... He didn't expected that Pragya will ask such a promise from Abhi and he is scared to hell, as he can't do this for sure...

Abhi: But... How can I cupcake??? Isn't it wrong??? You are cornering me and asking an impossible thing to happen in reality...

Pragya: Nothing is wrong... We are married... You are my husband and it's no wrong in all these... You promised me, Nugget... Don't forget that...

Please... I beg you... I know you have never seen me in that manner... Even after marrying me too, I'm the same cupcake for you...
Though it's hard for you, do this for me... For us... Please...

Take your time... But I'm expecting a positive reply from you on or before our anniversary.... Even Bunny's soul will be wishing to hear yes from you...

Sorry... I have no other choice left... I'm so selfish and troubling you again and again, right...

Though it's an undigestable thing for Abhi, he can't see the teary eyed Pragya, who is folding her hands before him and is begging him to give a life to her Bunny's soul...

Abhi's heart is ripped into pieces to see Pragya is pleading to him and is helplessly asking him to give a baby to her... Abhi pulled her closer and cocooned her in his embrace and patted her back to calm her down...

Abhi can't decide anything quickly... Never he had seen Pragya like that in his life and it's not easy for him to see his baby girl as his wife and take their relationship to tge next level... He couldn't understand why fate is keep on troubling him and is not letting him to live a peaceful life...

Abhi is quite upset and he is bothered, as he couldn't take a proper decision...
The longingness in Pragya's eyes troubles him a lot and he is worried that Pragya shouldn't hate him, if he can't fulfill her wish...

Adding more to his misery, Abhi started to get freaking nightmares that a little baby boy, in a poor and pathetic state , is longingly looking at him and is pleading Abhi to take him in his hands and give him the fatherly love... Abhi is helplessly watching the kid in the dream with moist eyes and he couldn't take a decision so easily...


After some days,

Pragya is glaring at Abhi murderously and turns her face away from him... Abhi forcefully turns her face and cups her face lovingly...

Abhi: Hey, little angry bird... Listen to me once...

Pragya: Don't support them... You all have decided unanimously and no one is ready to make me happy... No one cares for me and no one is loving me...

Abhi: Baby... Try to understand their situation... Papa and Uncle had gone for an important business tour... Both our mothers are busy in a nation wide awareness program...

It's not at all easy for them to come here, leaving off their works abruptly, as those were planned earlier... They are saying na that they will be joining us in your birthday...

Pragya: We have four months for that...

Abhi: The days will go off, just in a blink... I'm there with you... We will celebrate it happily.. You are going to say that this will be the bestest celebration for you...

  Haan... I forget to inform you... I have a biggest surprise for you... Keep thinking... Hoye... No dramas... It's a surprise and I won't say it to you, till I reveal it...

Pragya makes faces, while Abhi pulls her cheeks and ruffles her hairs lovingly....


It's indeed a sweet yet shocking surprise for Pragya... Exactly at 12 in the night, Abhi greeted her with their anniversary wishes and brought her before the cake, which he made for her, with his own hands...

With moist eyes, Pragya cuts the cake and feeds Abhi happily... Without letting Pragya to think anything more, Abhi scooped her in his arms and took her for a long drive... Pragya squealed happily, as Abhi has made all her favourite dishes and dumped it in the back seat of the car....

Abhi and Pragya spend the whole day by visiting many places... In between, Abhi took her to a parlour and made her to do all kinds of groomings... Later, Abhi took her to a boutique and gifted Pragya a classy, stylish gown...

The whole day, Abhi made sure that Pragya's smile didn't fade away... When the clouds turns dark, Abhi started to panic a lot, as they are reaching the climax.... Abhi rubs his heart without Pragya's knowledge and keeps on praying that all should be fine soon...


Pragya's eyes pooled up with heavy tears and she couldn't even have a clear glimpse of Abhi too.... Her eyes are mirrored with water droplets and her lips are glued up without any words....

Pragya: Nu... Nug... Nugget... This...

Abhi: Haan... I... I...

Pragya: Are you sure???

Abhi: Yep... 1000% sure...

Pragya: You won't regret for this later, right... Please... I'm a stupid... It's okay... Don't trouble yourself...

Abhi: Nothing like that cupcake... I'm ready...

Pragya: I'm really sorry... I don't want you to accept me in a forcible manner...

Abhi: Baby... Look at me... It's a promise on you.... Keep your ears in my heart... Listen to it properly...

You are hearing na... Enough cupcake... Let's end all these... Smile na, baby... Tell me, how is the setup and all???

Uff... Thank god!!!! I was panicking for a long time that you shouldn't say that arrangements are not up to the mark....

Pragya with a smiling face, beats harshly in Abhi's back.... Abhi giggles and hugged Pragya tightly and kisses her forehead lovingly.... The soul of Shabbir too happily smiled on seeing the union of the duo...


After four months,

The elders happily came to meet Abhi and Pragya... Abhi didn't answered their questions, as why Pragya didn't come to welcome them in the airport and they were bothered that is Pragya is still angry on all of them...

Abhi smilingly enjoys the elders condition and he didn't opened his mouth to them, as it's his little muffin's strict order.... The naggings of the elders gone in the deaf ears of Abhi and he keeps on speaking to someone in the mobile....

When they  reached the home, the elders were dumb struck and their eyes welled up in happiness, as they spots their little Princess Pragya is sleeping in the couch, with a little baby bump... Happiness fills the place and after many years, the family felt that their sad days are gone forever...

The elders wished to take Pragya along with them... But Abhi is very much stubborn in his decision and he is adamant that they won't be stepping inside their house, without their baby... Without any choice left, the elders too agreed to it and let them to stay in abroad itself...


Years later,

Pragya is screaming to the top of her lungs, as her two idiots are irritating her  a lot... The duo are partners in crime and they are irking her so much and are boiling her nerves ...

Pragya: You two idiots... Get out from the pool... Will give you just 5 minutes only... If you two didn't obey my words, I'm not going to eat anything...

Abhi gasps in shock and forcefully drags and places his little son of 5 years on the top of the pool... The naughty and notorious Shabbir Abhishek Mehra, who is a perfect replica of his father Abhi and mother Pragya, giggles and shows his tongue out to Pragya and runs inside the house....

The completely wet Abhi twirls his head and made Pragya to get wet... He keeps his wet head on her lap and kissed her huge baby bump... He tickled Pragya and never let her, till she gets rid of her anger and smiles brightly...

Abhi: Cupcake... Smile always, baby... Just few more days for your due date... Why are you shouting like this and getting angry haan??

Pragya: All because of that naughty Jammy ( little shabbir) only... He stole my chocolates and eat all my icecreams too...

Abhi: Whattt... 😂😂😂😂... You are impossible, muffin... Didn't I brought everything separately for you two... Hello madam... I know you very well.. Tell me, what have you done???

Pragya: Er... Erm... I... I... I have ate Shabbo's chocolates and ice creams and hide mine, safely... But this  boy has stolen it from me, ate everything before my eyes and even complained me to Priya maa and Sarlama....

They keep on taking lectures to me, as if I'm at fault... Go and scold them, Nugget... This Jammy is saying that you love him more, ahead of me...

Abhi: God... He is our son, Cupcake...

Pragya: So what... Ahead of anyone, I'm my sweet Nugget's darling cupcake... I'm your first baby and all our kids will come up later in the list... Remember that you have to support me only...

Abhi: Phew... Why God, why????
Why are you punishing me like this???? Already I'm struggling with my naughty cupcake and notorious Jammy...

Soon, two more cuckoos are going to join us... Phew... Poor me... Give lot of strength to me, God... I have to manage all of them properly and never let's their smiles to fade away, any time...

Pragya: My Nugget is very strong... He will keep us all happy...

Abhi smiled happily and feeds Pragya... Though she feels nauseous to eat anything, she eats it for the happiness of her husband Abhi... Still Pragya and Abhi holds a special place of the deceased SHABBIR Ram Mehra in their hearts and nothing replaces their love for their Bunny. . 

The duo adores their son Shabbir, who is way too opposite in character of his bade papa, is chirping like a chatter box and is dramatically saying the stories to the elders of the family... The family got back all their lost happiness, after the birth of the little Shabbir (Jammy) only....

The three interlinked hearts had faced many tough phases of their lives... But their true love makes them to bring back their lost happiness and make their lives, worth living for...



We came to the end of this short story...

Words used: 5750+

I hope you all had enjoyed this story...

I hope I have given proper justification to the story and given a satisfactory ending...

Do forgive me, if I didn't satisfied any of you....

Wishing to hear from you all, for the final time in this story...

Do vote and comment, without fail...

Do pen down, what you felt about this story too...


Bidding adieu,



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